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Ethiopia Blackmails Serbia Over Kosovo

Ethiopia gives Serbia the evil eye after it's asked to pay its debts

Ethiopia Blackmails Serbia Over Kosovo

By InSerbia,

Serbia’s ally from the time of Tito – Ethiopia is threatening it will recognize the independence of Kosovo if Belgrade insist that the country repays the debt of about USD 100 million, unofficially learned Serbian Daily “Novosti”.

Serbia has good relations with the state, but also two unsolved issues that could affect the change of the attitude of Addis Ababa regarding Kosovo and Metohija. As the daily learned from its sources, it is an old debt for weapons, delivered to Ethiopia back in the fifties, to which Serbia is entitled, as a successor of Yugoslavia.

Also, the status of the building in which Serbian embassy in Addis Ababa is settled is unresolved. The building was a gift to Josip Broz from Emperor Haile Selassie. According to the daily, Ethiopian officials have already noted Serbia’s leadership that it would be good to resolve these issues – that Serbian diplomats move out of the building and that Belgrade write off the debt and related interest rate – in exchange for the country’s support regarding Kosovo and Metohija.

Ethiopia is the seat of the African Union, consisting of 54 states of which so far only 22 recognized Kosovo. The change of attitude of Addis Ababa regarding Kosovo and Metohija would cause a domino effect of new recognitions, writes “Novosti”.

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced that in the next few days the agreement will be reached which Serbian officials will travel to Addis Abeba to the African Union Summit, held from January 26 to 31st, which will be an opportunity to discuss the important issues with Ethiopia.

“We will see if President Nikolic, Prime Minister Vucic or me will go there. In any case, we will be present at the sumit because those contacts are very important for the defense of our interests. Hashim Thaci does not hide that Pristina’s interest is to provide a convincing majority in the UN, and our goal is to prevent it,” said Dacic for the daily.

Serbia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was informed that Pristina’s representatives are putting a lot of pressure on Latin Amercian countries, but officials in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago informed the Government of Serbia that they will not change their decision regarding recognition of the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.

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