Only Eritrean Patriots Will Decide the Fate Of Eritrea!!
Only Eritrean Patriots Will Decide the Fate Of Eritrea!!
Drs. Tsegezab Gebregergis, March 28, 2015
There was a lot of talk recently that the air force of the Woyane gangs ruling Ethiopia has bombarded the Eritrean Gold mine at Bisha and an armed depot in southern Eritrea. However, the fact of the matter is none of the Ethiopian air force jets has ever entered the Eritrean airspace and much less to have incurred damages to the Eritrean Gold Mine. Indeed, if the empty claims by the Woyane collaborationist unpatriotic Eritreans was to be true, the next day Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam would have been targeted and bombed by the Eritrean air force and the whole northern Ethiopia would have been under flooding with all the implications this would have for the entire region.
It is thus important to know and understand if the Woyane gangs are stupid enough to underestimate the patience of the heroic Eritrean people and their defence forces and continue to violate Eritrean sovereignty and national honour, they are playing with real fire.
Let thus the enemies and friends of Eritrea beware that the future of Eritrea will be decided only by Eritrean patriots.
Let independent and sovereign Eritrea shine forever!!
Only Eritrean Patriots Will Decide the Fate Of Eritrea!!
Reviewed by Admin
8:54 AM

GERD is not in northern Ethiopia. You talking about may be Tekaze dam. You don't know which dam is where let alone to bomb one of them. Ethiopian people will not let you see a day of light if any of its economic hub is targeted by your so called Eritrean army. I dare you to start this game and find out who is going to prevail. If Eritrea attacks any territory in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian government is not going to deny or be silent about it, fearing the news being official is going to ask answers or retaliations for from the public further escalating of conflict. Eritrea's fate is decided by Eritreans as long as the king in Asmara is not going to over reach its military power.
ReplyDeleteWe have heard propagandaass like yours for almost all our life eritreans they don't like propogandass they fight and they win your boss also said we will be in asmara in 3days and badme was given to you go beaging lieng. Killing. Deporting. Stilling. Desplacing. Dividing the ethiopan people but your days are nomuberd
ReplyDeleteWell said!
ReplyDeleteI hope you take away those numbered days of Ethiopia since you have such a powerful military force. If Eritrea has such legitimacy as you claim, the Eritrean government would not spare a second to invade Ethiopia. The Eritrean government is not doing it just because they don't have the means. Ethiopia justifies its action based on what is necessary and just, on the other hand Eritrea justifies its action what it can do and what actions gives it the most exposure that Eritrea is a country somewhere in the horn of Africa needs to remembered. Based on this Eritrea could have invaded Ethiopia if it could just like they did in Badme late1990's.
ReplyDeleteIt is not advisable to write such kind of article. To what purpose, to whom advantage is inviting war. I think you live in the West, so you will not suffer much but those who live in Eritrea are going to be the victims. As an intelectual, we expect constractive articles from you.
Well said Drs, Thank you!!!!!!!!! I think most medias in Eritrea and Ethiopia are public property, owned by the governments of each respective countries. The private medias are politically affiliated or funded by the governments. Therefore, these medias are the mouth piece of the government and instead of INVOKING CRITICAL THIKING among people, spread ignorance, hatred, and political dissent because the lively hood of most of the journalist is directly dependent to where the fund are coming
ReplyDelete"Houston, We have a Problem"
ReplyDeleteI am here!, General TsadKan.
This self claimed Dr .is a plain FOOL and an IDIOT . I know he is from the CAMERIRE GENERATION and I question his credentials as a DR , he is a typical Eritrean of the 50s & 60s who is proud of being an Italian slave than Eritrean .
ReplyDeleteI would not entertain war with Ethiopia , 90 million strong with no slavery experience ?
Do the Math Ato Dr .
Only Eritrean Patriots Will Decide the Fate Of Eritrea!! Indeed right u are Drs. Tsegezab Gebregergis.
ReplyDeleteAll this propaganda is to mislead the people. by this so called apposition groups and woyane the gossip queens of East Africa. and of course the woyane/tigray to divert people from that so called coming election. No surprise here!!! we are vigilant to any gossip propaganda.
Awet N'hafash!! Zelalemawi Z'kri N'swatna!!! Long live the people of Eritrea/Shaebia!!
Hahahaha....hahahaha..... u funny....ala Ugumesh t'gebra. LOL....
ReplyDeleteHahaha...General TsadKan, his still crying like a baby. LOL.....
ReplyDeleteAlec you:
ReplyDeleteI have read your comments a day ago ... did not respond I had only my smart phone.
We missed you, Welcome back, glad to read your comments again.
I hope all is great on your (& family) side of the globe.
Woynane had discovered the cheapest way to "earning" a PhD or Dr.
ReplyDelete.... No more spending $$$
............. Just change your first name to "Dr"
No worries bro and thanks. all is great. missed u all 2, hope u are great to bro. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, All Great.
ReplyDeleteWe missed your electrifying comments.
:) thanks bro, Am glad that ur great.
ReplyDeleteKemti natkum diu mesileka? Invented degree?
ReplyDelete"if it was Ethiopia ,Eritrean war planes would have destroyed the renaissance dam"what a language is this from a Dr?i am glad that the same mistake has not been repeated this time.
ReplyDeleteWhich article are your quoting from? Are you rephrasing what you think he said? If so you misunderstood the article.
This is what the article said:
"Indeed, if the empty claims by the Woyane collaborationist unpatriotic Eritreans was to be true, the next day Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam would have been targeted and bombed by the Eritrean air force and ..."
"It is thus important to know and understand if the Woyane gangs are
ReplyDeletestupid enough to underestimate the patience of the heroic Eritrean
people and their defense forces and continue to violate Eritrean sovereignty and national honour, they are playing with real fire."
Great article., the part i quoted is the most underestimated part by the southern aggressors. We have had the patience of budda up to now. Your white master is fighting wars on many fronts he wont help you if you start again with peace loving peoples.
Awet N'hafash!
" the next day Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam would have been targeted and bombed by the Eritrean air force"
ReplyDeletePoor man.I think he is confusing Tekeze and GERD dam. I'll bet you he's living comfortably in the west while Eritreans would die in the war he would want to unleash. If you really think that is a good idea, put your money where your mouth is and go and live in Eritrea and fight there. Pathetic keyboard warmonger man. Your kids
This is General Tsadkan. Sorry I can not help you; I am busy moving my family back to Dedebit. The only safe place from me and my family it go back to DEDEBIT to start all over again. Sorry, please do not contact me.
ReplyDeleteActually, the end time for Wayane is not far away.
I read all the comments below. First, I think the writer is 'she'. If I am not mistaken Drs title is for a female. Second, this lady has written several times and was criticised. I am wondering why she wrote this article now! Personally, I feel the writer is totally wrong and I think this is provocation. This kind of provocation is performed by few innocent but very angry or else devious to make two innocent fight and be a friend of one of them to satisfy self interest or else are some people who likes and are happy to perform evil things. We have reached to a level of understanding that the Eritrean and Ethiopian people are not enemies. If we work together we would make a difference and is for the benefit of the two countries and its people. Once we knew the event is proved to be vandalism, we should be (both parties) conscious to advance our countries and build the capacity of the people. Propaganda had disparate us in the past especially the Ethiopians had different attitude. Now is the time to get out of this terrible backwardness. Those who grew up with lies, pretension and making oneself superior or inferior have no place. Many are very conscious of Eritrea. Education is free. Everybody should know himself. Yes it is true many are having PHD, Masters etc but even if this purchased or got from dedication it is helpful if we use it for the benefit of ourself, our family, our community, our people, our Africa and the world at large. That is where I believe a true patriotism comes. This is the forum to aware our people and learn one another!
ReplyDeleteYou ar not rational man/women you defend your country that is fine but how can you be two face? In one hand you claim that you are rational as to solving the problem..yet you claim that Eritrea envaded Ethiopia. ..badme was Eritrean and still is all the army did is just set up a defen ce there...merely defending what is ours is Not a crime ....yes whethwr you like it or not the Ethiopian Army envaded every corner of Eritrea including Assab. .but you never hear much about it from your gov...cost they perished in the heat of red sea and kept on coming like flies but to no avail. While that is the reality bravado to Eritreans don't mean much we will defend Eritrea by blood and has been done before..amd will be done again if there is a need.....forward thinking is qhat is required war.never benifited Ethiopia as Your Ethiopia lost the war thats how we have a country called Eritrea ...right? Now stop the empty bravado and keep on analising....
ReplyDeleteBombing dams would be the answer to adventures of Weyane?
Not even DAISH (ISIL) did destroy the Mosul dam let alone GoE or EPLF, which throughout its whole history, has not carried attacks that could endanger thousands of civilians.
By the way since when do we Eritrean's boast and threaten others?
So mister Doctor try to remain sober and calm.
As you correctly say Eritrean Patriots, whome I never heard boast or threaten, will see to it that the country is defended from lunatics and warmongers.
B.Adal - Eritrea neither has the Air Force nor the capacity to bomb Badme which is under Issayas' snout-filled nostrils much less strike hundreds of miles deep inside Ethiopia. Just empty boasting... from his job, sitting in a parking lot booth, venting anger to sooth his hopelessness. Eritrea cannot destroy a fruit-stand let alone a giant dam. That is all.
ReplyDeleteGUESTT - your sentiments are very sweet. But there will be no "working together" of Ethiopians and Eritreans. There has been no trade, communication or people-to-people contact between Ethiopians and Eritreans for the last 17 years. That is as long a time as the period the Dergue ruled both Eritrea and Ethiopia. Ethiopia is doing just fine on her own without the help of Eritrea and Eritreans. Eritreans should work together within themselves to improve their lot before thinking of others. As they say... "Charity starts at home".
ReplyDeletehawi55. You say, you have patience? And when your patience runs out? What then? What are you going to do?
ReplyDeleteMana - correction! Ethiopia did not lose the war. It would be better for all if Eritreans swallowed the bitter pill of reality and accept that Eritrea started the war in 1998 and when the actual shooting war started in May 2000 and Ethiopia struck back, the Eritrean army was destroyed and 1/3 of Eritrean territory was occupied within a week. Furthermore, if you dealt with reality you would know that after 30 years of war, Ethiopia simply got tired of fighting and decided it was not worth trying to keep Eritrea and so Ethiopia let it go. If you continue to not learn from reality and adjust your collective attitudes you're doomed to commit the same mistake... thinking that you won the last round of the war and do something stupid. This time, I assure you, the Ethiopian army will not stop at the outskirts of Asmara. And there is no one there to help you. No Libya, no Egypt, no, Syria. You're on your own.
ReplyDeleteWell im not a woyane so nothing stupid atleast hahahahahahah!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou coward weyane, you know nothing, ask sium mesfun how is shaebia, he will tell you. Who was crying when we destroyed the 25
ReplyDeleteplanes donated by the west in seconds in the first battle with the idiot
weyane you garbage, you are unfit to this web, it is close to unhook .....
these rotten weyane by the people of ethiopia. They will plunk down
to these shifta in to a big sink of the earth.
I was going to respond to yr first comment but I found y to be in the era where working together was not found essential. Go ahead with yr belief I have no comment. There is no need of back and
ReplyDeleteforth. If y r from Tigrnya speaker let me tell y a proverb 'nelebam ametelu neasha deguhalu. Good luck!