How Tigray became a dirty word in both Eritrea and Ethiopia
Tigrayan supporters attending the 40th Anniversary of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)- Mekelle (Ethiopia), 18 February 2015
How Tigray became a dirty word in both Eritrea and Ethiopia.
By Bereket Kidane
The word Tigray has always had a negative connotation in the Eritrean lexicon for as long as anyone can remember. It’s always been associated with duplicity, treachery, lies and backstabbing. After Eritrea achieved its independence, the then Provisional Government of Eritrea tried to tamp down on negative feelings toward Tigrayans by telling the Eritrean people that Tigrayans are a brotherly people. However much the Eritrean elders warned the victorious young leaders of the EPLF, the Eritrean people reluctantly obliged and laid off their past prejudices and misgivings, including the use of the word “Agame” with all its negative connotations. But it wasn’t long before Tigray reared its ugly head of envy, duplicity, resentment and inferiority complex. It was an “I told you so” moment for the elders. For the victorious young EPLF leaders, it was a “teachable moment” as it were that much as a leopard can’t change its spots, Tigray and its leaders will always be what they have been in the past when our forefathers named those twisted mountains after them.
Meanwhile, Weyane (Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front) was too busy balkanizing and bantustanizing Ethiopia, cynically introducing ethnic rule and consciousness where it’s never existed before, all in order to help it divide-and-conquer the Ethiopian populace.
TPLF’s naked invasion of Eritrea was openly sold to the Ethiopian people as an attempt to secure a sea outlet (*wink*Assab) for Ethiopia. The Ethiopian people initially fell for it but they soon realized that it was another one of those cynical TPLF ploys to help it divide-and-conquer. Eritreans living in Ethiopia were to be brutally expelled after they were stripped of their lifetime savings and properties because their Prime Minister didn’t like the color of their eyes.
The Ethiopian people realized that they had been had. But that was the beginning of their problems. TPLF in its bid to stay in power stole the 2005 Ethiopian election in a broad day light and ended up brutally massacring countless innocent Ethiopians and murdering them in a cold-blooded fashion. Its Western allies never batted an eye and TPLF has yet to be punished for that. The abuse of innocent Ethiopians who dare to challenge TPLF’s minority regime only got worse from there. There was, of course, the long-running genocide that took place in Southeast Ethiopia for which the TPLF has yet to be held to account.
By then, the Ethiopian people learned that the Eritrean people were not their enemies and that the real enemy of the two people’s was the minority regime of Tigray.
As for Tigray, it is caught between a rock and a hard place. Unable to go it alone, it knows that its minority rule will sooner or later come to an end as all minority regimes do. It can feel the expiration date creeping up on it. Even the vaunted apartheid minority rule in South Africa eventually had to come to an end and give way to majority rule. Having destroyed its relationship with Eritrea, Tigray has nowhere to turn to. Hated by Eritrea and unwanted by Ethiopia, where will Tigray go next?
How Tigray became a dirty word in both Eritrea and Ethiopia
Reviewed by Admin
6:08 PM

ReplyDeleteA games are gonna SMOKE out their musty ears , when they read
True dat my man! Agame is a dirty word in both Eritrea and Ethiopia. Porco Agame!
ReplyDeleteanchiw tamechiw....anchiw tarochiw..... Why are u trying to swim against the tide? People of Tigray is there and will be for generations. You don't even know what you are talking. Your hate, unimaginable ago wont get you anywhere. Instead, look inward what to get the respect that you deserve.... bombing defensless kids in a broad day light? Your talk on the web can't change the situation on the ground. Don't even try to name Ethiopians in this...cose you don't even know what it means. May be your r confused with those idiots in DC. Whatever you may say about the people of Tigray, they doing their homework with and you'll be surprised what the next generation will bring to that part.
ReplyDeleteha ha! listen to this agame talk.
True dat,
ReplyDeleteit seems what is left on you is the abuse and abusive words that your great parents gave you as they used to get it from their masters facists. Hope you'll have your life and dignity some day. Figlio di .......
It is time to submit the word "Tigray" to Webster's English Dictionary to mean duplicity, treachery, lies and backstabbing.
ReplyDeleteGo to your TGRAIONLINE(Agame)
ReplyDeleteDid you say ''Why are u trying to swim against the tide?''
ReplyDeleteWe're not trying. We did and still are doing it- defying the law of nature. That is the thing we call Eritreanism. Remember, we even carried your illiterate behind all the way to the Menelik Palace...Mind you, conventional wisdom and so-called experts in the Western World thought freeing Eritrea by going against the Mighty army of Dergue was an impossible task. But we did it. We even gave you the opportunity, at least for once in your life, to indulge yourself with raw meat and tej, rather than your Quenti...(where Adal when you need him. Did I spell Quenti right?) I'm sure you're tired of it after a century or two....
I apologize if that sounds arrogant....But please please don't tell to your Dad Bob Geldof or mom Susan Rice!
Get lost Agame beggar! Go away Gereanenya! Or are you Geretsadkan?
ReplyDeleteWait only until the angry Ethiopians come at them armed with knives and axes. Where will Tigray run? They tried to arrest and kill their way to another election. The smart ones are starting to pack their bags. The fools, they should learn from Saddam. All evil loses in the end. Liars, and deceitful people will never rule!
ReplyDeleteYou spelled it perfectly the way it is spelled by its patent holders, Woyane.
I might add ....,
Teo & his friends might have conveniently forgotten their Quenty skills, claiming they had "few too many McDonalds visits" in the west, probably using Eritrean identity.
Thank you, bro!
ReplyDeleteThey better keep their Quenty might come in handy soon when Ethiopians say enough is enough!
There is one important thing that we Eritreans have to clearly understand. Racism, ethnicity, etc are stone age barbaric mentality and we can never, ever be a part of it. If we become emorilied in this ugly game, we can never tell ourselves apart from the beggar Woyane regime. Every time we are tempted by ethnocentric tendencies, we should rememer the death and destructions we endured in our homes by successive Ethiopian regimes including the tribal Woyane beggar regime just for being Eritreans and some Woyane beggar did not like the "colour of our eyes". Eritreans never hated the people of Tigray and Eritreans will never hate the people of Tigray or any other people for that matte, hence please don't post this type of articles in the the name of all of us.
ReplyDeleteYep, I do abhor the Woyane beggar regime, its stooges and supporters and all those two timing lying scumbags Woyane pimps that you cant even trust them to look after your dog.
But be sure to understand that this looters don't and will never represent the good people of Tigray. Hence, please don't entertain this type of articles with racist and ethnic hate overtones.
When was the last time you saw Tigrayans protesting against the illegal occupation of sovereign Eritrean territory, huh? When was the last time you saw Tigrayans protesting against the illegal and unjust sanctions put on Eritrea by TPLF and its allies? Did you ever see Tigrayans taking to the streets to protest the brutal expulsion and treatment of Eritreans at the hands of the TPLF? Please get your head out of your arse.
ReplyDeleteThose are not good enough reasons to lump all Tigrayans with the hired ethnocentric Woyane regime. Racism is a treacherous one way cliff and that is not an Eritrean and will never be an Eritrean train of thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely despise Woyane beggar regime but no Eritrean should ever degrade him/ herself to the level of the racist Woyane regime.
i am just saying. As a free human being, you do and say whatever you want to do and say, we should not walk the treacherous cliff on behalf of Eritrea and Eritreans
We always said the Good thing or the positive side of that war is to know really what this people want from us we are also doing our homework we are not worried about next generation because they will not barking like old dog Assab day and night (you crimes are endless i myself lost many of my relatives who were deported then killed defending their country )You are the one should worry about our next generation as your crimes are well recorded and documented and will never ever be forget
ReplyDeleteI don't KNOW what agame means to Eritreans. In ADDIS ERITREAN ARE REFERED AS SLAVES. Tigry people as ethiopians. WHERE I LIVE NOW ERITREANS ARE REFERED AS "PI-SE" PRONUNCED AS PIE-SEE
ReplyDeleteIt come to my mind the italian version to what the author put it down correctly: "il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio".
ReplyDeleteOne thing historically true on behalf of agame populace is that during the derg era, the " militia sernay " was almost people from tegray..very sad.."b qebdom iyom zegezu u".
Good for you.
ReplyDeleteAlthough i agree with most of your points bro., i gotta say your looking at it with a very rosy lens. Until we see SOME kind of solidarity from those people we can't view them as peaceful. I have never seen one tigrayan ever write a peaceful message on the internet. On the contrary i always see amhara which i probably dislike more to be honest be more humane and speak of brotherhood and even acknowledged ethiopias wrong doing on sanctions/occupation.
ReplyDeleteAntum sebat ember ke tEina alekum eyu? Kemey wurudat ikum? Tigraysi dirty word eyu ilkas tsihuf yitsahaf? Idiocy with no limit. Sre eske Eteku kem sebay. Lokmatsat. Gena ktdkera endikn. Hzbi Eritrea biakum tewaridu atum bahamat korakur HGDF.
ReplyDeleteHamed blae hanan. :))))))))) Lokmats tsahitsahi. We are your masters. Go and visit Bisha and collect the pieces there. Aytbke dma. bekay.
ReplyDeleteTigray is home to Adwa, the historical place where Ethiopia became the only African country to beat a European colonizer and keep her independence. That later resulted in Addis becoming the headquarters of the OAU/AU. All around Africa, the Battle of Adwa is seen as the most decisive battle that enabled Africa to keep her honor that the Europeans so brutally tried to take from her.
ReplyDeleteIf only Ethiopians could turn back the clock and not fight at Adwa, but surrender to the Italian fascists like the bandas north of the Mereb river did when the white man arrived to steal/plunder/oppress, oops I meant to civilize. This phenomena where blacks not only look down on other blacks, but look up to whites who oppressed them is not unique to Eritrean regime supporters you know. I remember a documentary about Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where the people of DR looked down on the Haitians since they were more African and worse than that, they had the audacity to kick out the French and anyone siding with them during their independence war. It was shocking to see the similarities with you guys. Another place is Ivory Coast and Liberia. The Ivorians felt superior since they were colonized by the French for a long time and the French brought 'civilization' to the Ivory Coast, whereas Liberians did not have that 'privilege'. Ever since then there has been a false feeling of superiority towards the non-colonized and a Stockholm syndrome of the colonized towards its former oppressor. Same for the Eritrean regime supporters. A false feeling of superiority towards Ethiopians and a feeling of sympathy and found memory towards colonizing fascist Italians. Gee if only the Italians would have stayed a few years longer, they could have designed another 'piccolo Roma', or built the outdated railway line all the way to the Sudanese border for you guys.
ethiopia was conquered it was set free by the british., (i didn't do it for you) wtf history have you been reading?
ReplyDeleteZeray Deres, go google that name you twisted libi tigray. Eritreans are always fighting for their land because god gave us such beautiful land that everyone wants.
Our farsighted and wise forefathers told us in plain terms about Tigray from get go. The said watch for the DEKI MAI TELAMIT, betrayal and deceit is in their DNA. Just not to forget, they even named a section of a steep and winding highway between Asmara and Keren as "LIBI TIGRAY".
ReplyDeleteThat is what we knew from the get go; even though we thought they will change after years and years such betrayal.
By the way, ask the Amhara about Tigray, they have more to tell about the betray of Tigray against the Amhara.
Betrayal and deceit is in their blood, they just cannot help it. Although we cannot choose our neighbor but after this historical facts from the distant and recent past, we sure can and must choose our friends; if we are not make the same mistake again.
Not again! As they say "cheat me once, shame on you; cheat me twice shame on me; and cheat me three time, it is "well done" for you"
'Gee if only the Italians would have stayed a few years longer, they could have designed another 'piccolo Roma', or built the outdated railway line all the way to the Sudanese border for you guys.'
that was too much man. Outdated railway, stockholm syndrome, bandas
north of Mereb. You really taught these askaris a good lesson. You have
to understand however where their hatred comes from. The regime they
support is always one step behind, always a day late. Whether it's the
IGAD blunder, UN sanctions, Djibouti conflict, regional isolation,
horrible regime back in Asmara, or the lunatic leader who embarrasses
them in the international arena by simply giving interviews with
international news outlets (remember the infamous Al Jazeera interview).
were saddened to hear last month that Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan reached
an agreement on the Nile basis and GERD. They are frustrated by the
rapid infrastructural expansion going on all across Ethiopia. Just think
about all the hydroelectric and wind energy projects going on or completed like Gibe 2 (420MW), Tekeze 1 (300MW), Adama wind farm (350MW), Guder (1780MW), Gibe 3 (1870MW) and of course the mighty GERD
(6000MW). Note that these are just a fraction of the power projects in
Ethiopia and note that all of them (without exception) have greater
capacity (in many cases more than 10 times) than Hirgigo power plant.
Just think about the 5000KM of railway lines crisscrossing Ethiopia,
whereas Erifailing Railways still uses the outdated steam locomotives
you referred to in your post. Just think about Ethiopian Airlines
becoming the biggest airliner in Africa this year (overtaking South
African Airways), whereas Erifailing Airlines can barely manage a fleet
of a few leased planes and doesn't even have a website let alone a pilot
training school or maintenance facilities. Think about Ethiopia expanding economic relations with Sudan, Kenya, Djibouti and even Rwanda
and Uganda whereas Eritrea is not even part of IGAD and has bad
relations with two of its three neighbors. All of these developments and
more is the real reason they hate Ethiopia and its government. A sad
inferiority complex indeed. I guess it's the stockholm syndrome that's
still bugging them. Poor people.
Name calling is just that... name calling. Insults are just that just insults... all carried over bad breath and dissipating into thin air. Tigray is not a dirty word in Ethiopia. Who are you to say that it is? Here's a reality check for you. You are foreigners and outsiders. It is Tigrignya and by way of it Eritrea that is a filthy word in Ethiopia. As much as you wish that "Ethiopians" "hate" "Tigrayans". No such thing has happened or will happen. In the end when your throats are sore from screaming insults... nothing has changed. Eritrea is still hemoraging and rotting from inside out. Eritrea is frozen in time of destitution and misery. The dream of independence that you fought for 30 years has turned into an absolute nightmare. Tigrayans are Ethiopians, Eritreans ARE NOT. Assab is useless. It will take hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade Assab and make it competitive to revitalized and efficient ports such as Djibouti, Tadjoura, Berbera, Mombasa and Port Sudan and the soon to come online the state of the art Lamu Port in Kenya. AND THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TO CONVINCE ETHIOPIA TO USE YOUR PORTS. Assab and Massawa are dead and useless. As Meles once said... paraphrased..."The only reason Assab and Massawa will be important is when Ethiopia decides they're important. If we don't use them then the two ports are useless". As for Eritreans being deported from Ethiopia, so what?! Ethiopia has the right to remove illegal aliens from its land. As soon as those who held Ethiopian citizenship lined up to vote for the independence of Eritrea, they lost their rights to be Ethiopians. Their presence in Ethiopia is a priviledge and not a right. It is within Ethiopia's soveirgn right to deport any foreigner she wishes. Every country in the world has the same right. The Saudi's deported Ethiopians by the thousands so why is it an act of sin when Eritreans are deported from Ethiopia? Eritreans are foreigners in Ethiopia they live and work in Ethiopia on the good will and whim of the Ethiopian government and people. Once you voted for independence they you GOT your independence. Independence means standing on your own, free of influence and control of others. Act it and live it. You stupid Ass-hats.
ReplyDeleteAgame is the slave in Eritrea and the USA. What you thought to do in bisha failed. Jegna is on his way to Addis ketsahtshaka.
ReplyDeleteEritreans were too busy on their hands and knees licking clean fascist boots to take up arms to defend their dignity. The only time they fought was when their Italian masters ordered them to war to fight against Ethiopia. And they got what they deserved. Emperor Menilik cut off their hands and send them back to their masters after the battle of Adowa. Fortunately the Anbeta has six hands. You cut one off he will slither around the deserts of Eritrea on five he has left.
ReplyDeleteI found it interesting because those who are angry speak their heart. This is the time where y know these people have not changed even after all their sabotages. eg. Bisha vandalism exaggeration. Y r right condemniing all is not at all good but I feel all the evils thinking and hatred should be out of their mind in order to help them come out with good intention where it leads towards atttiudinal and behavioural change. Provokation has two intention either to a totall change or to evil deeds. Jacob have y ever heard an Eritrean damaging or is after any evil deeds to Ethiopians at large and Tigryans in particular?
ReplyDeleteThat wouldn't be anything different than what you thieves usually do.
ReplyDeleteYes keep believing your version of history.
ReplyDeleteTigray hasn't a friend in the world. Their inferiority complex has always been their undoing.
ReplyDeleteDearest ብሱል "ዝዘረብኡ" MammoQilo, if I can help!
[ ነቲ ኢደ እግሪ ክህልዎ ዘይኽእል ዘዛንቕኩዎ እንግሊዝኛይ ይቕሬታ ምስ ምምሕታት! ]
እቲ ኣጸሓሕፋ ፈርንጂስ ንዓኻትኩም ክገድፎ!_ _ _ ብትግርኛ ግዳስ ክፍትን ! ! !
ጥልመት፣ ክልተ- መልሓሳውነ ሓሳውነት ሕሳደ ወዘተ. ክፍለ- ሰሜናዊ እስጦብያ፣_ _ _ ተጋሩ = ተጓሩ፣ ጽሕፍ ውዒልካ ዝውዳእ ስለ ዘይዀነ፣ ነዛ ናትካ ሕጽር ዘለት ሕቶ ደኣ ክምልስ ክፍትን´የ።
☺ Comrade B.Adel´s ☺ spelling – ing the term is certainly sparse, hence my charity. ☺ _ _ _ '' You spelled it per☺ fectly (Quenti or Quenty) the way it is spelled by its patent holders, Woyane.'' _ _ _ Are you kidding me? _ _ _ B.Adel.
The word ኵዕንቲ is not only historical it is also fascinating.
A very good archetype original example woud be: "መሬት እንተ ትግምጠለልና ኵዕንቲ ምጸገብና!" በለ ውዓግ።
ስለ ይኡ ከኣም፣ ትኽክለንያ ኣጸሓሕፋዊ ምዝርዛር ኵ ዕ ን ቲ ከም´ዝስዕብ እኸውን።
“ኵ" ከም ኣብ "ኵልና" ስለ ምባል፣ ብፍጹጹጽም ኣይከም እቲ ኣምሳይኡ "ኩ"፣ እቲ ኣብ "ኩሎም"
ክንብል እንከልና´ኳ ንጥቀመሉ።
“ዕ" ከም ኣብ "ዕንባባ" ስለ ምባል፣ ብፍጹጹጽም
ኣይከም እቲ ዝረሓቐ ኣምሳይኡ "እ"፣ እቲ ኣብ "እንስሳ" ክንብል እንከልና´ኳ ንጥቀመሉ።
“ን" ከም ኣብ "ንብረት" ስለ ምባል፣ ወይ´ውን "ንጌይል
ስሚዝ" ክንብል እንከልና´ኳ ንጥቀመሉ።
“ቲ" ከም ኣብ "ጽብቕቲ መሬት" ስለ ምባል፣ ወይ´ውን "ረፋዕቲ" ክንብል እንከልና´ኳ ንጥቀመሉ።
ሕጂ ኣቱም ብሩኻት የሕዋተይ፣ ጽሑፋዊ ኣወዳድቓ (ኣዘራዝርኡ) to spell it correctly ኣብነቱ እንሀ፡
1. "ኵልና ዕንበባታት፣ ማለትሲ ንብረት እታ ጽብቕቲ መሬት ዓድ ጀጋኑ ኢና።"Sorry
2. “ኩሎም ዕሱባት ወያኔ ከኣ እንስሳታት፣ ማለትሲ ንጌይል ስሚዝ ንእዝተንበርከኸ 'ማ.ሌ.ሊ.ት.' ረፋዕቲ እዮም።"
ስለ ዝዀነ ድማ፣ ኣበዘራዝርኡ ጥንቁቓት ክንከውን ስለ ዘለና፤ "ኵ ዕ ን ቲ" ኢልና ንጽሓፎ ደኣ´ንበር፣ ከም እቲ ሓያሎ ዘይጥንቁቓት ዘዘውትርዎ፣ "ኩ እ ን ቲ" እንተ ገርናዮስ ጭው ዘለ ጌጋ´ዩ።
ኣንዊሐዮ ደኣ፧ _ _ _ ተረዲእካ ክኸውን ግን በዓል ተስፋ´የ፤ እንተ ዘየለ ኣነ ትሑት ሓውኻ/ኹም GOMIDA- HAGER፣ ብ ኣቢልካ ኣብ እታ ታሪኻዊት መጋበኢያና DEHAI- DMB ነባር ከም ምዃነይ፣ ቁሊሕ ምሊሕ እንተ ኢልካኒ/ኩምኒ፣ ኣስፊሐ´ውን ☺ ☺ ክትንትነልካ/ኩም ቅሩብን ፍሱህ´ውን´የ።
ReplyDeleteክቡር ኮርዒዳ B.Adal !
ንብጻይ MammoQilo መልስኻ ዘዬዕጋቢ ኰይኑ ስለ ዝተረኽበ☻ ፣ ነቲ ዘይነዓቕ "ኣፍልጦ" ሰዋሱወይ ተጠቒመ፣ ኣጋፊሐ መብርሂ ሂብዮ ስለ ዘለኹ፣ ነቲ ብቐጥታ ንዕኡ ዝሃብክዎ መልሲ ☝ ክተስተውዕለሉ እምሕጽነካ።
Yes "we will never and ever forget". We have a recorded history from the distance past and recent past to remember and learn from. How could we forget. By nature Eritreans are forgiving people but we cannot be forgetful as to who they are. And thanks for your words of wisdom.
ReplyDeletePoor regime supporters. You have to understand however where their hatred comes from. The regime they support is always one step behind, always a day late. Whether it's the IGAD blunder, UN sanctions, Djibouti conflict, regional isolation, horrible regime back in Asmara, or the lunatic leader who embarrasses them in the international arena by simply giving interviews with international news outlets (remember the infamous Al Jazeera interview).
ReplyDeleteThey were saddened to hear last month that Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan reached an agreement on the Nile basis and GERD. They are frustrated by the rapid infrastructural expansion going on all across Ethiopia. Just think about all the hydroelectric and wind energy projects going on or completed like Gibe 2 (420MW), Tekeze 1 (300MW), Adama wind farm (350MW), Guder (1780MW), Gibe 3 (1870MW) and of course the mighty GERD (6000MW). Note that these are just a fraction of the power projects in Ethiopia and note that all of them (without exception) have greater capacity (in many cases more than 10 times) than Hirgigo power plant.
Just think about the 5000KM of railway lines crisscrossing Ethiopia, whereas Erifailing Railways still uses the outdated steam locomotives the Italians gave them a hundred years ago. Just think about Ethiopian Airlines becoming the biggest airliner in Africa this year (overtaking South African Airways), whereas Erifailing Airlines can barely manage a fleet of a few leased planes and doesn't even have a website let alone a pilot training school or maintenance facilities. Think about Ethiopia expanding economic relations with Sudan, Kenya, Djibouti and even Rwanda and Uganda whereas Eritrea is not even part of IGAD and has bad relations with two of its three neighbors. All of these developments and more is the real reason they hate Ethiopia, its people and its government. A sad inferiority complex indeed.
Lebi tgray tewyway confused people who have been beegears all thier life god create them only to bring mheyem chaos. Destruction. Femain hunger. Raping. Stilling. Dividing. And death we were better off without this people but what can we do they are our neighbours god protect us from this evil people
ReplyDeleteIt is time to rewrite the false history written by the Amhara about the Battle of Adowa. It is not the Amhara of Tigrai that won the Adowa Battle. But is was the 80,000 Welyata who were brought as slaves (FENJI REGACH to use Weyanes term) and pushed in the middle of the battle. It was only after the Italians wasted their ammo to kill this 80,000 Welyata, and then the Amhara danced claiming they won the war. I short, it is the 80,000 Welyata that won the war. It is time to correct that history.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the FENJI REGACH used by Weyane is copied from this history. That is the truth.
ReplyDeleteWell said - but you forgot backstabbing :) They are well known for that - "Deki Mai Telamit"!!!!
Your real name is not Bereket. You are using this as a camouflage. In fact, a close scrutiny of your message tells every conscious Eritrean that you could only be one of those who still refuse to accept the independence of Eritrea. It is sad that you still think that the Eritrean people, who struggle for independence, for decades, will easily fell victims to your sinister activities. Let me tell you, we are liberated from xenophobia or any kind of bigotry thanks to the long term struggle of our fallen heroes. The old and unwanted bigotry and xenophobia which you want to reactivate does not have any place in modern Eritrea. You are the sole and isolated voice in spreading this dirty culture and none of our political and mass organizations in and outside Eritrea entertain this kind of dirty and outdated discussion. I know your purpose is also
ReplyDeleteto make us lose our focus on the real challenges of our country. To your dismay Eritreans are busy in building economically and politically secured country in peace within itself and with their neighbors. Our problem is with the click which is ruling Ethiopia some of whom, we know, are of Eritrean parentage. The problem is not ethnical. Rather it’s
legal and political: the current government in Addis Ababa is illegally
occupying our land.
I thnk we need to support tigrayans because we eritreans ( kebesa) are also tigrayans . There is no difference there. In fact 95% of eritrean leaders came from tigay. If you dont believe me ask isayas, yemane, hagos, sebhat or yemane gebremeskel.
ReplyDeleteCane libero at least we agree on that point.
ReplyDeleteBack before liberation we use call people from Tigray agame regardless of where they were actually from in Tigray. It meant flies on shit usually. I know it was bad the way we used it but we did.
ReplyDeletewhy don't you go to Ethiopia and kill all the people of Tigray through ISIS.
ReplyDeleteYou people in this website the hate of Weyane is making sick racists.
No wonder to see like you supporting a mafia regime polluted mind and conscience.
ReplyDeleteBetrayal is the core... the backbone.... the Building Blocks of this people (Agame). we freed them from the Amhara, so they can be considered as humans in Ethiopia. But like always they stabbed us in the back. Never again!!, we will never trust this snakes called Agame!.
ReplyDeletePlease the Moderator of this website look ans see what these Dirty Rsah Tegarus are saying about us and our country in our website ?Why they are here ?Go to your EVIL/SATAN websites the truth you are hated by everyone in & out don't talk about Port Sudan they are our brothers they hate you more than believe because of your WAR WITH ERITREA they asked for permission from Sudan Govnt. to participate in that war as you have killed their peoples.
ReplyDeletewhen you insult Tigreans you will destroyed smoothly by any means....
ReplyDeleteThank you, brother. I have started to question if I could claim that I am fluent in Tigrigna anymore!. Although I enjoyed it, reading your comments (presented below), took me a little longer than I would have liked, I better practice before it a too late.
.... 2-Thumbs-Up!
Back to you, ክቡር ኮርዒዳ GOMIDA-HAGER.
Bisha failed? We will bomb it again and you will cry idle. Boooooooooommmmm, Nski dma uuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyy(crying LUTI style). :))))))))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteTo all brothers and sisters , Tigray people
ReplyDeleteThe above article does nor represent the whole Eritrean people. We love and respect the people of Ethiopia especially Ti gray People.The above article is emotionally written and posted from the camp of HIGDEF DOGS. Every one knows Their days are numbered , ናይ ቀቢፀ ተስፋ ምልክት እዩ
To all brothers and sisters , Tigray people
ReplyDeleteThe above article does nor represent the whole Eritrean people. We love and respect the people of Ethiopia especially Ti gray People.The above article is emotionally written and posted from the camp of HIGDEF DOGS. Every one knows Their days are numbered , ናይ ቀቢፀ ተስፋ ምልክት እዩ
tsiliet si medihanit yebilun yibulu Tegaru. you can hate but you can not change any thing to Tegaru but we Tegaru, the mother of all civilizations in the horn of Africa. It is the Source of the Geez fidel, Christainity and Islam. Tigrai is the land of Qdoos Yaryed, Axum, Yeha and Wuqro Negash. Tigrai is the land of dauntless Emperors such as: Ezana, Kaleb, Armaha, Abraha, Elamda, Almeda, ZeraYakob... Yowhaness; Ras Alula, General Hayelom and much more. Tigrai is The home of the Ark of the covenant, the land of the just, brave, free and fair. We have nothing to apologize, be sorry or fear for in our history, but we have everything to be proud of.
ReplyDeleteWe can smell an Agame beggar from a mile away. You sure smell like Agame Asmerom (Gereanenya). Go stand in a corner and shake the cup saying "Sile Mariam Mariam Tihabkum."
ReplyDeleteAgain Gereanenya. I will tell you what I told Asmerom. We can smell an Agame beggar from a mile away. You sure smell like an Agame beggar.
ReplyDelete!!! How I Get My Husband Back With The Help Of Dr.Ukaka !!!
ReplyDelete“LOVE is the key to LIFE”. That was the word from Dr Ukaka when I consulted his powerful Love Temple. I married the wrong man; I realized that after four years of our unfruitful marriage. Everything was going from Best to Worst in our life, no child, I got demoted from work after our marriage, my husband was sacked a year after. His application for new job in various offices was constantly declined even though he was qualified enough. I was made to take care of my family with the low income I earn get that wasn’t enough to pay our rent. We keep praying a seeking for help from some people, my friends laugh at me behind because I was advised not to get married yet.It was one Thursday night that my husband woke me up and told me that has thought enough about our crisis, he said that our crisis is not ordinary and it’s beyond our spiritual level. He suggested we should consult Dr Ukaka from testimonies he showed me online about how he has been helping families. I was afraid, I don’t like evil or spell but I supported him to contact him if he can help us. We consulted him via and he replied positively after 20munites with congratulating email that he can help us but he will need our pure heart and trusts in his work if he will cast the spell on us and purify our life. We agreed to his terms. He cast the spell and told us to expect results within 5days. I waited for three days nothing happened, so I started having doubt and blaming my husband for emailing Dr Ukaka. It was on the fifth day that my husband was called for an interview and he got a well-paying work, I was prompted to a higher position. I missed my period on the 5th day and it was confirmed that I am with a baby. Things have really changed for us for good and we now have our own house and cars. I will never forget what Dr Ukaka told us “LOVE is the key to LIFE”, this word keep me going. People that laughed at us are coming close for help and I am delighted to welcome them because my family is now blessed. Dr Ukaka is a savior and man that keep to his word even when I doubted his powers at the end of the spell. Thank you great Dr Ukaka and your Oracle for helping us via and I will keep spreading this message to people in need of help. also contact him for address: ;).,
Before opening your stinky mouth, try to digest what i had said. otherwise, i will break your spine if i met you. idiot.
ReplyDelete"i will break your spine if i met you." A guy with ur IQ should have a low voice too!
ReplyDeleteእንታዋይ ሹሽ ማንሽሽሽሽ ሹ ኢኻ በለል ሉ ሉ ሉ ሉ የ የ የ የ ?
ReplyDeleteshushay haddush
እታ "HASHISH !! ብዛዕባ ገለ ሕማምካ ክትከውን ኣለዋ !!
እጸ- ፋርስ "መጀነንን" መንእሰያት ስለ ምባል ትህውትት ከይትህሉ?
ወሪሪሪሪድኒ ሽማግለ´የ፣ "ኣቦኻ" ፣ እንተ እንተ _ _ _ እንኳ ኣብ "ው ስ ኺ ! ! " እንተ ትእምታ፣ ህዝቢ ምጠርጠ ( ? )
ዓንጃል መስትፍሉል ዕሱብ ወያኔ።
ክኽጽል´የ ፨፨፨፨፨፨፨፨
ድርባ ይ ይ ይ ይ ይ ማሌሊት!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
ስለ ሃላይነትካ ነእወይይይይ ው ው ው ው ይ ። KKKKKKKKK
እ ብ ሉ _ _ _ መን ?
ዕሱባን !!!
How come you are kneeling down begging for scrape of bones from Weyane? How come you forget, it was only yesterday when the Weyane deported 70,000 Eritreans with only shirt in their back. Next shall be you; get ready.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, how is life in the shanty town of Africa, Addis Ababa. By the way where is your home. It got to be in cardboard boxes on the sidewalks of Bole Air Port Road. Go night and have good sleep in the streets of Addis Ababa.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Addis Ababa, someone in the 1970s said, "Addis looks like a city that was dropped from an airplane carrying trash."
ReplyDeleteAbout Makele, the same guy could have said, "If you rounded up all the beggars from shanty towns in Africa, loaded them onto a bus and dropped them off in one town, that town would look like Makelle."
He must be an Eritrean( historian)
ReplyDeleteatum hasewti gdefu endo;
ReplyDeleteThe answer is simple. The answer is you and just take a look at your self, you Wedi Mai Telamit.
ReplyDeleteagame agame tblu zelekum kburat ahwat trguma ke tfel tuwa do endhr zeytfeltuwa zethatuna. agame malet adigrat alitena eti adi beles eu . nskum gn tserfi mesilkum mewtsit afkum gerkuma kem shum entehasibkumwo nskum dma hamasien tbehalu ewe do? . zeytmeharu gda . ab kndi tmhrti hasot abkndi sirah toksi mlmmad koynu srahkum
ReplyDeleteHahaha ansebas you don't quit? are you mad because we are more developed then you guys now and that you are begging in shimbla KARMA IS A BITCH! You guys always look down at us now we look down at you, but we aren't like you guys if we were backstabbers we would of killed the refugees but did we? No who bombed mekele first ??? ERITREA did! don't try to talk down on your masters tegaru remeber ras alula, aste yohannes were your rulers then itatlians were your rulersmn well where your hertiatge is from you guys have 1 tribe of tigrina and we have one state that speaks it do the math? Dumbass you guys need help stop worrying about tigray and worry about eritrea why do you guys come to us if we are backstabbers? DONT LIE ISIAIAS EVEN ADMITS HE BOMBED FIRST!! You guys are only mad because we are shining its okay to be jealous we like it :) Haahaaha and also asha eritreawayan if you guys were smart like us you would used amharu to develop eritrea after they killed your people and also they laugh at you guys because asha ekum who fights the person with the same launguage owee miskeen italy really has your guys mind messed up look at you guys now dying in the sea and isiaias is more dumb did he think we left to be with amharu that's why he bombed? I don't stand anyways go ahead hate us but look at our plan first and really study what's going on.... We are accepting your refugees and we are developing fast then other parts in ethiopia think about it hard really hard do you think we will betray our matrys hahaha over my dead body anyways our time is coming and Tigray will move on and I hope eritreans understand the truth not isaias words
ReplyDeleteLook at this picture and tell me what you see ashatat
ReplyDeleteThe British officer that made this statement, said so in Asmara when an Eritrean woman saw him. She was so used to Europeans marching in to Eritrea (Italian experience) she automatically assumed her natural role as askari slave. I'm wondering what history you must have read. But then again, your Italian masters did not allow you to learn past grade four so your knowledge of anything is limited. Poor Eritrean nationalists, so frustrated with the status-quo in their little country that they will write article after article about Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteI find it hilarious that you think they would treat you any diffrently is that why they ass kiss the west till this day? Talk about natural role as a slave. You guys love the term askari., you people are twisted folks forget Eritreans who are right next door you have this complex with all of Africa even tho they were in your country like they own the place. Your midget "emperor" ie regional king ran his ass to europe just like his ancestors. I'm not gonna get into it with you. You are the last people on earth to call anyone slaves you guys are the poster child for "uncle tom".