Vice President Biden-The US Must Also Call on Ethiopia to “Abide by its Treaty Obligations”
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Sophia Tesfamariam discussing US-Eritrean relations with Vice President Joe Biden |
Vice President Biden-The US Must Also Call on Ethiopia to “Abide by its Treaty Obligations”
By Sophia Tesfamariam,
Speaking in Kyiv, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said that “it is unacceptable in the 21st century for countries to attempt to redraw borders by force in Europe or intervene militarily because they don’t like a decision their neighbors have made.” Biden called on Russia to “respect the country’s territorial integrity”. The US Vice President also called on Russia to “fulfill commitments it made” and the Vice President called on Russia to “”Do what you agreed to do”.
Having met and chatted with the Vice President on election night in Chicago, I found him to be a straightforward person and have no reason to believe that he was merely parroting a scripted narrative, mere words to appease an ally Ukraine, and to annoy Russia. So if the US Vice President believes in respecting international law, abiding by agreements signed and finds it unacceptable in the 21st century for countries to redraw borders by force in Europe-why not use the same standards with its ally Ethiopia, in Africa, and call on the belligerent minority regime to abide by international law and respect its treaty obligations?
Vice President Biden must know that Ethiopia, US’ ‘staunch ally’ in the Horn of Africa, willingly and consciously signed the Algiers Agreements in December 2000, bringing an end to the bloody 1998-2000 “border conflict” between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
The Algiers Agreement was signed in 2000 in Algeria by H.E. President Isaias Afwerki for Eritrea and by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for Ethiopia and witnessed and guaranteed by the then Secretary General Kofi Annan representing the United Nations, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the Democratic Republic of Algeria, former President Obasanjo of Nigeria, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright representing the United States, Secretary General, Salim Ahmed Salim representing the OAU, and Senator Renato Serri representing the European Union.
Vice President Biden must also know that the Algiers Agreements, brokered and authored by the US State Department, called for the delimitation and demarcation of the Eritrea Ethiopia border and that punitive actions would be taken against the party that did not abide by its treaty obligations.
Vice President Biden must also know that the independent Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) delivered its final and binding decision on 13 April 2002 and while Eritrea accepted the decision, Ethiopia rejected it and refused to abide by the EEBC’s demarcation directives.
Vice President Biden must also know that Ethiopia has refused to abide by its treaty obligations and continues to occupy sovereign Eritrean territories, including Badme, the casus belli for the conflict. He must also recall that the EEBC unequivocally awarded Badme to Eritrea.
Ethiopia also continues to ignore over a dozen UN Security Council Resolutions on the Eritrea Ethiopia border issue. All attempts by US lawmakers to urge Ethiopia to abide by its obligations under the Algiers Agreements have been thwarted by the US State Department for the last 12 years.
The Algiers Agreement which was adapted and endorsed by the UN Security Council clearly spells out what must be done by the UN Security Council if any of the two parties refuse to comply. Article 14 of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement states:
“…the OAU and the UN Commit themselves to guarantee the respect for this commitment of the parties. This guarantee shall be comprised of measures to be taken by the international community should one or both parties violate this commitment, including appropriate measures to be taken under Chapter 7 of the Charter of the United Nations by the Security Council…”
So, when is the Obama Administration going to call a spade a spade and ask Ethiopia, its ally, to respect international law, abide by agreements it has signed, and attempt to redraw borders by force, and do what it said it would do?
Mr. Vice President, there cannot be double standards and different set of rules for Europe and Africa. US credibility, integrity and reputation will be further undermined if it continues to apply double standards in its international dealings…
What is good for the goose must be good for the gander…
Vice President Biden-The US Must Also Call on Ethiopia to “Abide by its Treaty Obligations”
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1:14 AM

The so called Algiers Agreement is null and void because Eritrea itself, which is still lead by a Guerrilla force, has had violated it repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteTypical double standards, calling for respecting Ukrainian territorial integrity and remaining silent for 12+ years about weyane ethiopia's blatant occupation of sovereign Eritrean territory.
ReplyDeleteEritrea will gain back all it is rightful territories without shooting a sing bullet we are focusing to rebuild our country and try to reach others then may compete with them in our region,neighbour,continent then the hall world sooner or later Ethiopia will vacate them all themselves.
ReplyDeleteThis ugly face is doing more damage to Eritrea than good. Sending a more beautiful and more intelligent woman to US officials for lobbying would be much more helpful. Oh the problem is that most women in Eritrea look like men. :))) Even worse, they are circumcised and hence frigid. That is why most of them are ገንጫራት and not polite and humble as a woman should be.
ReplyDeleteThe US are condemning the Russians for invading Ukraine while the US is doing the same thing to Eritrea by helping the regime in Ethiopia to sit in someone's land, like the Russians are doing the same to the Ukraine. and yet the US is trying so hard to cover up the doing of the kedamy woyane from the world. and they call the US fights for justice. the irony.
ReplyDeleteካብ ኢድ ተጋሩ መሬት ብሓይሊ ክትወስድ ምሕሳብካ ክንድምንታይ ዝኣክል ዓቅምኻ ከምዘይትፈልጥ የርኢ:: ንዝፈትዎም ሰብ ዋላ ህይወቶም ዝህቦ ለዋሃትን ቅኑዓትን እዮም::ተንኮልን ክፍኣትን ንዝሓስበሎም ግን መርዝታት እዮም:: ሸዋን ሻዓብያን ምስክራት እዮም::
ReplyDeleteThere is something that you terribly miss: No one in this world wanted, wants and will never want an independent country called Eritrea. Because no one sees any difference of the Eritreans from the Ethiopians and hence no one sees a good reason behind an independent Eritrea. People of the world see it weird and foolish when they see Eritreans talking about independence, territory, e.t.c.
ReplyDeleteU poor Creature, u are insecure by ur Appearance, i.e ugly. u got rejected by Eritrean chicks now ur furious. when the Eritrean chicks have guys that look like me at home. how do u expect them to like u, with that abnormal big ugly head of yours cuz u know you ugumesh have huge head, hmmmmm. hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteOh, and don't start about the tgryan woman damn so ugly. the Amhara chicks are even prettier than an Agame woman.
And u say Sending a more beautiful and more to US officials for lobbying would be much more helpful. so what ur saying is u send ur woman to seduce/fucked by frengi like animals wow. and thats why all the old white men apparently all lowlives go to Ethiopia to get laid with the whores of Babylon/Ethiopia, cuz they're easy.
well ugumesh, we are Eritreans and Eritreans woman they don't bend over wen they see frenji, ab'eden ay'konan. u know like ur Agame woman.
Where did you dube from? Respect the law! Ethiopia used to be a proud nation and more or less independent thinking; what happened now that when you are told to jump you ask how high. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteI respectfully ask people at to ban this Jacob creature from posting again. He has no manners and brought up baAlegie somewhere in Woyaneland. He has disrespected the Entire people of Eritrea.
ReplyDeletelol....sending women to officials is a usual act by Shabias. Almost every one of the lazy and blood sucker Dergue official had an Eritrean concubine sent to him by Shabias usually for spy works. Shabia had sent even such women to he judges in the Hague during the border dealings.
ReplyDeleteEverybody would laugh at you if you say that Agame girls not beautiful. Oh man, please go to Mekelle and you might even faint of what you will see. Every girl there looks like as if she is going for a beauty pageant. Super sexy and above all very polite and and sweet. Real descendants of the Queen of Sheba.
In Eritrea, thanks to the so-called national service, it is the dudes lately that look more like girls. Very skinny and probably with little to no male hormones.
Credit MadoteEritrea & Sophia Tesfamariam:
ReplyDeleteMr. Vice President, there cannot be double standards and different set of rules for Europe and Africa. US credibility, integrity and reputation will be further undermined if it continues to apply double standards in its international dealings…
What is good for the goose must be good for the gander…
Read more:
Brother is easy, just not responding him..his intention is to destruct..
ReplyDeleteWait a minuter, didn't a high level Eritrean officiall recently visits occupied Ukrainian territory? What messeage does it send to the world? Eritrea who itself is a victim of illegally occupied land is supporting another aggressor i.e. Russia!!!! We had the diplomatic upper ground with Badme legally awarded to us. But the armature diplomats of ours with the dictator on the head ruined everything and we lost all the moral upper hand and the world sympathy. stop your dirty need to know about all what your fathers dream 3000 years dynasty.all dream of becoming supperior. The result daydream has not bore fruit. You your talk now is just kizxet.
ReplyDeleteWho ever you r. Do not forget ur mother is a women???? Respect ur self and specially women. You may hate Eritrea but you know we are here to stay without ur permission.
ReplyDeleteSophia - you should also call on our government to abide by the constitution. Don't be selective!
ReplyDeleteIt is not fair to ask Eritrea to walk in thin line while everyone do what ever they want. It is a wild wild world. You do what ever it take to make it.
ReplyDeleteCharacter assassination is the last thing you make, when you have no point to make in the argument presented to you. This mean Sophie made her point. Thank you for giving up. It is like the baby get very angry at his mother and throw his lunch to the floor which is the last resort for the baby.
ReplyDeleteSophi is right as always. what is right to Russia must be right to Ethiopia too. As a respected diplomatic nation Eritrea recoginized Crimea as part of Russia and sent delegates. Now is the time to stop the double standard and to send delegates to Badme, Ethiopia.wait...!!
ReplyDeleteNAIL IT ON THE HEAD hahahahahha
ReplyDeleteOh have mercy on them, please Jacky?
ReplyDeleteThe end of this world is near, Woyane's end is near
ReplyDeleteWhat prophecy are all like these?
You have No Shame barking like DOG in Eritrean website we don't need your approval for anything(UGLY FOR INSIDE/OUTSIDE) don't vomit your poison SNAKE here " HASADAT ".
ReplyDeletea poison is poisonous until it gets a better poison to poison it :)
ReplyDeleteSorry to make fun of your suffering, but Iam forced to :)
Are you sure Ethiopia been a proud nation ?
ReplyDeleteWhen did Ethiopia stand by its own ? LOL
Never in Ethiopian history there was this sort of prostitution by the leaders of Ethiopia. At least Haileselasie even Mengistu never dared to go and invade another African nation by order of a western nation. Mind you the so called African Union is headquartered in Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteHow about Ogaden war? How about Somalia? Go and read history before you discuss poletics.
ReplyDeleteSomalia will send their delegates soon to Ogaden. Welcome them DC
ReplyDeleteYou are really jumbo mumbo dumbo. How can you compare ukraine and eritrea? we must force ethiopia by force to abandon the territory it is occupying. We have the army and we have a smart president. Why cant we do it ? do you expect america to do the job for us?
You are really jumbo mumbo dumbo. How can you compare ukraine and eritrea? we must force ethiopia by force to abandon the territory it is occupying. We have the army and we have a smart president. Why cant we do it ? do you expect america to do the job for us?
ReplyDeleteOnly superficial persons believe on external appearance. We Eritreans believe/see beauty on concrete things..
ReplyDeleteRush not into fights. Long is the war. Only by surviving it, will you prevail. and thats what the us want us to do 1st we to make a mistake. when we're coming we are coming with their cousins.
ReplyDeleteI don't need to be nebi to see that woyana is collapsing. ur anger and lust for power have already done that. ur doing it by killing the people, the Oromo, Ogaden, Gambela, on...
ReplyDeleteIf you didn't know by now, most politicians will lie as much as they speak. Of course if you are not allied with them you are against them. The fact that you take him for his word when they US has a history of lying to complete their own agendas, shows how naive you are. As long as Eritrea wants to be an independent country the US will always be the enemy of your people.
ReplyDeleteImagine Meles Chenawi talking about Eritrean girls not being beautiful!!! Ha Ha Ha ... kikikiki ... Can somebody please post Azeb Mesfin's ugly face here!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo says a western aid addict... Lol. I can't even take you seriously. You say all that crap with a strait face? Get off western aid then i may consider what you say. But you lose off jump atm.