Nevsun Announces Successful Bisha Plant Restart
Bisha mine
By Nevsun
2015 Press Releases
March 30, 2015
Nevsun Announces Successful Bisha Plant Restart and Maintains Guidance
Nevsun Resources Ltd. (TSX:NSU) (NYSE MKT: NSU) (Nevsun or the Company) reports that the Bisha processing plant successfully restarted on March 26 after completion of both the ball mill and the tailings thickener repairs. The processing plant had been offline since the March 13, 2015, announcement when the ball mill gear box mechanical issue was discovered during routine maintenance.
The Company advises that the investigation by Eritrean authorities into the incident at the mine site a week ago continues. Employee and site safety and security are always of utmost importance and the Company has arranged for increased security in and around the mine site. There have been no further incidents.
During the temporary shutdown the mine also took the opportunity, through its third party thermal energy provider Aggreko, to accelerate the upgrade of another ten of its twenty seven diesel generators with newer more efficient units. In addition, the mine was able to focus on waste mining and accelerate some other preventative maintenance that was scheduled for later in 2015. The Company maintains its 2015 annual production guidance to produce between 160 and 175 million pounds of copper at C1 cash cost of $1.20 to $1.40 per pound.
Nevsun Announces Successful Bisha Plant Restart
Reviewed by Admin
7:55 AM

Good news *MADOTE* for Eritrea and Bad news to the sworn enemy to the south. :)
ReplyDeleteSome people have nothing better to than to hurt others, the more u succeed in life, the more u will be criticized by others.
Long live Eritrea/People/ Shaebia!!!...
Now agames will come up with new barking Mechanisms,"hgdef forced the company to hide the truth or they will fabricate new በጎግ" etc ።እቲ ዘሕዝን ናቶም እከይ ተግባራት ዘይኮነስ፡ናይቶም ምስኣቶም ዝሃጻ ዘለዋ፡በዓል ሞግሃይ ዘመዶም እዩ።
ReplyDelete"ላም እሳት ወለደች" ኮይንና'ኮ።
love ህግድፍ፡ንጸላኢኡ መንደፍ..they always laugh at da end.
Lam beg woledece,a cow gave birth to a sheep...not fire.stup!!! unless cows give birth to fire in your never knows..anything can happen in our northern neighbour.
ReplyDeleteTrue Porco! We are the miracle makers and if we want to, we can make it rainy on you.
ReplyDeleteXahxah mekos hamlee!
The toothless barking dogs from the streets of the West barked and barked and barked for 24 hours and here is the HALAL MERIET, that includes Bisha, marching to the Promised Land.
ReplyDeleteJust curious though. Do you think the few dogs from EDAGA ENUDAT shall be back to bark more, come morning?
You bet they will be back; after all, for many of them that is how they make living.
ReplyDeleteAre you still out there barking like a mad dog? By the way, if you want to have a good night sleep and if you do not want to pull your hair in disgust, it is better for you not come to any Eritrean web sites. Do not forget, the Eritrean lions and lionesses are on guard, watching for Eritrea with an eagle eye. Watching the DEKI MAI TELAMIT especially.
ReplyDeletePorco! Why put the donkey last, wasn't it the one who was leading you: operation jackass! Talk about menga-animity.
ReplyDeleteYou're magnanimous my friend!
Wedi Mai Telamit, what brought you to our hood? By the way, it is time for your daily ritual, for ABUNE AREGAWI OF DEBRE DAMO YIRDA'EKUM and MARIAM TIHABKUM.