Djibouti 'utopia' is 'hell on earth'
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Djibouti 'utopia' is 'hell on earth'
Ab Abdo,
This is in response to Djibouti Ambassador H.E. Robir Olhaye’s response to an earlier Congress blog.
I was not surprised to read what the ambassador had to say about the government. He completely rejected the article as a whole and did not concede a single point. I was not surprised that he would say such nice things about Djibouti. I mean how could he not? No one would dare to say anything against the man who is signing their checks.
Behind this façade of a perfect government, nothing is what it seems. The reality in Djibouti is far worse than how it’s being reported. The national television (RTD), being the mouthpiece of the government, can only paint a glossy picture that depicts Djibouti as a “utopia”.
Olhaye has been the permanent representative of Djibouti to the United Nations and the United States since 1988. I doubt that within that period, he has spent more than 2 weeks in Djibouti. I am more qualified than he is to tell you about the real Djibouti, because unlike him, I lived through it.
A couple of years ago, I packed my bags and decided to go back home. Home is where the heart is, I thought. I was excited to be back in familiar places. Although, nothing seemed familiar anymore. My excitement was short-lived. What I encountered what is beyond horrific. I couldn’t imagine that people lived in these conditions; it was inhumane. Djiboutians were lacking water, electricity and adequate healthcare. Hospitals are overcrowded, under-staffed and lack proper medications.
The government is not helping either. Thanks to the president and his “helpers”, the state treasury only serves as their wallet. They helped themselves from financing their next campaign to building their next castle. While the wealth gap dilemma is not unique, it couldn’t be more apparent in Djibouti. Unlike its neighbors, Djibouti enjoyed peace and stability. Djibouti has resources at its disposal. But the real culprit is the president, Ismail Omar Guelleh. He enjoys a luxurious lifestyle beyond what his “paycheck” as president can afford.
Let’s talk about how wasteful the government has proven to be. Djibouti has almost the same amount of ministers and vice-ministers as France. Mind you that Djibouti’s population is a mere 1 million compared to France's 66 million. Government departments sometimes overlap. Talk about redundancy and waste of resources.
People do not want any luxuries. All they ask is to have their basic necessities met. Some of the people I met were struggling financially. The electricity bill alone was more than half their paycheck. Yet, well-paid government officials are given a reduced electric bill or free electricity. The logic of having poor people pay their utilities and the rich skip on the tab is beyond any comprehension.
On the subject of Boreh, it’s no secret what the motive was. It has always been the modus operandi of the Guelleh regime to discredit or persecute anyone who dares to challenge them. That is the fact and we all know it. Whether we want to believe or admit it, it’s a whole different thing. But the Obama administration has done Guelleh a great favor. He can imprison any of us and say that we are “Al Qaeda sympathizers”, and that’s all she wrote.
Djibouti deserves to be recognized for what it is: A hell on earth.
Abdo is a medical billing student and a Djiboutian national living in the United States.
Djibouti 'utopia' is 'hell on earth'
Reviewed by Admin
7:26 AM

"Abdo is a medical billing student and a Djiboutian national living in the United States."
ReplyDeleteand Abdo is member of Alshabab
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NOBODY cares about the misfortunes of our is that supposed to make me feel better about eritrea advancements? How would we like it if they bashed eritrea talking about "how poor it is" when that is far from the truth....
Anyone who claims that Djibouti is 'an utopian of a nation', is not only blind from birth but also one who has lived his whole life confined in a prehistoric cave.
ReplyDeletePR and propaganda aside, Djibouti has changed a lot in the past 15 years, from a specter/proxy nation of only France to an International military/naval base/hub, a fact that obviously generates a huge income to the rulers.
The question is not about being an utopia but rather about: Is it wise to rent your whole country to all the world powers whose only scope is hegemony or dominion?
Could the same not be said about Ertirea. Where one man does as he pleases and others just follow blindly or are forced out because they dare to speak up the truth. Just like in Djibouti the reality on the ground in Eritrea is one thing and what websites and other pro-govt outlets report is another. That is what happens when a country is run by a dictator. Fix the problem with in Eritrea before worrying about Djibouti or another nation. Once you fix that problem you won't have to talk about others misery to make yourself look good.
ReplyDeleteHji dima kab Ethiopia nab Djibouti netirkum? Why don't focus on the unjust system in Eritrea! Why are people leaving Eritrea in masses? Why is despite the gold and other natural resources revenue as well as 2% extraction from Eritreans, the people are economically suffering?
ReplyDeleteWizee and T., it is not Eritrean complaining about Djibouti but Abdo! Fix your mind or we will try to "fix" you.
ReplyDeleteYa raswa arobati ya sawu tamaslalachi do blue amharu...hahah
ReplyDeleteኣንታ-ሓተላ - እምበር'ዶ ይርዳኣኩም እዩ? ዓቅሚ እንድሕሪ ዘይብልኩም ነቶም ዝፈልጡ እንታይ እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ እዚ ጽሑፍ ምባል ነውሪ ኣይኰነን ዝሓትት ይፈልጥ ንምባል እዩ፡ እዚ ጽሑፍ ናይ ጂቡቲ ተወላዲ ዝጸሓፎ እዩ ኣብ ኣብዶ ከኣ ይበሃል፡ ቆማል-ሓንጎል ድኣ ኰንካ እምበር ከም ወረ እዩ ተጻሒፉ ዘሎ- ኤርትራዊ ዝጸሓፎ ኣይኰነን፡ ከምዚ ከማኻ ኣምሓሩ እንታይ ይብሉኻ ይመስለካ-ዘወርበል ደደብ ቅማላም ትፈልጥ ኢኻ ከምኡ ከም ዝብሉ ግን ከዘኻኽረካ ኢለ እየ፡ ርጉም ወዲ ተምቤን፡ ደጋጊመ ነጊረካ እየ ኣብ ካልእ ኣይትጥወዮ ነገራት፡- ዝተሰርቀ ገንዘብ ኢትዮጵያ ብወያነ ምሎሶ በሎ ንስዩም መስፍን ማለት ኣብ ወጻኢ ተበታቲኑ ዘሎ ናይ ህዝቢ ገንዘብ ፡፡ ኣንታ ደደብ። ውኻርያ'ዶ ክብለካ።
ReplyDeleteChek if you got your brain dameged.
ReplyDeleteEven though it's written by Djibouti national, why is it on madote .
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious to me that they are entertaining others misery to make home look good, ain't that simple logic.
Anyone claiming Eritrea is a 'utopia of a nation' is just as blind. Probably more than that, those people are leading a comfortable lifestyle far away from Eritrea which explains their blindness.
ReplyDeletePR and propaganda aside, Eritrea has changed a lot in the past 15 years. A lunatic and isolated dictator has held the country hostage, senior military and political officials were arrested and jailed for years on end without even having a right to a fair trial or their family having knowledge of their situation. Further an unprecedented number of people (young and old) are voting with their feet (in the absence of a way to show their displeasure with the lunatic dictator) and fleeing the nation in any possible way.
The country has been sanctioned twice due to the incompetence diplomatic skills of the lunatic in chief. The nations airline has been a complete and utter failure, so much so that two of its first CEO's (wedi Dafla and Captain Assres) left Eritrea because they became frustrated with the lunatic's desire to micromanage just about everything in the country.
The question is therefore not about being an 'utopia' but rather: Is it wise to dismantle the constitution and other institutions (National Assembly, private newspapers) that limit the powers of one man in order to prevent your country from becoming a tyrannical state for the people at home and an pariah in the international arena?
My friend Rora, indeed it's obvious to you, but to us we see that djiboutians like Abdo want to tell the world Djibouti "utopia?" Is ain't so! Who better than the Eritreans to lend a comforting pillow to cry on?
ReplyDeleteForto Sawa;
ReplyDeleteYou continue to exaggerate about the well being of our people. Our people are suffering under a dictatorship. If you think Eritrea is land of the honey, when are you planning to immigrate to Eritrea?
It's so bad in Eritrea don't you know you won't even be able to type what you typing do to lock of electricity.
Wake up man!
I take it your pen name means how? To answer the one question you asked, i have yet to see a person dying of no electricity, so talk about exaggeration!
ReplyDeleteSecond, this is not really about Eritrea but Djibouti, so how in the world does it compare with us; kemey?
If you are Ethiopian and are unhappy about what Abdo has stated, then take it up with him; i know for a fact a lot of Ethiopians are engaged in illicit businesses ranging from katikala and narcotics to outright human trades, you know prostitution is illegal in Djibouti right? But guess who is striving in this profession? Your one and only utopians- that's why Abdo is here in rather than taiwan dire dawa, or kulube Gabriel.
As far as your west and the land of honey and milk; believe what you wanna believe and enjoy what is presented to you; mr. Humberg, I grew up eating in a meadi and I know I come from the land of plenty.
Kemey, had you had the chance to soak in a milk bath? I have; how about being glazed all over with the finest and most organic honey money can buy? I have! But what matters at the wnd is being happy and appreciative of all the things you share with fellow human-beings.
Hgdef werdetena, why is that always when some is against isias called agame? When any country is against isias favor is always called servant and a worst place to live?
ReplyDeleteNata gedifka nay gorbeta, tell us what you did in eritrea? The one which is built by italy destroyed, let alone isias to built new or improve. in every sector eritrea is worse than 20 years a go. All the good things is from the people even the peace
and security because our people is "chewa hezbi" an like isias and his family.
You are a retarded Woyane douchebag
ReplyDeleteየራሷ አሮባት የሰው ታማስላለች አለ ያገሬ ሰው
ReplyDeleteይህን ድረገጽ የማየው ለምን መሰላችሁ ኤርትራዎች ምን ያህል አገራችንን ለመበጥበጥ እንደሚንቀሳቀሱ ከጽሁፎቹ ስለማገኝ ነው እናም
በዌብ ሳይታችሁ ላይ ከ90 % በላይ ስለ ኢትዮጲያችን አፍራሽ ፕሮፓጋንዳ ነበር አሁን ደግሞ ወደ ጂቡቲ እየሄዳችሁ ነው ፡፡ ፍሬንዶች
ተረጋጉ እና ስለ እራሳችሁ ሀገር ብቻ አስቡ እንዲሁም ስሩ፡፡ በወሬ ያደገ አገር የለም እንደኛ ስሩ ተለወጡ፡፡
መቼም የአማርኛ ፎቢያ አለባችሁ ግን ላስተምራችሁ ብዬ ነው ቻው፡፡
It's out of hope nowadays or rare to see leaders like Thomas Sankara in Africa, the continent is full of crippled big bellie leaders who are bribed slaves by the giant west and used as parrots. Djibouti, ethiopia, kenya ect are proves of this sad fact in our region.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately independent country like Eritrea with their own programme and free way of thinking are a drop of honey in the pond of sewage.
Halal Meriet, africans today as they are naive will never admit they are colonized than before 2nd world war, look everywhere they are manipulated directly or indirectly by outsiders.
ReplyDeleteFeel sorry for all the djiboutiennes as a population as their leaders felt as the majority of african state leaders: bribery, corruption, parrotism, servantism ect..
ReplyDeleteanti dumuu,
ReplyDeletemyawwww inabelki iske aytrebshna LOL
A conscious Eritrean could not claim or talk about such idiocy like utopia or that Eritrea is an all accomplished country. On the contrary, we (the veritable) Eritreans' top asset is our cognizance of the reality, awareness of our temporary state of being underdeveloped and under siege.
ReplyDeleteDoes our awareness of being underdeveloped and under siege, scare us to the point of freezing? No!
Sweet truth:
There is no country in the world that had to depend totally on 'volunteerism' in everything so far accomplished like Eritrea.
We defeated our enemies in a protracted war (the longest in Africa) amazingly by an army of volunteers who never sought any type of reward or compensation but ready and willing to sacrifice for Eritrea and its people.
Now, in the era where 'money' has become the 'supreme god', the only one to be worshiped controlled by the wicked who created 'this god', hell-bent to weaken Eritrea and an Eritrea that is still obliged to depend mostly in its volunteers is a core issue.
Is it possible or viable?
Money god and its creators, in house rodents and termites are a problem yet surmountable
PIA/Shaebia....isolated, lunatic, pariah dictator...?!
To us (the Hafash), he was, he is and he will forever be simply, Wedi Afom.
A name that inspires, that congregates the best cream of the country, that unites, that accomplishes and above all that ...It's a secret.
"utopia" my a--, Geza Tanika nay Qedem ytesri kabzi LOL
ReplyDeleteWubye den Koro, no one said it is written by an Eritrean, but the fact that Eritrea is in worse shape than Djibouti, such articles shouldn't have a place here. At least a Djiboutian could get a passport and leave or come back to his country freely. But in my beloved Eritrea, your cousins like Hagos Tenbyenay Kisha are the one enjoying freedom. Now go back to Western Union and send money that Issayas will use to his DEMHIT body guards.
ReplyDeleteDen Koro,bako hangol
Meriet, aka Sofa, what do you feel when you heard Meaza Petros Solomon latest interview? She is more matured individual that the rest Hgdef clowns.
ReplyDeleteWizee, Western Union?
ReplyDeleteT.alem thank u, it is obvious they will not admitt the the tesfa news and madot run by one person all this comment u see run by 2 or one person (cadre). The sad part is they are repteing what was done by derge, so similar in propoganda, and the policy they are following. And eritrean people know that but what can u say, we leave it for time.I am glad i am not part of that history.
ReplyDeleteWell said Meriet...indeed these craps they'll say anything the want but the real eritreans know the progress and development albeit all the unjust sunctions....I'm very sorry that some people, which they call themselves Eritreans, and yet they couldn't see the injustices been committed by the International community( mainly the US) and still compare our beloved country and leaders with some corrupted so called Leaders. I just don't get it. Anyway Merie appreciate your good words and let's keep it up...never give up to our AWET N'HAFASH.
ReplyDeleteMy dear, your Meaza could say anything...after all she's trying to defend her father and mother...but does she really knows the crime committed by her parent??? i guess no...but even if she knows, by de fault she'll never speak against her parents...that's obvious.
ReplyDeleteAye yegna Habesha!!! demo ager alen bleh tawra yhon? Ye'nate'ma ayweram...indiam gud teblo new meta meri hulie inde reghetachhu new...tultula...demo " Igna" stl tnsh atafrm wey? tultula. Weyane iko b'eritrachn chama teraghi, kuli neber...ahun isu iyeghezah new ante kebt...
ReplyDeleteAta Ande!!! ghena aylebemkan??
ReplyDeletewell atleast our Issayas doesn't have properties in the west, bank accounts somewhere in Sitzerland...he doesn't have any land in Ethiopia or else...i guess these very simple but important thing will say the differences between Guelleh and hero Issaya...
ReplyDeleteforto sawa,
ReplyDeletewhat does this article have to with Ethiopia? Why are you deflecting the conversation? Are you not able to comprehend what is written? FYI utopia and Ethiopia have separate meanings! It looked as if you got confused.
The lack of electricity may not kill a person directly but it kills a nation by limiting growth and development.
Have a good day sir.
T.,alem, hope the "T" is not for t'shiAte! Anyways a good manners make a man and I will try to adress your concerns in such fashion.
ReplyDelete1. There is no need to deflect or divert any issue as the facts speak for themselves. Whether it be Djibouti or Ethiopia frankly speaking it is none of my business as long as they don't interfere in my people's and country affair.
2. Utopia, for future reference, let alone with these two God forsaken countries it was never mistaken for Plato's Greek. Its just a play on words, it may sound the same but seldom mean the same.
3. Electricity and development may co-relate but one does not necessarily depend on the other. Both have capacities; actually one capacitor but the human one is the determining factor.
Sahle, thanks for replying adequately to this vermin sort of an individual whose pen-name per se is as disgusting as his comments.
ReplyDeleteYou stab my soul by mentioning superior/distinguished sons of our Africa whose great dreams unfortunately could not be realized but, hope never dies and since our Shaebia with its heroic exemplary leadership is alive and vigilant, virtue will certainly come and prevail.
ReplyDeleteFratello, ben venuto. Eri per caso partito per farti una bellissima vacanza in Eritrea?
ReplyDeleterora? qondafa leba-newetash wey aregsh gual mekele bela. tekedan-wocho.
ReplyDeleteyou better ask Neregash gual mekele, dedeb.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that he dont have money abroud?
ReplyDeleteCan you prove it?
Our undesirable friend, personally I never learned Amharic but I partly understand it as I understood your last sentence.
ReplyDeleteHabesha, Eritreans by nature and culture in addition to our Shaebia teachings/principles we have no phobia either of foreign languages or human races.
We do mind our own business but we wish also others to do likewise, we are not accustomed to give to any one our other cheek, we react and to react is not a crime or a sin.
What is her parents crime?? Why didn't get trial is he committed crime? My friend, you don't have any evidence that he committed crime, his only crime was he tried to stop the stupid and ignorant leader of yours. When he saw the junta was flying the country without proper flying instruments, he tried to stop him before he crash the aircraft. Look at where we are now - a country without constitution, rule of law, full of poverty, mass migration to all directions.....
ReplyDeleteWelcome to DEMHIT ruled Eritrea.
Talking about disgusting lol, if you try to understand what my pen-name is telling you, you wouldn't talk to me like that.
ReplyDeleteNow where is the Cruise ship HIGDEF bought in 1997?????? Since they bought it with tax payers money, we demand an answer to that!!!
qomal agame amharay ktkewn aytfetn dedeb-qmalam eluka eyu. Eti-gojamye. wey eti amharay.
ReplyDeleteForto Suwa, I know you send money using "HAWALLA" that is why Wester Union is not in you HGDEFONARI aka HGDEF dictionary
ReplyDeleteAnyta Bako, Gena hangolka "hallow" allo.
ReplyDeleteAndom, what is 'sabos' do you mean 'Shabo' as seldom ref. in your ER website to mean the dynamic Shaebia?
ReplyDeleteThis website, although being of the veritable Eritreans website is also a cosmopolitan one, open for world related issues, and the fact that I'm responding to your post proves it all.
Have you gone nuts?
ReplyDeleteDo you expect me, an ordinary citizen, to reply to such a question?
Get correct information first and try to differentiate between a CARGO SHIP and a CRUISERS (ship) and spare us from laughing at your stupidity.
You demand? Tax payers money?
This is the joke of the month, a traitor (maximum) or a coward conscript-dodger (minimum) who has done his utmost to get Eritrea sanctioned and prevent the payment of the meager demand and ask about the taxpayers money?
ReplyDeleteunlike identityless teleTafi HABESHA ...LOL LOL LOL
Bako Hangol .....LOL this is typical AGAMETAY antum sebat ... but wait he will tell me isayas and kisha are agames usual to hide his identity
ReplyDeleteGawna, it is you who should distinguish between something that carry goods and something that carries tourists. Beside the Cargo ships - Yohanna. Selma, beilu (tanker)l, Denden and one or two I forgot the names, Eritrea or bought a cruise ship that started transport people and goods from Saudi in 2006. The Shabian media and its baboon followers were cheering and jumping. Now back to my question - where is the Cruise ship that is bought by my tax money?
ReplyDeleteIdagaArbi born Wedi Isbagadish, your time is up. You remind me a song by Tiberhi " z'i GezaNa Abi Hidmo, Kunchi-Twqwan Meli'omo. Time to eradicate cockroach.
ReplyDeleteWhy he should have money in the west when the key to the national bank is in his pocket??? What about the gold he and his crew are smuggling using NAS Air??.
ReplyDeleteIm Barka Born Eritrean who use to shove my sword into ugly heads of wodogaba, isepa, comandis and soon your masters woyane and korakur like ya mf LOL
ReplyDeleteNo ero impegnato per faccende familiari, ma sono in linea..
ReplyDeleteRacism at its ugliest peak
ReplyDeleteEthiopians completely rejected Agames. Now they are flooding Eritrean websites 24/7. Newsflash, we don't like u either.
ReplyDeletehard to do that for Z curses, when he wakes up with twisted hearted every morning - Z Curses how's your Agame wife be careful your products will be hangol hallow - bad blood- agame lover
ReplyDeletehard to do that for Z curses, when he wakes up with twisted hearted every morning - Z Curses how's your Agame wife be careful your products will be hangol hallow - bad blood- agame lover
ReplyDeleteIt depends how you want to see things...if you're a negative person then everything is black/dark, no hope. Our problem is that we're becoming very inquisitive, we want to know what this guy did and what he didn't...specially you want to put your nose in something which doesn't concern you as you're a dirty agame
ReplyDeleteWhat does the article have to with what you're mentioning? Can you see that you're not here to talk seriously but to abrupt and distort the hole conversation
ReplyDeleteሳህሌ እኛ ኢትዮጲያኖች ስለሀገር ካላወራን ማን ያውራ መቼም የአፍሪካ ህብረት ለምን አዲስ አበባ እንደሆነ ለቀባሪው ማርዳት ነው፡፡
ለማንኛውም እናንተም ሀገር አለን ብላችሁ እያወራችሁ የሰው ልጅ መፈጠሪያ ሀገር የሆነች ኢትዮጲያ እንዴት አታውራ፡፡ በነገራችን
ላይ ኢትዮጲያ ማለት ትልቅ ሀገር ናት ከፈለክ የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ ብቻ ከናንተ ሀገር ከምትባሉት እኩል ነው ስለዚህ ራስህን ለእውነታ
ክፍት አድርገህ አካባቢህን እይ፡፡ ሌላው ከቻላችሁ ከሀገራችሁ የሚመጡብን ስደተኞቻችሁን ተቆጣጠሩ፡፡ ይህን ስል በጥይት ግደሉአቸው
ማለት አይደለም የስራ እድል ምናምን ክፈቱላቸው፡፡ በል ቻው ለዛሬ ይብቃኝ
qmalam tgre...means kondaf agametay ...on Amharic dictionary..check it ! and ask your amhara counterparts for more clarification buddy LOL