Eritrea: Construction of Adi Halo Dam [Pictures & VIDEO]
Eritrea: Construction of Adi Halo Dam
The Emba Tekera Dam, which is under construction in the environs between Adi-Halo and Adi-Kefelet, is a 20 million cubic meter dam. When completed, the dam supply water to Asmara.
Living up to the national motto of "Eritreans build with sweat, not debt", the dam is reportedly being financed and constructed entirely by Eritrea.
The following are images and videos of the dam:
Visited adi halo's new dam a few days ago and ran into the president! #Eritrea #SelfReliance
— Gual Sewra (@Yohanna_Paulos) August 31, 2014
Video of Engineer Saleh informing people about the project:
Click on images to enlarge [image credit: Amaniel Kiflat]
Eritrea: Construction of Adi Halo Dam [Pictures & VIDEO]
Reviewed by Admin
12:58 PM

A small water resevoir of 20 million cubic meters is front page news in the land of shaebia. Lol Eritrea's infrastructural problems are so big, even the biggest investor inside the country is feeling the pain. The percentage of people having access to electricity in Eritrea is supposedly higher than in Ethiopia. The difference is that Ethiopia is rapidly expanding its capacity to generate energy, while there are no significant projects in the pipeline in Eritrea (with the exception of the 2.7 miniwatt EU assistance) of course.
ReplyDeleteJust to give you an indication on the power projects on the table/under construction/completed: Gilgel Gibe 1 (184MW), Gilgel Gibe 2 (420MW), Tekeze 1 (300MW), Tana Beles (460MW), Adama 1/2 wind farm (350MW), Genale Dawa 3(254MW), Guder dam (1780MW), Gibe 3 (1870MW) and of course the mighty GERD (6000MW). Note that these are just a fraction of the power projects in Ethiopia and note that all of them (without exception) have greater capacity (in many cases more than 10 times) than Hirgigo power plant.
Eritrea of course has no significant rivers like Ethiopia does (only seasonal), but it does have substantial geothermal potential. The question is why the Eritrean government doesn't utilize this potential, instead of these tiny micro-dams supposedly to alleviate the water shortages. How about the energy shortages.
Man, I have seen this Dam being constructed on August 10th. The activity with several dump trucks realing, workers controlling, it is like a well honed clock work - 24/7. We were there on a Sunday morning at 9 AM. Enjoying the view, and of cource eating beles, I asked the young girl, if PIA enjoys her belles as we all were. She said proudly that, he does not eat very much, but he tips us "መዓት"! meaning "A lot"! I was not surprised, but continue asking here when did he came to the site, to which she quicly told us, he was here at 6 AM. Imagine that early in the morning on a Sunday. That says a lot of this president and his workholic nature of his.
ReplyDeleteI then turned my attention to some of the workers who were taking a break from their demanding job and asked them, why are these flood lights here, do you guys work at night time too? to which he quickly said "ዕስራን ኣርባዕተን"..."ዕስራን ኣርባዕተን ሰዓት"::
Folks, seeing is believing, can you imagine what we could do if the Hasadats would leave us alone?
The Gergera is a huge lake even before it was finished. The rainy season got them before they were done. Even then for those of you who may know the Mereb bridge on the Tera'emni deqemHare road was completely baried by the retreating waters that was heading back to Dibarua. Just imagine next rainy season how bigger the man made lake is going to be.
Mr Smart Alec,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all nobody is interested in talking about your country. Why do you have to bring a subject that has no relevance to the topic? If Ethiopia has all the resources that you claim it has, that is well and good and hopefuly it would be put to good use once the Weyane is gone. So you see Mr dimwhit, we do not have a problem with Ethiopia developing its water and energy resources. But we do have a problem with people like you who lose sleep over nothing.
thanx madote ente dekese do brhanu tdefen!
ReplyDeletei am glad you have put him in the featured comment, but will he get it? we shall see.
"A small water resevoir of 20 million cubic meters is front page news in the land of shaebia. "
ReplyDelete"Eritrea of course has no significant rivers like Ethiopia does (only seasonal)"
Aren't you contradicting yourself?
Sorry about that. I meant to feature your comment but featured the wrong guy.
ReplyDeleteThanks MadoteEritrea for the article, it's sure that after a decade Eritrea will have another brighter look in all sectors, I as any Eritrean citizen, follow up our countries moves attentively..i see the visible changes and aware choices the Country is doing..sure we have some tasks to improve as any new nation. But what can guarantee is that there are solid bases on which to rely and keep on working..
ReplyDeleteOur victory is certain.
Do not forget dear berhane to suggest a scheme in your country of family planning program as some statistical studies state that on 2025 you might be easily 150 mln. then the above mentioned big projects might not be enough, as well as all the other infrastructures..
ReplyDeleteGod of truth twisted your hand to do that
ReplyDeletewhat a stupid person, have you forgotten that you have 90 million people 75% of it living under extreme poverty. Besides more than half of your country's budget is hand out, your life line depends on begging so shut up and take your statistics to your agame website. We are the can do people, who are building a nation from scratch unlike your beggar weyane. Read about the concept of self reliance and learn dummy.
ReplyDeleteU know, stalking, obsession and mental illness are best friends. u should break up with them. its for the best be4 u hurt ur self. I been said poor nebsy.......... Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer.
ReplyDeleteLaziness pays off overnight however hard work pays off through out ur life. Deky Eri Yemesguno N' Amlllak/Allah kabakum M'ftharey.
ReplyDeletePatience and hard work pays off, and we never doubt or loose our faith in them. Long Live The People/Shaebia/Eritrea!!!..
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmm.......; "Living up to the national motto of "Eritreans build with sweat, not debt", the dam is reportedly being financed and constructed entirely by Eritrea."
ReplyDeleteYou bet it is being built by Eritrean brain, talent, finance! That is the Eritrean way. This and much more are built by "Eritrean brain and muscle. That is what sets Eritreans above the dismal Africa.
Stay on course Eritrea, do not tell them but show them what Eritreanism is meant to be.
As for "toothless dogs" barking from the streets of West, I am loving it.
Long Live SHAEBIA and Glory to the men and women of small words.
When you plan or build a Nation the concept must be seen at general view mean globally not a single sector or certain infrastructure..
ReplyDeleteAnd most of all comes that Human building "awareness of society, homogeneity, unity, love ", are ethiopians the last two decades work to achieve the above mentioned adjectives? I scared you're not doing a proper job, or you're mistaken the priorities..
The forte of Eritreans is not gold, potash, sea, People..
Clearly the engineer in the video say it's going to be 750million cubic meter and madote reporting as 20 mil?
ReplyDeleteየዛፎችህ ነገር መሰጠኝ!! እዚ ሓወይ።
ReplyDeleteንኪድ አ!! ኣ ይደለም ንኺ(ዽ፧) ድ ነው ትክክሉ!
So it is good you have electricity supply to every house for 90 million people. When? in the year 2200. 200 years from one probably. You have all this dams and electricity and every home in Ethiopia including Addis Ababa have power outage. Why? And with this all resources 90% Ethiopians live in poverty and in the dark. So do not brag here. Ethiopians are instead maimed, killed, removed from their ancestors land, imprisons, terrorised. In a country where there is not justice, the natural wealth eaten by few. That is what is in Ethiopia. Why do I read water shortage, power shortage, food shortage in Ethiopia. No one said Ethiopia does not have natural wealth, but it is the poorest country. No justice no point of having big resources.
ReplyDeleteSo by any means we are completely not comparing ourselves 2with Ethiopia. In Eritrea every one have to have land and farm. In Eritrea step by stem solving the needs of the farmers, villages and far places. First comes water and food, then other needs. And In Eritrea every one have equal rights to own land, live in peace and farm his land. No eviction, No mass deporting in their own country. Villages are taught to use modern farming. In Ethiopia it is eviction, eviction , killing, deporting deporting. Terrorizing and so on. No way to be compared with us.
So Ethiopian business is for you. Why come here to brag. Just go solve your problems. And you cannot be knowledgeable and tell us what to do. We Eritreans know how to prioritise. Some people like like to pretend to be clever and knowledgeable. You are not. We do not need your advice. Eritrean already have studied everything that is available in our country and what to do with it.
Thermal energy , why is Ethiopia not developing it. Ethiopia has more thermal energy.?
Alec ab adkhum lebam tefiu? Ab mdre-bada do gidib yisraH eyu? Ametawi meTen znab mereb mlash kndey mKHuanu resiEkumwo diKHum? Gulbet men'esey bneTSa nmbzbaz eyu ElamaKHum.
ReplyDeleteHalf of the Eritrean population is composed of desert nomads. Half of the rest population is welfare money expectant in the capitals of europe e.t.c. The rest 25% is under a military slavery. Which hard work are you talking about? You know that Asmara was not by the locals but by new comers. The locals lived and are living in their ADIs cultivating their DIESAS.
ReplyDeleteDouble check the video again tho I couldn't hear the engineer saying 750 million cubic meter I can tell you for sure he was talking about Gerset,Kerkebet and Gergera dams.My qustion to you tho what if Madote made the mistake do you have to politisize this too.ouffffff
ReplyDeleteጸረ ድክነት ስትራተጂ ሃንደስቲ ኢና በሃልቲ
ቡዙሓት ልኡኳት መንግስታትን ወከልቶምን
ዓበይቲ ኣህጉራውያን ውዱባትን፡ ፈተውትናን
ሓለይትናን መሲሎም ከማክሩና ፈቲኖም`ዮም
መሳርሒ ማእቶት ካብ ምግዛእ፡ መሸላን ፊኖን
ምግዛእ ይሕሸኩም ኢሎሙና። ምኽሪ ካብ ድክነት
ንምንጋፍ ዘይኮነስ፡ ኣብ ባሕሪ ድኽነትን
ምጽወታን ጥራይ ንመዋእል ሸሚሙካ ዝነብር
ሓሳባት ንኽንቅበል ጸቅጢ ክገብሩ ብዙሕ
እዚ ድማ ብዛዕባ ንዓመታ ካብ ምሕሳብ ብዛዕባ
ሎሚ ጥራይ ምሕሳብ ይሕሸኩም ማለት`ዩ።
ቅጫስ ኣብ መቅሎኣ ከላ እፈልጣ ከም ዝበሃል፡
ወዮ ንዓና ዝሕሸና ነገር ካባና ንላዕሊ ክፈልጦ
ዝኽእልን ዝግብኦን ሰብ ዘየሎ ክነሱ ነዚ
ንምባል ኣይሓነኩን። ናይ ሎሚ እንቃቅሖ ግን
ንዓመታ ደርሆ ኣኺላስ ድሕሪ ንዓመታ ብዙሓት
ደርሁ ኮይና ማእለያ ዘብሉ እንቋቅሖን ስጋን
ክትህበና ከም ትክእል ምሕሳብና ከም ዕሽነት
ተቆጺሩ። ንሳቶም እቶም መከርቲ ክፋእ በዚ
መሪሕ ሓሳብ`ዚ
ንዘበናት ተጓዒዞም ካብ ድክነት ተናጊፎም
ከብቅዑ ሎሚ ንዓና በቲ ቅኑዕ መንገዲ ኣይትሕሰቡ
ምባሎም፡ ኣሳሰይቲ ድሕረትን ድንቁርናን፡
መሓዙት ጥሜትን ሕማምን ኴንና ንክንነብር
ምውሳን ካብ ሙካን ሓሊፉ ካልእ ትርጉም ክወሃቦ
ዝክእል ኣይኮነን። እንተ ህዝብን መንግስትን
ኤርትራ ትማል ሎሚ ጽባሕ ከም ወትሩ ዝሕሸናን
ዘዋጻናን መንገዲ ርእሰ ሙርኮሳ ሙኳኑ ኣብ
ግዜ ቃልስና ዘለላናዮ ናይ ዓወት መስመር ክሳብ
ዝኮነ፡ ሎሚ`ውን
ከም ትማሊ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንደሞክራስን ፍትሕን
ወይ ሞት እናበልና ብዘይ ምውልዋል ኣብቲ
ዘይንደል ሓዲድ ክንምርሽ ኢና። ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!!
You said it! That is the truth and the whole truth. "እንተ ህዝብን መንግስትንኤርትራ ትማል ሎሚ ጽባሕ ከም ወትሩ ዝሕሸናን ዘዋጻናን መንገዲ ርእሰ ሙርኮሳ ሙኳኑ ኣብ ግዜ ቃልስና ዘለላናዮ ናይ ዓወት መስመር ክሳብ ዝኮነ፡ ሎሚ`ውን ከም ትማሊ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንደሞክራስን ፍትሕንወይ ሞት እናበልና ብዘይ ምውልዋል ኣብቲ ዘይንደል ሓዲድ ክንምርሽ ኢና።" Thanks for your words of wisdom!
ReplyDeleteyou agame still creeping in Eritrean website. agame gohafat lementi nay whites maekor lahasti. btw do you agame still selling your agame kids and infested the streets of amerika until they put them in a fridge.
ReplyDeleteYou think you are showing off your expertise, you are not. You are advertizing your ignorance! It is clear that you don't even have a single information about Eritrea; but you still insist on evaluating its projects. You are too young to know better or else you are here to play a childish game. Why is every Weyane like that?
ReplyDelete1) Unless you are over 140 years old, you do not know anything about Asmara. If you wanted to educate yourself, you would have found at least one picture with Eritreans sweating to build it. Or else ask your compatriots how hard working Eritreans are.
2) Rain? Your province (kilil, be happy) is adjacent to Eritrea. Most of the time, it gets about the same or a little more rain than Eritrea. Besides, you are not the one who controls the rain. Why are you boasting about God's creation? With all the rain and the rivers you boast about, why is your country still requiring food assistance?
So it is . yes. Why not. But what is yo0ur problem here/
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Red Sea Dam,Dude?
ReplyDeleteI have no problem ayda. Ask Mr. Truth or whoever has a problem with Eritrea. I was replying to the guy by the name of Berhane who was boasting about their rivers.
ReplyDeleteMisakhi iye zelekhu!