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John Kerry Congratulates Eritreans on 24th independence anniversary

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

John Kerry's statement on the 24th anniversary of Eritrea's independence appears to show an attempt of engagement with Eritrea. His administration went from no statement in 2013, to a reluctant statement directed at the "people of Eritrea" and mentioning transition to democracy in 2014, to a more neutral and direct congratulatory statement to "Eritreans" in 2015.

2013: No statement

2014: "On behalf of the American people, I welcome the opportunity to send my warmest wishes to the people of Eritrea on the 23rd anniversary of your independence which took place May 24. Know that the government and people of the United States stand beside you in your continued search for the promise of a free, prosperous, and democratic Eritrea."

2015: "We commemorate the 24th anniversary since Eritrea’s independence, and your long-fought, heroic struggle for nationhood. On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I wish Eritreans a joyous National Day on May 24th."

While this is surely a positive sign in the right direction, at the end of the day, it's still just words. If John Kerry and his administration want to show they truly support Eritreans, then they should remove the illegal and unjust sanctions on Eritrea and force Ethiopia out of occupied Eritrean territory by imposing tough sanctions on the wayward regime in Addis Ababa.

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John Kerry Congratulates Eritreans on 24th independence anniversary Reviewed by Admin on 3:45 PM Rating: 5


  1. This is certainly a change in tone. Way to go Eritrea! As that song by wedi Tikabo says, "nisiki gin addy tselaie segadi" they always bow down.

  2. Congratulating Eritreans on their independence while undermining our independent path, leadership and waging a proxy war through Ethiopian for the last 70 years is nothing but America's political double talk about peace, democracy and prosperity of all.

  3. i think madote shouldnt post here this fake american conguratulations

  4. I fully agree it is disingenuous but Madot did the right thing by posting it.
    It exposes US's murderous hypocrisy. Thousands, if not millions ,of Eritreans died because of US's colonial policy towards Eritrea.

  5. ACTION proves what a country is, words just prove who they WANT to be.

    Happy 24th Eritrea!

  6. "If John Kerry and his Obama administration want to show they truly support Eritreans, then they should remove the illegal and unjust sanctions on Eritrea and force Ethiopia out of occupied Eritrean territory by imposing tough sanctions on the wayward regime in Addis Ababa." PERIOD!

    Read more:

  7. happy 24th Eritrea, we dont want fake democracy made in usa.

  8. ደቂ ኤረይ ኣናብስ፣ ደቂ ጀጋኑ። ወረ ገና ኩለን
    እንዳደነና ክመጻ ኢየን። ቀንዲ ጉዳይና ንግበር፣ ጉዳይና ከኣ ቀሪባ ኢያ።

    እቲ ራኢና ቀሊል ከምዘይኮነ፣ እቲ በጅባጅ ጸላኢ፣
    እቲ ከዳዕ፣ እቲ ተንኮለኛ፣ ሕጂ ብዝያዳ ኣብ ጎልጎል ከምዝተረፈ ተረዲኡዎ።

    ምኽንያቱ 6ይ ማርሻ ረጊጽና ስለ ዘሎና። ውርቕርቕ
    ትብል ኣላ ሓገረይ፣ ማሻላ ማሻላ።

    ርሑስ በዓል ናጽነት
    ዘልኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንዓይ ክብሉ ዝሓለፉ

  9. He still didnt wish good health to Issays, which is the wish of the Eritrean people too. With all his drinking problem it is just a matter of time the Cancer of our people will be gone for good.

  10. ኣሌክ - Alec youMay 23, 2015 at 6:08 AM

    Eti Z'amene Aminu'lo Koynuwa G'dn--Deqi Erey!!..

    Happy Independence-Day Deqi-Eritrea!!!....Long live Eritrea/Shaebia!!.. Zelalemawi-K'brn Mogosn N'swatna!!!!... Awet N'hafash!!!...

  11. You sound like someone who is suffering from brain cancer. This indicates that you will be gone way before PIA......

  12. US hypocrisy at it's best.this is an insult to our collective intelligence.How on earth you wish us a happy independence day.While you are working day and night to UNDO our independence.Action speaks more than words if you really mean it just lift the sanction you have hanging on our head.And tell Ethiopian minority regime to get out from Eritrean territory. Then we be cool friends.
    Awet n hafash
    Eternal glory to our selfless martyrs.

  13. You are not the "Eritrean people". You are higdef-mendef. He is not congratulating you and your tyrannical regime, you idiot. Lols

  14. Who cares ata halai! Does it make a difference whether he congratulate the Government of Eritrea or not? As always, we were and will be there forever...whether you, your Kerry and Woyane like it or not.

  15. You will be gone soon just like Fascist Mussolini's Camicie Nere, feudal Haile Selassie's Tore Serawit, and tyrant Menghistu's Derg.

  16. "Colonial policy"? What about the thousands of Eritreans who died due to the barbaric policies of your tyrannical regime of Isaia, Monkey, Kisha, Charlie, and Asmelash?

  17. How many faces does an individual have? Some on this website are ten in one; ten personalities in one body. Flowing with the tide...yesterday blaming the USA for every evil happening to the state, today " if THE USA wants good relations it should ....." Where are you? Hypo,,,,,,


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