Senseless Barbaric Acts – ISIS and TPLF
TPLF, the ISIS of East Africa
Senseless Barbaric Acts – ISIS and TPLF
By Bereket Kidane
The barbaric acts committed against innocent, defenseless Ethiopian migrants in Libya must be condemned. It’s an act of “pure evil.” However, it wasn’t that long ago that Weyane too shocked us with its own barbaric and “pure evil” treatment of innocent, defenseless Eritreans living in Ethiopia that were under its control.
Cruelty and brutality bordering on genocide has been a core element of the minority regime’s strategy for dealing with the people of the Horn be they Eritreans, Ogadenis or Somalis. But it’s now reached a critical mass and has driven the people of the Horn to take great risks and face unspeakable horrors. And those horrors are only getting worse. TPLF likes to brag about its “no war no peace” strategy and gives itself a pat on the back for its perceived success in causing Eritrean youths to flee by crossing the Sahara desert. These horrors they have had to face have now escalated to the point of beheadings.
We mourn those innocent young men who perished at the hands of a brutal sect. But it also high time for the West to examines its support for Ethiopia’s minority regime in the name of fighting terror that is destabilizing the Horn, causing its youths to flee and now leading to religious reprisals.
Senseless Barbaric Acts – ISIS and TPLF
Reviewed by Admin
10:47 PM

blaming TPLF for every problem in a Eritrea, can not bring honey to Eritreans. look what Eritrean think about Eritrea is
ReplyDeleteEscaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem – at least I won't be tortured
Did you ask for permission from your Shabia-Alshabab bosses to write this shit? It is extremely provoking and I am sure your bosses will get mad at you. The patience of TPLF is getting thinner and thinner and it might decide to take the ultimate action against your bosses. Take care of your words.
ReplyDeleteMore gebrish from gebrish news....kkkkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteIs his another Adobe Photoshop Threat?
ReplyDeleteJacob ( Kindiya)
ReplyDeleteYou are frustrated to the point of committing suicide. kkkkkk
samrasit ,
ReplyDeleteYou are surrounded by enemies from all direction and he Ethiopian people do not like you. Your end is coming.
Look how the highlanders are time bombs and they have relation withis act of terriosm acting against human being. Look at this sentence we can clearly see the involvment of the higlnders
ReplyDeletein this savege killing of civilians "Cruelty and brutality bordering on genocide has been a
core element of the minority regime’s strategy for dealing with the people of
the Horn be they Eritreans, Ogadenis or Somalis. But it’s now reached a
critical mass and has driven the people of the Horn to take great risks and
face unspeakable horrors."
This is a clear indication of the involvement of Isayas in this criminal act.
It the real picture of the mafia sucking the blood of Ethiopians.
ReplyDeleteI think for the highlanders the "No war no peace " a nice way of treating shigaram Eritreans
ReplyDeleteThe Author must be either sick or ignorant!!! Half of those killed by ISIS are Eritreans. Unfortunately, Eritreans don't have a government who mourns for them. 350 of the 700 dead in mediterranean are also Eritreans. Beal Nisika dima Nikid Tray! gin Kiwegih yu!!
ReplyDeleteI was asking the threat from Jacob ;)
You must like it, you keep visiting the site.
ReplyDeleteThe TPLF has nothing to do with this tragedy.the blame lies squarely on your imbecile,alcoholic thug you call a president.The good news is his days are numbered.
ReplyDeleteEritrean families and friends lost 350 people in the sea as reported from the main stream media but the Eritrean government and its cadre are talking about some high profile
ReplyDeleteEthiopian government officials who are in the comfort of their home with their families.
I send my sincere condolences to the victims’ families, may God restore your
faith and God give you his wisdom and strength to go through this giving
period. Let us not forget Eritrean families and friends who are grieving now. If this
is just an attempt to redirect attention from what happened to Eritreans and
their families then the posting of this article is a very ruthless, senseless,
cold blooded inside job. We had tomorrow for this kind of stories. I wish we
could use this page to send our condolences to the families of the victims just
for one day.
TPLF is in big time trouble now. More than 100,000 patriotic Ethiopians protested in Meskel Square today, and weyane responded violently. Their time of looting and murder is almost up.
ReplyDelete - Read the Article and write okay, ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis must be a joke!!! What about Issays who havent said a word about all loses of Eritrean lives in the sea?. Where is the so called government of our, if we have any?. At least the Ethiopian has declared 3 days of mourning, what has Issays done so far?. Isnt Eritrean lives worth anything?. Lets clean our house first before talking about others!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEthiopians are acting toghether and demonstrating to show their anger against ISIS and their government. At least their Prime minster took his responsibility and did address the crowed. But what about us Eritreans, and who is crying for all those Eritreans who are dying in the sea?. In the latest tragedy alone over 300 Eritrean lives lost? Where is the so called our government? Where is our anger towards those responsible for the death of our yout?. I guess Issyas and his inner circle are enjoying their Wiskey as the rest of the nation is crying.
ReplyDeleteThe protest in addis seemed to just be the ppl complaining that the govt needs to declare war on Isis and they need to capture and jail all human traffickers. All the people were waving the "woyane" flag and singing the "woyane" national anthem. It didn't seem antiwoyane but more the govt isn't taking immediate action
ReplyDeleteMight I add, so far only 2 of the 28 are confirmed Ethiopians and 1 is confirmed eritrean. There is a good chance we lost equal number of brothers. We should both demand action from our governments. No more lampedusa and no more ISIS, let's just live where we belong, at home.
What a disgusting crap Article, and the host Are you guys serious.. your own government (Opps, you don't even have a government, I mean IA's government) doesn't even recognize , when Eritrean citizens perish on the Mediterranean.
ReplyDeleteWhen are going to stop blaming the USA and Wayn, can you criticize your own gov first. You seems to forget that your gov rejected Naizg kiflu from receiving a proper funeral, the PI refuse to accept responsibility for the life of 350 and refused to let their body go to Eritrea. Can you clean your own house first, then tell other to clean their house. There is enormous amount of dirt pilied up in your hose and yard. Clean that up wash it with chemicals and trash as far as you can then you can tell others to do the same thing.
ReplyDeleteTPLF is the root cause of all suffering in the Horn of Africa. The sooner this sub humans are eliminated the sooner peace will prevail in our region. Only then the exduce of the people can be stemmed.
ReplyDeleteDeath to TPLF
With all africans pretending to be Eritreans, how you know 350/700 are certified and the other not? You lack of objectivity, if your source is a STD media forget that too, as me and you know any western will change easily an ethiopian to indian or please correct this view, just be fair, other wise you're here to tell us lies..
ReplyDeleteፍቅሪ ፍትወት ሓድነት ስምረት ፍትሒ ተወፋይነት ሓልዮት ክብረት ነዓይ ይጥዓመኒ ዘይ ምባል ተበጃውነት ማዕርነት ዝበሃሉ ነገራት ኣብ ጊዜ ሰውራ ከም ዝነበሩ ንፈልጥ ኢና፤ እዚ መርገጺ እዩ ካኣ ህላውነት ናይ ኤርትራ ክዉን ዝገበሮ። ነዚ ስልቲ እዚ ዝመሃዘ ሓይሊ መን አዩ ኔሩ ሓይሊ ጸላኢ ድዩስ ሓይሊ እቲ ጅግና ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ህዝባዊ ግንባርን፧
ReplyDeleteጌጋ ይኽልኣለይ እምበር ናተይ መልሲ አዚ ኩሉ ዋንነት ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ህዝባዊ ግንባርን አዩ እየ ዝቢል።
ዋላ እኮ ኣብቲ መሪር እዋናት ናይ ኤርትራ እንተዘይ ነበርኩ ግን ብዙሕ ነገራት ኣብ ጊዜ ገድሊ ዝነበሩ ኣመራርሓን ኣካይዳን ካብቲ ቀንዲ ነቲ ውድብ ከም ዓንዲ ሕቆ ኮይንዎ ዝተጓዕዘ ሙኳኑ እየ ዝፈልጥ።
ግን እቲ ዝገርመኒ ነገር እዚ ኩሉ ነገራት ኣብ ጊዜ ገድሊ ኔሩ ንብል እንተ ኮይና ሕጂከ ኣሎ ዶ ምሳና ወይስ የለን፧
ሕጂ ውን ናተይ መልሲ እየ ክህብ፤ መልሰይ ድማ የለን እዩ። ናብነት ኣብ ጊዜ ሰውራ ሓንቲ ባህሊ ኔራ ንሳ ድማ ናይ ነቀፌታ ወይ ድማ ሕቃቅ ሳምና እዛ ባህሊ እዚኣ ኣብ ቅድሚ እቲ ኩሉ ወተሃደር እቲ ጌገኛ ጌግኡ ይቅበልን ይቅረ ይሓተሉን ነኣሩ ኣብዚ ሎሚ ጊዜ ግን የለን ስለምታይ፧
ሰብ ገበን ጌሩ ከይተፈርደ ጊዜ ምስ ሓለፈ ፍትሓውነት ከም ዝጠፈአ አዩ ዝረኣየካ።
ሰብ ነዓይ ይጥዓመኒ ኢሉ ንሰበይቲ ስዉ ካብ ናይ መንግስቲ ክራይ ገዛ ኣውጺኡ ነዓይ ተወጊንለይ አዩ አሉ ካብ ክራይ ኣባይቲ ወረቀት ኣምጺኡ ንሰበይቲ አቲ ኣብቲ ጽንኩር ኩነታት ቀቢሩ ዓዲ ዝኣወ ናይ ቀደም ጅግና ናይ ሎሚ በለጸኛ ኣስተርሕዩ አንተ ነበረ ኣበይ ኣሎ እቲ ሓልዮት፧
ብስም ሃይማኖት ወገንነት ዓሌትነት ወዘተን እናነሃረ ዝመጽእ ዘሎ ጽልእን ዘይ ምቅዳዊንከ ክሳብ መዓስ እዩ ኣበይ ድኣ ኣሎ እቲ እንኮ መለለዪ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነ ሓድነት፧
ኮታስ ዘርዚርካ ዘይውድኡ ነገራት እዮም ጎዲሎሙና ዘለዉ እስከ ሓንሳብ ንሕሰብ ኣብ ኩለን ሃገራት ዓለም ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንመንግስቲ ዘይኮነስ ነታ ሃገር ወይ ውን ነቲ ህዝቢ ኢሉ ሓድነት ይፍጠር ፍቅሪ የሃልዎ ፍቅሪ ሃገር ነዓና ንኤርትራውያንሲ መን ምስደፈረና።
ቅድሚ ነቲ ካብ ደገ ዝመጻና ዘሎ ተጻቦታት ክንፈትሖ እንፍትን ስለምንታይ ርስሓት ናይ ቤትና ዘይነጽሪ ንቅድም፧
ስለምንታይ ሕግና ዘይነቁም ስለምንታይ ሓድነትና ዘይነዕቢ፧ ስለምንታይ ነቲ ናይ ባዕዲ ጸላኢና ሓቢርና ዘይንገጥሞ፧
ኢልና እስከ ንነፍስና ንሕተታ፧ ሕምቀትናን ሕምቀት መንግስትናን እስኪ ንመርምሮ፧
Take your condolences and shove it up your you know what! Leave our land Agame boy! Agame is the root of all evil in the Horn of Africa.
ReplyDeleteShocking video of TPLF police brutality against peaceful mourners.
Is that me or do I sense a paralyzing fear from these illiterate woyane goons here? Why are they wasting their time sheding their crocodile tears and trying to preach us where our priority should be? Shouldn't they use their resources to convince Ethiopians that they shouldn't be viewed as occupational force? Or is it that they don't see the point of negotiating with anyone who isn't armed like Eritrea? Did they forget that we were forced to pay, not10, 20 or 300 but more than 20,000 souls just yesterday because of them? Did they forget that they sent more than 100, 000 souls of their own to their inevitable death relying on their primitive warfare strategies which is akin to genocide and never even bother to disclose officially their staggering casualty numbers to the Ethiopians? Did they also forget, even by Pentagon admission, that they are the one to blame for the creation of Alshabab who is wrecking havoc in the region? Haven't they thrown everything including their kitchen sink at Eritreans just to starve and deprive the whole population from enjoying our own resources, peace, security.....and sovergnityb?
ReplyDeleteYou are a coward. Prue and simple. Eritreans are dying by the hundred in the sea and you or your government doesn't want to admit it. You and the others that are denying that Eritreans are dying deserve a much worse fate.
ReplyDeleteI have always been one to choose dialogue and understanding, but know you have convinced me that all of higdef must be eliminated. From the old woman who claps to the dictator. You have left the real Eritreans with no options, but to pray for your elimination.
Ethiopia has formal regime to help his people as we see from Saudi, Yemen, South Africa, even from Libya. but Eritrea doesn't has regime to do some help at all. Eritreans always use Ethiopian identity for the sake of advantage as parasite. and then benefited either with warm heart of Ethiopians or by supporting of Eri-blood EPRDF leaders. but unfortunately the common your backbite behavior is not expected for good response. you always stand against of us, try to escalate from help less nation in the world.
ReplyDeleteMammoQilo, you worthless idiot. Did you forgot that the Eritreans dying in the desert in Egypt, the beach in Libya and in the Medietrian are the ones who where sacrificing for the nation. Have you forgotten that you don't live in Eritrea, you live in a country that doesn't suffer under a government that is a government in name only. You are a fool and stop thinking that Eritrea belongs only to you, you moron, or to your president who is from Tigray.....
ReplyDeleteEritrea in big time trouble now. 350 of her own citizens drowned. But I guess what is going on in Ethiopia is more important to you...... Are you even Eritrean???
ReplyDeleteAgame Lemani: Listen Gereanenya: You need to go to Aigaforum or Tigraionline. May be you will find someone who will engage you there. People are ignoring you because they know you are Agame. So go on now and get out of here. Go find your Agame Lementi.
ReplyDeleteAgame Lemani. Get out of here. Go find someone else who can give you a spare change. It's obvious that no one is going to give you spare change today so go on and get out here.
ReplyDeleteGet outtahere Agame Lemani. Go to Agameonline and take your sile Mariam act with you.
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect and I really hope you answer the do you know they are Eritreans? Better yet do yourself a favor please ask recent immigrant if they really are you need to have an open mind. I am sure some of them could be Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a shameless article written in very poor taste!To use this tragedy to our governments advantage is using bad judgement to say the least. You should be ashamed of yourself Bereket Kidane. I agree TPLF should be replaced, but when you look at the timing, rhetoric, and motive of your article, it is safe to say that you have a long way to go before you become an effective writer. For starters, try to be more open minded, and when reviewing your writing, try to read it from different perspectives. Maybe then you will be able to flourish as a writer, be more sensitive to your audience, and effectively persuade your readers. However, what you have written here is a disgrace to humanity and is not even worthy of being used as toilet paper.
ReplyDeleteEthiopians was demonstrating against ISIS as well as your terrorist Woyane regime. Did you see how the your Woyane regime treated the demonstrators?
ReplyDeleteWoyane will never walk in public without guns. Get ready to pack your donkey and head to Dedebit
I know it's hard for you, but try using common sense you idiot. Eritreans are dying everywhere and you have the nerve to name call. You are the Agame Lemani, you show no respect for the dead Eritreans and then turn around and try call someone else Agame, are you serious. Your hero is an Agame, that is a fact, you are worshipping an Agame and supporting an Agame while he runs Eritrea and the real Eritrea are dying. You are worse than an Agame, you sold yourself out to an Agame. You coward Agame supporter. You sellout
ReplyDeleteYep, Ethiopia has a tribal Woyane regime as a government. So what is your point?
ReplyDeleteThis topic is about dead Ethiopians not Eritreans moron. How about you find something else to score political points.
ReplyDeleteWhere is your proof Woyane retard?
ReplyDeleteI believe the answer to your question is oblivious and here's why. Anyone who has traveled to Eritrea numerous times during the past 10-15 years can see for himself the numbers of people who have left Eritrea. On top of that, Eritrea having only around 4-5 million population, it wouldn't take a genius to see the numbers of Eritreans who have populated world capitals over the past couple of years. Besides that, anyone with family in Eritrea can easily find out how many of there closet family members have already left.
ReplyDeleteSo once you take into account that Eritreans are leaving in record number, the next obvious question would be, where and how they are arriving at their destination. It's no secret that Europe and America are the top destination for everyone, not just Eritreans, so when you look at the method to reach their destination, there's only really one road, and that's through Libya. And besides that, when you look at the tragic accident last year when 350 Eritreans drowned, it's safe to say that when it's reported that 360 of the 900 who drowned on Saturday where Eritreans, it's believable, especially when the survivors say so themselves.
I hope I answered your question.
You and your likes asked them to leave the country, so why cry crocodile tears now?
ReplyDeleteSorry Agame Lementi, that was meant to Death to Hgidef
ReplyDeleteThe reason behind all say Woyane = ISIS, this video is the witness
Why cry about Eritrea which is marching forward unlike your people suffering at home and abroad, the most hated woyane has put Ethiopia in a troublesome situation. Cry for Ethiopia ! and not Eritrea
compare for yourself and learn
Iti nick name natka, nay ye emro chenqet kemzeleka iyu zegelets..mesikin agame enteqonka..tsebel s te, wey may chelot tehatseb..
ReplyDeleteWho is ISIS? This is from 1990 (C_SPAN)
Directly, from the horses´ mouth.
Are you serious?. We are not talking about the numbers, even one Eritrean drowned should be alot for us. But to hide the crime of the dictator you try to shift the attenstion to how many of them are Eritreans!!!! Are you following the news and heared Interviews, have you heared a Singhalese giving interview in Tigrinja with Eritrean accent?. You and your master the dictator doesnt care, and it is easy for you to sitt in Italy and support the dictator as you are enjoying Italian pasta. But remember thanks to modern technology all your comments on Internet will be available when the times comes to judgde those blind supporters who intentionally tried to extend the live of the dictator. Dont come up with the excuse that you didnt know or not being warned of the consquese of your action now.
ReplyDeleteAgame, read the article again. Please stop stalking our websites 24/7.
ReplyDeleteThe agames are in power in Asmara, dont forget that they might get offended if your continoue to call them that, and you wil llose your previledge of summer vacation in Eritrea. Unfortunatly Eritrea right now is lead by people like you who have identity complex, and they do everything to stop real Eritreans to take back the power. Real Eritreans like Petros Solomon are dying in prison cells as the so called Agame rats with their head Issays and his buddy Kisha are leading the country to disaster.
ReplyDeleteYou are just labeling identities, you're splitting saying this is Eritrean and that's not, who are you to say so? Are you still doing something to make Eritrea a better place? Eritrawnet be tegbar iyu..kemti ab bahlena nefelto..neseqa ab kaleh tema iqa ketwesdenna deliqa, kem deqi hedertena..Teqawamay diqa? endatetsarefka meqewam allo diu? ane zefelet endaserahka iyu..which one do you belong?
ReplyDeleteAne zebahal entellenni, endaserahku iyu..izi tsubuq bahli iyu..resiekayo diqa?
Ayeee, ok lets forget this monthes tragedy what does "our government" did when over 320 known Eritreans died on the shores of lampedusa?
ReplyDeleteLet me remind you they said "illegal African immigrants" shame on the cursed eritrean government......and shame on us...shame shame.
So by telling some one to leave a dictatorship, so should rejoice at their death while trying to find a better life. You should change your name from logic if you refuse to use some.
ReplyDeleteAnd Eritreas is another agame from Tigray.that is the point