Pictures: Patriotic Eritreans initiate sit-in protest in London
Last Friday, patriotic Eritreans initiated a day and night sit-in protest at the White Hall in London. The grassroots demonstration was organized as an opportunity for public diplomacy and engaging with people from all over the world on the true facts about Eritrea. The protest will continue until their objectives are met.
The following pictures are from day four of the demonstration:
Pictures: Patriotic Eritreans initiate sit-in protest in London
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1:05 PM

May God bless Eritrea and its courageous people!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a futile effort. Time is up. Suffering has reached to its highest level. Our people have enough of subjugation.
ReplyDeletewhat suffering are you talking about are about you talking? about tigria other than that Eritrea people harvesting two or three times a year the children dramatically decreased, the public health in general improved the expect-ion is increased, all most all villages and cities are getting fresh water and electric services fesus hamote slowly but surely we will be their kedame
ReplyDeletewhat suffering are you talking about are about you talking? about tigria other than that Eritrea people harvesting two or three times a year the children mortality decreased dramatically, the public health in general improved the expect-ion is increased, all most all villages and cities are getting fresh water and electric services fesus hamote slowly but surely we will be their kedame
ReplyDeleteThe sign says "Eritrea a self reliance nation free from any external pressure". There has never been external pressure, it is the internal pressure/suppression that has been suffocating its people for over 20+ years. The so called external pressure/invasion or the boogeyman has worked for the tyrant as perfect as it was planned.As a little child said once, "Thank God we have blankets, if we didn't have Them, I would have been eaten by monsters long time ago". The regime has been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for years now,.Thanks
ReplyDeletePerhaps they could also initiate a sit in in Asmara in front of the presidents office to demand answers as to the whereabouts of Petros, Ogbe, Berkai, Bitewed and many, many others rotting in jail for more than a decade.
ReplyDeleteThe same style boycott had worked in some countries like in egypt or tunis in the arab spring lig, do you think this will happen ab gezana? kab qedem ab àdena asha zebahal yelbon..tenkolegnatat entedea deliqa, nab to gorebabetena ne tegray getska qid..
ReplyDeletene baàl seka mesarehi (biantoni yegebruqum allewu) mesakin
No body will prevent you from dreaming for Eritrea. However, the reality is very far from what you are dreaming. Knowledge is power. Try to know the reality instead of setting up your mind in that fallacy. ብዘበን ውቤ ዝጸመመስ ውቤ ክብል ሞተ ድሕረትካ ወሰን የብሉን፡
ReplyDeleteNab tembien kiedka bellom..
ReplyDeleteDon't be afraid to get into the details, brother/sister.The core issue has been the unpredictable post-independence tragedies of most Eritreans, who survived such trying time/life and death moments; the citizens/farmers/nomads of all walks of life who sacrificed so much; the diaspora house maids/laborers/professionals, who sacrificed so much, have found themselves in the dungeons being tortured by the very "Comrades" they fought with to liberate Eritrea. So many Eritreans have been treated much worse than Derg treated Eritreans or Ethiopians. Hopes to rebuild Eritrea and Eritrean lives were crushed, when the regime totally monopolized/controlled/scrutinized
ReplyDeleteevery living thing and non-living thing. Opportunities for its citizens of all ages went completely dry, as dry as the Sahara Desert for over two decades now. The vision of "The bigger picture", faded away and chronic desperation became the norm among Eritreans in Eritrea. Fear of "External invasion" became the sound of crying wolf. Expressions, such as, "we Eritreans are different, we will do better, live better than.." Have been proven to be completely untrue over and over.The regime turned Eritrea into a perfect reality show of the well known Giorge Orwell book "Animal Farm", played by two legged human animals. So, to believe in better days will come, working/compromising with the current notorious tyrannical regime is to believe in the millions of cows/gold Someone has in the skies/rings of planet Saturn. Thanks
If you were intellectual as you want seem to be, a sparkle of fairness could be in your writings, you are just unfair..who ever you are agame wala eritrawi..
ReplyDeleteOr your analysis is quite unmatured: listen this version why:
ReplyDeleteThis guys you see in the article above, are asking or crying again their rights to the same institutions who boycotted once to their fathers on the fifties (Sheik Ibrahim Sultan, Aboy Weldeab Weldemariam). That hostility is still alive up-to now. Better you read and get informed about moder era history ante and post cold war, to have hint about how our planet go..then the vision about Eritrea will be clear..
Are u talking about the suffering that ur hero's handlers the UN that Copyed and pasted text from a North Korean statement in an official reply to a UN human rights council report. LOL
ReplyDeleteበትሪ ሓቂ፤ ትቐጥን እምበር ኣይትስበርን!!!
Look at what This Fucking Whore...mudblood... Ur hero Meron-Estefanos said, She said 'it was fun while it lasted??, She and gual tore serawit Selam-kidane, are trafficking and killing the youth. and she said it was fun while it lasted?? and she smiled :-)
ReplyDeleteThis Bitch deserves a shank in her kidneys!!! and someday she will!! ሓለንጊ ሰውራ፤ ነዊሕ'ዩ!!!..
Look at what This Fucking Whore...mudblood... Ur hero Meron-Estefanos said, She said 'it was fun while it lasted??, She and gual tore serawit Selam-kidane, are trafficking and killing the youth. and she said it was fun while it lasted?? and she smiled :-)
ReplyDeleteThis Bitch deserves a shank in her kidneys!!! and someday she will!! ሓለንጊ ሰውራ፤ ነዊሕ'ዩ!!!!..
At least the North Koreans can nourish, facilitate education, engage in advancing technology and provide human life for their citizens. If the UN copied some statement, then their report is mild and missed the massive atrocities committed by the regime. ኣብ ናይ ህግደፍ ዓለም ድኣ ዘይተነግረ
ReplyDeleteአምበር ዘይተገብረ እኮ ዬለን።
Meron Estefanos has indeed made many shameful comments/actions over the years. But how does that relate to Brigadier-General Ogbe Abraha and Petros Solomon? These are my heroes and I would assume that they would be your heroes as well if you knew the sacrifices they made for Eritrea and the 'reward' they got from a president who feared their demands for accountability and transparency. Do you not see the injustice against these, and many other heroes? Does the fact that Meros Estefanos, UN and others have committed injustice against Eritrea mean that the Eritrean government can also commit injustices? Can one not condemn both the unjustified UN/AU/US sanctions against Eritrea and at the same time condemn the unjustified sanctions put in place by the government? Perhaps you are still young and don't know Ogbe and Petros that well. In that case I would advise you to look up information about them and then you will realize that these heroes have been in prison for over a decade unjustly. So lets call out injustice against Eritrea, whether initiated from New York or Asmara.
ReplyDelete"The so called external pressure/invasion or the boogeyman...." U Say???
ReplyDeleteWell than, Can u tell us..Like 2 month or whatever ago, the Ethio-defense ministry says Eritrea's border is impenetrable, meaning if it wasn't they would invade us long time ago.
Tell me, why do u think that the Ethio-defense ministry--> said Eritrea's border is impenetrable hmmm?!
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...'Has the cat got ur tongue?' now ur mumbling like the whores of babylon. LOL...
ReplyDeleteLearn how to speak first! There is no need for a gentleman or any lady to use such as language in general, specially when expressing onself publicly in a very important subject! Who ever you are Alec You
ReplyDeleteHistory 101
ReplyDeleteEritrea was annexed
by Ethiopia unfairly and the US involvement was exposed:
From the point of view of justice, the
opinions of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the
strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and
considerations of security and world peace make it necessary that the country
[Eritrea] be linked with our ally, Ethiopia.
◦—John Foster Dulles, 1952
History 102
Bolton, the Bush Administration's Ambassador to the United Nations,
accused Frazer of setting back his plans to end the U.N. Mission in
Eritrea-Ethiopia that monitored and acted as an interposition force along the disputed border
between Ethiopia and Eritrea by unilaterally deciding that the
2002 decision of the Ethiopian-Eritrean
Boundary Commission should be cast aside to favour Ethiopia's position
reasons I never understood Frazer reversed course, and asked in early February
to reopen the 2002 decision, which she had concluded was wrong, and award a
major piece of disputed territory to Ethiopia. I was at a loss how to explain
that to the Security Council, so I didn't…“
John Bolton confirms in page 347 In his book "Surrender Is
Not an
Option: Defending America at the United
Nations and Abroad "