Video: Fears in Egypt over Ethiopia Nile dam agreement
By Mohamad Shalaby
The Egyptian presidency says the principles agreed upon include understandings on the Ethiopian dam's storage capacity, and the techniques of filling its main reservoir, and not the historical shared quotas of Nile waters.
Ethiopia, on its part, stressed that the Grand Renaissance hydroelectric Dam it is building is designed to generate electricity for economic development projects, and would not cause any harm to downstream countries, Egypt, and Sudan.
The three countries did emphasize that a final agreement would only be signed after studies on the dam's impact have been completed, in order to safeguard the parties' interests.
Observers who take the side of Egypt’s government have welcomed the cooperation deal.
But the Muslim Brotherhood, and their allies, say the declaration legitimizes Ethiopia's controversial dam, and allows the country to raise international funds for it, with Egypt getting nothing tangible in return, except for expressions of good will.
The opposition accuses president Abdulfattah al-Sisi of relinquishing Egypt's historical water rights, just to create personal alliances, and appease African union powers, with whom army-deposed president Morsi of the Brotherhood squabbled over the vital water issue.
Ethiopia has finished constructing at least 40 percent of the dam, which is expected to be fully completed in only two years time.
Egyptians are worried that the trilateral deal could make them lose a vital portion of the Nile waters, their main source of life for thousands of years.
Video: Fears in Egypt over Ethiopia Nile dam agreement
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12:21 AM

nile is ethiopian. the stupid arabs must shut up and accept ethiopia is now the regional power house in africa,.Aftr few years eritrea will import electricity from ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteEgypt has been a burden for Ethiopia for a long time. I think this burden that rests on Ethiopia will be continue for a while until Egypt starts to seek alternatives to supplement its water needs. Egypt never had seek any alternative to its water shortage except to threaten Ethiopia to keep the water coming from the Nile. Egypt should seek an alternative to supplement its water shortage; not replacing all water coming to egypt from the Nile. Egypt is leaving a bad test on Ethiopian people when they insist that Ethiopia should give them all of the the Nile water originating from Ethiopia. Egypt's bulling mentality would become to hunt them down the road because Egypt's assumption to control all Nile water coming from Ethiopia is not justifiable even for one single Ethiopian. Egypt can beat a war dram as long as it wants but the Ethiopian people will do what is necessary to have its water share from the Nile. The Nile water reaching Egypt will reduce in the future as long as the east African population is increasing. As the population increases water consumption is going to increase as people use it not only for daily consumption but also for irrigation to increase agriculture productivity to cope with shortage of food as the population increases. In tandem with negotiating the water quota for egypt from the Nile, the Egyptian people should ask their leaders what they have done except to confront Ethiopia to keep the water coming from the Nile. Egypt should go far beyond intimidating its neighbors to full fill its water needs; seek an alternative to your water shortage and then if there are some gaps in fulfilling the needs, after the alternative is put in place Ethiopian people fully understand where Egyptian are coming from and Ethiopian empathy with Egyptians and do the right thing. The Egyptians should ask what are the alternatives that Egyptians leader put forward to tackle Egypt's water problem except bulling sub African nations to give us their water?
ReplyDeleteI think it is naïve to expect Ethiopia would blink to Egypt just because Egypt is preparing and is going to take military action against Ethiopia. Ethiopian government and Ethiopian people have unwavering commitment to use the Nile water for our development. If we have to share the water with Egypt, giving Egypt to fulfill its water shortage we would not do because of fear but its just and necessary. Egypt is making a big mistake using a stick against Ethiopia. The stick even though it is not physical used it is leaving a scare in every Ethiopian heart which is going to take for ever to be reversed and healed. Ethiopia will prevail and Egypt will go an aggressor with out legitimate cause in the hearts of Ethiopians.
Eritrea will not get a watt of electricity from ethiopia. All eritrea does is take and steal from Ethiopia's reasoutces. You got independence, so be independent!
ReplyDeleteNo real Eritrean will ask u that, don't flatter ur selves. we don't need anything to do with u Agame qomalat. besides Eritrea will use The red sea as dam. :)
ReplyDeleteEritrea certainly will not import electricity from u people/Agame. Ugumesh.
ReplyDeleteAlec you your so funny' I 'am Eritrean boy I like u that way u talk keep calm what the fuck they talk Ethiopian people dam ass,
ReplyDeleteYour going do dam the Red Sea? Unlikely. Plus Sudan is building infrastructure to export ethiopian electricity to eritrea. So you will be importing ethiopian electricity. Stop hiding in diaspora, and live in the reality that is Shabiya. A nation of contradiction
ReplyDeleteWhy do you insult. I see you on twitter and YouTube insulting also. Be with manners. Shame on you
ReplyDeleteAren't you tired of this en passe, why not duke it out and settle it for once and for all?
ReplyDelete1st of all am not on twitter and 2nd if u think someone with the same name like mine is me all over the NET...then u need an MRI scan check up darling.
ReplyDeletePorco! You wanna be neighbour or Erian? Yes we are building our Nation, thanks for noticing. Btw, how are the quarter million ethio riffs in Yemen fairing? Another im passe that needs immediate attention, wouldn't you say?
ReplyDeleteWe are duking it out. We are doing what is possible through diplomacy, we are getting ready what is probable. Finally we are planning for the improbable. Since you are from SAWA the word diplomacy was not taught to you as a duking out as you put it, but in political discord diplomacy is one of the tools used to settle differences.
ReplyDeleteEgypt shouldn't believe weyane's promises, i agree to be skeptical as they are used to promise and never maintain..there are evidences of betrayals.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to stay in the dark for a long time, Alec You. I think you need power in your house as well as in your mind. The only word you come out from you is words that some how you think is degrading to some people. Agame might define some of our people in your term, but the word has no any shocking value any more since you used it so many times in your comment. People who try to degrade people, have no any value to rely on except their stink ass to compare themselves with other people. You're in the wrong place, if your are just trying to insult people. If you think you are better than anybody else; good like. So far though, from the way you handled your self in some of your comments you need to work on to became better individual.
ReplyDeletePorco! i will try to answer you along Erty; with one stone if you will two birds, unlike you mr.Erty claims has been around the world including china, but what i see as anything close to round is the discarded half-bra he is wearing as kofye! therefore he is bound to miss a diploma that is bought online as being the same as lobbying-as both deal with monetary exchange; hence his Smunee diplomacy.
ReplyDeleteYou on the other hand come as you are; a scavenger looking for something to take home to your "chicks", therefore, keep the "J" in JART and change it into Joffe-that is more befitting.
if you have not known me by now, i had said I wish this project comes into completion at the quickest time possible and I will be more than happy to see "Ethiopians" benefitting from it; it is long over due and a shame to us all to see ethiop struggling to feed her self with this much water flowing-I know electricity is a priority for you; so be it, better late than never. i do not think GERD is woyane's so stop being GERED to woyane.
Now that we have cleared the air, one of your chicks has said that 9000 people are engaged 24 hours 7 days a week constructing what you have called 40% complete-good two years has lapsed and at this pace it will take you three years if all goes well ( i am optimistic). but what begs (no pun intended) the question is you have 96 million people who live in less than a quarter a dollar a day; can't you bring in a million of them and get it over with by the sun rise? ahh, how soon do we forget? that has been tried in '98 and the jack-ass is six feet under-fill free to use any name in the place of jack; that operation must have left you feeling squeamish,,,,,if not all together paralyzed.
in short as the many ERIANS, I am saying mind you bizzwax and forget Eritrea and focus on your projects! we be minding ours too.
And i hope you understood your masters language I have borrowed to get my message across.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteTheir are millions of ethiopians in the sinai yemen etc.. apposed to the few thousands of Eritreans stop believe your own propaganda.
ReplyDeleteYour an idiot.. do you know all the types of alternative energy and hydro electricity?
ReplyDeleteHe seems he doesn't. :)
ReplyDeleteNice bro!
ReplyDeleteYes! in time we will use the Red Sea as dam. cuz we believe in hard work and in our selves, and thats what u people lack-of, sorry but true.
ReplyDeleteWe already taking Electricity from The Sudan and No need for Ethiopia as you People are using Djibouti simple like that what the Egyptian done is not for us to judge time but these people are building the Dam in Benishangul ( SHANKILLA LAND ) As it the word for Slaves in Amharic wish they will benefit from it and the main reason is to export electricity for others (Sudan they don't need,Kenya far away and don't need ) Only Egypt is targeted then Djibouti.
ReplyDeleteIf you are from south I sure you Qomal Agame as your original race, If you are from North-----------
ReplyDeleteብዝኾነ መለክዒ ኣርሒቑ ንዝጠመተ ሓንጎል፡ ህንጸት ናይዚ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ተበጊሱ ዘሎ ኤለክትሪክ ትካል፡ ውዒሉ ሓዲሩ ረብሓ ናይ ኣብቲ ከበቢ ዘሎ ኣህዛብ ዝውዕል ምኳኑ እንተድኣ ኣስተብሂልና፡ ስርዓት ይመጽእ፡ስርዓት ይሓልፍ ስለዝኾነ፡ ወሸለ እዚ ኣዝዩ ልዕሊ ዓቕሚ ባጀት ኢትዮጵያ ዝኾነ ዲጋ ተሰሪሑ እዩ ዘብላአካ። ምኽንያቱ፡ መስርሕ ፖለቲካዊ ቃልሲ ከም ነፋሒቶ ኣብ ዝኾነ እዋን ምስ ረብሓ እንዳተለዋወጠ ስለዝኸይድ፡ መርገጽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ድማ ኣርሒቑ ዝጥምት ስለዝኾነ፡ ከም ባህጊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ናይ ሎሚ ዒስራ ዓመት ኩነታት ተለዊጡ ዝምድናታት ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት ክመሓየሽ ስለዝኾነ፡ እቲ ሓደ ዘለዎ ካብቲ ካልእ እንዳተመላልአ ምስዝኸይድ ኣብ መነባብሮ ኣህዛብ ናይቲ ዞባ ዘምጽኦ ዓይነታዊ ለውጢ ሂወት መዳርግቲ ስለዘይብሉ፡ ባህጊ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ድማ ሰሚሩ ማለት ስለዝኾአ ፡ ወሸለ ተሰሪሑ ዘብል ኮይኑ የረኣየካ። ( Just an opinion)
ReplyDeletelol i don't think so you believe in hard work while living in diaspora if you were true eritrean u should stay there and do the hard work
ReplyDelete"Eritrea certainly will not import electricity from u people.." ? Really?? If were to import Ethiopian electricity how were you planning to pay for it, pray tell? Human Organs? Perhaps refugees? You got nothing, just sand, sand flies and angry, frustrated and hopeless Anbetas <--- which is not hard currency. Ethiopia will only export to those who are able, interested and willing to pay for Ethiopia's electricity using hard currency. Period. This is not an option or issue for Eritreans to entertain. Idiots.
ReplyDeleteBoom! Jart. Exactly!! Eritrea is buying second-hand Ethioppian electricity from Sudan. Sudan pays $1 for the electricity and sells what she does not use for $2 to Eritrea. That's how Sudan is gaming Eritrea. As long as Sudan pays Ethiopia in hard currency, Ethiopia does not care how much Electricity Sudan buys or what Sudan does with its surplus. This is pure economics and free market. You bitches better ramp-up your 2% to 4% forced tax so you can afford Ethiopian electricity.
ReplyDeletehawi55 - so you did a head-count of the number of Ethiopians in the Sinai? It's not an Ethiopian propaganda. It is the world that is reporting on the number of Eritrean refugees flooding Israel, the Middle East and Europe.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to Dam the Red Sea? Who's going to dam the Red Sea for you? Your god on earth Issayas Afworki? What is he waiting for? Why doesn't Issayas wade into the Red Sea, split it open like Moses did back in Biblical times and boom! build you bitches a dam?? What's he waiting for??
ReplyDeleteOh u poor wedi amete. ur starting to believe ur own shit.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha....Agame boy ur losing ur shit. That's the spirit! -be crazy, be weird, don't be afraid of what anybody thinks! am proud of u ugumeshhhhhhhhhhhh. :)
ReplyDeleteIf were to import Ethiopian electricity how were you planning to pay for it. u say? Quenty of course what else.
ReplyDeleteInferiority inferiority... the core the building blocks of qomal Agame.................
ReplyDeletestill you could not prove your hard working and keep barking like a dog....