Communities in Eritrea benefit from renewable wind energy
Windmills are providing alternative energy for rural communities across Eritrea
Eritrea, located in the Horn of Africa, has a limited supply of traditional forms of energy, such as coal, oil or petroleum. Much of the country relies on wood for household use. Biomass constitutes as much as 80% of the Eritrea’s total energy consumption. Electricity is expensive and unreliable. It is generated through thermal powered engines only available larger cities and towns.
In response to the country's growing energy demand, UNDP and the Eritrean government have been working develop sustainable energy solutions through renewable sources of energy, like wind and solar.
The results were instant. More than 35,000 people now have direct access reliable energy. Wind energy has improved the supply of electricity to water systems, schools, health facilities and small-scale businesses. The project also provided lighting, ventilation, cooling systems, and fish preservation centers which have improved the livelihoods of small-scale fishermen in the region.
The project also had immediate environmental benefits, as fossil fuel consumption has been reduced. The diesel power plant in the southern port city of Assab is now saving approximately 680,000 liters of diesel per year, or nearly $730,000 per year in diesel costs.
Smaller villages also are seeing fuel savings. Small villages save approximately 16,000 liters of diesel annually, or $17,000. The result is a reduction of CO2 emissions by 1718 metric tons per year with the added benefit of minimizing smoke-related health complications.
The Eritrean Wind Energy Application Project was financed by the Global Environment Facility as part of Eritrea’s contribution to climate change mitigation efforts, and co-financed by UNDP and the Eritrean government, which increased its national capacity to plan, design, install, operate and maintain wind energy systems in the country.
Aside from the immediate economic and social benefits to local communities, the Eritrean Wind Energy Application Project is helping minimize the destruction of forests and reduce carbon emissions.
Communities in Eritrea benefit from renewable wind energy
Reviewed by Admin
8:37 AM

ReplyDeleteDo you know that Eritrea can utilize wind power along 250 kilometers of its Red Sea Coast in an economically and environmentally sound manner? Do you know that wind mill towers can be installed hundred meter apart along these 250 kilometers. There is no restriction other than choice for alternative use whether the towers are erected in the sea or along the coast on the land. They can also be erected side by side as long as they are a hundred meters apart for maximum utilization of the wind power. I can give more information on that as soon as I locate the article on this matter. How many dams is this potential equivalent to?!
WARNING: The usual enemies will come to divert the topic and simply to express their anger at our good news! Those in Ethiopia that are quick to say our land is "barren and useless" will not be happy at all. As a matter of fact, Ethiopia's north eastern region could benefit from wind-generated electricity imported from our Southern Red Sea region! It would most likely be cost effective as it lies nearer to the source compared to the electricity generating regions in Ethiopia.
It late but great news. Eritrea has a lot of potential for wind, Solar and thermal powers. There is very very strong wind along the coastal lines from tip to tip. The wind power built in Eritrea has only two blades. Those wind turbines with 3 blades produce more power than the two blades. Eritrea should establish Electrical and mechanical engineers who would work on wind energy. The blades could even be produced in Eritrtea.
ReplyDelete...Just FYI.... the Eritrean government is exploring on more powerful and sustainable energy sources such as "geothermal" power plants, one station can light-up the entire nation.
ReplyDeleteLooks like what they are doing in Mekelle but a few years later
ReplyDeleteI believe this the best way to go. And if we could finance a $400 Million dollar Massawa port expansion (just for the sake of moving products), I'm sure we could find another $400 million to build a geothermal plant to light up 1-2 million homes and businesses. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
ReplyDeleteEritrea has no government it is a dictatoship fool
ReplyDeleteThumbs up.
ReplyDeleteEritrea come on..
ReplyDeleteA move in the right direction.
ReplyDeletehey Agame... get the f#@% out of this EXCLUSIVE ERITREAN WEBSITE. No n!gggas allowed.
ReplyDeleteDon't waste your precious time to enemies of Eritrea. When no one responds to their comments, they will go back to TOL, where they belong.
Hey you are the nigga fool supported a dead dictatorship that is keeping its people in slavery that is why your hypocritical but is outside of Eritrea. Coward go home your country is at war
ReplyDeleteHypocrite take a UN news article to parade with and then at the same time critisize the UN
ReplyDeleteYou criticize your own people fool you hypocritical coward return home to support PIA cuz he is the one saying we are at war so go home help Eritrea during her time of war. Fool you are the real agame enemy
ReplyDeleteListen Agame 's. ....Nobody can stop Eritrea on the Way to reach the goal...
ReplyDeleteYeah with PIA Eritrea is far worse off than 20 years ago. Our country does not deserve this crap. Get the elderly Mugabe style government out and let some young guns in
ReplyDeleteYeah and even when dreaming maybe we can have an election and a constitution after another 100 years. Our government sucks.
ReplyDeleteThe article says "The Eritrean Wind Energy Application Project was financed by the Global Environment Facility as part of Eritrea’s contribution to climate change mitigation efforts,.." So, how does this fit in your mantra of self-reliance? You are always quick to insult Ethiopia as a nation of "beggars" "living on handouts" etc.. So what does this say about Eritrea? Clearly this development, which is great is not happening purely with Eritrean knowhow and resources... What say you about this?
ReplyDeleteRead more:
350 plus 22 iss ....and more to come foool....this is the real devolement in your Eritrea fool
ReplyDeleteit have alredy stoped fool for 15 years ago...deadmeat
ReplyDeleteSo good!
ReplyDeleteCow dung,what has to do you comment with this topic?
ReplyDeleteIt is called partnership!, so this is what they teach you in the dedebit university of espionage, deception and twisting information? you omitted the part that says the Eritrean government .....funny man (dedeb from dedebit) and for your information self reliance policy does not mean Eritrea doe not need in the form of knowledge and financial support accoring to the self reliance policy means supporting priority areas such as agriculture and clean water as well as energy noooooooooo food aid hahahahh noooooooooo food aid you dumb tool....people like you will never understand such things...
ReplyDelete"the Eritrean Wind Energy Application Project was financed by the Global Environment Facility as part of Eritrea’s contribution to climate change mitigation efforts, and co-financed by UNDP and the Eritrean government, which increased its national capacity to plan, design, install, operate and maintain wind energy systems in the country"
the song is "yekeren lomy" BTW your constant barrage of disinformation and twisting has come to pass before and will continue to be irrelevant for your information lies and opinions are two different things but for you they are all the same as you believe what is in your twisted little "jart" head...i have a word for you ",,,,,eshoh latariw" you keep spewing shit you will believe it and end up swimming in it...good lack!
ReplyDeletegive it a rest mekele boy....what is in mekele is for mekele and what is in DC is good for Americans,,,,,,,,Eritrea is for Eritreans keep on comparing our young nation with scant money coming from the usual suspects you guest it IMF WB etc with countries whom debt is sky rocketing as we speak and nothing to show for it, leave it alone it won't do you good.
ReplyDeleteMADOTE IS A EXCLUSIVE ERITREAN WEBSITE, anyone who meddles on this site is just displaying his or her inferiority complex. Case closed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you might try to say it is PFDJ website but do not pretent is
ReplyDeleteIs only an Eritrean website as
Most Eritreans do not support PIA. Inferiority complex right dude suck
a big one
American fake coward hypocrite
Ha ha ha ha how can you believe any statistic coming from Eritrea these days fool
ReplyDeleteBoat trip to Europe?
ReplyDeleteYou give it rest Agame boy in USA what I am saying is that PIA led Eritrea is even behind woyane you coward hypocrite if you love PFDJ government what the hell you now living outside Eritrea for? Prick fake coward
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha ha there has not been any port traffic in Massawa for years and you are talking about expansion fool yeah right boy outside of Eritrea in la la land
ReplyDeleteStupid;the music is "ye keren birtukan" you exposed your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteBut you are for sure woyane agame
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you go back to Eritrea and .help her
ReplyDeleteNobody can stop Eritrea from going to hell in a hand basket.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the name calling? Don't they teach you manners at SAWA? I bet you don't insult the generals when you're shinning their shoes. At least not to their faces. Or say anything when your females are turned into sex slaves for Issayas and his goons. Oh wait... Issayas has Sophia T. she's his comfort bitch.
ReplyDeleteBut I digress. There can only be a partnership between equals. You and your flea-infested Eritrea is no equal to the EU so you can roll that in your pasta and shove it down your throat. The EU is providing the financing, the technology and the logistic to implement the project. Eritrea is providing the flea-infested sand-box on which the project is being implemented. That is not a "partnership" more like a master and beggar relationship. Get it, Ass-Hat?
LOL! Good one Guest.
ReplyDeleteAye Agame....hahahahahaha....
ReplyDeleteDogali, deadmeat, Pilot--one person----what is next Agame boy. LOL..hahahahah....
ReplyDeleteSo now ur tlaking to ur self, thats A Road to Mental ILLNESS..hahahahahaha....
ReplyDeleteYou remind me the pilots who seek asylum in Eritrea now :))
Wind power, geothermal--OUR GOEri- have to push this kind of project hard, this can help this contry's economy very much...So when we finshed building this...the money that was spend on fule, it can be spent in other project.
ReplyDeleteTo Add.....
The Danakil Depression-- most of the region is covered by a thick succession of flood basalts- the mesozoic sedimentary rocks that get progressively younger--meaning its easy to built a hydro-power Dam.
Good news **MADOTE**!!! keep it coming!!....
Have you noticed How many times you call PIA ? LOL
ReplyDeleteIndeed bro, they are only here divert people from commnting. Lets them bark..Woof, ruff, a mad dog. just replay them with this...Woof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....
ReplyDeleteJust replay them with this bro...Woof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....
ReplyDeleteWhoof spaghetti man pretender shabia. The only one barking is you coward Eritrean expressing support for PIA. Go back to Eritrea you coward walk the talk
ReplyDeleteNo I went to Saudia Arabia
ReplyDeleteI guess you see a lot of camels there in Italy bitch woyane. Whoof bitch woyane dog. Real Eritreans are either inside Eritrea or opposing the PIA government from abroad. It just makes no sense for a PIA supporter to bark from outside the country
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteAll you young guns out of the country,who do you have in mind?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you in Italy and not Eritrea? Yeah right that says it all dog. Now who is barking fagged GM coward
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha......
ReplyDeleteHey Pilot with another name--just air------ Woof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha.......
ReplyDeleteWoof,Woof ruff, bow-wow.....hahahaha................
ReplyDeleteኣኔ ማ ብኖረኝ እረዳ ነበር, ላዛውም, ኢትዮጲያ ኣገሬን መጀመርያ, ቢተርፈኝ Why not, ante gen wait, do you help your self, we hear you all the time claiming here and there? do you help your people, weys zem belh, werie becha new? Be a model first yourself on helping then ask..If you have something left help ESAT (ethiopian satellite television)