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Video: Special ESAT report from Asmara

 ESAT journalist in Asmara

Keep in mind, this video is directed for an Ethiopian audience. It's intended to debunk the lies and negative perceptions the TPLF regime has created about Eritrea and Eritreans.

Rough translation:

We got to the city, Asmara, and we've found the people friendly. No one hates Ethiopians.We felt as we were at home.The propaganda that the previous and the current regimes use to scare Ethiopians that Eritreans (shaebia) are the enemy of Ethiopa is total a lie. We even attended a wedding ceremony and there were a couple of Amharic songs in between. And so on....

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Video: Special ESAT report from Asmara Reviewed by Admin on 9:15 AM Rating: 5


  1. berhane ghebremeskelJanuary 10, 2015 at 12:01 PM

    ወያነ ብዛዕባና ክንደይ ዘይሸቀጠ
    ክንደይ ንብረት ሰብና ዘይተዓብጠ
    ኣይ ወያነደይ ኮነን ንህዝብና ዘበሳበሰ
    ሕጂ ንምንታይ ትጸልእ ሰላም እንተተመልሰ
    ከም ሃገር ተኸባቢርና እንተነበርና
    መኽሰብዶ ኣይኮነን ጥቕሚ ንኹልና
    ኣንዊሕካሞ ሕሰብ ሰላም ጽቡቕዩ ንኸባቢና
    ምስወያነ ግን ዕደ ከይወጸ ካብ መሬትና

  2. ተኽላይ ቁጥሚ፡ ዓጋመ።

  3. Thanks Mesay for your witness, this is what a real journalism should do, physical witness, nowadays many media outlets staying so far from a certain place they invent news and realities..

    And of course our ethiopian brothers will know that weyani is a total fake..

  4. Ewey.Teklay gahaf drbay men.seb hasibka bshim ertirea ktzareb.abzey mentbitkn iytietwa ediken.

  5. This still won't change the hate I have towards agames/Ethiopians

  6. የኤርትራ፡ህዝብ፡የማንም፡ጥላቻ፡የለበትም፡ይሔንን፡በአይንህ፡አይተህ፡ስለመሰከርክ፡በጣም፡እናመሰግናለን።

  7. Feger

  8. Asmara-Eritrea

    Ginbot 7 for Justice, Freedom and Democracy Movement (Ginbot 7) and Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF) officially merged into one, united nationalist front.

  9. No Ethiopians in his right mind think the Arab created shabi baboons and Italian bandas will never and ever be the friends of Ethiopia and we all knows your evil ways to divide us working day and night even with the terrorist groups like Alshabab that the World Community gave you two sanctions which is isolated and suffocated you. You are nothing but empty dead propagandist(ALMOTIKUM BIYE ALWASHIM) and we accomplished our goal by destroying your back bone back in 1998-2000 not to start any war for future and that was the main reasons you behave like a child, but if you think or insist those peoples who you collect in Asmara will help your ego and start shooting on us from inside your territory that is the day shabisim will burn to the ground once for all.

  10. ቆይ ቆይ ቆይ ቆይ!! ኤርትራ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ልትቀላቀል ነውንዴ? ሰውዬው እኮ ኣነጋገሩ ከደሴ ከተማ ሪፖርት የሚያደርግ ነው የሚመስለው:: ስንት ጊዜ ነው ኣስመራ ኢትዮጵያዊት ከተማ፣ሓበሻ ነን፣ኣንድ ነን፣ኣንድ እንሆናለን፣ምንትስ ምንትስ ያለው? እኔ በበኩሌ ግራ ገብቶኛል:: የዚህ ጉብኝት እና ሪፖርት ዓላማ ምንድነው?
    የኣስመራ ከተማ ነገር ግን ሆድ ይበላል:: ዖና መስላ የለምንዴ?

  11. long live Ethiopia and the woyane. wayane and its developmental ideology is the vehicle for Ethiopia development. yes, we Ethiopians support the the developmental path of ethiopia. and Ethiopia development can't be faded by lies, propaganda and delusional fantasy of shabiya and its dogs.

  12. Actually ESAT and other opposition group who are sponsored by shabia can go asmara or Eritrea but they are useless b/c they are Kehadiwoch or Banda. Eritrea gov.(shabia) is number one Enemy for Ethiopia and Ethiopians. I don't know about Eritrean people b/c I didn't know them. Anyways Any banda who live in Eritrea couldn't change any thing.

    Ethiopia Ejochuwan wede Egiziabher Tizeregalech

    ኢትዮጲያ እጆቿን ወደ እግዚአብሄር ትዘረጋለች
    God Bless Ethiopia

  13. We have to keep moving, leave hate to the history book, I understand you well the crimes done against Eritrea and Eritreans for the last 100 years or more, time to heal, but you have to remain cautious for eternity.

  14. Lol another hand out weyane, this article can be turned to make you money, all you think is about hand out from ur master. Ethiopians said no to weyane in one voice, including the ppl of Tigrai with the largest army of 120,000 well armed, disciplined, trained and backed. Just get prepared to exit, you looted the nation for 23 years and that is longer than dergi. Eritrea don't need any help from no one, it is more than ready to defend itself. As for the history of sanction of alshebab and sanction you have no clue in world politics for you are shallow and narrow minded weyane werobela. Kiss Ethiopia good bye, ethiopian volcano is ready to take over, it been dormant for the last 23 years, it is activated to swallow the primitive dedebit criminals.

  15. Do you know what ethiopia means, 120 years ago where did it belong the name ethiopia, and can you tell me the geography of the original Ethiopia

  16. Dahan brother, is better to say the minor regime who is governing ethiopia and creating havoc to the Horn..

  17. eritreans donot change their enemy mind to ethiopians,i am an ethiopian raised in compishtato,asmara.I know them very well.The foolish birhanu nega and his elites cant change the minds of eritreans to ethiopians.But he( birhanu nega and his elites) can be a be a good messenger and foolish for shabia,that is a good joker for shabia!BUt...BUT.....BUT we ethiopians will never be united with eritreans,even there will be a regime change!whatg to get to be united!

  18. No, Mesay is surprised how people is humble and welcomes him warmly and not how you want the world perceive about Eritrea..This is another demonstration that Eritrea and its people is all the time a peace and love wanting people..

  19. berhane ghebremeskelJanuary 12, 2015 at 4:52 AM

    ከመሬት ወደሰማይ ተመልከት ከስማይ ወዳመሬትም ተመልከት ኤርትራ የኤርትራውያን ብቻ ናት ይህ የማይለወጥ ሃቅ ነው ሰማዩም መሬቱም ሁሉ ኤርትራ ነው ሌላው ኣስመራ ኣልተቀየረችም ለሚለው ትንሽ ግዜ ጠብቅ የኤርትራ መንግስት ፖሊሲ እንደወያኔ ገንዘብ ላላቸው ጥቁሮችና ነጮችን ለማገልገል ሳይሆን የሚሰራው ገጠር ያለውን ህዝብ የተሻለ ኑሮ እንዲኖር ህክምና ትምህርትቤት ውሃ ኤሌትሪክ ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆን ስለሚፈልግ ብዙውን ስራ ከገጠር ነው የጀመረው ይህ ደግሞ እኛ ኤርትራውያንን የምንኮራበት ኣሰራር ነው እንደ ወያነ ኣስተሳሰብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ብቻ ናት ኢትዮጵያ ሌላው ህዝብ ከሃይለ ስላሴ እስከ መንግስቱ በረሃብና በጭንቀት ኣሳልፎ ስያበቃ በወያኔም መሬቱ ተንጥቆ ከተወለደበት ቦታ ተባሮ የውጭ ዜጎች እየተጠቀሙበት ነው ይህ ደግሞ ድርብ ውርደት ነው ወያኔ በውሸትና በማታለል የሚኖር የህዝብን ክብርና ባህልንን የሚሸጥ ከኔ በኋላ ሰርዶ ኣይብቀል ኣይነት ኣስተሳሰብ ያለው የራሱ የሆነ ኣስራር በነጮች የሚመራ የኣካባብያችን መጅገር ነው ዕድሜው ደግሞ ኣጭር ነው

  20. berhane ghebremeskelJanuary 12, 2015 at 5:00 AM

    ጨለ ዘረባ ከምዚ እንተኾይኑ
    ንዓዲ ኣባይቶ ሕማቕ ሓቂ ስኢኑ
    ዓዲ ብዓዱ ይነብር ተኾኒኑ


  22. Translation: Amhara are getting fried by Agame and they are begging Eritrea to save their ass. hah.... funny thing is... Amhara will behave the same way as Agame if they hold power again in Ethiopia, we've seen it in the past. Folks, just demarcate the border and stay on your side of the border. enough said.

  23. tekliye, please clean the toxin from your head, nobody is going to clean it for you.You are simply unintelligent.

  24. ማን ቢስምሽ ነው የምታሞጠምጪው ዘነቡ?


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