Open letter to MP Martin Patzelt - CDU (Germany)
MP Martin Patzelt
Offener Brief an MdB Martin Patzelt – CDU (Deutschland)
Herrn Martin Patzelt
Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Betr: Menschenrechte in Eritrea
Bielefeld, den 19.06.2015
Sehr geehrter Herr Patzelt,
ich bin eingebürgerte deutsche mit Eritriescher Herkunft und ich schreibe Ihnen diesen Protestbrief gegen Ihre Bundestagsrede über die „Menschenrechte“ in Eritrea.
Und ich möchte Sie auf die nicht enden wollende Lüge seitens der Bundesregierung über die Eritriesche Regierung aufmerksam machen.
Es ist einerseits sehr schön, dass Sie sich im allgemeinen für die Menschenrechte einsetzen. Aber
andererseits ist es für mich unfassbar, wie ausgerechnet kluge Politiker wie Sie, ohne die wirkliche Situation in Eritrea aus erster Hand zu erfahren, Ihr Urteil fällen.
Sie kennen bestimmt das folgende Grundgesetz das sagt: „Vor Gericht hat jedermann Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör.“ Dieses Grundgesetz wurde total verletzt. Sie haben schon Ihr Urteil gefällt ohne die anderen wirklich zu hören.
In der einseitigen Debatte könnte ich die Eritriesche Regierung nicht wieder erkennen, weil alles da erzählt wurde nichts mit der Realität im Lande zu tun hatte.
Die Situation in Eritrea sieht total anderes aus.
Lieber Herr Petzelt, folgende von der UNO bestätigten Fakten sprechen für sich:
Seit Eritrea 1993 unabhängig wurde:
- ist die Kindersterblichkeit um zwei Drittel gesunken.
- die Sterblichkeitsrate von Frauen bei der Geburt sank um 78 Prozent.
- Malariafälle sind seit 1992 um über 85 Prozent zurückgegangen,
- seit der Unabhängigkeit stieg die Lebenserwartung von 48 auf 63 Jahre.
- Eritrea sei auf dem besten Weg im Gesundheitswesen die Millennium Entwicklungsziele der UNO (MDGs) 4, 5 und 6 zu erreichen.
Laut Frau Umutoni, die humanitäre Koordinatorin von UNDP(UN-Entwicklungsprogramm) in Eritrea, der Grund für diesen unglaublichen Erfolg ist die starke Regierung Eritrea's: „Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg Eritreas ist eine starke Regierung, die es geschafft hat, das Volk für ein klares Ziel zu motivieren und zu mobilisieren.“ Die Regierung Eritreas habe es erreicht, „einen einzigartigen Sinn für Gemeinschaft zwischen verschiedenen Ethnien und religiösen Gruppen zu schaffen“.
Frau Umtoni nannte die ganze Eritriesche Entwicklung als „vorbildlich für Afrika“.
Und diese hervorragende Leistung wurde innerhalb von 25 Jahren ohne externe Hilfe (und von einem kleinen Land, das unter einer ungerechten Sanktionen steht) geschafft. Dieser immense Erfolg sucht seinesgleichen in ganz Afrika.
Die Eritriesche Regierung arbeitet engagiert für das Wohl der Allgemeinheit. Fehler können auftauchen aber welche Regierung macht denn keine Fehler. Gerade ein neues, kleines Land darf das machen.
Herr Petzelt, Ihre Stellungnahme zu dem voreingenommenen UNO-Bericht war enttäuschend. Wie der Bericht zustande kam war unverschämt und generell eine Schande für die „UNO - verlängerter Arm der USA“.
Mit Ihrer einseitigen Debatte haben Sie nur mehr Menschen ermutigt das Land zu verlassen und nach Deutschland zu kommen.
Sie haben bei sich zwei Eritreer, die Ihnen nur lügen über die Eritriesche Regierung erzählen. Was erwarten Sie denn von Eritrieschen Flüchtlingen zu hören, die in Deutschland ein besseres Leben suchen; etwa President Isayas Afewerki ist der beste der Welt oder was?
Wenn Sie wollen, bitte lesen Sie den vollen unabhängigen Dänischen Bericht der Dänischen Regierung unter diesem Link:
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Dr. Mulugheta Tewelde
Open letter to MP Martin Patzelt - CDU (Germany)
Mr Martin Patzelt
German Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Subject: Human rights in Eritrea
Bielefeld, 19.06.2015
Dear Mr. Patzelt,
I am naturalized German with Eritrean origin and I am writing this letter of protest against your Bundestag speech on the "human rights" in Eritrea.
And I want you to not end up in the endless lie on the part of the Federal Government on the Eritrean Government draw attention.
It Is Both very nice indeed you are using Gene Rally for Human Rights. But On the other hand, it is inconceivable to me how wise politicians Precisely as you search, without the real situation in Eritrea to experience firsthand Their judgment.
You know Certainly the Following basic law did says: "In court, everyone is Entitled to a fair hearing." This Basic Law has been totally violated. They have already delivered its verdict without listening to the other.
In the one-sided debate, I could not recognize the Eritrean government, Because everything has been told there had nothing to do with the reality in the country.
The situation in Eritrea looks totally different.
Dear Mr. Petzelt, the Following facts confirmed by the UN speak for Themselves:
Since 1993 Eritrea Became Independent:
- has fallen by two-Thirds infant mortality.
- the mortality rate of women in childbirth fell by 78 percent.
- Malaria cases have Decreased by over 85 percent since 1992,
- since independence, life expectancy rose from 48 to 63 years.
- Eritrea what the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (MDGs) 4, 5 and 6 to achieve on the way the healthcare industry.
According to Ms. Umutoni, the humanitarian coordinator of the UNDP (UN Development Programme) in Eritrea, the reason for this incredible success is the strong government Eritrea's: " The key to success of Eritrea is a strong government, Which has managed the people for a clear motivating target and mobilize. "The Government of Eritrea had Achieved it," to create a unique sense of community between different ethnic and religious groups ". is-it-Eritrea-two times /
Umtoni called all of Eritrea's development as "a model for Africa".
And this excellent performance has been managed within 25 years without external assistance (and a small country, Which is under unjust sanctions). This immense success is unparalleled in all of Africa.
The Eritrean government is committed to the common good. Errors May Occur but what government does not make any mistakes? Even a new, small country can do that.
Mr. Petzelt, your opinion on the biased UN report was disappointing. As the report came was rude and a disgrace to the Generally "United Nations - to arm of the United States".
With your one-sided debate you have only Encouraged more people to leave the country and come to Germany.
You have two Eritreans who only lie you tell with him about the Eritrean government. What do you expect to hear from Eritrean refugees who seek a better life in Germany; About President Isaias Afwerki is the best in the world or what?
If You Want, please read the full report of the independent Danish Danish Government under this Link:
Have a nice weekend.
With best regards,
Dr. Mulugheta Tewelde
Letter translated from German to English using software
Open letter to MP Martin Patzelt - CDU (Germany)
Reviewed by Admin
9:24 AM

Thanks for the Germens awakening HGDEF can say bye bye to EU's 300M Euro aid. Our people has nothing to lose, because how can one expect HGDEF to spend those money well when 1 billon dollar mining money earned since 2011 didn't. As usual the money would end up in the pockets of. Issayas private Armey Demhit. ICC is coming and the African leaders won't save Issayas ass as they are saving Al Bashir.
ReplyDeleteNo one blames you for your train of thought. With an IQ of 63, it's expected. Eritrea isn't your banana republic whose budget get subsidize by aid. The Europeans came with the offer and they've every right to keep their money.....BTW, 300 million for 5 years isn't a big money given the number of mining companies in Eritrea......Did you hear that Nevsun discovered another mass Sulphide deposit? You're nightmare won't be over!
ReplyDeleteEritrea can do all you said Eritrea had accomplished so far and still can respect human right as well as prevent crime against humanity in its territory. Doing something positive in social and economic spectrum does not compensate for human right violations and crime against humanity, the two are parallel to each other. If you want defend the record of the Eritrean government for its right and responsibility, perspective is very important to get the message across. Here you are saying, after I wash my car it just stated raining.
ReplyDeleteHgdef will not weakening you belles salear beager you will Beag and sale belles all your life while eritrea shine and be example for Africa go leak your masters ass like your monkey meles hsawi eritrea is not for sale what did you brought to ethiopa only msiry endless misery mass killing. Genoside. Rape. Deportation. Courption. Stealing. Prostitution. Gay bar's. In the name of democracy beagers you are running out of time the ethiopan people will eat you alive
ReplyDeleteAnehna kem agame gele ina nefeltekkum (malet lementi)..kaleh ayneblen..somal tereqibuleysi..qolo, teteqo gerkayo made in tegray.
ReplyDeleteBetter if you can contact President Omer
albeshire. of the Republic of the Sudan.
cane libero,
ReplyDeletesay nihna but not Anehna
300 million may remain in Europe . We will do it by working . We are not beggars like Weyane . we say " Eritrea never kneel down ." Izi kemtom Kalot mediawi werarat Khalef yu .
That is a good brotherly advice!
ReplyDeleteEritrea is knelling down
ReplyDeletenot using its knee but its belly. I think you live in own universe otherwise
you wouldn’t say what you are saying about Eritrea. Is important really
important to admit facts on ground in Eritrea? Sure it is important admitting
facts on the ground since that is just being half way to being a solution to the problem.
Was Do they Talk about Eritrea, Europe Itself is in Financial and political Crisis .
ReplyDeleteClean First your own garbage. Old
School German,
Take it easy with the Italien pasta 😃. And becarful with insulting the Agames, your agame boss Issayas may get insulted, and you may end up losing you summer vacation privileges.
ReplyDeleteIQ of 63, lol. I never envisioned that even the most delusional Eritrean regime supporters would make such a ignorant statement. This despite your 'high' IQ, which is a result no doubt from the 50 years of colonization by the civilized Italians. If only Ethiopians could turn back the clock and not fight at Adwa but surrender to the Italians like the bandas north of Mereb did when the white man arrived to steal, plunder and oppress, oops I meant to civilize.
ReplyDeleteThis phenomena where blacks not only look down on other blacks, but look up to whites who oppressed them is not unique to Eritrean regime supporters you know. I remember a documentary about Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where the people of the DR looked down on the Haitians since they were more African and worse than that, they had the audacity to kick out the French and anyone siding with them during their independence war. It was shocking to see the similarities with you guys. Another place is Ivory Coast and Liberia. The Ivorians felt superior since they were colonized by the French for a long time and the French brought 'Civilization' to the Ivory Coast whereas the Liberians did not have that 'privilege'. Ever since then, there has been a false feeling of superiority towards the non-colonized and a Stockholm syndrome of the colonized towards its former oppressor. Same for the Eritrean regime supporters A false feeling of superiority towards Ethiopians and a feeling of sympathy and fond memory towards the colonizing Italians. Gee if only the Italians would have stayed a few years longer, they could have designed another piccolo Roma, or built the railway line all the way to the Sudanese border for you guys. I'm sure their 'gifted' architects would transfer their knowledge to you guys even though Eritreans were not allowed to learn past grade four.
Since i'm a correct Eritrean "meselun gedietu un zefelet, zetegber" no problem with anything else..Iti sheger ze la al, kem ziega, wesh leq leq ente ilka t ray iyu..
ReplyDeleteIzi ab Eritra, ab Ingliz, ab germen, ab rasha, ab cuba, where ever kid, hegi iyu..
The justification y wrote here is totally absurd. Y ve mixed everything and doesn't show what y want to say. First yes Italy has colonized Eritrea and Eritrea was better than Ethiopia. Colonization has two extreme impacts on onehand good for the development of the country for their own benefit, on the other hand ofcourse oppress the people. If one is intelligent enough can pick what is useful that was why the Eritreans taught many things to Ethiopians. This is undeniable fact. The grade was until 4. Yes, but if one read and practice the language the opportunity is wise to educate and advance oneself. So no question of us being colonized and make us knowledgable because we have the exposure. As supporting our government, the reason is because the government worked hard without distinction between urban and rural areas. That is a proof that many African countries were not able to reach what Eritrean gov't achieved.
ReplyDeleteThe 1998 war and deportation of Eritreans has made y people down because instead of thinking for the future generation y tried to proof that we r nothing except bla bla inaccordance to yr justification. Many wrong deeds have been done. Yr ideas should have been good to make things better instead of condeming.