Eritrean Police Arrest a Gang of Robbers in Asmara
Eritrean police arrested a criminal gang in Asmara accused of robbing citizens - Photo: suspects
ኣቶ ወልዳይ ኣብርሃ ኣብ ብጸላም ዝተጎብአ ለይቲ፡ ኣብ ደረት ጽርግያ ኮይኑ፡ ነዊሕ ምብራህቲ ወልዓ ናብኡ ገጻ ትጉዓዝ መኪና ብማዕዶ ተዓዘበ።
“ እዚኣስ ትማልኣኒ ግዲ ትኽውን!…. እዝጊ ይፈልጥ!…. ንመን ኢልዎ!“
መታዓልልቲ ዘለዎ ክመስል ምስ ነብሱ ኣጉጀምጀመ። ኣቐዲመን ክልተ ኣውቶቡሳት ጥሒሰንኦ ስልዝሓለፋ’ዩ ከኣ፡ ምስ’ዛ ሳልሰይቲ መኪና ክቐንዖ እምነቱ ኣብ ኣምላኹ ዘንበረ።
ኣቶ ወልዳይ ነባር ሸዋጣይ’ዩ። ኣስመራ ኣምጺኡ ዝነግደሎም ኣብዑር ካብ ከረን ንምዕዳግ’ዩ፡ ዓዲ ኣበይቶ ካብ ዝርከብ መንበሪኡ፡ መሬት ከይብርሀ ተንሲኡ መጉዓዚያ ንምርካብ ናብ ጽርግያ ዝወጸ። እዛ ክትማልኦ ምሉእ ተስፋ ዘሕደረላ መኪና ግን፡ ኣውቶቡስ ዘይኮነት ኣብ ክሊ ዕድመ ዕስራታት ዝርከቡ ኣርባዕተ መንእስያት ዘሳፈረት፡ ቶዮታ ዛዓይነታ ኮድ ሓደ መኪና’ያ ዝነበረት። ኣብ ጥቕኡ ምስቐረበት መራሕ መኪና ደው ክብለሉ’ሞ ” በጃኻ ተማልኣኒ!“
ኢሉ ክልምኖ የማናይ ኢዱ ኣወዛወዘ። እንተኾነ፡ እዚኣ`ውን ከም ዝቐደማ ብናህሪ ስለዝሓለፈቶ ” እንታይ ዝበለ ተካል ለይቲ’ዩ!…ዶ’ምበር ሎምስ ክቐንዓኒዩ?“ ብኹነታትመገሻኡ ተጠራጠረ።
ይኹን’ምበር፡ እታ ዝሓለፈቶ መኪና ኣንፈታ ናብ ኣስመራ ገጻ ብምቕያር፡ ካብ ዝተወሰነ ርሕቀት ተጠውያ ከም ብሓድሽ ንዓዲ ኣበይቶ እናተሓምበበት ተመልሰት። እቲ ህሞት ጸላም ብምንባሩ፡ እታ ኣቐዲማ ዝሓለፈቶ መኪና ምኳና ክስተብህል ዝይከኣለ ኣቶ ወልዳይ፡ ኢዱ ሓፍ ኣቢሉ ደው ንኽትብል ድሕሪ ምምልካት ” ተማልኡኒ’ንዶ ሓተተ፡ ብዝተራዝሕወ ቬትሮ ማዕጾ መኪና፡ ንመራሕ መኪና እናጠመተ።
“ ሕራይ ተሰቐል ንዓናይ ” መራሕ መኪና መለሰ፡ ብየማናይ ኢድ ስፖርቴሎ እንዳኸፈተ።
ኣቶ ወልዳይ ማዕረ መራሕ መኪና ብቕድሚት ተሰቅለ።
መራሕ ቀዳማይ ማርሻ የእትዩ ድሕሪ ምብጋስ ” ንከረን እንዲኻ ሓቀይ? “ ሓተቶ ብፈገግታ።
Eritrean Police Arrest a Gang of Robbers in Asmara
Reviewed by Admin
6:15 AM

Weye gud! Eski baleka fetari ab yeman kemehasebu geber. Beseteane beselam wefereka teatwela adekase besenki kemezeameselu kenedahale.
ReplyDeleteYou beat the shit out of them,they will be straight. The Police of Eritrea need to treat this criminals the way they use to be treated under the Ethiopians.
ReplyDeleteIf they steal 25 vehicles and commit all these crimes then there is no police in Eritrea!! Probably there are a lot of similar gangs....
ReplyDeleteAhm, how soon before some "activist" change this criminal act into anti government "rights" issue? Hey, Weyane stogies, have you fallen asleep on your desks? Wake up, make us laugh. lets hear your twists.
ReplyDeleteIt is no wonder it happens. The bottom line is the crimes are exposed openly and this helps to alert the people. Everbody will watch. I remember there had been such
ReplyDeleteincidence some times ago. It didn't take time to arrest all. Those thieves had recruited young under age boys.
No...innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.
ReplyDeleteOnce they are guilty they should be punished according to there sentence weather it's getting beaten or 20 years of jail time...whatever might be. The bottom line is having a process in place is what will benefit us a society. My hats go to the Eritrean police departement. Well done. It should serve a warning to other criminals.
We were raised and behaved properly without the need of any police around our neighborhoods in any of Eritrean cities. When we misbehaved, we were punished by our parents, neighbors or teachers and sometimes by all for the same "crime". The times we grew up are much different and it is not fair to compare or expect the new generation to behave accordingly. Besides, not doing your home work on time, staying out late playing soccer, staying pass the curfew time, and smocking cigarette, there was nothing bad we were capable of committing. The new generation, are blessed with many things, including books, computers, internet, and the whole information technology. Although they are much smarter (minus depth) than my generation in regards to spectrum of knowledge, if you can't focus them in using their knowledge for good use, it is a BIG problem for themselves, their family and the country. We need a short term and a long term solution. None of the solution should include putting them in prison, as it is costly while making them more criminals.
SHORT TERM: Shame them on TV, then Community service (cleaning streets, schools, hospitals), hard labor (building roads, dams, ...)
LONG TERM: Education (Eritrean history, skills learning to make a living, vocational, rehabilitation, ...), help them and reward the ones who deserve it.
Lots of prayers to Eritrea.
True and I agree with you,and that is the way police in Eritrea treat criminals.
ReplyDeleteThose are new breed, something foreign to our society, one can only see or imagine their inspiration obviously comes from the west (western TV/movies) based on their hood covered head and sweat-shirts, typical ghetto gang wannabes. Disgraceful souls, cut-off their hands followed by castration and beheading, execute those bitches in public, that'll send a clear and loud message.
ReplyDeleteI was with you in the first part of your sentence but then you lost me. You admit yourself, where their inspiration comes from, but then instead of educating them, you want to chop their hands off, castrate them, behead them and then execute them? Wow!!!! Hey, just to remind you- Eritrea ain´t Saudi Arabia.
ReplyDeleteThe dictator=no rule of law+shouting+bosting+poverity=criminalism...etc
ReplyDeleteWait... why aren't those bitches in the desert trenches along with the rest of the youth guarding the nation against an imaginary invasion from the South?? There's no time to go "hood" or "ghetto". Either serve in the trenches or sell your organs in the deserts of North Africa.
ReplyDeleteShut up you stupid,get some education 1st,then you will discover the truth.
ReplyDeleteLet me put it this way, how about ass whipping by the families of the victims, followed by making those thugs kneel down and kiss all graves of our martyrs, a written confession and an apology to the Eritrean people, then off to a lifetime labor camp prison in Sawa and "re-education". Any gangsta wannabe can join them in Sawa. Any questions?
ReplyDeleteI admit what they did is beyond disgusting but as you and I know, there´re countries in this world with very harsh sentences meted upon criminals but the criminality doesn´t seem to subside. What these SOB´s did is attempted murder and their punishment must be harsh-like you said-prison for life. Chopping body parts and castrating people, though, is not in our culture. That´s what made me react the way I did. You can have written that in a moment of anger and without too much thought and I understand that perfectly.
ReplyDeleteYou are hopless
ReplyDeleteNow it is imaginary...huh? So the death of thousndsof your brothers wasa game?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened in the past was not imaginary. Eritrea invaded in 1998, there was a stand off until 2000 then in a little over a week, the Eritrean military was kicked out of Ethiopian territory and 1/3 of Eritrean territory was under the control of the Ethiopian military. If Ethiopia was interested in Eritrea, Eritrea would have ceased to exist in 2000. What happened in 2000 was the unquestionable utter military defeat and humiliation of Eritrea. So, that said, anything anticipated by Eritreans after 2000 is imaginary. "No War, No Peace" Remember??
ReplyDeleteEritrean police go after criminals! wow that is some thing needs celebration.I thought they are too lax in doing their duty...if I tell you how many Sawa visitiors were robbed last ask"were you robbed in Sawa?" to any person you know who was there last year.
ReplyDeleteThis three guys and all young boys like them are the victims of HIGDEF mismangement!! No work, no education and no freedom of movement then whatever they do has a reason!!!
ReplyDeleteLet us be matured and speak of the couse and not the effect!!!!!