Not a safe planet to be an Ethiopian
Protesters hold a banner showing victims Eyasu Yikunoamlak, left, and Balcha Belete, right, at a government-supported gathering to protest the recent killing of 28 Ethiopian Christians in Libya by the Islamic State extremist group, at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Wednesday, April 22, 2015. (Credit: Associated Press)
by Yilma Bekele
The terrorist group ISIL murdered twenty eight Ethiopians in cold blood in the deserts of Libya. In Durban South Africa two Ethiopian brothers aged twenty two and twenty four were locked inside their ‘container shop’ and set on fire. In Beirut Lebanon a young girl jumped from her employee’s residence on the fourth floor and was badly hurt while across town another one committed suicide by hanging herself.Not a safe planet to be an Ethiopian
Thousands of Ethiopians are stranded in Yemen where there is practically no government leaving them at the mercy of warlords and smugglers. The jails from Kenya to South Africa are filled with immigrant Ethiopians with no paper.
The simple question is why are they roaming the planet and exposing themselves to great danger? If it is dangerous out there why are they leaving their homeland? When they do come across danger who looks after them?
The Ethiopian government has shown its indifference during the last exodus out of Saudi Arabia. They are again showing their absolute lack of respect to their fellow citizens by not even acknowledging the sad situation.
Their Ambassador to Egypt did not show shame splitting hair by explaining that based on his research Ethiopians in Libya are held by ‘smugglers not ISIS’. It is good to know our embassies are in touch with the underground. The Ethiopian government first pretended not to know, announced it is in the process of confirming their nationality and finally proclaimed a period of mourning.
We Ethiopians have no one to appeal to regarding our safety as human beings. We have no organized body like a Government that would do what is necessary to protect our life and property. There is no one that would assume responsibility to what is happening to Ethiopians all over the world. The Ethiopian government and the Ethiopian people are second to none at pointing fingers.
Under normal circumstances anywhere such a government that leaves its citizens to face danger in such a callous way would collapse in no time. First and foremost the citizens will demand accountability and the government would show remorse and submit its resignation.
The Ethiopian Government would of course condemn International terrorism and use the occasion to point out how they are victims themselves. The Diaspora Ethiopians will vent out at ISIS, South Africa and Arabs etc. Last week I would have said the Ethiopian People would grumble a little and pray a lot.
This might be the beginning of the Ethiopian Spring which we all have been waiting for. The Ethiopian youth has become hip to what is happening and are in the process of taking things in their hands.
The news from South Africa followed by the tragedy in Libya has angered our people. Meskel Square and Gotera area saw the potential of people’s power.
Just a week ago US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman gave a clean bill of democratic health to the TPLF dominated government. It is sad but not surprising. Sometimes we confuse rhetoric for reality.
The US government has never shied away from propping up, coddling or enabling such rogue regimes all over the world. Often the need for stability triumphs over the oath to respect basic human values. In the end the US does what is best for the US. At the moment the Woyane regime is the only game in town and it has managed to stifle all dissent, scare all enemies, jail all opponents and seems to have a grip on the situation and that is good enough to our western enablers.
It is a different story this week. The youth that compromises over seventy percent of our population is realizing the nature of the beast that is called Woyane. They are witnessing the bankruptcy of the system. They know the people that died in Libya. They are familiar with their brothers and sisters that are getting burned in South Africa, jailed in Zambia, being humiliated by Arabs in the Middle East and they are ready to say enough.
We cannot be mad at the savages of South Africa. We cannot dump it on the ISIS monsters that took advantage of young boys with no evil in their heart to score a cheap political point with the west. We cannot fume at the grotesque and degenerate Lebanese that gets his kicks by acting like an animal.
Our business is with our government. Our task is to ask accountability from those that purport to be elected. That is what our people are starting to do. That is what our children are asking us to do to help them with this noble act of saying enough to dictators and war lords.
What exactly are they asking us to do? It is not a major sacrifice when you think about it. They are asking us to do the right thing for a good cause. There will be no one watching over your shoulder, there will be no one checking on you. It is all based on an honor system. Your conscience is the only one that is keeping score.
The task is simple. Don’t we all claim we would do anything to help our country be free and our people enjoy the fruits of what life has to offer? When is a good time than today to show our solidarity with our people and actually stand up for what we claim to believe? Condemnation is good but it does not carry weight.
What is being asked of you is to ‘boycott’ anything and everything to do with Woyane’s Ethiopia. They caused South Africa, they facilitated Beirut and they exposed us to ISIS with their war in Somalia and association with Yemen. All disasters that affect us is due to the greedy, illiterate and money centered policy of the TPLF mafia.
Our people are waking up to do what must be done. Our task from outside where we live free is to help them achieve that goal by doing all we could to help not harm the cause.
In our case in North America boycott of Woyane is a very simple task. Before we buy enjera we should ask where the Teff is grown. There is no harm in eating bread as a substitute for people and country’s sake. We should avoid all Ethiopian produced beer. It is not about Heineken but the Woyane owners. We should not fly Ethiopian (Woyane) Airlines. Paying a hundred dollar more is not such a sacrifice for freedom. We should definitely stop getting involved in the Ponzi scheme of condominium building on stolen land. All major building material supply is owned by Woyane and their subsidiaries.
We Ethiopians in North America are enjoying the fruits of victory achieved by African Americans that used boycott as a means of protest. When it was felt boycott of the Bus system was important they walked instead of riding the bus. You are asked to take a different airlines. Is that too much to ask?
Wendy Sherman can affix any stamp on Woyane for all we care. It is not what a foreign official say that is important here but what our people think and feel about Woyane is what matters. We know it, we feel it in our bones and we are working very hard to overcome fear but no one can tell us about the good nature of the people in authority. Their actions towards our people is not different from ISIS. Our rulers are too smart and use western jargon to fool the foreigners that they pay dearly and our people were deliberately kept in the dark. But no more.
Our youth were screaming ‘Woyane Leba’ as they marched. Their fight is not with South African thugs or ISIS terrorists but their quarrel is with the bully in those masquerading as a legitimate government.
We in the west have to be careful in our response to such a disaster befalling our people in all corners of the world. Mere condemnation by the affected party is not enough. The whole world is unanimous in condemning the acts of the ISIS terrorists. All persons of authority including the pope have spoken against the inhuman act.
We Ethiopians should go beyond that. If we meet for a vigil in our Church, Mosque or town square we should use the common ground that brought us together to open a dialogue so we do not have to meet again for such sad situation. We are all sad but we should channel our strength to do something positive with it to improve the lives of our people. It is not easy but it is a necessary step so we avoid future calamities like this.
It is the real Ethiopian Spring. Time to start the new season with something fresh and something new. Our young people have finally decided it is enough. They are going to make their stand at home. The running away is not the solution. Cleaning one’s own house is the way to go. I believe we are entering a whole new world. Spring is here!
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Not a safe planet to be an Ethiopian
by Yilma Bekele
The terrorist group ISIL murdered twenty eight Ethiopians in cold blood in the deserts of Libya. In Durban South Africa two Ethiopian brothers aged twenty two and twenty four were locked inside their ‘container shop’ and set on fire. In Beirut Lebanon a young girl jumped from her employee’s residence on the fourth floor and was badly hurt while across town another one committed suicide by hanging herself.Not a safe planet to be an Ethiopian
Thousands of Ethiopians are stranded in Yemen where there is practically no government leaving them at the mercy of warlords and smugglers. The jails from Kenya to South Africa are filled with immigrant Ethiopians with no paper.
The simple question is why are they roaming the planet and exposing themselves to great danger? If it is dangerous out there why are they leaving their homeland? When they do come across danger who looks after them?
The Ethiopian government has shown its indifference during the last exodus out of Saudi Arabia. They are again showing their absolute lack of respect to their fellow citizens by not even acknowledging the sad situation.
Their Ambassador to Egypt did not show shame splitting hair by explaining that based on his research Ethiopians in Libya are held by ‘smugglers not ISIS’. It is good to know our embassies are in touch with the underground. The Ethiopian government first pretended not to know, announced it is in the process of confirming their nationality and finally proclaimed a period of mourning.
We Ethiopians have no one to appeal to regarding our safety as human beings. We have no organized body like a Government that would do what is necessary to protect our life and property. There is no one that would assume responsibility to what is happening to Ethiopians all over the world. The Ethiopian government and the Ethiopian people are second to none at pointing fingers.
Under normal circumstances anywhere such a government that leaves its citizens to face danger in such a callous way would collapse in no time. First and foremost the citizens will demand accountability and the government would show remorse and submit its resignation.
The Ethiopian Government would of course condemn International terrorism and use the occasion to point out how they are victims themselves. The Diaspora Ethiopians will vent out at ISIS, South Africa and Arabs etc. Last week I would have said the Ethiopian People would grumble a little and pray a lot.
This might be the beginning of the Ethiopian Spring which we all have been waiting for. The Ethiopian youth has become hip to what is happening and are in the process of taking things in their hands.
The news from South Africa followed by the tragedy in Libya has angered our people. Meskel Square and Gotera area saw the potential of people’s power.
Just a week ago US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman gave a clean bill of democratic health to the TPLF dominated government. It is sad but not surprising. Sometimes we confuse rhetoric for reality.
The US government has never shied away from propping up, coddling or enabling such rogue regimes all over the world. Often the need for stability triumphs over the oath to respect basic human values. In the end the US does what is best for the US. At the moment the Woyane regime is the only game in town and it has managed to stifle all dissent, scare all enemies, jail all opponents and seems to have a grip on the situation and that is good enough to our western enablers.
It is a different story this week. The youth that compromises over seventy percent of our population is realizing the nature of the beast that is called Woyane. They are witnessing the bankruptcy of the system. They know the people that died in Libya. They are familiar with their brothers and sisters that are getting burned in South Africa, jailed in Zambia, being humiliated by Arabs in the Middle East and they are ready to say enough.
We cannot be mad at the savages of South Africa. We cannot dump it on the ISIS monsters that took advantage of young boys with no evil in their heart to score a cheap political point with the west. We cannot fume at the grotesque and degenerate Lebanese that gets his kicks by acting like an animal.
Our business is with our government. Our task is to ask accountability from those that purport to be elected. That is what our people are starting to do. That is what our children are asking us to do to help them with this noble act of saying enough to dictators and war lords.
What exactly are they asking us to do? It is not a major sacrifice when you think about it. They are asking us to do the right thing for a good cause. There will be no one watching over your shoulder, there will be no one checking on you. It is all based on an honor system. Your conscience is the only one that is keeping score.
The task is simple. Don’t we all claim we would do anything to help our country be free and our people enjoy the fruits of what life has to offer? When is a good time than today to show our solidarity with our people and actually stand up for what we claim to believe? Condemnation is good but it does not carry weight.
What is being asked of you is to ‘boycott’ anything and everything to do with Woyane’s Ethiopia. They caused South Africa, they facilitated Beirut and they exposed us to ISIS with their war in Somalia and association with Yemen. All disasters that affect us is due to the greedy, illiterate and money centered policy of the TPLF mafia.
Our people are waking up to do what must be done. Our task from outside where we live free is to help them achieve that goal by doing all we could to help not harm the cause.
In our case in North America boycott of Woyane is a very simple task. Before we buy enjera we should ask where the Teff is grown. There is no harm in eating bread as a substitute for people and country’s sake. We should avoid all Ethiopian produced beer. It is not about Heineken but the Woyane owners. We should not fly Ethiopian (Woyane) Airlines. Paying a hundred dollar more is not such a sacrifice for freedom. We should definitely stop getting involved in the Ponzi scheme of condominium building on stolen land. All major building material supply is owned by Woyane and their subsidiaries.
We Ethiopians in North America are enjoying the fruits of victory achieved by African Americans that used boycott as a means of protest. When it was felt boycott of the Bus system was important they walked instead of riding the bus. You are asked to take a different airlines. Is that too much to ask?
Wendy Sherman can affix any stamp on Woyane for all we care. It is not what a foreign official say that is important here but what our people think and feel about Woyane is what matters. We know it, we feel it in our bones and we are working very hard to overcome fear but no one can tell us about the good nature of the people in authority. Their actions towards our people is not different from ISIS. Our rulers are too smart and use western jargon to fool the foreigners that they pay dearly and our people were deliberately kept in the dark. But no more.
Our youth were screaming ‘Woyane Leba’ as they marched. Their fight is not with South African thugs or ISIS terrorists but their quarrel is with the bully in those masquerading as a legitimate government.
We in the west have to be careful in our response to such a disaster befalling our people in all corners of the world. Mere condemnation by the affected party is not enough. The whole world is unanimous in condemning the acts of the ISIS terrorists. All persons of authority including the pope have spoken against the inhuman act.
We Ethiopians should go beyond that. If we meet for a vigil in our Church, Mosque or town square we should use the common ground that brought us together to open a dialogue so we do not have to meet again for such sad situation. We are all sad but we should channel our strength to do something positive with it to improve the lives of our people. It is not easy but it is a necessary step so we avoid future calamities like this.
It is the real Ethiopian Spring. Time to start the new season with something fresh and something new. Our young people have finally decided it is enough. They are going to make their stand at home. The running away is not the solution. Cleaning one’s own house is the way to go. I believe we are entering a whole new world. Spring is here!
Not a safe planet to be an Ethiopian
Reviewed by Admin
9:49 AM

I believe the protest in Meskel Square and Weyane's brutal response to it have started an Ethiopian Spring. Weyane Tigray is the evil that has befallen the Horn of Africa.
ReplyDeleteThank you Yilma Bekele.
ReplyDeleteWoyane are the main evil of East African. They have planted the seed of hatred everywhere in East Africa. They have over stayed in power way too long. We in the diaspora should take our fight with the western (especially USA) governments who are the sole reason Woyane is still in power. The Ethiopians in Ethiopia should take the fight on Woyane thugs everywhere in East Africa.
Thank you for sharing your views! The newly situation has broken our heart. It is high time for both of us to fight our enemies who are lagging us back towards to the worst situation from time to time. We should hold hands in hands and look forward for a better living condition.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great article and good for Ethiopians for seeing Woyane for what they are.
ReplyDeleteEthiopians are good people who have the god given right like every human being to live in peace and dignity. What Ethiopians are realizing now that the Woyane regime is a mercenary regime only concerned about its survival and its finical wellbeing. Woyane has no and will never have a sober policy of its own which takes the best interest of Ethiopia and Ethiopians into consideration. Woyane may argue that they are protecting Ethiopia from Eritrea, Eritrean supported Ethiopian and international terrorist etc but Ethiopians have a home grown despicable enemy in their home and that is the tribal Woyane regime.
Woyane divided Ethiopia along ethnic , tribal, regional and religious fault lines. Woyane is the ISIS, Houthis, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda etc of Ethiopia and East Africa. Woyane is fundamentally fraudulent criminal organization serving the interest of its foreign employers and the financial interest of the ethnocentric tribal inner circles.
As much as change is needed, shame on madote for saying 28 are all ethiopian when only 6 have so far been confirmed as citizens and 4 eri citizens have been confirmed so far by their family members.
ReplyDeleteAto yilma, you want another iraq, libya,syria,in Ethiopia? Think twice,We want the peaceful struggle. It is taking shape...does not need the publicity.understand.
ReplyDeleteAs much as you want to hide it the article was in realy bad taste. Eritreans outside of the country simply do not have the same values as those living inside. Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteWhat is bad about the article and what are the values of Eritreans outside and inside Eritrea? Enlighten me
ReplyDeleteWeyane Tigray needs to go. That's the common enemy of Eris and Ethios
ReplyDeleteWoyane is the ISIS of Horn of Africa.
ReplyDeleteDon't kid yourself. They are all Ethiopians. The one Eritrean they keep talking about doesn't look like his picture. Woyane is the ISIS of East Africa. It's causing all kind of havoc in Horn of Africa. That's why people are fleeing. It's all Woyane's fault.
ReplyDeleteGet your butt back to Eritrea and take the fight to woyane F'n hipocritic coward. Why stay in a country you critisize while according to PIA Eritrea is at war. You are the real woyane!
ReplyDeleteYou are the real Woyane who is getting worked up because Ethiopians put a sticker price on the head of your tribal Woyane regime and you the chickens are finally coming home to roast :))
ReplyDeleteDream on sick shaboon dream on til you and your nation die out
ReplyDeleteYou sound like a Woyane baboon to me :))
ReplyDeleteHe is just your average Agame Lemani.
ReplyDeleteVery true!
ReplyDeleteYou are not real Eritrean fool you are living in the west while Eritrea is at war. Coward. I sure you will make a Mekelle boy a good wife some day. Stupid woyane agame trying to pretend to be Eritrean
ReplyDeleteMy friends have you heard the news from the Eritrean teenagers. they have witnessed in the death of the 30 Ethiopians the Eritrean government has hand. Now the government of France and USA are looking the details of the situation.
ReplyDeleteMenati lemani Eritreawi
ReplyDeletehasak konach Eritreawi
ReplyDeleteKnow who is aiding the ISIS of East Africa.
what about the beheaded eritreans?
ReplyDeleteLiberating ethiopia from this minor circle (weyane junta) mean eradicating the problem from the root in all the Region of east africa, from somalia to Eritrea and ethiopia it-self, but we need to learn from past history to build a mutual benefit relation among us. We need to talk and make a well being for all the people of the Region, and if we talk about IGAD, we don't to see it the way weyane run it. We learn if there is no respect of interest among the members, they could never come a durable peace..We could not let suffer our neighbour for the sake of others benefit who even come from so far.
ReplyDeleteWeyane's irresponsible way of acting can be seeing on her will to use the port of djibouti for the northern and north western part of ethiopia instead the port of Massawa (paying all the time 4 to something you could pay 1).
Ethiopia's stand against terrorism is not a political convenience decision. It is a stand that has been taken a long time ago before this tragedy hit home knowing terrorism is real, dangers, fanatic, and inhuman. The writer of this article has been taking every opportunity of Ethiopians facing a difficult situation to talk about how evil, undemocratic, anti-Ethiopian the Ethiopian government has been just to score some political points. Since the person has been Ginot-7 supporter and ESAT backer for year this kind of very simple approach to a world wide complex issue is expected of him to pack it and put it in one basket. his agenda is not to recommend a remedy but to insert a poison. Even though the writers approach is crude, the writing puts the wrong emphasis on the wrong people to hinder, misdirect, obscure, anyone seeking solution for the problem. In any nation people should be free to choose to travel anywhere, anytime, at their convenience, at their decision. Most of these people know exactly what they are doing from financing to travel plans, the only thing that is not included in the plan is risk assessment. Most of these people who travel illegally have at least one relative who advices, finance, getting involved in the process, and some families are also the culprit in the travel commencement. Smugglers are the primary coordinating group for this kind of migration to take place. In my opinion, smugglers, relatives who live in oversees, parents, and the traveler themselves are the main entities to be targeted to stop this migration-death-row. How that is going to be done should be figured out by government agencies, community, spiritual leaders, and the families of the individuals who are planning to travel. The other thing that fascinated me was how the Ethiopian government was labeled for responding and declaring national day of mourning. One thing is for sure, either a government is slow or fast to act, in the opposition camp there is a story to come that the government acted irresponsibly. We all have to be reminded that a government runs by diplomatic protocol that has to take every measure carefully with out afraid of public opinion. In summary, the article puts the blame on the wrong people reducing the effectiveness and the direction of the solution. Families, relatives living in overseas, smugglers, and individuals who are planning the trip should be on focal to solve the problem. A country is run by diplomatic protocol, policy procedures, and existing regional and international factors not by every single public opinion
ReplyDeleteCan anyone answer this for me how come there are so many Tagaru in Australia, Sweden, Switzerland and America ? There weren't that many before 2006. Are they come as Eritrean? I have difficult believing that they are so many of them living in those country. These is what the UNHCR should investigate to find the exactly number of Asylum seeker of Eritreans in those country. Every country claim they have over 30,000 Eritreans asylum seekers if add all the numbers the whole Eritrea is living outside Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteSudan 250000 Eritreans, Sweden 35000, Italy 40,000, Liby 20000, South sudan 20000, USA 60000, UK 400000,Ethiopia 300000 Eritreans and other country claim the same of the numbers.
Isn't ESAT a state media? (esthiopian satelite televions) the newspaper more reliable
ReplyDeletewala mes agame keman sheger yebelnan, bes mes weyane terah iyu eti tsegem..
ReplyDeleteYou have to be one of those delusional Woyanes, who is more Eritrean than Eritreans. You are accusing people of not being in Eritrea but where are you? I am sure living on Woyane donated bread crumbs posting trash from internet caffe in the west. Where did woyane get the bread crumbs from? The bread crumbs are left overs from horse feed, begged by your Woyane regime from its western handlers
ReplyDeleteWhat about the eritreans in Europe who said they escaped from Isis and said themselves ISIS had many Eritreans? Do you really think Some eritrean was not killed?
ReplyDeleteAs long as there are three groups, there is always going to be a war. Eritrea is the jack of the game. It happens Eritrea is on the side of the Ethiopian people. There happens to be an election next month. INI mini money mo goes to woyane is out! See you on g7.
ReplyDeleteThe Article is as biased as it can be. It talked about Ethiopian spring which we know what the spring revolution had brought in Libya, the very country destroyed by the Arab spring to become a land of unlawfulness. In any kind of movement with out a strong incoming political party, if that country is destabilized it is going to be chaos. The topic of the article and the content of the article are unmatched. The writer, gibot-7 member and a strong backer of ESAT is just trying to tell us if we some how can change the Ethiopian government the problem is going to go away, yea right! what the writer does not understand is, in Ethiopia politics civic problems have been present as political problems all the time and when we have a new government we still have the same problem. I would say to the writer, your are going to be the wrong doctor to fix Ethiopia's wound, your are the wrong person to tell us what is wrong in Ethiopian society because in your first attempt to tell us what is wrong in our country you miss diagnosed the problem to suggest a remedy. In Ethiopia anything that has been tried to change the government is failing because the person like you miss jugged, the strength, of the opponent. Because of that every time something drastic happens in Ethiopian society you tried to relate that to politics just in cause some one hears you. I am sure a lot of people heard but you have been ignored. Ignored the very reason the topic you raise does not fit the occasion, and has nothing to do with Ethiopian people but has a lot to do your personal, selfish, egoistic interest. Leave the Ethiopian people alone, if you have the gut, go and fight just like woyane did for what it beloved in. Otherwise, enjoy your life because before spring comes to Ethiopia winter storm is going to wash away to teach a lesson that nature does not discriminate.
ReplyDeleteWho ever is trying to bring Arab spring we, Ethiopians, have ready winter spring before spring revolution takes place. Besides, in Ethiopia we don't duplicate Arab stuff, We Ethiopians are not like Eritrean who are always after Arab thing. Do you know Eritrean orthodox people does not make an offering in the church any more? Because the Eritrean government put a symbol on Nakfa, the local currency, a Muslim religion symbols trying to look like Arabs and to offend a lot of Eritrea Christian who have Ethiopian roots. That is how sick the Eritrean government is when it comes to Eritrean Christians who have a strong cultural connection to Ethiopian orthodox people.
ReplyDeleteRight on the head, man
ReplyDeleteE stands for ERI bekentu, irony isn't it?
ReplyDeleteIf Woyane slit the necks of Shaboons, then it is simply angel
ReplyDeleteDon't consider these loser Shabby lapdogs
ReplyDeleteCane libero you are lowest life form. Living a outside of Eritrea and acting more Eritrean than God. You are a hypocrit and a real coward. If you believe PIA that Eritrea is at war you should immediately return to Eritrea and support the PFDJ regime. After 24 years we need to again liberate Eritrea. Free the G15 or whatever last of them is alive so that they can save our country
ReplyDeleteDesta, I don't know how you measure greatness, you used the word great to define the article, but the article is dismal. To begin with, the article does not fit the occasion. Second, the article suggests to bring Arab spring to Ethiopia, a movement that put Libya in chaos where the very place these 30 Ethiopians are killed. Besides, anyone who is hopping to bring Arab spring to Ethiopia, Ethiopia has prepared the winter storm to wash away anyone before their spring arrives to Ethiopia. Third, the writer used the occasion not for consolation but for political retaliation. Forth, the writer suggested changing the government is the solution for ISIS killing, this suggestion indicates he has a pure political motive for writing the article which makes him selfish, egoistic, self-centered, diabolic person. Forth, he has no clue what a destabilized Ethiopia would become, if the country is set in that trend. Ethiopia With out a competitive and competent political party I wouldn't recommend anything to happen to the current government, given the neighborhood we live in, given the regional and international religious terrorism and the politics to go with it that we are facing. Finally this guy is aGinbot-7 member and an ESAT backer can't be an individual to comment in an occasion like this with out going down the politics of the day. I sincerely believe the article has nothing to hold on. You labeled as a great piece but be carful not to lean on it to much. Unless the article fits what you have in mind, there is no greatness in it by any scale what so ever .
ReplyDeleteStand by your Ethiopian brothers and sister where you freak in Washington D.C. ?
ReplyDeleteYou are the Mekelle boy fool you are agame trash.
You think other groups, other than the Tigray, like Eritreans in Ethiopia? Think again they all hate us and if they say otherwise it is only a temporary thing to get the TPLF out of power.
You are probably some dumb fuc k under 25 years of age, living outside of Eritrea, that knows jack about your country and far more about the country that you are now living in.
Agame trash living easy life in the west. Agame sharmuta you are indeed
ReplyDeleteYou are living in the west you woyane sharmuta! Coward go back to to Eritrea and walk the talk
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a fake coward kid pretending to be a real Eritrea in the west
ReplyDeleteOnly baboons mistake a person as a baboon because they have limited brain for processing.
ReplyDeleteWeyane has your flea-infested Eritrea by the nuts. This is what is killing you not the love and concern you have for Ethiopia. If you really think that any Ethiopian will believe Eritrea wishes Ethiopians well is an idiot. The only way you will survive is if Weyane were to be eradicated. So why don't you come and eradicate Weyane? Wagging your tongue in cyber space is not going to solve your problems. And what is this "mutual benefit" you're talking about? What benefit does Eritrea bring to the table? If its the same old argument about the ports, Ethiopia is doing just fine without Massawa and Assab. In fact getting rid of the lecherous and parasitical Eritrea and cutting off all communications and trade was the best thing Weyane did for Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteStop playing whatever you not in reality woyane kid !
ReplyDeleteNo more to fool Ethiopians anylonger because Ethiopians have seen the ligth and we wish them good luck YOU LIKE IT OR NOT ! LOL
I love you crying on our forum WOYANINOS LOL LOL LOL
ReplyDeleteYour days are limited :)) No more dancing " tgray Adey " on the streets of Addis kikikiki LOL
I dont wish any harm to the people of Ethiopia, but you have to admit the etnic based politics which Woyane follows is not dangerous only to Ethiopia but to the whole region. You can not expect one minority group of the country to rule the country for ever (please spare us the false mix of different etnic groups in EPDRF, the real power is in the Tegaru hands). With that said, as Eritrean i prefer to focus on my own country internal problem than discussiog Ethiopian issues. The only expection is when it comes to Badme issue. For the sake of peace Ethiopia have to leave Badme sooner or later, and that will happen thanks to the international verdict which is on our side.
ReplyDeleteHaki, tegaru run in masses because know if woyane is kicked of the Menelik Palace, they have no any chance to get the power over the other Ethiopians and they will be ordered to give back every coin they snatched from the poor people of Ethiopia :))
ReplyDeleteZ-gunuf ! LOL
ReplyDeleteSpell your name right agamino LOL LOL LOL
ReplyDeleteMekerachn telo yabeqal yendmoche. Woyane leba secondochu iyeqotere new. Addisna Asmera brotherhood jemren beselam menor gzew dersewal.
ReplyDeleteBro---Dogali, Pilot, Erty are same person. LOL...hahaha
ReplyDeleteBro---Dogali, Pilot, Erty, Shabokilla.... are same person. LOL...hahaha
ReplyDeleteAgame's boy---->just keep on barking like a mad dog---Woof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteAgame's boy-hahahaha--->just keep on barking---Woof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteCorrection---> U mean the beheaded Ethiopians.
ReplyDeleteAye---- Agame.
ReplyDeleteBoth of us to fight our enemies ---With woyane-- that ain't gonna happen. woyane-tigray is the 1st sworn enemy of Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha.... ur woyane-tigray is going to perish . hahaha....
ReplyDeleteAnother f'd juvenile west product. All you fakes know what to say in the end is Woyane and agame who PIA is keeping in power fool. You fake coward hypocrite walk the talk and get you fake butt back to Eritrea and do national service. You are the real woyane sharmuta
ReplyDeleteYeah right shit head west spaghetti moderator. Child pretending to be Eritrean from abroad. You will make a Mekelle man a good wife one day. Put your dress on and get your but in the kitchen agame boy
ReplyDeleteAnd you sound like 2nd generation Eritrean born in USA that knows very little about Eritrea. Fake coward and hypocrite if you really support government of PIA then go home immediately cus Eritrea is in a state of war
ReplyDeleteD.C. Shabia taxi driver pretender, fake and coward. The real Eritrean heros are either inside Eritrea or outside and against the PIA government. Pussy agame scum ball
ReplyDeleteAlec you,
ReplyDeleteUsing many pennames is one way to increase his IQ ....
So far it is 4*IQ63 .... and the sky is the limit for Quenty Man :))
You must have it confused it with many Eritreans will be-heading home for summer vactions! Leehtit!
ReplyDeleteYou mean you don't recommend that your Woyane regime be removed? You are a top notch 5 star comedian
ReplyDeleteI say good recommendation for Woyane, i t will give them another chance at survival but are you preaching to the wrong crowed? Don't worry about convincing Eritreans, we have made up our minds long time ago, besides we believe in convincing ourselves, free thinkers if that means anything to Woyane.
If you don't want your Woyane regime to be removed, you will have to convince the 90 Million Ethiopians that are being persecuted by your tribal Woyane regime.
Alec you has discovered that :
ReplyDeleteDogali, Pilot, Erty, Shabokilla.... are same person, and the identities will soon increase!
Why would someone keep changing identities?
Well that's the 64,000 Quenty Question.
Using many pennames they have increase their forbidden "I" word ....
So far it is 4*IQ63 .... and the sky is the limit for Quenty Man :))
Thank you Alec you.
Porco! Did you say you are for "change"? Or is it the same old AiGAmot semantics? Do you have any principle you abide by? What a snake.
ReplyDeleteHis name is mamo, he messed it up and added few letters :))
ReplyDeleteDo you mean rabies infected Woyane dogs :)) ?
ReplyDeleteIt is the same virus, it was the dogs who were infected first, :)
ReplyDeleteIs the issue a type or an IQ?
Did you mean "Mohamed, Mahmud, ... "
You must be a woyane (as KirKir said) or shit scared and added few letters (as Desta suggested).
BTW: who are your friends?
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteLOL Hahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteRabies infected Woyane dog :))
ReplyDeleteAlec you has discovered that :
Bro---Dogali, Pilot, Erty, Shabokilla.... are same person.
Why would someone change identities?
Well that's 64,000 Quenty Question.
No mater what bro----> they---> Can't Infecte This... dum da da dum.. dadum...dadum... :) Not a chance!!! .Muhahaha ha ha ha....
ReplyDeleteHis imaginary friends are Dogali, Pilot, Erty, Shabokilla :))
ReplyDeleteJut pity! Low class individual.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha-->Quenty Man--- so funny.
ReplyDeleteor shit scared and added few letters----hahahahaha....
ReplyDeleteLOL---desta--ggod one man. hahaha...
ReplyDeleteSnake indeed.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and remove woyane at your convenience even though, telling me a story removing woyane is not going to cut it. On the other hand, Eritrea is not in a position to defend itself let alone fight another group of people. It will take Eritrea at least 45 years even to make a dent in Ethiopia military position. If Eritrea attacks Ethiopia, Eritrea will lose the war but also lose its government with its enterprise. By judging what happened in Eritrea in the last 25 years, someone easily can tell what would happen in the next 25 years unless Eritrea gets it sense back to measure how it fells to be working with other countries. Eritrea has been relying on proxy war to attack Ethiopia for the last 15 years which did not work a bit. The only option for Eritrea to do is face Ethiopia military with some opposition groups in Eritrea. Eritrea never will shoot the first bullet or permit any group to take such action from its soil unless it decides to done with Eritrea and Eritrea state as we know it. Anyways I want to congratulate you at least trying to talk about removing and invading Ethiopia from you island, Eritrea. It takes a lot off gut .
ReplyDeleteAlec buddy, make them weap river.I like him bigmouthing like.... LOL
ReplyDeleteNice one Temzaza Agame :)
ReplyDeleteI agree fully with what you have said
ReplyDeleteAffirmative-bro. his just Agame-- afraid that the whole Ethiopia is coming for their head. LOL....hahaha....
ReplyDeleteMore than 1400 comments you have made barking bitch dog. Fake coward home home but maybe your home now is Italy
ReplyDelete1,422 posts and running you bitch Italian fake coward Eritrean wannabe
ReplyDeleteAgame woyane sharmuta. Go to you home in Tigray you slut
ReplyDeleteVery Creative, IQ66?
ReplyDeleteVery Creative woyane, IQ66?
ReplyDeleteVery Creative, IQ66?
ReplyDeleteWhat head???......
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha.... ur woyane-tigray is going to perish Agame-boy . hahaha....
ReplyDeleteWho of whooof agame slut why don't you get you coward butt in Eritrea to service PIA
ReplyDeleteB. Adam you must be. GM a genetically modified Eritrean born in the west, knows jack shit, is afraid as hell to go back home to Eritrea to perform national service and automatically calls anyone that he cannot engage in meaningful conversation with an agame woyane or TPLF. your IQ BS is rather juvenile kid. Blow it out you American ass. Real Eritrean are either in Eritrea or in opposition aborad just makes no sense for people to sing the glory song of PIA and not go home and walk the talk.
ReplyDeleteAye Woyanay ....You are stuck in IQ63
ReplyDeleteToo much time to kill?
ReplyDelete....... Sorry your Quenty season is be over.
Kebit; You talking of principle? funny! Where is that ? Who talks about IQs you and him .....
ReplyDeleteYeah GM barking from USA. Like the world is a totally safe place for Eritreans these days right? Bark like a bitch dog while real Eritreans are inside Eritrea or in opposition abroad. We need to liberate Eritrea and take back Badme!
ReplyDeleteWho of whooof whoof GM bitch in USA while camels stay in Eritrea
ReplyDeleteNo,I said 1,422 comments not my IQ GM fake coward
ReplyDeleteUmmm, no. I have no idea who Pilot, Erty and the other's are. You think you're talking to a single "woyane". You're clueless as always.
ReplyDeleteShabia is the toilet paper of the Horn of Africa. What's your point?
ReplyDeleteJesus, People!! Why don't you worry about your rectal vomit of a leader by the name of Issayas and let the 90 million Ethiopians worry about their leaders!?!?! It's neither your place or business to be concerned about or discuss what goes on in Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteNo you do misunderstand me, i wasn't intending to debate with weyane, as for me doesn't represent the Ethiopian majority. I mean the House Representative (All ethiopians including tigrayans, not weyane only).
ReplyDeleteGoing to djibouti as alternative to Massawa, don't make you nor the minor circle "a wise choice", i'm not here to beg you nor, as not of Our tradition, is just to explain your irrational mind. As for weyane, forget it, will be shaded by herself, as built in sand, no concrete ideals..
I cannot say more, i just leave the job to majority of Ethiopians who are fade up by the system itself, just look last wednesday's happenings, (you can brief it saying that people is saying "weyane lieba", i think in amharic is not a prise.
ps. your nick doesn't feet you..change it to may chew or something else.
I don't share your views, but is not needed even, you need to discuss with your country men, i'm Eritrean and as so, i would love to see the minor circle in ethiopia removed, so that all the region get touched all of us.
ReplyDeleteThis is a mockery to eritrean people, do you know how many Eritreans are dead at the hand of Daish.....but you choose to talk about ethiopians (but not a single writing or that kind about eritreans in Libya)to use it as your political agenda......typical HIGDEF slave.....ayeeee madote.
ReplyDeleteZeteazazb iyu ita mealti haki newah aykonetn.
You seem to still be around, when you cease to be, we will come looking for you. on this one however, Yilma Bekele has beaten you to it. he is talking about planet and you,,,,they say Americans have a saying and it goes like this: America love it or leave it! We are saying the same, you see we too can safely say as long us it takes we will wait.
ReplyDeleteA blank answer is good enough for air-head
ReplyDeleteShabby head, get it?
ReplyDeleteWrong, Ahet you
ReplyDeleteShabby IQ, Bihihihihihih
ReplyDeleteHahaha btw
ReplyDeleteMeant to B.Adal....not you forto suwa!
ReplyDeleteThis stray dog just keeps barking cause it has no home and all its food is run out in woyane ethiopian.
ReplyDeleteYou can always wish...but if history is anything to go by then it is the reverse that may is not long t8me ago man it is only 24 years when Shabia held your hand all the way to 4 killo..are you 15? Or 10?
ReplyDeleteSad person!
ReplyDeleteYou keep on spitting vile and claim to have some maturity while assuming my age....your own words give you away..for your info I know where I am and where I am from is Eritrea..thats right and it will be where ill live and die...tell me what do you know Eritrea?