UN-HRC’s Shenanigan at the 11th Hour: An Act of Desperation
Sheila B. Keetharuth, who is part of the Commission of Inquiry, is pictured with Eritrean "opposition" members. How can this woman claim to be an independent UN Rapporteur when she is close friends with people who seek regime-change in Eritrea?
UN-HRC’s Shenanigan at the 11th Hour: An Act of Desperation
By Bruh Tesfa
Over the course of our history we have seen some Powers with ill intent towards Eritrea come and go. Some actively worked hard against Eritrea’s quest to co-exist as a family of nations. Some collaborated with the invading Ethiopian army in exchange for a military base or other favors. While others just simply dismissed Eritrea’s call for self determination as a case of “civil unrest” and did not want to get involved.
The methods these anti-Eritrea elements utilized in pushing their agenda vary but the ultimate objective is the same: the annihilation of the very idea of Eritrean identity and nationalism.
The cause(s) for the animosity and unwarranted antagonism towards this most peaceful nation and its people, which is one too many to count, is not difficult to pin point. Some do it to fulfill their hegemonic expansionist appetite. While others do so out of misperception that their national strategic interest can best be served and protected by backing Ethiopia’s illegal claims of Eritrean territory(1).
During the long and bitter struggle for independence, it would not be an exaggeration to claim that none, except for a few sympathizers, came in supporting the legitimate Eritrean movement, be it financially or militarily. On the contrary, both western powers and the Eastern blocs took turns and extended huge financial and military support to the occupying Ethiopia’s war effort in annihilating and crushing Eritrean revolution.
And today, 24 years after Eritrea’s independence and as the ray of new hope for peace and prosperity born out of self-reliance and steadfastness is on the horizon, the animosity and hatred towards this nation of peace continues at the highest gear. Except this time the methodology used is so carefully crafted so as to gain some legitimacy by the international community. Eritrea is being accused of “gross human rights violations” by the so called UN-HRC (2). The conclusion reached by the Commission of Inquiry or COI is based on some 500 interviews it conducted deep inside Ethiopia, Eritrea’s mortal enemy and a country with which there’s no formal diplomatic relationship at present time.
Here is the strange part of the dramas unfolding. The one-sided UN-HRC report that is spreading like a wild fire worldwide is coinciding at a time when a number of governments , including Canada and several European countries have actually gone to the country to run an independent investigation on this and other matters(3a,b.c). And they come up with findings of their own which, for the most part, appraise, not condemn, but appraise Eritrea’s ways of handling the socio-economic and political challenges it’s been facing, something that is in sharp contrast to that of COI.
So, whose report is one to believe? The one conducted outside the country and based on testimonies of individuals who, for one reason or another, feel they have nothing good to say about Eritrea or the government? Or the report based on interviews conducted inside the country which included testimonies by the inhabitants, European Ambassadors and other officials (4) who have no links to the government or conflict of interest of any type?
Suffice to say that it’s the writer’s firm belief that such a hysteria been exhibited at the turning point in Eritrea’s history by the individuals hiding under “UN-HRC” umbrella is a sign of frustration and a last ditch effort to: 1. derail, if not stop the impressive progress Eritrea is registering in all aspects of socioeconomic and political struggle and 2. to block or avert Eritrea’s vigorous effort to have the unjustified and illegal UN sanction removed.
Lastly, I leave you with the following quotes which I find timely and one that underline Eritrea’s historical path as it strives to prove the world its unwavering stand as a nation of peace and harmony where human rights remain the central and core objective.
Eritrea Will Prevail!!
"In defiance Eritrea was born; and in defiance Eritrea will forever live free!" , Prof Tekie Fessehatzion
“Long live the lonely rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared” Tupac Shakur
1. http://www.tesfanews.net/us-eritrea-policy-misguided-and-harmful/
2. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/CoIEritrea/Pages/commissioninquiryonhrinEritrea.aspx
3. a. http://www.tesfanews.net/subcommittee-on-international-human-rights-eritrea-hearing-part-i/
b. http://www.thelocal.dk/20141126/denmark-tightens-restrictions-on-eritrean-refugees
c. http://www.tesfanews.net/uk-home-office-changed-policy-on-eritrean-asylum-seekers/
4. http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/news/in-the-news/bruton-on-eritrea-s-president-afwerky
UN-HRC’s Shenanigan at the 11th Hour: An Act of Desperation
Reviewed by Admin
4:48 PM

Bring back Hizbawi Mekhete.
ReplyDeleteThere is strength in unity! There is a show of force in unity. The reason the conspiracies of the last 15 years were defeated was because Eritreans organized themselves in every city and country and decided to show their support of the Eritrean State and government in every way they could. Hizbawi Mekhete rallies went on in every city around the globe and were immensely successful. It's time to bring it back in order to defeat Sheila K and her cohorts.
Timali Kem Lomi.
Lomi Kem Timali
Sheila Ktfeshil iya
Sheila Feshila • 2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteBring back Hizbawi Mekhete.
There is strength in unity! There is a show of force in unity. The reason the conspiracies of the last 15 years were defeated was because Eritreans organized themselves in every city and country and decided to show their support of the Eritrean State and government in every way they could. Hizbawi Mekhete rallies went on in every city around the globe and were immensely successful. It's time to bring it back in order to defeat Sheila K and her cohorts.
Timali Kem Lomi.
Lomi Kem Timali
Sheila Ktfeshil iya
DEFEND the MOTHERLAND! Expose the fallacies. Sheila and company are attempting to shove it down our throat! No to country specific sanctions! No regime change agenda for that is our affairs - not yours. Stay away from our affairs for no one has invited you - just mind your freaking business. Thanks, but no thanks! We can handle ours and we will at our own schedule!
In ms sheila's world the traitor=hero., We live in a time where the biggest voice means *truth*. But we also live in a time where we have mass communication. So the louder they speak the more we organize. Their words are not louder than our man power. They can continue talking and we will speak with action.
ReplyDeleteኣጆና ደቂ ኤረ!
ReplyDeleteካብ ሓርገጽ ብመደብ ከድምየናን ሞራልናን ሓድነትናን ክሰብር ዝተላእኸ ልኡኽ ጥዑም ክወጾ ዘይሕሰብ እዩ። ኩሉ ነገራቶም "ጨጉራፍ ባዕላ ትሃርም'ሞ ባዕላ ኸኣ ትንቁው!" ምኽዋኑ ኣብሪህዎ ድኣ!
ቀንዲ ኣንቐድቲ ነቲ "Inquiry" ብኣሜርካን ምትሕብባር እንግሊዝ ካልኦትን፡ ንምጽላምና ዝዓለመን መደምደምታ ዝነበሮ ልኡኽ ኣሰንዮም'ዮም፡( ሽም UN ኣጠሚቖም ) ከብቕዑ መልእኽቲ ሰላም ከዝንቡን፡ ምእንት ፍትሕን ሰላምን ዝተላዕሉ ገይርና ስለንወስዶም ርትዓዊ ጸብጻብ ክንሪኢ ሃንቀውታ ገይርና።
ዘሕዝን ሓቂ ግና ዓለም መገዲ ሰላም፡ ፍትሕን፡ ሰብኣዊ መሰል ዘቐድምን ስርዓታት ውድብ ኣይኮነትን ትዝወር ዘላ። ከምኡ ነይሩ ተዝኽውን ኣብ ሕጊ ክቐርቡ ዝግብኦም፡ ስርዓት ኢትዮጵያ፡ ቐንዲኸኣ ብሓሶትን ምትላልን ንውግእ ዝመርሑ'ሞ ብሂወት ኣእላፋት ኣብ ኢራቕ፡ ኣፍጋኒስትኣን፡ሊብያ፡ ስርያን ተሓተቲ ዝኾኑን 'ዩ።
ነዚኸኣዩ ጸብጻብ ጸላእትና ንዓና ስለዘይመስል ፡ ግብሪ ጸላእትና ድኣ ነስተብህለሉን ንጥንቐቐሉን እምበር: ብቅንኢ ምዕሩይን ስሙርን መሪሕነት ሃገርና ኤርትራ እንቕዓ ዝርህጹን ዝዓፍሩን እይንዓፍርን።
ከምቲምስላ ኣቦታትና ሕጂውን "ትእምኖ ሊእኽካ እንታይ ተሪፉኒ ኣይትበል"!
Check out the following link ( https://youtu.be/CxQ8RV6Sj4M )
ክብርን ሞጎስን ንሰማእታትና!
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