United Nations Eritrea Newsletter
Message from the Resident Coordinator, Mrs. Christine N .Umutoni
Dear friends, in Eritrea and outside,
We are publishing this newsletter as an exciting year is coming to an end. Our programs are moving along well, and we see a strengthened relationship between the UN and the government. With the revival of the Eritrean Development Partners Forum this year, the UN and development partners have also formalized a forum for sharing and discussing how to best partner with Eritrea in its efforts for self-reliance and development. We aim to strengthen and build on this in 2015.
We hope that the articles inside will give you some insight into the progress of UN activities in Eritrea, and perhaps also stimulate debate on development issues in the country. We are at an exciting cross roads these days, starting discussion on the post 2015 development agenda in Eritrea, and trying to learn from the impressive progress achieved in the health MDG’s.
Eritrea is building its own development solutions. The goal of the UN System is to provide quality advisory services, share best practices and support government efforts to build capacity to ad-dress development challenges related to basic social services, capacity development, disaster risk management, food security, and gender in the context of the Strategic Partnership Cooperation Framework (SPCF) 2013-2016. To achieve this, we call for both strengthened practical partnerships with other actors, but also financial resources to continue, and reinforce, the impact of our work on the ground.
With the best wishes for the holidays,
Christine N .Umutoni, UN Resident/ Humanitarian Coordinator
What’s inside:
2. UN Eritrea 2014 overview
3. UN and Eritrea showcase country's health successes at the General Assembly
4. Saving lives with birth waiting rooms
5. Eritrea introduces the Rota Virus Vaccine
6. 150 vulnerable refugees benefit from the second livelihood project
7.Eritrea CERF-funding 2006-2014
8.World Population Day 2014
9.UNICEF conduct child-sensitive photography training
10. All UN Personnel in Eritrea Briefed on UN Cares
11. The Role of Women in Africa highlighted during NUEW congress
12. World Food Day 2014
13. Celebrating refugee teachers and outstanding students
14. Securing Biodiversity through Protecting Areas
15. UN Eritrea Funding Status
16. Photo Gallery
United Nations Eritrea Newsletter
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5:11 AM

We are happy dr. Christine Umutoni, how our country is making progress and how is collaborating with you, what we'll need is the illegal and unjust sanctions to be removed immediately since there is no evidence of what Eritrea has been accused.
ReplyDeleteVery good. Let's cooperate with the commission and improve the human rights of the people .
ReplyDeleteIn Eritrea human right is on top, what kind of H R do you have in your mind?
ReplyDeleteYou call this human rights?
ReplyDeleteThey think there is respect for human rights in Eritrea when the fascist pfdj had turned the nation into a giant prison and torture chamber.
AWASH aka Freedom,
ReplyDeleteእታ ኣልማዛዊት ሓቂ ከም ጽሓይ ወጋሕታ ቦ ጣ ዕ ጣ ዕ ! ክትብል ምስ ጀመረት! ውይዘሮ ራይስ ብቐምሻ ክትክውላ ኣይከኣላን'ዩ፣ - - ብኡ ብኡን ከአ በዓል እስኻትኩም ምስ ጅኒ- ዕፍሪታትኩም ብደም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እናተሓጸብኩም ዘሽካዕለልኩሙሉ ዓመታት ይዓርብ እነሀ ።
ሳላ ጽንዓት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ!!! - - ማሌሊት- ወያነ ከም ተለኣኣኽነቱ ኣህዝብ ብጠጠዎም እናገሃጸ፣ ንዓኸትኩም ዓሳክሩ ዝረርዎሉ ዝነበረ እዋናት ክዛዘም፣ - - ምህዞታት ልበ ወለዳዊ ክስታት ከም ክንቲትን ትክን ፈዂሱ ክበንንን'ውን - - ብጸጽብሒት ስለ ተዓዘብና፣ - - በቲ ቀቢጸ ተስፋዊ ዘርባዕባዓትኩምን ለቕሶኹምን ብምፍሻኽ፣ - - "ምቾት ብደም የሕውትካ!" ናብራኹም ክትጽንቅቐኩም ንሪኢ ኣለና'ሞ፣ ካብ ከምዚ ውርደትስ "ይድሕነና!" ንውስኸሉ።
ዓወት ንህግደፍ!
Camichie Nere: