Eritrea: Blossoming beautifully at 24!
Eritrea: Blossoming beautifully at 24!
By Yemane Abselom
Eritrea has had a long history of mining industry starting with colonization period when Italy had established mining industry at Karora, Debarewa, and Augaro. After independence, the government of Eritrea passed
a mining law that fosters a favorable environment for foreign investment in the sector knowing full well it could play a crucial rehabilitating role in its war devastated economy. Eritrea has many benefits it can offer potential investors. It has a safe and stable government with an educated and disciplined work force; its strategic location along the Red Sea has an added benefit to investors. As such, Eritrea has attracted close to 17 exploration companies from all over the world. Companies from China, Russia, UK and Australia, to name just a few, have several companies in Eritrea that are participating in its mining sector.
Eritrea's mining law, while fostering a favorable environment for investors, also ensures that the Eritrean people receive their fair and equitable share. The people of Eritrea through their government are partners in each mining ventures. For example, the Colluli potash exploration project in the Danakil Depression in South East Eritrea is a 50-50 joint venture between South Boulder Mines (ASX: STB) and the Eritrean National Mining Company (ENAMCO). The mining laws include monitoring and strict adherence to international accepted practices. As such, Eritrean mines have one of the best safety records in the world. In addition, mining in Eritrea is anchored in laws that are designed to protect the environment. Eritrea doesn't want to punish future generations with careless mining practices.
If you have been lucky enough to visit Eritrea and roam outside the capital city, you have most likely walked over some kind of precious metal. The government of Eritrea's geologic map of 1:1,000000 scale covering the whole country shows that about 60% of the Eritrean landmass is covered by sedimentary rocks that tend to host metallic minerals. These metallic minerals include gold, silver, copper, zinc, barite, limestone, granite and rare earth metals like tantalum and much more. Gold, silver, copper and zinc have been found in almost all parts of the country. Exploration activities in the last decade have shown the presence of gold deposits in the western lowlands (Bisha and Harena), South and Southwestern lowlands (Shillalo), Central highlands (Debarwa and Adi Nefas), and in the northern part of the country.
Eritrea is currently in the production and distribution phase on several minerals. Its 1,200 km coastline has large deposits of common salt (NaCl) that has been in production for decades. Large quantities of high quality “silica” are found at Merbet, which are being used for glass manufacturing. Black and gray marble and granite around Decamhare have been used as construction materials for many years. A Canadian Company, Nevsun Resources Ltd (AMEX: NSU), has finished gold production in 2013; at the moment is
extracting copper while making preparation to extract zinc; all these from its single pit at Bisha. The Zara Mining Share Company run by the Chinese company SFECO is expected to become Eritrea's next gold producer in 2016, followed by Canada’s Sunridge Gold Corp (TSX: SGC). Also in 2016, an Australian company, South Boulder Mines, Ltd. (ASX: CHN) is supposed to produce potash, a precious mineral used in fertilizers. Other companies are also at various stages and should be producing results in the near future.
Eritrea’s mining sector has even greater potential. The Arabian-Nubian Shield has shown potential for rare earth metals like Tantalum. Tantalum is used in electronic equipment such as mobile phones and video games. In addition, Eritrea's Red Sea coastline has shown a very good indication of hydrocarbons, which are markers for oil and gas. In addition to these the the Red Sea Rift area has a strong geothermal potential that can be exploited for power generation.
Eritrea's 24 years of independence have been marked by war, drought, sabotage from within and outside, unfair and illegal sanctions, illegal occupation of its territories and unwarranted hostilities by a US-lead west. Despite it all, Eritrea's government has used its fair share of mining revenue for the benefit of all Eritreans by focusing on projects that benefit all. Eritrea pins its hope not on gold or silver, but on its even more precious and priceless resource: its children. Its achievements in the last 24 years in providing health and education services, in water conservation, food security, and infrastructure development indeed has been remarkable and its promise is inspiring.
Happy 24th Independence.
Eritrea: Blossoming beautifully at 24!
Reviewed by Admin
12:56 PM

Blossoming ? Is this article supposed to be a joke ?
ReplyDeleteAt the moment:
- being Eritrean is the cheapest in the world., where Eritrean are dying like fishes in the sea, and locusts in the desert. And the Eritrean government does not even call those dead people Eritreans, it just refers them as Africans, or illegal immigrants.
- In Eritrea young people can not see any hope, that is why even children as young as 9 and 10 are being sent by their parents, unattended, to the unknown. In the unknown, the children can be used as sex-slaves, can be used for organ-harvesting etc.
The achievements have been tremendous! Eritrea's detractors are starting to notice now. They can no longer ignore it. They have run out of lies meant to tarnish Eritrea's image.
ReplyDeleteMessage deleted
ReplyDeleteI'm backing my bags, tools and capital and launch a mining contracting firm.
The same old blha bhla, I have said it before I will say it again, those running away are not better than those giving 24/7 for Eritrea development, the GOE only cares for those under his wings. You need to blame yourself for financing the way for those sex slaves you mention,people harvested organs and those dying in a Mediterranean sea.
ReplyDeleteWe have every resources to turn Eritrea into the powerhouse Singapore in the next 25years. We have oil & gas, 17 Mining companies + more coming, building materials to build our housing and new skyscrapers in Asmara, geothermal that could power the whole Eritrea, plus an educated (healthy) future workforce... what more could we ask for...
ReplyDeleteIt looks like our two new grand projects (Massawa and Asmara) will begin soon.
So let me ask you, how and why did you come to the West? If Eritreans are "taken" care of by GOE and the people that left where being financed by others, how did you get here? Assuming you are a patriotic Eritrean, you shouldn't have left, unless of course you are being a hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteThe major difference between Eritrea and all these other African countries is that Eritrea is doing it relying on its own resources. Not by begging internationally like a certain country led by beggars.
ReplyDeleteWe will always love the Lion of Nakfa.
I think Osman knows you are hurt and disturbed person lost a family member along the way trying to get where ever you may reside. for this symptom you experiencing you should seek a mental doctor, so he can give you a medicine, you can write all you wanted here ,but it want help you.
ReplyDeleteThe question was whether you are one of those who has "neglected" their country and fled to the West. And why would you do that if Eritrea is so great? But the fact that you have refused to answer the question shows that you are the one who needs a mental evaluation to determine how you could be stupid and hypocritical without the slightest sign of embarrassment.
ReplyDeleteThose who have been dying in the sea and the Deserts are Eritrean heroes who had defended their country in its time of need. But, they have come to realize that, under the regime in power, Eritrea has no future and all their sacrifices had been in vain; the regime uses the sacrifices of the people for the sole purpose of staying in power. Now, those national heroes are disowned by the regime, and are being considered as dirt by the regimes supporters (mostly blood relatives).
ReplyDeleteWhat is surprising is that the regime will not feel shame to tax 2%, and ask contributions from those who have survived these ordeals and reached Europe.
jart the FART LOL LOL
ReplyDeleteIn the next 25 years, you say? What have you got to show for the last 24 years?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the nearly 150,000 and counting Eritrean refugees rotting in refugee camps in Ethiopia? When did they get there? Why are they there? Why would the west encourage and finance Eritreans to flee from their country, only to finance and support them in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Sudan? What economic or political sense does that make?
ReplyDeleteNo need to sound like a broken record here,but you showing all the sign of resentment of those commit crime in Eritrea,those lost their loved ones as they migrated,family members has been in prison or you haven't found the light at the end of the tunnel you wished to see. No need to share with you my accomplishments towards Eritrea and its independence.
ReplyDeleteIf you are describing PIA, he may be the leader of the country,but not in power to use and abuse the resources of the country. Does the PIA have stashed $ in foreign banks as other leaders do, does he have a personnel jet to fly him and his family for a shopping spree, does he owns Castle in Europe or a beach house in the Caribbean or Hawaiian Islands or does he owns a Yacht worth millions,the answer is no. My dear friend what he does is the good for the country for this and future generation to enjoy. Any thing wrong with that? No one is disowned PIA,but the waves that comes and take the citizens of Eritrea is stronger than he can defend,like most of them when arrived where ever they may be they are pretty much disappointed including you. 2% is the list you can do while others are serving the nation 24/7
ReplyDeleteWhat about the 700M dollar hidden in HSBC bank of Swiss? To whom do you think it belongs too?
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious you hit the break when you read the news that satisfies your ears to have a case against the good man of Eritrea,but did you fallow it ? It has been more than two month since the news came out I don't have a good recollection, most of the $ deposited in the bank was between 1984 and 1989 way before Eritrea became independent almost 75% of $ was deposited by two man claiming Eritrean citizens one of them carries Moslem name with 400+ mill he could be Arab or Eritrean for that sake and the other with a christian name,could be an Ethiopian as well. If any one can help with news came out a week later please post the news,so Don will know.
ReplyDeleteJust STFU Ugumesh go f@ck a donkey. hahaha....
ReplyDeleteSmells like an Agame and talks like one. Go save ur pple in Yemen or Saudi. u Agame qomalat, u are so pathetic!!!
ReplyDeleteIs that ur Breath?..Or Did u just FARTED!...
ReplyDeleteE R I T R E A !!!...Grow- Baby...Grow!!!....................
ReplyDeletehahahahahah hahahahahah
ReplyDeleteListen up,I have no idea the exact amount of Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia could be higher or lower than what you stated above. As Eritrean population is vital to its economy, this refugees lead to believe once they crossed to Ethiopia they will be able to migrate to Europe and beyond. Economically the reason behind the west finance the exodus of Eritreans out of the country will be easy to slide in and grab all they can with out anyone to witness. Politically five years ago there where five nations in Africa that opposed Africom Libya,Ivory cost and you know what happen to those two leaders one assassinated the other in prison, they both replaced by a friendly leaders and signed and joined Africom. Eritrea is one of three nations beside AL Bashir and Mugabe in Africa that has not allowed Africom to come in. Africom is US African command. The purpose entire Africa militarily will be under US control. No No we don't want that. What happens when you leave your house an attended, some one will come in and take over. DogalI i hope you understood.
ReplyDeleteYou claim it to be "obvious", but didn't your parents leave at the exact time Eritrea needed them most. They left the fighting for someone else and run away from their responsibilities as Eritreans. So, as you can image it's hard to "go somewhere else with that bullshit" because it is clear the being the offspring of TWO cowards, punks, sissies it makes sense now why you would be a internet thug and claim everyone who decided to leave, after fighting in wars and severing in national service, is a punk. The real reason is because neither you, nor you two coward, punk, sissie parents did anything for Eritrea. Do every one a favor, and sit down. There are people who sacrificed for this country talking and it would be in your best interest to show them respect.
ReplyDeleteHow can your name be "ERITREANFORLIFE" when you nor your parents who left prior to independence have done anything for her a day in your life. And attending stupid meetings and dancing with flags doesn't count.
There are two problems with premise of your comment. First being, I don't know of any Eritrean who hasn't had at least 3 family members or friends flee the open air prison of Eritrea. So if you don't know of anyone who has it leds me to believe that you are either not Eritrean or that you have no tie to Eritrea and support a government in a distance land which has no effect of your day to day life or the life of anyone you love and care for. Your support is more like a hobby and has no consequences to you, but you you see, there are some people who's life revolves around Eritrea. We have are family that is suffering and we are the one who supports them. And the second premise is that you are waiting until tragedy befalls your family or loved ones before you see the problem. To make a joke about people dying while trying to make a better life for themselves shows the level of intelligence you have and makes a case for how dumb the supporters of the government are. Please remember, there are people who really love Eritrea and fight for her, unlike you who use her name to support a hobby.
ReplyDeleteI have brothers and sisters one from 2nd,6th,11th,and 14th round including many close relatives and friends still protecting and building the new nation of ours. My family believes this is our turn to serve and keep the dream alive of those 100.000 Man and Woman that have sacrificed for all of us to have independent nation. If you think those runaways to a dream land are better than those putting hard work day in day out,please be serious.
ReplyDeleteI haven't called you name yet, and I am not going either,during struggle some Eritreans where against free Eritrea, I believe you are a young Eritrean your head is full of bela belo news from friends and relatives. It is time for you settle down and become independent and start doing your own research. I know some one used to be a die hard supporter of the GOE, like any one else her family member made it to Sudan and requested for assistance,his wishes was full filled got the $ made it all the way to Libyia and died while in transit, now this woman she is not supporter of the govt anymore. GOE have none to do with her lost,the one need to blame is only her.
ReplyDeleteLeaving aside many other factors, why is the situation in the country unattractive (hopeless) to the young generation ? You can spin it to blame the Woyanes, the US etc etc. But, the fact is that the one-man government has failed to make Eritrea a viable state now, or for the future. After the end of the last war in 2000, the young generation waited patiently for more than a decade for things to improve but there was absolutely no measure by the regime to improve the situation and make it hopeful.The only "solution" the one-man regime presented is for people to wait for the Woyanes to fall !
ReplyDeleteIn other wards your family members are better than those serving Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteThe present state of hopelessness in Eritrea is the result of the summation of all the blunders the regime have been making for the last two decades.
ReplyDelete- the incarceration of students, journalists, government officials without trial
- the irresponsible acts of ordering foreign diplomats out of the country
- the irresponsible acts of wholesomely sending out foreign aid agencies out of the country
- Interference in the affairs of neighboring countries (Sudan, Somalia etc)
Who will blame those young people for risking their lives trying to make a living ? LIKE DEAD PEOPLE, they have just been sitting and watching their lives go by, with no decent work, no prospect of making a family etc. Those Eritreans who are risking their lives have don what any sane person do in that situation: LIVE or DIE TRYING TO LIVE.
I think ur low IQ can't even see the differences between laughing and crying.u are dumb as fuck. FART.
ReplyDeleteI thought u had diarrhea and the chances of that, Well.......FART****.
ReplyDeleteYou complain so much with out having any substance, please leave your phone,maybe if you talk to,you may open up your thick skull.
ReplyDeleteHow many family members of yours did you kill,trying to get them out of the country?
ReplyDeleteOr better yet, why don't you go back and enjoy the "great" Eritrea you claim is reality. You bitch and cry that everybody who is leaving is a traitor, yet you don't live there. Why not put your money where your mouth is and go live in a country you claim is so great. So if you're not a coward, sissy, and/or hypocrite go back and server and stop waiting for others to do it for you.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has family there who has served and who have even died, so I'm not sure who you're trying to impress. The point is that you are in the West doing everything, but serving Eritrea.You are here making flippant remarks about people that are dying trying to get to where you are. Stop living off the glory of others and go back if you think nation building is the highest priority. But just to clarify, do you count yourself as one who has run away, or do you see yourself as one who is helping protecting and building a new nation, i think I know what you're going to say, but I want to give you the benefit of doubt.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean in other words? How could you come to that conclusion after reading my comment? Stop trying to insinuate things that don't even exist.
ReplyDeleteYou called me hurt and disturbed, but you catch feelings when turn around and say the same thing back to you. And this bela belo news that you talk about is what exactly. The FACT that Eritrea has had a man in power for 24 years, the fact that there is no budget to the government spending, the FACT that political prisoners NEVER have a day in court or maybe the FACT that national service is indefinite. Tell me what independent research would prove these things wrong, what is it that you know that nobody else does, that would prove these FACTS to be a mistake. Maybe it's you that needs to take your head out the sand and realize you are supporting a dictator that has imprisoned the people of Eritrea, but maybe your right, the GOE isn't to blame. Come on use common sense, if you have any.
ReplyDeleteAgain you are trying to avoid the question. Just admit, you have no facts or logic to stand on and stop trying to defend the indefensible.
ReplyDeleteYou have no accomplishment to share. You haven't done anything, but support a dictator all while living in the West. And even if you fought or bled or whatever for independence, why aren't you still there, especially if you believe the nation is on the right path and you are against the people who are leaving. You sound, I mean, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. Claiming to have family still there, blaming the youths leaving an open air prison, and supporting a dictator, all while you live in the West enjoying all it's freedoms. You're either a hypocrite or a sell-out, which one?
ReplyDeleteAnd stop typing in all caps, it's childish.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Isasias an AGAME, or what about Yeman"Monkey", or even Hagos Kisha. If your going to calll a spade a spade, be honest with yourself and know that you are supporting a government headed by AGAME.
ReplyDeleteThat is not name calling, it is the state of mind you are in. The cause to this is those filling your tank with unsubstantiated news and products. You need to free your self from this poisonous and infectious relationship you are in. If any one stands and protects the nation of Eritrea,I support him or her for many many years to come despite their heredity. Those you mention above they have committed treason against State of Eritrea,In other countries with the same crime they would face firing squad for them their life will be spared with prison, just because Eritrea have not capital punishment. Politics is as sport,you get rewarded according to your today accomplishments, You may have been hero yesteryear,but if you tarnish that with the crime you will end up zero,that is what happen in this case. Re- national service indefinite, We earned our glorious prize through blood,now is time to develop through sweat, in a few years citizens will enjoy the result with tears of joy,and those working to make this happen they will be remembered as the braves of Warsai Yekalo.
ReplyDeleteWhy those living are better than those serving? I will answer this for you, It is only because they have you here to dish out $ for them to migrate. You and people alike are the cause to the death of many young Eritreans unable to forecast the danger that was ahead for them. Refugees that they went through the same route made it some how to where ever destination may be,the same person advising other friend or family member to take the same risk, this is not the way to show you care and love to others,this is revenge,so others can taste the same horror you experienced.
ReplyDeleteFor a supporter of a dictator of 24 years to claim someone is mental, is a joke. And looking at your response, you have not only backed up all the facts that I mention, but then try to justify it with logic only used by people who get their talking points from the government itself. It is you who has been fed poisonous and infectious news through a media controlled by a dictator who you support DESPITE his heredity, you're way of agreeing that he is AGAME. Then you say that people have committed treason, how would you know. Name one person who you claim has sold out Eritrea, and tell me when or where they have been convicted of treason. And where did you get the idea that they where traitors, it was through the government media. It is you that needs to get your head out the sand and stop getting your information from ONE source, the dictator's media. And yea, are you sweating to develop the nation or just cheering them on from the West?
ReplyDeleteDictator is the one uses and abuses nations wealth to benefit him or her self. a proverb in Tigrena ,If you look at a glass of Milk continuously it will turn black, If you and I count to the 7th generation we may well belong to other countries. But if you born and raised in Eritrea or foreign countries from Eritrean father you are Eritrean, unless those they chose to go where they think they belong. Pay good attention here, 1998 the only people that new PIA would sleep in that hotel in a southern town are those in prison now. At 5 AM Ethiopian plain bombarded the hotel supposedly PIA was sleeping ,but PIA left the hotel @ 4 AM that is why he is still alive,but some of the gusts and employees they got killed on that incident and one of them a cousin of mine. I agree with you they where never tried in court, but no countries since WWI till today tried their own until they settle their difference with enemy. Eritrea is still at war with Ethiopia,even though the fighting has stopped .Any one try to get killed a president or dealing with enemy during war time will be charged with treason. The result is the same prison time for the rest of their life with or with out day in court,folks like those with plan to destabilize the country once more after we paid dearly price, so Ethiopia can dance all over again as once did.
ReplyDeleteWait, now you are trying to redefine the word dictator. A dictator is one man rule, a system of government where there is no balance of power and where all power resides in one man, in other words present day Eritrea. By redefining the word you are trying to justify your support of a dictator, but use some logic and reason from time to time. And the supposed time line you brought up is laughable. You're telling me that man and woman who sacrificed their youths and young adult life, some how all came up with an idea to sell Eritrea back to Ethiopia once they gained their independence. Come on, even you can't be that dumb. I would respect you more if you said there was a power struggle and they lost, instead you are calling proven heroes of the independence struggle traitors and sell outs, where do you get the balls to do that. How can you sitting in the West condemn man and woman of treason when there was no trail (by your own admission) and the only side of the story is given by the government that arrested them. Stop listening to propaganda and use some common sense. BTW the dictators father isn't Eritrean, he came from Tigray. Please wake up and stop supporting something that is clearly wrong.
ReplyDeleteIt is not an unusual people in your situation acting the way you do specially,when one or more family members lost along the way before reunion. Your brain so washed up perhaps by your cloth relatives since child hood,I try to explain the truth,but you have a problem swallowing it. one man rule to benefit him self,family members and cloth relatives is no good, but one man rule the founding father of Eritrea for sole purpose to keep an eye on it till able to run the country smoothly to benefit the country is great. why waste your time discussing who is who where he come from ,or his parents is, what makes you so sure you an Eritrean through out the last 7 generation,all that count performance of his duty. I can't penetrate through your thick skull,keep on worshipping the Queen and their messages,when you matured I don't when,hopefully soon we will see eye to eye.
ReplyDeleteYou keep harboring this idea or notions that I have lost close family while they migrated here, which is wrong. Then you try to say my state of mind for not supporting a man who has ruled a country with an iron fist is because I am brainwashed. Instead of waking up, realizing that you are supporting a government that not only has kept it's people under an open air prison, but that the news and facts you get from them is all one sided. Never in the history of the world is one man above the law, but apparently your dear leader is. Now you are okay with him being from Tigray, and you are okay with thousands REAL Eritreans dying in the sea. It's easy to say everything is good, but again back to the main question, if Eritrea is on the right path, why don't you go back and help instead of clapping your hands in the West like a groupie. Stop being a coward and live the life you want to condemn others too.
ReplyDeletePlease read the article I have been writing,all over again with open heart and mind,When where you last in Eritrea,How long it has been since you left Eritrea?
ReplyDeleteAnd please answer my question, why don't you go back and live the life you are condemning others to. Go back and perform national service indefinitely, go back and live in the trenches without any say to how you are living, or what you are doing. Go live in a country where your life isn't your own and it is decided for you. Before you cheer and clap for a government that is enslaving it's people, go and live that life. And not for a summer, but until the government decides when you can leave. Until then, you have no room to talk, and speaking in defense for a dictator should embarrass you.
ReplyDeleteIf you would have read ,what I wrote you would not be in a position you are now. Guilt is the worst any one can carry on their shoulder. In order to defend your inner you, it is common what people say to cover up.
ReplyDeleteDo you read what you write. I'm not defending anything, it is you that is defending a dictator and I'm trying to get you to explain, how and why you can defend him without living there or sacrificing anything for him. You haven't written anything of substance, only repeated the same line every other dictator supporter repeats (I wonder why), yet you conspicuously refuse to answer any questions as to why you are still in the West. Please stop avoiding the question and trying to deflect it on to another topic. Why don't you go back and sever in national service if Eritrea is on the right path? It's an easy question to understand, why don't you answer it?