The Case Against Freselam Mussie
Freselam Mussie holding the TPLF flag in Tigray region of Ethiopia. According to Freselam, he left Eritrea after he was briefly detained by police for showing support for the Ethiopian dictatorship, which occupies sovereign Eritrean territories, and supports armed terrorists groups against Eritrea. In his bizarre Facebook rants, the struggling musician lashed out against certain Eritrean ethnic groups, the Government and boasted about his region as being superior to other regions in Eritrea. Currently, Freselam is being paraded across Tigray as the second coming of Jesus by the TPLF regime, which is desperate to distract the public from the numerous and embarrassing high profile Ethiopian Air Force defections to Eritrea.
The Case Against Freselam Mussie
By: Mekete Berhane
Earlier this year, Freselam Mussie, the young Eritrean musician, fled from Eritrea, and ran into the open and accepting arms of Ethiopia. In a six part interview he gave to Radio Wegahta, Freselam publicly condemned and aired his grievances against the Eritrean government, which he claimed was the reason he defected. To the dismay of many Eritreans, Freselam explained in the interview that he merely left “one home, for another home” as in Eritrea and Ethiopia were the same.
Eritrean youth fleeing from their homeland is not a recent phenomenon, and in the past few years, Eritreans have seen some of their country’s biggest celebrities flee. The list of celebrities includes Yohannes “Wedi Tikabo”, and Tesfalem “Korchach” Arefaine.
The reason that the youth are fleeing is a complex issue that has to be looked at from several different angles, including but not limited to the following: the favorable immigration policies towards Eritrean asylum seekers in many Western countries; the creation of major refugee camps right across Eritrea’s border in Ethiopia’s Tigray region; the Eritrean diaspora who are willing to finance the smuggling of their Eritrean relatives into Western countries; and the desire the Eritrean youth have for greater economic opportunities to better their lives and those of their family in Eritrea. Again, it is to be reiterated that every situation is different for everyone, these are just what I consider to be the major areas impacting the draining of Eritrea’s youth.
It is clear that until there is a major changes in the national and international policies in place that are enticing the Eritrean youth to flee, they will continue to flee. This being said, most Eritreans don’t hold it against those youth that do leave the country. The majority of the Eritreans realizes that they are simply trying to better their lives, not for the alleged political reasons the major western media outlets tell us that they’re fleeing for.
By virtue of their celebrity status, when Eritrean athletes, musicians, actors and other artists flee, it’s used by the West as a political tool to indict the Eritrean government. Now, I believe that it’s okay for people to have their opinions on the Eritrean government and the way they conduct themselves. It only becomes problematic when outsiders try to influence this conversation for their own political gain.
The issue with Freselam Mussie’s public defection and condemnation of the Eritrean government, is that there are unresolved, major political and geographical issues between the two neighboring countries that have hampered the peace process. I would also go on to argue that the main obstructer of peace in this scenario is the Ethiopian government. However, the main issue is rooted in the bitter Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War wherein both sides sustained heavy casualties. As of today, fifteen years after both countries agreed to enter arbitration, under the Algiers Agree of 2000, to settle the boundary dispute, Ethiopia has refused to comply with the findings of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission and withdraw from the occupied territory that was found to be legally Eritrea’s.
Given the political situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia, there hasn’t been legitimate peace and healing between the two countries. Freselam Mussie is an Eritrean and therefore has a right to have his own independent beliefs about the Eritrean government, but being an Eritrean who is old enough to remember the stress, horrors and grievances of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War, to condemn the Eritrean government in the territory of the Ethiopian antagonist, feels treacherous and tasteless. One must also factor in the population size of Eritrea compared to our Ethiopian neighbor; one would be hard-pressed to find a family in Eritrea that hadn’t sacrificed at least one immediate family member in the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War.
I want to reiterate this point: Even if I don’ agree with all of his views, I don’t have an issue with Freselam Mussie having his quarrels with the Eritrean government. What I take issue with, is his public airing of grievances in the territory of Eritrea’s political and physical antagonist, Ethiopia. By publicly declaring his negative thoughts, attitudes and feelings toward the Eritrean government, he’s allowing himself to be used as a political tool against the Eritrean government and the Eritrean people by the Ethiopian regime.
Furthermore, Freselam’s action on his social media accounts in the past few weeks show that he is willing to go to any lows to stab the Eritrean government and people in the back. A few weeks ago, the TPLF (Woyane) musician, Abebe Araya posted a photo with Freselam Mussie on his Facebook account “welcoming” Freselam Mussie to his people, as if the Eritrean and Ethiopian are one. A viral video on YouTube shows Freselam Mussie not waving the Ethiopian flag, but waving the TPLF (Woyane) flag at a live concert. Another recent post on Freselam’s Facebook page indicated that he performed live at the TPLF 40th Anniversary Concert in Mekelle, Tigray. These actions are unsettling to many Eritreans, such as myself, as we feel that they undermine Eritrea’s hard-earned credibility as an independent nation.
Freselam’s recent activities and engagements shows a level of immaturity that is disgraceful to his family and the Eritrean people as a whole. I hope that this young and talented artist wises up and stops selling himself as a political tool to the Ethiopian regime.
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The Case Against Freselam Mussie
By: Mekete Berhane
Earlier this year, Freselam Mussie, the young Eritrean musician, fled from Eritrea, and ran into the open and accepting arms of Ethiopia. In a six part interview he gave to Radio Wegahta, Freselam publicly condemned and aired his grievances against the Eritrean government, which he claimed was the reason he defected. To the dismay of many Eritreans, Freselam explained in the interview that he merely left “one home, for another home” as in Eritrea and Ethiopia were the same.
Eritrean youth fleeing from their homeland is not a recent phenomenon, and in the past few years, Eritreans have seen some of their country’s biggest celebrities flee. The list of celebrities includes Yohannes “Wedi Tikabo”, and Tesfalem “Korchach” Arefaine.
The reason that the youth are fleeing is a complex issue that has to be looked at from several different angles, including but not limited to the following: the favorable immigration policies towards Eritrean asylum seekers in many Western countries; the creation of major refugee camps right across Eritrea’s border in Ethiopia’s Tigray region; the Eritrean diaspora who are willing to finance the smuggling of their Eritrean relatives into Western countries; and the desire the Eritrean youth have for greater economic opportunities to better their lives and those of their family in Eritrea. Again, it is to be reiterated that every situation is different for everyone, these are just what I consider to be the major areas impacting the draining of Eritrea’s youth.
It is clear that until there is a major changes in the national and international policies in place that are enticing the Eritrean youth to flee, they will continue to flee. This being said, most Eritreans don’t hold it against those youth that do leave the country. The majority of the Eritreans realizes that they are simply trying to better their lives, not for the alleged political reasons the major western media outlets tell us that they’re fleeing for.
By virtue of their celebrity status, when Eritrean athletes, musicians, actors and other artists flee, it’s used by the West as a political tool to indict the Eritrean government. Now, I believe that it’s okay for people to have their opinions on the Eritrean government and the way they conduct themselves. It only becomes problematic when outsiders try to influence this conversation for their own political gain.
The issue with Freselam Mussie’s public defection and condemnation of the Eritrean government, is that there are unresolved, major political and geographical issues between the two neighboring countries that have hampered the peace process. I would also go on to argue that the main obstructer of peace in this scenario is the Ethiopian government. However, the main issue is rooted in the bitter Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War wherein both sides sustained heavy casualties. As of today, fifteen years after both countries agreed to enter arbitration, under the Algiers Agree of 2000, to settle the boundary dispute, Ethiopia has refused to comply with the findings of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission and withdraw from the occupied territory that was found to be legally Eritrea’s.
Given the political situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia, there hasn’t been legitimate peace and healing between the two countries. Freselam Mussie is an Eritrean and therefore has a right to have his own independent beliefs about the Eritrean government, but being an Eritrean who is old enough to remember the stress, horrors and grievances of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War, to condemn the Eritrean government in the territory of the Ethiopian antagonist, feels treacherous and tasteless. One must also factor in the population size of Eritrea compared to our Ethiopian neighbor; one would be hard-pressed to find a family in Eritrea that hadn’t sacrificed at least one immediate family member in the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War.
I want to reiterate this point: Even if I don’ agree with all of his views, I don’t have an issue with Freselam Mussie having his quarrels with the Eritrean government. What I take issue with, is his public airing of grievances in the territory of Eritrea’s political and physical antagonist, Ethiopia. By publicly declaring his negative thoughts, attitudes and feelings toward the Eritrean government, he’s allowing himself to be used as a political tool against the Eritrean government and the Eritrean people by the Ethiopian regime.
Furthermore, Freselam’s action on his social media accounts in the past few weeks show that he is willing to go to any lows to stab the Eritrean government and people in the back. A few weeks ago, the TPLF (Woyane) musician, Abebe Araya posted a photo with Freselam Mussie on his Facebook account “welcoming” Freselam Mussie to his people, as if the Eritrean and Ethiopian are one. A viral video on YouTube shows Freselam Mussie not waving the Ethiopian flag, but waving the TPLF (Woyane) flag at a live concert. Another recent post on Freselam’s Facebook page indicated that he performed live at the TPLF 40th Anniversary Concert in Mekelle, Tigray. These actions are unsettling to many Eritreans, such as myself, as we feel that they undermine Eritrea’s hard-earned credibility as an independent nation.
Freselam’s recent activities and engagements shows a level of immaturity that is disgraceful to his family and the Eritrean people as a whole. I hope that this young and talented artist wises up and stops selling himself as a political tool to the Ethiopian regime.
The Case Against Freselam Mussie
Reviewed by Admin
4:43 AM

Dear friend you are yourself sellout of the Dictatorial regime of Eritrea and still your are singing the same language as your both many of those young people fleeing Eritrea are economic refuges. well if they have not any thing to eat, to drink , to wear to live freely and the ground to step their foot became narrower and narrower every day, what the heck want them to do?
ReplyDeleteI don't know which planet you live in,but there is plenty of food in Eritrea,Those who flee the country all they wanted to discover is if there is a greener grass is on the other side from what they left behind, once they could not be able to see that it is their biggest disappointment.
ReplyDeleteYhh because people in Eritrea really are skin and bone's, running about the place naked and exactly the same to derg era, starved of food, water and killed off like flies?
ReplyDeleteEritreans like you are becoming very ungrateful and greedy, everyone back home has what they need and are a healthy as ever. So what are you on? As Isias the great says, 'Where are your evidence' and i bet you have absolutely none
እዚ አሬሜናዊ ዌይስ ሴኔፍ ስርዓት አስሜራ ህዝብና እንዳጬፍሌቄ፡እንዳአህሌቄ፡እንዳአሕቄቄ፡ኤርትራውያን አብ ጌዛእ ሃጌሮም ቄሲኖም ኬይኔብሩ እንዳጌቤሬ እንኬሎ ዓጌብ ኢልና ዜይቴሳእናስ ያእይ ሕጂ ንንጹሃት ሴባት ካብዚ ዓዜቅቲ ሂዌቶም ዜድሓኑ አብ ጎሬቤትና ዑቅባ ዝሬኼቡ እንቴ አጼሌምናዮምን እንቴዌቄስናዮምን ኬም ኤርትራውያን ሜጤን አዬጼብቄልናን እዩ ስሌ ቄንዲ ሜንቄሊኡ ንፌልጦ።ሓቢርና እንቴቴቃሌስናዮ ኔቲ ጎባጢ ስርዓት ጥራይ ኢና ህላውኔትና ክኔሬጋግጽ ንኽእል።
ReplyDeleteDoes this young man know where he is heading. By the way, is he an Eritrean by birth? In the past we have seen "Asmara-Born-Raised-TIgrawot" betraying
By the way does this young man know he was where he was because Eritrea him there and lifted him up there.
Do not forget, it is the Eritrea who puts such individuals to high place. But the minute such individuals betray the generosity of Eritrea, then they are cast into the garbage. Do not take my word for it, without naming any names, where are the individuals who betrayed MAMA Eritrea in the last 5 years. Take a look at each and every one of them. Here they are in the streets of the West as drug addicts and alcoholics. Here they are all alone lamenting in their one-room cage; with no fame or a job to make living. That is the fact and that is the truth. Too bad and to sad for the forces who promised them the "moon and the stars" are no where to be see to help such individuals.
If this young man goes waving Weyane flag; go ahead, do it ,and make my day. Here is Weyane running for their life, and this unlucky young man is seen waving their flag? I love it, for it shall not be long before I see this young man begging for his daily bread in the streets of Mekele.
To him, I say good luck in the streets of Mekele!
He is nothing, but shame to his family. Weyane are not only Eritrean enemy's but also the people of east Africa. Now this stupid fre seitan, he became betrayal like his bad ass unkel Mather fucker weyane.
ReplyDeleteEvery country has a Traitor, a sellout its not new. But to betray his country and people to be with Agame is just crap. and ofcorse the Agame (weyane) they are going to use him for their agenda to lead Ethiopia to be a faild state. So yes its not new, weak people always betray their country.
ReplyDeleteWeyane (agame ) are the enemies of Eritrea and its people period.
ReplyDeleteMadote, here is "junk" barking again. I could have enjoyed his EMBIH......EMBIH. But could you please delete his garbage for he is corrupting our language. Do not forget, there could be young Eritreans who might think the desperado is speaking in Tigrigna and I hate to see them corrupting their language
ReplyDeleteBy the way does any one know what kind of a language does this desperado speak?
Kab Wedi tikabo zeymehar artist entelo artist eye kbl kehfro alewo.
ReplyDelete"Mai tselot deytehtsebo adiu, hamimu enteqoynu.."
ReplyDeleteThen calling everyone who sings tracks who been writing from someone is unfair, rather vocalist, an artist is someone who creates. The term artist is used beyond measure.
Qalsi Eritrawian artist ab America zelewa enda bar ab hade corner kof elka zestyeka kitsibe miwaal mukuanu kab wedi tkabo zeymehar artist entelo b artistnetu khafr alewo.
ReplyDeleteNhna nhadnetna mbal n wedi vacaro keman ayteqemen. Tarik zeyblu hasisu.
Any way Freselam ewn freselam mukanu kterf eyu afu kab zkefetela seaat jemiru nab number kemzteqeyere ayteredeoon alo emo msteberabere deninu kikeyd msjemere kemwedi tikabo atsebiqu jberhalu eyu. Gzie dma nkulu kereeyo eyu. Ezi wedhanka NUMBER nebsi.
ReplyDeleteFreselam you are the best exempel . Im sure you will make HIGDEF crazy Higdef gena ketetselilom mikanka yiamin
ReplyDeleteThe article says: "t is clear that until there is a major changes in the national and international policies in place that are enticing the Eritrean youth to flee, they will continue to flee." Just keep on denying the root cause and blame everyone else than the mafia regime for the youth leaving the country. The dictator openly said in Aljazzera interview that he doesn't case if people are leaving Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteWho in his right mind will continue to server in the slavery project called National service for ever? We all know that it is the dictators survival project and not to build the country, i.e. by keeping the youth outside the cities he feel safe. That is the only reason the dictator keeps on having the never ended national service. Mr writer if you think Eritrea under the dictator is the right place to leave, please lead by example and move back. Until then please keep your mouth shut.
Mr writer, the one who is undermine Eritrea’s hard-earned credibility as an independent nation, is the Tigraway dictator and his inner circle in Asmara. Because of his identity complex he is implementing policies to kill our economy and cultures for ever. Ask Eritreans about how many kids have been born between DEMHIT soldiers and Eritrean women, and you will be shocked. That which will kill our hard-earned independent nation, not a young musician who is doing anything to save himself and get freedom somewhere in west.
ReplyDeleteEritrea is for those Eritreans who stood firmly no matter what, every Eritrean citizen has unwavering pledge to our fallen heroes, any divergen from this golden principle is serious violations political mistakes that could put someone serious problematic unforgivable political sucisdale. This Fresalam (Freshetan) I know Tigireans who grew took many advantages from Eritrean people generosity, they are quick to bite the hands that feed. We Eritrean had and have seen many traitors. Wedi Ere tighten your belt awetna nigeigeden eiayou. Your tantamount allegation against Eritrean we they were given to you as by weyane's master and weyanes salve as political agendas. One last thing I can say is don't forget that your wrapping yourself with weyane flag loser
ReplyDeleteanother pathetic nigger, a thug willing to sell anyone on his way by singing for food.
ReplyDeletehi loosers if you love the gangster go and live in asmara the game is over. welldone freselam you will make it big.
ReplyDeleteagam will rule east africa.and there is nothig you can do about it.
ReplyDeleteHe will come to regret his decision once who settles in the west and release, all is not as it seemed.
ReplyDeleteYou are right if there is a body, who does not learn from the sorry state of Wedi Tikabo or Qorchach, then let them travel the road to infamy and HUBLELA. It has been over 60 years now where we saw traitors come; only to seem them evaporate into thin air with no trace. Just pick your pick and ask "where does that HASUS ended". The answer the same: "AB KUBLELA WITH NO COUNTRY AND PEOPLE TO BELONG TO".
ReplyDeleteTo such individuals, here is are words of wisdom of our fathers for their consideration: "May God give you the bad examples to learn from and not make you the bad example for others to learn from"
Freselam's father is Tigrayan (Ethiopian). He said so himself. He really isn't well known in Eritrea. He is basically a product of Eri-TV's Shingrwa program (The Eritrean version of American Idol). And when he struggled to make a career out of his bad music, he became frustrated. This is the diva complex that many musicians suffer from. They think they are more important than they really are. In Ferselam's case, he's just trying to garner attention because once his Shingrwa competition was over, people forgot about him. And forget they should!
ReplyDeleteWhere do you get your facts from? it doesn't count if its from and tigegaruoffline.
ReplyDeleteAman, I would say 40-50% of the comments on Madote are done by Ethiopians. Some are honest and say they are Ethiopians upfront; others pretend to be Eritrean. Don't assume everyone who presents themselves as Eritrean is really an Eritrean. Often times, they are Ethiopians.
ReplyDeletewhy giving this dude much attention
ReplyDeleteit is better we spent our time for other important issues
forget this rubbish kid aka fre-mergem
I interpret this young boy's act as a decadent who think to be proud outside his region, he forget soon will be labeled 3rd world migrant, refugee, (kabzi kemzi zekefeh aymetsaeh) they think fame follow them where ever around the world, "seb qulih ilu kemzeytemetom, gorebietom haderka kemzeyblom they don't know it.
ReplyDeleteHow on earth you can call to a person like him an artist? Kemey diu iti neger?
True Mesfun, i agree..Frankly i even don't know him, so i really don't mind..derfi nayzi wedi semie ayfeleten iye..
ReplyDeleteOne of the brave, wise and young ones "Freselam".
ReplyDeleteእዘን ዘይትጠቕማ በላዕቲ ሃምበርገር፡ ጅግና ወዲ ጀጋኑ እዩ።
ናይ ወያነ ተዋስኦ ነቲ ብፈደረሽን ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ከሕብራ ዝጽዕር ዘሎ ፕረዚደንተ"ነንተ" ኢሰያስ በልዎ።
Proud of you Freselam.
Hidrom you're great, tsaeda yetsenahka mes tegaru yehwatka mebal iyu..
ReplyDeleteIt's tegray, some how mix of tigrinya, amharic and a bit of unknown language
ReplyDeleteHahaha loser!
ReplyDeleteትደልይኦ እሞ የዘንግዓክን።
ReplyDeleteI was angry at him but now i feel somewhat sorry for him. I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into.
ReplyDeleteWhy would any body want to be Eritrean if he/ she is not Eritrean?
ReplyDeletelosers still playing Agame, the game is over for the old joke!
ነቲ ብዝሰርሖ መንደቕ ጥራይ ዝሓስብ "ዓሻ" ህግደፍ፡ ተዋዘይዎ። ኣሃሃሃሃሃሃ!
Indeed cane libero. Unfortunately, for him this is a case of understanding life backwards. Hope his actions doesn't haunt him for life. He clearly is a young man guy without foresight.
ReplyDeleteRemind you of Mekonen.
ReplyDeleteበዓል ክልተ መልሓስ "ልቢ" ሕድሮም።
It could be he is being used. After all he is in the clutches of weyane.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think happens when you let in 10000 of DEHMIT soldiers and let them blend in with our socities?. And the dictator being Tigraway is a well known fact. Just looking around his inner cirlce tells alot.......Hagos Kisha (100%), Yemane Monkey (half), Yemane Charlie (half), Asmelash Eri-TV (half), Abraham Kassa head of security (half). I am more worried about the Agames within us than those below Mereb my brother.
ReplyDeleteDoes Hagos Kisha countes to those 30-40%?. Lets worry about the Tigaru within HGDEF than those who are commenting here. Those are the one intentionally killing our Eritrean identitiy. Real Eritrea heroes are dying in prison cells at the same time the office rats who never shot a single bulet are the one "leading" the country...what an irony.
ReplyDeleteHe reminds me of Hagos Kisha writtings :)
ReplyDeleteYou can't even rule your own lief,let alone EastAfrica.Dream on
ReplyDeleteNow Now he is just a shaboo going mad like his cult leader..
ReplyDeleteRight back at you....loser! traitor is a traitor....when you sell your soul for temporary gain as for you you are in the same category as you seem to be happy everytime this type of incidents take place... you keep barking Eritrea is here to stay and regatdless of the issues this new country is facing ...natsinet ekua terekibu ezom kem tselae hasinkumom zelekum kea yom amtsiomo....esikin/kan kemakin/kan zimeselu gin wala eza ady anew ela entetsedefet wala dem entefesese eygidisekumn yu..shame.
ReplyDeleteBieray welidu! Asha we asha...kemaky zibele nety Eritreawumet resiewo lo hade seb tselieku ni Eritrawinetky tikhdy leky! Netom adom zishetu kea ash! tibly...ageb.
ReplyDeleteFreselam is a hero. He has the right to oppose the government policy,. I heared his interview and it was 100% true.
ReplyDeleteSo your mad That the person you call Dictator is not doing ETHNIC CLEANSING? haha!? wtf are you talking about right now?
ReplyDeleteI think you first need to make a distinction between agame and woyane. Even if people use agame as a pejorative doesn't mean we have a problem with them its their goverment. We have no problem with people of their decent its just that usually our enemy is mainly or greatly made up of that ethnicity or decent. There even people of that ethnicity suffering under that ethnic oligarchy.
Your aim weather good or bad.. don't bring ethnic politics into the arena of politics.
Correction to the article: It has been brought to our attention that Robel "Shikor" Michael didn't defect, and may have left Eritrea using a marriage visa.
ReplyDeleteYou are full of lies no wonder shame your actually who are where you came? Weyane masters and Weyanes salves unleashed their ill equipped with low IQ to create wedge among Eritreans to pave way for their unattainable political agendas. We told you shame again and yerdaka or yerdakom atio aleshe Indo your really brothers
ReplyDeleteHe is Agame.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you. The same thing happend with wedi tekbo. Wedi tekabo (a talented artist) made a huge mistake and miscalculation.
ReplyDeleteFact situation in Eritrea is dire for many young and older sons and daughters of Eritrea. If he expresses how he feels that is bold. These days it is hard to tell who is Eritrean and who is not. Fact these days you can photoshop almost anything. For People who talk shit about people or the government from outside I say easy to say anything from far - sometimes saying nothing is wise.
ReplyDeleteThe love of money is the root of all evil.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I'm the writer. It's pathetic. This isn't something the Eritrean people will ever forget.
ReplyDeleteI don't think what Wedi Tikabo did and what Freselam did are anywhere near the same level. Wedi Tikabo voiced his opinion which is okay, and now he has to live with that decision. Wedi Tikabo didn't go as far as trying to claim Ethiopian roots, hold the Woyane or Ethiopian flag or make a stink about Eritea in the enemies territory. Nay Wedi Tikabo 20 shat y haysh kab nay zi Fre-mergem keda
ReplyDeleteThis Beautiful Flag that you see below is an Eritrean Flag, paid for by over hundred thousand Martyrs. It is a gift given to all Eritreans, who are no longer with us, who are alive today as well as the future generations. Anyone born in Eritrea is welcome to share this flag of the brave, provided they have 1000% respect for our Martyrs, hence our Flag.
Eritreans have no problem if anyone born in Eritrea from Eritrean or non-Eritrean parents wants to worship flag from organizations and/or countries that are sworn enemies of Eritrea, provided they know they are saying good bye to Eritrea under any leadership, be it PFDJ or not. In the meantime, let us educate the young few who seem confused understanding the similarity/difference between PFDJ and flag of Eritrea.
Disown the flag of your martyrs today, what is next, disowning your mother, father, siblings?
in today Eritrea .. ... The majority supporters of the current regime are an owners of the piece meal land and home in Eritrea,,,,,,,,they dont care about cases & the suffering of our people any way. by any means are AGAme.....
ReplyDeleteWhat is more sad is that Freselam thinks he is bigger than what he is. Additionally, Even if his parents are not Eritreans as some are claiming (? time will tell), don't you get some positive vibration to your birth place, the place that put you to fame, regardless how small the fame was (compared to singers like wedi Tiquabo & Korchach)? It seems sellouts will do ANYTHING for $$ (or Birr, in Freselam's case).
I am still puzzled what he was trying to achieve by taking pictures holding Woyane Flag? You would think he should know the difference of EPLF versus TPLF flags, although Woyane are know imitating everything Eritrean.
Well said wedi adey!
ReplyDeleteI agree with this fully
ReplyDeleteHahaha I love how you browse Eritrean websites just to troll. I hope you get upset about the stuff you see here
ReplyDeleteWell elaborated....
ReplyDeleteI remember when this kid came to Shengrwa, his Mom was asking her son to be dismissed from the show. The reason behind that was his behaIvor. He was missing from school and was acting an ediet.
ReplyDeleteI just heard his interview and he was claiming that a family were in jail with him for doing nothing but "for feeding Hamshay Mesrenat" which are the Jihadi group. He thinks there is nothing wrong to feed or hide the Jehadi group. This kid must be an Ediet or ignorant.
i am sure he knows wrong doing when he took a picture holding the Weyane flag in Kuwait. If you heard his interview he was claiming as Ethiopian flag, when I saw it on you tube it was the Weyane flag. First of all he is a manipulator, second he is calling us narrow minded. The Weyane is the one who put 80,000 of our peoples live in danger, who sexually asoulted our old women, who abandoned our martyrs skeleton, that shows you how much hatred they have against the Eritrean people. However, this kid is calling us narrow minded for judging him taking picture with the Weyane flag. Shame on him. I really feel sorry for his mom, she is sweet actress. I could understand how she is feeling.
He is repiting the history of Mehari Mesghina, Muse Bekit, Milisia Sernai, Mahber Hadnet, etc. We all know that who this all group are. How history is recognising them.
He does mention other artists name, those artists fought for independence and still defending their nation. They are true nationalists. However, you will always look down until you apolegize to the Eritrean people.
God bless our nation.
If you see
ReplyDeletehow many defect to US from Cuba, who are celebrities, sportsmen or whatever. You
will understand that there will be many more defecting from Eritrea, because
the enemies will try anything to make them leave there country. But this doesn't
mean that the country will get weaker.
I'm sure Wedi Tikabo's wallet regrets it. He went from singing in front of thousands of Eritreans to a few dozen disgruntled elderly men who still hold grudges against the Government from the '70s.
ReplyDeleteIMO, Wedi Tikabo was a great writer/poet, but a bad artist overall. The guy had poor stage presence, bad vocals and didn't push the envelope to modernize Eritrean music.
When I think of a talented Eritrean artists, I instantly think of Abraham Afewerki. I know, Yemane Barya is the greatest of all time, but in terms of overall package, Abraham was the most talented Eritrean artist.
You ideat Agame. Eritrea is a nation which paid a lot of blood. If you think what Freselam is doing is right, you are one of those who doesn't belong to Eritrea or you must be Agame.
There is no mention of the gross human rights violations being perpetrated by your tyrants. No constitution after 24 years of rule by ; no freedom of speech, of worship, of movement, of assembly, etc. etc. "Eritrea is a giant PRISON". Set the people free.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame individuals those crossed south of Mereb or vise versa because it is the stupid politics of Ethio-Eritrea that confuses this generation and the coming. Ethio-Eritrea politics is too much complicated than their historical and social relations. The only way out is for the people to push governments to come to normalcy.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately diaspora Eritreans are die hard supporters of PFDJ even if it lead them to cliff. There are many confusions when some individuals like Solomon Tekalegn crossed and crisscrossed the current political fences by themselves.
So lets BREAK THE ICE and that is Shaebia unconditionally secede hostility to ETHIOPIA.
The root of the problem is in the MIND of Isaias or his outlook towards my nation. STOP Mr. President
Take a look at his language. What kind of a language does desperado claim to speak?
ReplyDeleteአሬሜናዊ ......ዌይስ..... ሴኔፍ.... አስሜራ....?... እንዳጬፍሌቄ.....እንዳአህሌቄ.....እንዳአሕቄቄ.... ጌዛእ.... ሃጌሮም... ቄሲኖም.....ኬይኔብሩ..... እንዳጌቤሬ..... እንኬሎ.... ዓጌብ....ዜይቴሳእናስ....ሴባት... ዓዜቅቲ ...ሂዌቶም... ዜድሓኑ... ጎሬቤትና...ዝሬኼቡ.... እንቴ.... አጼሌምናዮምን....እንቴዌቄስናዮምን... ኬም .....ሜጤን.... አዬጼብቄልናን....ስሌ .....ቄንዲ.... ሜንቄሊኡ.... እንቴቴቃሌስናዮ....ኔቲ....ህላውኔትና.... ክኔሬጋግጽ።
I think this is supposed to be new language for you and me to learn.
By the way, what kind of person could this person be? Just curious!
Wedi Tekabo is the product or the making of the Eritrea. Any one who betrays a nation and people that literary made him/her can only be discarded like a garbage. Like the ungrateful dog that bites that fed him, any one who bite the hands that feed him/her is sure to pay for it in a big way. That is what happened to all those who who betrayed Eritrea and sold their soul to the devil in the past. This young man can only follow the road traveled by previous traitors-the road to infamy and to no-man's-land in the streets of Mekele and Addis Ababa.
We say to such people, without Eritrea, you shall be wondering with no roots to be hold on to and no people to belong to.
To such elements, there is still time to come home and ask for forgiveness from the merciful Eritrea
This is a call to Wedi Tikabo and Korchach; where ever they are. It is time to come home and ask for forgiveness from the kind and forgiving nation. Come home. If not; what you see is what you get in the streets of the West. Eritrea made you, and it is only Eritrea that could save you from the streets of West. I do not have to tell you what the streets of West looks like for you have tasted it and you know what it is. But come home and ask forgiveness from the people and country that placed in the pedestal of fame and glory. I am quite sure these two miss the what you have had. Especially Wedi Tikabo, he has the moral and historical obligation to live up to the expectations of the patriotism of his father.
ReplyDeleteDeki Ee, please pass on this message to Wedi Tekabo and Korchach, if you can. As for this Freselam, let him go hell; for all I care.
His father is tegadalai 100% sure. If i am not mistaken his mother too.I believe they are angry and ashamed of this undisciplined pank.
ReplyDeleteAnd let us not forget, we have many 'patriots' who are not 7 generation Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteYes you are correct lol since Aksum was 80% in Eritrea! thanks!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of who is who, speaking of lineages, the so called president and his cronies are recent descendants of Tegaru. Just for your information, the full name of your boss up to the fifth generation is : Isayas Afrwerki Abraham/Abraha Hagos Mircha Weldemichael. Mircha Weldemichael was Shum Tembien, and Ayte Abraha came to Tselot all the way from Tembien with his child Afewerki as a destitute looking for a good life.
ReplyDeleteHe spewed out his filthy thoughts about Eritrea in order to expedite his asylum process to the west.
ReplyDeleteFreselam's parents are both Eritreans AND Tegadelty. His dad is an artist. I believe his mom too. He never said his dad is Tigraway.
ReplyDeletePlease don't lie.
I heard Korchach was denied asylum in Switzerland and headed to UK for a second chance. The problem with such celebrities is that they fail to see that their sea is their community and once they are out of that they are dead. Also, they are too well known for the special treatments they have been getting from the people and government, that other real heroes and heroin have never dreamed of. I feel sorry for they don't seem to understand that their artistic talent is just like any other profession. The fact that they happen to travel a lot simply means that the nature of their work is about entertaining and agitating people where ever they are. I urge all Eritrean artists (defectors included) not to mislead themselves with unnecessary hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteብዛእባኻ፡ቁሩብ፡ከዘኽረኻ ።
ReplyDeletegetska terhak agame duhur
ReplyDeleteThat he waived a flag?? What exactly is the crime here. He's in Ethiopia, do you expect him to spit on it. Ethiopia is giving thousands of Eritreans refuge and shelter, don't you think he should show some gratitude to the people who are actually helping him stay alive
ReplyDeleteWhat's funny is your definition of "hero", I would like you to elaborate. What exactly to you consider a "hero" and in what context? Does your definition on the term "hero" hold anyone in higher esteem than anyone else, and is "hero" defined only in terms of loyalty to a specific political ideology that is pliant and malleable, at best.
ReplyDeleteIn reference to Freselam, I would say you are wrong. Do you expect him to spite in on the flag of the party that is giving him and thousands of his country men and women refuge. Wouldn't it make sense that they have gratitude for a nation that has let them settle away from there home. All these Eritreans left Eritrea, for a host of issues, but if they find happiness, and peace in a different land, I don't think we can judge them for thanking their host nation.
ReplyDeleteAnd besides, Freselam, at no point disrespected the Eritrean flag
Total rubish article! Talk on your behalf not on behalf of the Eritrean people like Mr Isaias the Dictator! You call the Eritrean regime as a legitimate government while the fact is self proclaimed regime! I totally support Freselam Musie for his brave actions! You stupid write its only in your narrow mind the people of the two countries in not one but the fact is we are one people or at least the same in every sense of history! Get lost with your stupid regime!
ReplyDeleteHow about not be photographed with the flag that is responsible for the deaths of our martyrs?
ReplyDeleteGratitude? Is Ethiopia doing this out of the kindness of their heart? Or concern for Eritrea? Let's not act like a lot of Tegaru aren't benefiting from the camp to. Thousands have come to this country as refugees from the camp.
Well said Meriet!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of who is who, and speaking about lineages, the so called president and his cronies are recent descendants of Tigray. For your information, here is the full name of your boss up to the fifth generation: Isayas Afewerki Abraham ( Abraha) Hagos Mircha Weldichael. Mircha Weldemichael was Shum of Tembien, and Ayte Abraha came to Tselot all the way from Tembien with his kid Afewerki as a destitute looking for good life.
ReplyDeleteFind me one single Eritrean who finds peace and happiness in the Tigray refugee camps
ReplyDeleteIs he/she out of the closet? Rora has admitted being from south of the mereb. Now waste no time please, i will say the same about the young man, i did not want to comment, but he has miscalculated what is to come and took woyaneland as an independent state. Ethiops are more unhappy with him than us Erians; may he find what he is looking for, for his parents did not raise a shameful rascal.
ReplyDeleteNow you're picking up, remember it took us thirty years and we got there; here comes the ..........we have a grand design for you my friend sit tight!
ReplyDeleteAs Eritrea adhered to the self-reliance mantra, it became the primary target by the greedy special interest group. The special interest group with their agents lured some Eritrean high rank officials and the so-called professionals of lip-sync to defect. However their defection had no impact on the GOE and the people of Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteHe is one of the loser of Society, someone who a fourteen years Girl raped.
ReplyDeleteWe do not need in Eritrea Child abuser
ReplyDeleteSo what? I do not want to swim in the kind of filth your mentality is immersed in. However, if I followed your own argument, are there not "opposition" elements who have Tigrayan ancestry? People come from somewhere. It is not the land that gives birth to them in the literal sense. It is the loyalty and dedication they have to the people of the land! You cannot deny our president is a leader in such quality. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what your loyalty and dedication is? I hope that will be a turning point for you!
ReplyDeleteKeep screaming !
ReplyDeleteIndeed cane! One should ask where all those who had a prestigious place in our society but defected to the West are today? Those who stayed loyal to their country and people are still basking in the love and recognition they get from their compatriots and the rest of the world. Look at Daniel, Merhawi, Mekseb, Meron, Natnael and all the other bicycle racers, but where are the athletes who defected?
ReplyDeleteI bet that behind all such desertions from Eritrea are those who push them to stay of flee--from inside and those who scorn them when they return from a tour ("If I had the opportunity like you, . . . aytrebihin!"). There could also be "opposition" elements who entice them and promise them fame and a "done-deal" easy settlement and perhaps easy and wealthy life style they can live--nothing that they can guarantee nor have the capability to deliver! They are being used by the "opposition" who simply hope that the defection of the famous (among Eritreans) would start the "big event" of destabilization that would help the Weyane to put them on the throne in Asmara--a day dream that they themselves have no hope of accomplishing!
You must have read Hitler's book, Mein Kampf recently!
ReplyDeleteTraitor, you are still around? Are you using the capacity to think the Good Lord has given you? A Weyane would want to pretend to be Eritrean simply because they want Eritreans to be discouraged and apathetic about their country and Weyanes to think that Eritreans support them!
ReplyDeleteGlad you said it.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone killed your Eritrean identity, it is a REAL SHAME on you, for you yourself let them do that. A true Eritrean identity NEVER dies!
ReplyDeleteHalefom, you did not eat a foreigner's injera, you shared your brothers' food, it shows from your wisdom that the injera shared was a blessed injera, how I wish to see/read people like your good self express the truth the way you did !!
ReplyDeleteWell, truth sometimes hurts !
ReplyDeleteJart, I never understand you! You do not make sense! That is because you fail to look at things in ways that you think help you. What is your "Truth really hearts" supposed to tell me or others? Does this mean you do not agree with me when I said, "It is the loyalty and dedication they have to the people of the land!"? Are you sure you are not reading what you think I have written?
ReplyDeleteYou are entitled to your opinion regarding that statement, but it is clear to me and I stand by it! If you expected me to be a racist or what you might call an "ethnic puritan" as the Weyane in your country is, I am sorry to disappoint you. I do not care about what you or anyone else thinks in regards to what the point is, I have no doubt at all that the president of Eritrea stands for Eritrea and its people and that he is the envy of a lot of Africans for his dedication to his country and people despite what anyone else says to the contrary.
In fact, it says a lot about you as much as those who repeat the accusation the author I responded to above, that you found it more important to reply to me where there is no issue instead of recognizing that this guy has even gone out of his way and listed up to 5 generations in recording the alleged ancestors of the president.
NB: I often call people Weyane when the ideas they express is intended to support the organization by the same name. I do explain this once in a while in my responses/postings. The Weyane is the ethnocentric organization that is currently the dominant political organization ruling in Ethiopia and is spreading or intends to spread ethnic federalism in the Horn of Africa region. The principles/thoughts (ideas) of this organization emphasizes ones sub national identity over the citizenship of the person in the country. The disastrous consequences of this divisive ethnic policy have been witnessed by the people of the region in fostering ethnic animosity and conflict among Ethiopians and in Somalia. The term "Weyane" is not an insult to any ethnic group in Ethiopia or anywhere else. I use it to tell how ones political stand or opinion about Eritrea coincides with that of the Weyane. As such I consider it as stating the "truth" as I see it and not an insult or derogatory term of the origins of the person expressing the opinion.
Please read, "That is because you fail to look at things in ways that you think help you." as "That is because you tend to look at things in ways that you think help you."
ReplyDeleteYou said five generations? Isaias afwerki abraha(m); is this five? What is a generation, anyways? please try not to confuse my friend Porco, i.e. jart, he means well! Does it hurt? No.
ReplyDeleteI bet PIA is 1000% Eritrean than you are. Being born to Eritrean mother and Father alone, does not make you more Eritrean if you back stub your own country. Ermias, keep barking dog that is all you can do at this point. you are sad pathetic creature.
ReplyDeleteStupid We know he is in Ethiopia, but he is waving weyane flag not Ethiopia flag. that is the difference if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteTrue Gasha..
ReplyDeleteI understand why my ideas do not make sense to you,i am ok with that. Your response to the previous author started with" filth" and it was not usual to GASHA. That actually forced me to post what i did.Their roots do not matter; their Loyality and dedication is what i doubt,from what i know about the two in power in ET/ER.Fyi KK of zambia was not zambian but was president of zambia for a lomg time,he was from the neighbouring nation.I hope nothing is personal,a difference in opinion.
ReplyDeleteHe is 100% Eritrean while you are NOT! Enough said gaEgaE Wrmias!
ReplyDeleteAfter 30 years you got "there", means loss of port business, sanction, droves of refugees, regional isolation and now fleeing musicians. AND NEXT .....
ReplyDeletePlease come back to reality, FUZO Sawa foot soldier
Tesfaye G/Ab is known for his decent Amharic literature, but he is full of hatred and tries to incur his bullshit mind in Amhara-Oromo affairs, of course mission given by Shaebeasts.
ReplyDeleteWhile he is a 9-grader, in one of his book he tries to teach his readers what and who is Almighty GOD and he says God is "our state of mind" or exactly said "Helena"
Adios Yaltemare Astemari, Neft Chenqilat
Over 40 years of his life dedicated to Eritrea that alone in my account makes super eritrean.
ReplyDeleteKomal sahsah Ermias.
I had no idea makhate i usually post fast and im off. I went strait into the article before seeing the author. I want to tell you that this is an excellent piece keep up the good work.
reiterate that i feel sorry for this guy. Even tho they seem to
be accepting him now., not even the people who harbor him will feel
comfortable knowing he can be so two faced. Since they watched singirwa
and Eritv so much they feel like they know him but it won't last long.
Ha Ha ! Lalmba, " Eriman" , Cazzete, " Fortosawa" , gele do kon nay Tigray ntar alokum koynu eyu kech kech elikum ! Whether you like it or not Tembienay is always Tembienay !!!!
ReplyDeleteTesfaye gebreab wela 9th grade today zitemahre entkon, still qumneger zelewom tsihufat yeberkt alo.
Please ye gazetiegnaw mastawesha page 224-227 zelo guday anbibo emo kab hagerka ms hademka and ab media lele msbelka kemey qeltifka kemtrsae zhibr tarik kitrekb eka.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Etom n ertran ertrawiann nfelt tegaru wetru ab gonkumn ab kbrkumn alona.
Teqebilkum, angilkum, asrihkum, amhirkum, amereekum, moya aqsimkum kulu gerkum zefanekumna ertrawian Ab kbrkum alona.
Nhna, nhna etom nfeltekum lieely manm seb n ehihtakumn tsebebakumn zehlefkumo mesgedeln nfelt. Nhna etom nfeltekum ms zfeltekum hzbna ab kbrkum alona.
Hzbna tegedidu ab zeytesebeyon zeyaamenelun guday atyu, Gina gizie nkulu neger abrihwo. Etom ab hagerkum keydom "quslkum aytihkeku" elom kuslkumn kuslnan zhakeku nhzbom ewn kemzeykonu gizie abrihwo eyu.
Nhna etom nfeltekum gna an gzie ena naamn, gzie nzmdnana kemzmelso dma naamn.
Ane kebabi 45 amet geyre aleku. Kabzi 29 amet ab ertra eyu. Anen mezanoy ertrawian ab sdet zelona dma halfnetna nfelt sebat koynina zbezhe gziena abzom giguy mengedi hizom zelewu hadesti ertrawian weledo nmeninetomn tarikomn qdm kifeltu ab mihbar alona.
Ezom hadesti weledo nnegerat yimeharulu mhlawomn dma egabet zhb koynu etom zterefu ewn ngzie gedifnayom alona.
Another reason for the mass exodus of the youth (I think is the main reason) is the indefinite "national" service (i put quotations on national because I dont equate pet projects for ranking army officers national service...okay, okay, microdams count too). As a senior in high school, I couldn't imagine the pressure youngsters back home feel knowing if they don't score high enough on the matricular exam, the next 10-15 years has already been decided for you making a wage the president even confirmed is insufficient at this time. Government supporters always cite a possible invasion by epdrf for the reason for the mass mobilization of our standing army. Yet 2 years ago ethiopian forces tested the waters by crossing into eritrean territory in adi teklay and sheshebet to engage with tpdm and the GOE didn't do a damn thing about it; EDF was no where to be found (go figure). Freselam only confirmed many of the things I've heard from relatives of mine who have left and are now in angola, juba, and SA and able to open up shop and make a livable wage. Yes, I'm one of those relatives that helped pay their way and I have no regrets as the options for them in eritrea were grim. The pending border impasse hasn't only stopped freselam but thousands of eritreans. I've met whole families, underage children, and elderly men who've been resettled here in the US from camps in wala nihbi, shemelba, adi harush, and their stories are gripping. Ethiopia logistically is closer and safer than say shegareb in sudan (kidnappings by bedouins, easy access for GOE agents). I hope one day soon this situation gets resolved soon so that Eritrea can get past this no war no peace status, open up the economy, replace the defunct wefri WY program with a more efficient/fair system, stop the redundant giffa roundups, and end the outdated "gedli" mentality.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate his artistic writing skill but I strongly oppose his abuse of his talent to score some political gains for Shaebia, by the way I read what you are suggesting to read
ReplyDeleteHe wrote beyond his wisdom " Ende bahil hakim hulun awqalehu bay "
he's really stupid bitch. all tigray they will fuck this nigga'
ReplyDeletehe's look like little bitch fuck bad ass
ReplyDeletewhat really how that bad ass hero u wrong never ever he's fucking stupid he act like he know artist he got donkey mind this little bitch but I would like say respect ur self freselam mothefucker
ReplyDeleteWow you seem to have the magic bullet my friend. Yes if many of these things as Eritreans were under our control we would do that. But we live in reality., and in reality we have a aggressive imperialist western slave that is hounding us from the south. So we have to live with these rabid dogs. Sawa is better than south Africa my friend :
ReplyDeleteand don't even get me going on juba and angola etc..
You are looking at this through very rosy eyeglasses. You know every Eritrea and Eritrean orphan has a rich outside relative that can pay there way and help them start businesses. The Eritrean goverment is looking out for majority welfare inspite of people like you who paint such a morbid picture and see your western money as the "fix" to all problems. You are part of the problem my friend not the solution. You are like the traitor soccer players who would betray their nation for a dollar and a hamburger. In STARK comparison to the nationalist bicycle team that has made their country proud by struggling through the trials and tribulations to now being on professional teams around the world with their countries/gov blessings and honor.
Your mental.., That fool is done for thanks for taking the criminals.
ReplyDeleteOnly another criminal would call a criminal brave hahahahahaha!
ReplyDeletehe's look like little bitch hahahahah I feel sorry for you ethiopa bitch really you fuck your self bad ass
ReplyDeletewow ethiopan bitch shame you for really little dog wayena
ReplyDeletehey thing what did you say with ethiopa radio you fucking grow in Eritrea but you really stupid you took shit about Eritrea I hope on day you will remember Eritrea little bitch
ReplyDeleteI understand your point however there isn't a country that's gets peace without suffering no pain no gain eritrean are running to Europe and then what, they are getting depressed and committing sucide people need to understand and come to terms with the fact that goverments come and go however they will always be eritrean now it's fine if you wish to flee your country but that doesn't mean you have to give it bad name you don't need to embarrass your country. Moreover please take a moment to look at all the African countries that's changed their goverment to be more democratic look at what happened to them do you not see countries such as Libya and egpt and many of our African neighbours. Although we may not have the best living conditions at least ours are better than some of the rest of African countryies we need to learn to appreciate what we have because worse can come.
ReplyDeletehe was in great mission to establish Abay Tigray