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The Eritrean Woman Fighter

Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front fighters raise their Kalashnikovs in celebration, 1991 - Credit: Dan Connell

The Eritrean Woman Fighter

By Haile Bokure

In the traditional agrarian society of Eritrea, women were and still are looked upon as umbilical cords of two or more peasant folks who live in scattered hamlets and small towns. Their marital union could settle
inter-families feuds as a last resort in resolving a vendetta or a cycle of conflict. That is why, to date, the institute of marriage is highly valued in a closely-knit society such as ours.

However, this ascribed role was shaken in the aftermath of Eritrean liberation struggle in which women took active part as combatants and care takers. Furthermore, it was complicated by the desire to have children in war zones in spite of the adversity and unpredictable life events. Some of them refused to have children on account of their mission for which they stood for, and that is: National liberation from oppressive
rule. As one author said in her book: “ናጽነት ሓድገይ ኢዩ” meaning “freedom” is something that I cherish to leave behind suggesting her commitment to Eritrean people by way of sacrificing her youthful life.

But the mother-nature is strong too that no one could resist. For this, some combatants admitted the lost opportunity as long as the national liberation is concerned. It was really a hard choice for them, but at
last, their ability to resolve the conflict based upon their mission, realistic appraisal and boldness as seen in accepting what they could not change dramatize the tenacity of Eritrean women who stood not only in
combating human domination, but also the traditional mores of our society as well.

All in all, their resolve in facing life’s dilemma shows their virility as in the words of Hegel: No man is strong enough unless he bears within his character strong marked opposites.

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The Eritrean Woman Fighter Reviewed by Admin on 1:02 PM Rating: 5


  1. Women in Eritrea have proved their guts to protect their land during the war and the Eritrean Women's Association is doing great. More Eritrean women scholars are needed to build the gap and add to the insignificant CEO number higher.

  2. Wh are commentators insignificant? Isn't women issue very moving?

  3. ኣሌክ - Alec youMay 21, 2015 at 9:45 AM

    Eritrean womans are the back-bone of Eritrea---Without them they would be no Eritrea right now, the battel of Fenql is their M'skren. ***MADOTE*** we need more like this. this is good.

  4. ኣሌክ - Alec youMay 21, 2015 at 9:46 AM

    I thought the same thing...

  5. Thanks Aleks. They are not only for Eritreans. They are pioneers for others too. I am happy that Sofia has presented a wonan's affair in the Ethiopian forum. Y see girls should be educated and be a back bone to their country and people. Many women would like to get married soon or else leave the country and work in the arab countries where they are exposed to unnecessary death and slavery. When a woman is educated all her children would have a wide outlook for education. Yes when y see it from outside I think her courage and dedication is forgotten. Y r right we don't have to see a woman only as a sex partner. Why do God creat Hewan? To be assistant right? So if men and women work together things will go smooth. More of women affairs Madote!

  6. ኣሌክ - Alec youMay 22, 2015 at 3:09 AM

    "They are pioneers for others too."

    Indeed brother GUESTT---> If we educate more kids this problem will go away sooner--("Qolà B'neusu Qorbet B'rhsu")-. The violence against women and girls is rooted in gender-based discrimination and social norms and gender stereotypes that perpetuate such violence. Prevention should start early in life, by educating and working with young boys and girls promoting respectful relationships and gender equality. Working with youth is a “best bet” for faster, sustained progress on preventing and eradicating gender-based violence. While public policies and interventions often overlook this stage of life, it is a critical time when values and norms around gender equality are forged. Even tho pple are working hard...we need more seminars at every corner of the country.


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