Will Eritrea's New ID Cards Stop African migrants from pretending to be Eritreans?
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Eritrea is ready to issue new citizenship identification cards |
Will Eritrea's New ID Cards Stop African migrants from pretending to be Eritreans?
As many of you may know, Eritrea is in the process of updating its citizenship identification cards. The new digitized cards should be a major security improvement from the previous cards which were criticized for being relatively easy to forge, resulting in many African migrants — mostly from Ethiopia — using fake Eritrean IDs to gain asylum in the West.
It appears African migrants first started masquerading as Eritreans in large numbers in 2006, when Israel offered a six-month work visa for Eritreans of fighting age, which resulted in tens of thousands of African migrants flooding into the Jewish state. Once the six-month work visa expired, the migrants would then claim they are persecuted refugees who are seeking asylum from Eritrea in a bid to permanently stay in the country.
When Israel ended its controversial six-month work visa policy for Eritreans in the summer of 2012, migrants from Africa - especially those from Eritrea - stopped coming overnight. In the first half of 2012, data from the Israeli Immigration and Population Authority shows 9,570 citizens of various African countries entered their country illegally, while in the first six months of 2013, only 34 did – a decrease of over 99 percent.
Israel says around 53,000 African migrants are in their country illegally, and of this figure 36,000 are thought to be Eritreans. However, based on the Eritrean government findings, they believe at least half (18,000) of those claiming to be Eritreans in Israel are Ethiopians or other African migrants pretending to be Eritreans in order to qualify for the defunct six-month work visa.
"They know the Eritreans automatically receive a six-month visa, so they pretend to be Eritrean," said Tesfamariam Tekeste, the Eritrean ambassador to Israel.
Interestingly enough, it was only after Israel ended its politically motivated six-month work visa policy for Eritreans in 2012 that we started to see a significant spike in the number of Eritreans claiming asylum in Europe. It seems migrants in Israel and those who had planned on going to Israel, shifted their destination towards wealthy European countries. And if 50% of those who entered Israel were not Eritreans, then it becomes plausible to believe that at least half of those entering Europe today are not Eritreans as well.
Right now, from Ghana to Ethiopia, African migrants are claiming they are Eritrean refugees when entering the West. It's becoming laughable at this point. Migrants in Africa know their best shot of permanently staying in Europe is to say they are Eritreans.
And you can't really blame African migrants for lying, either. UNHCR, which is makes it no secret it has an ax to grind against the Government of Eritrea, has went out of its way to make Eritrean migrants a special case that even some war-torn countries and people facing genocide aren't receiving.
At the end of the day, these new ID cards will make it more difficult for African migrants to forge, but it will not end the tide of African migrants masquerading as Eritreans. So long as UNHCR's 2004 policy position on Eritrea stands, which re-designated all Eritrean asylum-seekers with ‘prima facie’ status (i.e. automatic recognition of Eritreans en masse), there is little the GOE can do to stop African migrants from using Eritrean identity to gain asylum in the West. The incentive to lie is too great.
Will Eritrea's New ID Cards Stop African migrants from pretending to be Eritreans?
Reviewed by Admin
12:04 AM

Until west will learn to cooperate with africa to eradicate the origin of any source of problem, then is not to be blamed if migrants reach west and full it until saturation level (so that west learns right way to approach the problem), of course it's sad when they use Our identity to mask and be accepted as refugee, some countries like norway, swiss, sweden already get to the point of differentiating who is who.
ReplyDeleteThen other topic it that nowadays western economy is going slowly to a level of stagnation, so new migrants would start to think in their respective country a way to come out and work hard, since the unemployment level in west is so high that can't bear foreigners anymore.
note: beautiful the prototype in the image dear Madote if this would be our next identification card..very proud to have it thought the diffamation of this false world, i know we get it at priceless cost of many netsuhat geganu sewuatna.
Zelalemawi Zekri Ne Seweatna
Awet Ne Hafash
It will stop others to be pretending Eritrean but it will not stop Eritreans from immigrate from Eritrea. Since many supporters used to be have been refusing to pay 2%, the government came up with this new I'd thing to force people to pay 2%.
ReplyDeleteExample on tax us system: One method of avoiding taxes is to incorporate a business concern in a foreign jurisdiction that does not tax income. Another method is to renounce United States citizenship..
ReplyDeleteThe same Eritrea could apply no?
credit: wikipedia archive.
you said ''Until west will learn to cooperate with Africa to eradicate the origin of any source of problem''
ReplyDeletewhy should west do that for you, after all you are the master of self reliance :)) or this is the indication of the smart Ethiopian sanction doing its job effectively?? aye neger hamashen!!! 0=0
Made in tegray read carefully, mr kane write in general term, in name of all africans, as we know perfectly you most of all people of tigray pretend to be Eritreans so he is right to speak of all africans problem..hungry man
ReplyDeletedon't try to twist it by saying 2%.
ReplyDeletethis is about Identity. all the ethiopians or other africans they will be
trapped by their lies. how can you even twist it like that a lot of tgrawot are here in germany or in other countries pretending to be eritreans. and tell lies after lies. instead of saying it will not stop Eritreans from immigrate from Eritrea, why can't you be happy. or maybe you're one of this agame pretending to be eritreans.
Ugumesh u sound frustrated, u all going to be exterminate by this ID CARD, all Eritreans around the world will have this ID no matter what their political side is, every Eritreans is going to have it. and know ur bro's and sis's they will be deported for masquerading as Eritreans. wat are ur bro's and sis's going to do wen all the Eritreans been called to their embassy to get their new ID cards. hmmmmmmm.. don't tell me, ur going to cook some idea by saying we're not the supporters of shaebia blah blah... hahaha.. well ugumesh this is about citizenship not politics. those who doesn't show for their citizenship identification cards they will labeled as NON ERITREANS period. So..tell ur bro's and sis's to enjoy their masqueraded life while they can, cuz their time to kuenti maeray is coming Fast like THE FLASH.........
ReplyDeleteHey cruise, this is not about tax, this is about distinguishing the masqueraders. all Eritreans around the world will have this ID no matter what their political side is, every Eritreans is going to have it. and those who doesn't show to the embassy to get their new ID for their citizenship identification cards they will labeled as NON ERITREANS period. cuz i repeat this is not about politics its about identity, bro.
ReplyDeleteIn regard to the migration, is there anything that we (the people + government) can do to abate it?
ReplyDeleteTo an average scottish citizen, labelling him/her as english might spark chaos, cause a scottish is proud about his being and not taken as english.
ReplyDeleteTigrayans are not proud to be agame's for their past and present attitude, is this maybe the reason they pretend everywhere to be Eritreans?
I agree with you Cane Libero...these komalat their days are numbered....hasewti, komalat
ReplyDelete....Right now, from Ghana to Ethiopia,.... Wow surprised comment Actually If a person from west Africa like Ghana,Nigeria,... claimed their citizenship is Eritrean....kkkkkkkkkkk...
ReplyDeleteThe other thing at this time the only to ask asylum seeker is for Eritrean b/c there is big problem in that country. If you ask as Ethiopian the whole world don't accept due to favorable condition in the country. that is why world community try to save Eritrean lives. Period!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abiet hasot!!! Kabei ke metsa'ana another TOGOG!? Interesting...some people's ( i don't know if i can call this creativity) it's beyond imagination.....Wala Tnfer ember, tiel iya kind of
ReplyDeleteIf Ethiopians and other Africans are pretending to be Eritreans... what does that say about Eritrea?? Let me answer that for you.. since you all seem to be a tad dim witted and in complete denial bordering on mental illness. What it says is that the world KNOWS Eritrea is a deplorable and desolate place that no one who has the means to leave it - will want to stay. It means Eritrea has a horrible reputation on human rights and is in the same category as North Korea. It means if you are an Eritrean then you must be a real refugee worthy of saving because your homeland is a disgrace in the face of the world. Now that you have the meaning told to you clearly... let me ask a question.... How do you explain the over 200,000 Eritrean refugees that are in refugee camps in Ethiopia? How do you explain the demographics of Eritreans that are flooding into Ethiopian refugee camps are now minors...(perhaps that's a big word for you lot...) they are CHILDREN who cannot fend for themselves. What does this say about the state of your country?? Oh wait... I know how you'll explain it away so that you'll sleep at night..... Those refugees that are flooding into Ethiopia? well, they are actually illegal Ethiopians who imigrated to Eritrea, the economic tiger of Africa to benefit from Eritrea's booming economy and world class living standards. And the Children? Well those are the Children of the illegal Ethiopians who are not allowed to keep their children to benefit from the World class education system and social benefits afforded only to the priviledged Eritreans and so the illegal Ethiopians are forced to send their children back to Ethiopia to their homeland. You people are truly tragic. I used to feel angry about your insulting posting about Ethiopia and Ethiopians, and your street thug behavior of name calling. But now I realize how desparate you are and actually feel sorry for you. You have no home. You are dispersed all over the world. Your identity outside of Eritrea is "Refugee". The families you left behind are hostages for whom you must do jobs in your host countries that the natives will not touch... just so that you can send money to your hostage families so that they don't starve. Oh yeah.. you also must pay ransom money for your relatives who escape Eritrea but are captured by organ traders who'd harvest your relatives organs or kill them if you don't pay up. Your only salvation is the death of Issayas. But then again his son who's being groomed to take over as the heir apparent may not be as kind or understanding as Issayas was. But pray... maybe the son will have pitty on you...
ReplyDeleteIt is sad when other Africans are pretending to be eritreans to to take advantage of the natural-right of eritreans to migrate far and near. The mighty and self reliant eritreans have had this prerogative for centuries and they are still pursuing it en-mass this time around. I hope the new ID will put an end to this sensless infringement of the Exclusive and sole right of Eritreans--which is mass migration.
ReplyDeleteWell done to the brainy and all-abled eritrean leaders, what an ingenious idea!!
Who said Hamasiens are foolish people?...will you stop your sarcasm please. Don't you know hammasiens are the only Africans who are proud of their past colonial era under the Italians and this shows how civilized and far sighted they are! indeed they know they had the privilege to eat enough then and didn't have to migrate anywhere.
ReplyDeleteThe migration of Tigrays to the diaspora masquerading as Eritreans
ReplyDeleteAuthor Tesfaye Gebreab- Interview
Let our people not to adventure in to a risky path, nor help financially to leave Eritrea, rather to help our people to create projects home-land, participate reconstruction of our country,
ReplyDeleteThanks cane. However, the topics you mentioned are broad, so, I strongly believe that we should discuss the matter in detail. Every Eritrean should participate in the discussion. I mean every: pro government, anti government, neutral and you name it. The big issue is about saving our cream of the crop from leaving the country.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't said it better, you got it.
ReplyDeleteI wish there are some left to think that way.
ከመይ ዝበለ ዓሻ አዩ ነዚ ኣርቲክል ዝጸሓፈ፡የሕፍሮ የሕፊሩና።
New Eritrean ID Card
Is this painful especially coming from non Eritrean? Yes for sure.
ReplyDeleteIs it true and correct information regarding Eritrea and Eritreans? Yes 100%.
i don't like your tone Mr.
ReplyDeleteIs that right, cuz i been told its quite soothing. :)
ReplyDeleteIf I wanted to hear an asshole talk, I'd fart.
ReplyDeleteIndeed bro.
ReplyDeleteAnother good one bro! These Agame are shameles, now that the jig is up they got nowhere to run or hide. Inferiority ridden subhumans.
ReplyDeleteYou seem you borrowed your brain from Weyane. For your info self reliance means no begging like your country and Weyane. I don't know where the hell did you learned that self reliance excludes cooperation with others??
ReplyDeleteራስ ኣሉላ (እቲ ወያናይ)። እታ ዘላትካ ፍልጠት ነፊኻ ኣውጺእካያ ኣሎኻ። ቋንቋ ትግራይ ስለዘይክእሎ ብናይ ኤርትራዊ ትግርኛ ክጽሕፍ እየሞ ተጸመመኒ። ኩሉኹም ወየንትን ካልኦት ኣፍሪቃውያንን ኤርትራዊ መንነት ዘብህገኩም ዘሎ ምኽንያት ፡ ኤርትራዊ ትብዓት ኣብ ልዕሊ ገበትቲ ሓይልታት ዓለምና ዘሕደሮ ስግኣት ዝፈጠሮ ውዲት ከም ቀርዲት ፓራሳይት ትመጽይዎ ስለዘለኹም ጥራሕ እዩ። ተዓገስ ሓቂ ክትሰምዕ ከሎኻ ደምካ ከምዝፈልሕ ፈሊጠ ኣለኹ። ወየንቲ ቀደም ንፈልጠኩም ስለዝኾና። ኤርትራ ሓንቲ ብገዛእ ማእገራ እትነብር ናጻ-ናጽነት እትውንን( ከምዘይኢትዮጵያ) ቅንጣብ ረዲኤት ምዕራባውያን ሃገራን ኣሜሪካን ዘይብላ፡ ብዕዳ ዘይተወጠጠት፡ ናጽነታ ብቕልጽማ ዘውሓሰት፥ ማሕበራዊ ፍትሒ ንምንጋስ ንዜጋታት ሓሶት መብጽዓ ከይገበረት ካብዚ ናይ ልዕሊ ሰብዓ ዓመታት ዘቑጸረ ሓሶት ናጽነት ኣፍሪቃውያንን 3000 ዓመት እንዳበልኩም ተውርይዎ ናይ ጽውጽዋይ ታሪኽኩምን ተገላጊላ፡ ብዓይነቱን ትሕዝትኡን ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ፈላሚ ዝኾነ ሰውራ ርእሰ-ምርኮሳ ተሰላስል ስለዘል፡ ጎይተትኩም ግዳማውያን ሰብ ረብሓ ካብ ዘሕደረሎም ስግኣት ተበጊሶም እዚ ቅዱስ ዕላማ ኣብ ካልኦት ሃገራት ኣፍሪቃ ከይለሓመ ኤርትራ ክትቅጻዕ ኣለዋ ( ካልእ ኩርኩር ከም ወያነ ስርዓት ንምፍጣር) ካብ ዝብል እከይ ተልእኾኦም ንወያነ ዓሲቦም መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ንምፍራፍ ዘካይድዎ ዘለዉ ውዲት ምዃኑ ዓለም ሙሉእ እንዳፈለጥ ፡ ሓቂ ክትጉዕጽጽ ክትፍትን ከም ኣፍሪቃዊ ምስ ኣሕፈረካ ነይሩ። እንተኾነ ወያናይ ፡ ሰብ ረብሓ ኣብ ስልጣን ክትጸንሕ ከዲምካ እትነብር ፡ ንህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ ሕድሕዱ እንዳናቖትካ እትነብር ጸረ-ህዝቢ ስለዝኾንካ ንዓና ንኤትራውያን ኣይገርመናን እዩ። መንእሰያት ስለምንታይ ስግረ-ዶብ የምርሑ ኣለዉ ክትፈልጥ እንተደሊኻ ኣብ ዊኪሊክስ ብዛዕባ ኤርትራ ብዝምልከት ተወከስ እቲ ሓቅታት ኣሎካ። ስለዝኾነ እወ ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ ሓሶት መብጽዓ ብግዳም ስለዝተገብረሉ መንግስተ-ሰማያት ያኢ ክረክብ ሰዲዑ ወጺኡ። ስለምንታይ ግን እቲ ዝኣተውሉ መብጽዓ ዘየተግብሩ? ስለምንታይ ኩለን ሃገራት ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ጠርኒፈን ዘይተቐበልኦ? ወየንቲ ኣብ ዶብ ኤርትራ ናይ (UNHCR ) ትካል ተኺልኩም ሕጂ ዶብ ሰጊሩ ዘይመጸ ናብ ወጻኢ ክኸይድ ስለዘይክእል እቲ ትካል ክዕጾ ስለዝኾነ ሃየ ቀልጥፉ እንዳበልኩም ዶብ ከምዘየስገርኩም፡ ተታሊሉ ዝመጸ መንእሰይን ቆልዓን ሰበይቲን ኣብ መዓስከር ዕሺግኩም መንነት ወረቐቶም መንጢልኩም ንቤተሰብኩም ዓዲልኩም ከምዘየስገርኩም ኣንቱም ጠላማት ? መንነትና ኣይንህብን ንዝበሉ መንእሰያት ብስውር ቀንጺልኩም ዘጥፋእኩም ብገበን እትሕተቱ ስርዓት'ዶ ኣይኮንኩምን?
ReplyDeleteስለዚ ኣሉላ ኣባነጋ -ንህላዌኻ ክትብል ንነብስኻ ኢኻ ተታልል ዘሎኻ። ብዝተረፈ መንግስቲ እስርኤል ከይተረፈ ኩሉ ከሽሕዎ ስለዘሎ፥ ከም ትጽቢቶም ሕጂ ኤርትራ ትፈርስ እዩ መሲልዎም ነይሩ፡ ኤርትራ ግን ብዘገምታ እንዳሰወደት ፡ ብኣንጻሩ ድማ ወያነ ብዘገምታ እንዳቦኽበኸት ትኸደሉ ዘላ እዋን ስለዝኾነ ዘለናዮ፡ ኣብ ጉዕዞ ኩሉ ወዲ ኣዳም ክመሃረሉ እዩ። ዓብለልቲ ሓይልታት ሓቅነት እንተዝህልዎም ንኤርትራ ከይተጻብኡ ናጻ እሞ ይግደፍዋ፡ ሽዑ ምስተራእየ እቲ ሓቂ። መን እዩ ኣብ ልክዕ መስመር ዘሎ ምስተፈልጠ። እዛ ሓቂ ንኸይትፍለጥ ግን በቲ ዘለዎም ቁጠባውን ወተሃደራውን ዓብላልነት ተጠቂሞም ነዛ ብጽፍራ ሓርኮት ትብል ዘላ ሃገር ይጻብእዋ ኣለዉ። ኣስተውዕል እዚ ተጻብኦ ሓይሊ ኤርትራ እዩ ዘርእየካ፡ ድኽመታ ኣይኮነን። ስለዝኾነ፡ እዚ ሓድሽ ኤርትራዊ መንነት ንሓድሽ ተበግሶ ኣብቲ መሪር ቃልሲ ሓደ ስጉምቲ ንቕድሚት ምዃኑ ወየቲ ጽርውሩው ከምዝብለኩም ኣይንስሕቶን።
Bruk Michael, I don't speak nor read Tigrean. Try English.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all idiot Ethiopians take note about what the west is doing on Eritrea and ask yourselves why the west is feeding Ethiopians, it is plain simple , Ethiopians are so damn , they think the west loves them so much . What they don't understand Ethiopians is Eritrea is penalizing for standing up agains western hegemony , Ethiopia is allowing everything what the west want to happen in to the country for that reason you idiots bring fed and you all be come the aid dependent nation . So the west is trying to bleeding Eritrea of its youth , their not about saving anybody bot you damn suckers believe what the white people are saying , you don't even question what their motive is behind any of their action. Sad to be your neighbor
ReplyDeletewhat kind of brilliant idea from the leaders of Shabiya. in order to get the sole right of beggar in Europe or Israel you need new ID. what kind of low moral people?
ReplyDeleteyou are 0 IQ what the difference between asylum seeker and beggar? if you are proud to asylum seeker that means you are not self reliance mentality but you are beggar mentality.
ReplyDeleteI can understand your inferiority complex , because having a weyane mentality, you have to. Change your name , otherwise subjugate yourself from an empty rhetorics.
ReplyDeleteThe article should be " will the government sack the corrupt officials who are selling Eritrean ID" hence this people are able to use it because there is a source somewhere!!!
ReplyDeleteAgame your sanction is dead.there id no prove and tthe lists are nsked.naked eoyane has not stopped Eritrea from mining goldpotash.,copper. Etitreas self reliance is there applouded by millions, unlike the beggars of tigray economy that relies on stoelen wealth from rthiops or begged money from doners. Eritrea has biult 590 small lakes,dams and reserviurs using its internal resources.eritrea is building big investment in many mining projects,zara asmara colluli, gupo,and many others investing a billion dollar miming projects with 50%ownership and profit,in addition to bisha,without borrowing orbegging,kedami woysnd selling poor Ethiopians land ,begging for rifrsf..Eritrea never sold land to indisns or arabs for dollar,Eritrea imported hundred,s of tractorsand distribute land to eritreans.eritrean farmers now ask for tractors to plough thier land.All this proveded yo the people service. Eritreais self reliance is working .the agames have habit of begging ,that is no surprise why you cry faul. You angry Eritrea isnot a beggar country like yours.did you srr rthiopian soldiers killed in Sudan.why cannot stsy their country.they went to Sudan as servants and got gunned down. Good for them. So stop comparing Eritrea with your beggar country
ReplyDeleteRas aluls if it is bad to be Eritrean why do you claim asylum in the name of Eritrea. Why di you love yo br called etitreanbecsuse that is the only way you can get access to the world. If you think Eritrea is bad, name image is bad ehy do you choose to stripe your Ethiopian identity and choose to pretend Eritrean.it is all about making the best use to enter rich countries. Eritreans on individual bases want to go wherever they wanted. Do not tell me the horrible refugee camps in Ethiopia, eritreans and tigray people equally use it to immigrate to the world. Eoysnes have set up this camps to send their tigrsy people to Europe in the name of eritreans.10% eritreans 90% tegaru are in your refugee camp. In Sudan, yemen kenya, ,all arab countries, there are more Ethiopian refugees ,servants and slaves,prostitutes. Eritreans can go anywhere they like but hate to call themselves as Ethiopians,because. They do not like to be citizens of a beggar country.
ReplyDeleteIf Ethiopians pretend to be eritreansthis is because there is something good to gain. In the world there are more illgal immigrants from Ethiopia than any other country,because Ethiopia is a beggar,poor,country and there is no way Ethiopia can feed its ppl. They are encouraged by the woyane to leave the country to anywhere in the world to do prositition, illegal work and pretend as eritreans because they are ashamed of their Ethiopian identity. even for any rewardi would not pretend as Ethiopian, because Ethiopia is synonym to hunger,starvation.povertu
ReplyDeleteWe got the PIF PAF bitch you are your friends gonna get get exterminated
ReplyDeleteHow many people would you think get the Id if 2% is requirement?? I just talked to one of die hard supporter today (he had never paid 2% before) if he will pay 2% for the I'd, and he said "he'll no".
ReplyDeletetrue to the point if you can find some one to understand.
ReplyDeletetimk'hty asqiruki slezelo entay kemztetsahfe wun aytenbibin zelekhi, eske nay m.girma comment meliskei anbibiyo. aye neger hamashen!0=0
ReplyDeleteyou could have include that, due to eritrean self reliance eritrea is # 1 in the world in the # of refugees, # 1 in kidney trade # 1 in closing its universities,# 1 in destroying its future generation etc.
ReplyDelete590 lakes?? are you kidding me it called horroye/ ella, to provide drinlking water to the animals, it is not big deal. every body does that small thing, no wonder you are decapacitated to think rationally any more. neger hamashien 0=0
make sure to include your grand fathers birth place in your new id, as majority of you will fall in to the catagory of agame from Adigrat.
ReplyDeleteso you mean 104,373 eritrean refugees in ethiopia are self reliant including minors, and they left eritrea because they had everything in excess,?? your point is blank and thats why i call you 0=0
ReplyDeleteIs it really in the interest of the eritrean government to digitize the ID cards??
ReplyDeleteIt's a well known fact that non - Eritreans paid a certain sum to the eritrean embassy for their fake ID:S and even paid 2% tax for a certain period before they got their citizenship.. GOE knew what they were doing and took fully advantage of it.
I get it, as an eritrean, I don't like the though of seeing statistics that are not accurate and politically motivated by the asshole USA... But let's give a balanced view at least. I've heard a lot of stories from Khartoum and Juba. I like the fact that the GOE took advantage of it. As long as it's in the interest of GOE, it's in the interest of mine!
ata wedi eziomsi rebi rieesi do fetorulom yimesleka, ra'ayom emo, 0=0 value eko eyu eti equation. ahzinomni gin entay emo mera'hi zeydeli ewur wey dima tsemamat koynom.0=0 neger hamashen:)))
ReplyDeleteYour Eritrea is hemorrhaging from the inside out and all you Eritreans are rotting from the inside out, festering with anger and hatred. You can call us Ethiopians any name you like, hate us as much as you want. It does not change the facts. Eritrea is a failed state and you it's citizens are a failed society. Ethiopians have no reason to claim to be Eritrean. It is an embarrassment to be called an Eritrean. You are embarrassed for your Eritrea and yourselves, that is why you are denying that those that are fleeing your country are Eritreans. Ethiopians can come and go to their country as they please. Yes some are fleeing and asking for Asylum in Western countries but not by the hundreds of thousands like your people are. It is just beyond belief that you are betraying your own blood, denying that they are Eritreans and covering your failure rather than rally your resources and come to their rescue. Go ahead, wallow in your hatred and anger as you betray your own blood in the name of politics and to save face. It does not affect Ethiopia or Ethiopians. I hope you know it is Canadian-Eritreans that were instrumental in getting your ambassador kicked out of Canada. How embarrassing is that?!?! Your diaspora is turning against you die-hard Shabeas. Face it - your Eritrea has been military de-clawed, economically defanged and politically decapitated. You are a rump state - a pile of dust everyone is willing to risk their lives to flee. But if you yourselves were in Eritrea, you'd be too busy planning your own escape than sitting in your cushy homes in Europe, US and Canada and pontificating online. Bravo arm-chair generals!!! Bravo!! Now go to sleep, tomorrow you gotta get up and drive them taxis and man them parking lots so you can save enough to send in your 2% tax. You probably don't know this but your secret nick-name among Ethiopians is "2%". It could mean 2% tax, 2% common sense, or... 2% brains and 98% ንፍጥና ለሀጭ. :)
ReplyDeleteThe world will soon be grouped to have 2 types of Eritreans,
ReplyDelete(1) Original, True, and Real Eritreans with Proper Eritrean ID :) :) :)
(2) Original Ethiopians -> Formerly known Eritreans -> Stateless East Africans with the Old Eritrean ID. (: (: (:
Yes i believe if we have something to tell about any idea, any Eritrean is welcome, hasabat melewewat, meketaeh, mizan mewsad, merededaeh is welcome, naykedem tarik iyu..This must be done as usual in order, civil way, wala nay tefelaleye hasabat yehaluka, begonets zemetseh neger yellen, ab Mekele kiedka tequawamay iye mebal, be natey ara aeya, nay Eritrea delayi tsebuk kemzeykone iye zefelet. Nementay abti meadi nay tselaetna kof ilka memekar, neana ketfu u zetebegesu sebat memekar..Ne Eritra menem kethaliela keman ayteke elen emeselenni. Buzuh nay akieba botatat allo, fukodo embasitat, community ab mulueh alem..abue endakiedka mes sebka melezab tsebuk yemeslenni.
ReplyDeleteso you are with the later /catagory #2./do not despair you can go back to your origin, /adigrat/ open a corner shop or a bar and you live there happily.:(((
ReplyDeleteChanging ID will not stop Eritreans to leave their beloved country, the only solution is to change the policy of the government regarding freedom and justice.
ReplyDeleteCane libero...watch up this guys who's calling himself as Sahle...i guess he's using others names to comment and speak against the gov.
ReplyDeleteAla Agame... did i strike a nerve, when i said ugumesh, hahaha.. u seem angry, don't get angry Agame boy, its who u are. there is a reason why we call u Agame and that is to separate u snakes from us Eritreans. u see ugumesh i wouldnt even say that u Agame have absolutely nothing! After all, you hve inferiority! :)
ReplyDeletekkkkkk actually westerns tried to destruct our beloved country by collaborating shabian and woyane before 20 years but God always with Ethiopia that is why we survive till now. And now TPLF accept Ethiopianism and leading African fastest growth in development.
ReplyDeleteBelieve or not Ethiopia is super power in Africa that is why we punished you by name IGAD, AU and UN.
byeeeeee Wedi Afewerk son
How many people would you think get the Id if 2% is requirement, u say. well bro, those who care about their identity would get the ID. cuz those who doesn't well, how can they not care its identity men. if not they can visit Eritrea as a tourist. 2% gda seldi, hiwetom keman hiboma alwu.
ReplyDeletehow can u even ask if 2% is requirement.
If they didn't pay sayonara, no one will miss them. and that so called die hard that u said, if he is die hard Eritrean he wouldn't even said that. so, he must be one of those so called drbayat apposition group that sold their country for anything if they have too. If he can't pay that 2%, then he better stay in that watever country his liven and kiss Eritrea goodbye. we're building a country with our sweat and 2% is hard for him. the nerve in some people, i bet ur one of them. to talk about one punk is just pathetic nebsy.
***But there is no doubt in the true patriots. for their country they will pay watever they have***
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. bye
Hey ugumesh, when God was throwing intelligence down to the Earth, u were holding an umbrella.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what makes u so stupid, but it really works! It's too bad stupidity isn't painful Agame.
Alec- you did hit a nerve bro:-) So damn tired of these beggers, uuuggghhhh! Antum agame, lemnti, resahat, siditat, hasewti, etc....that's all you're good for. You're the lowest of the low, lower than a snakes belly! Ethiopia doesnt even want you! I wish Tigray would fall off the face of the Earth and take all it's filthy begger people with it!
ReplyDeleteyup, I wish that too. hahahaha Agame boy.
ReplyDeleteBella Bruk wedi Michael, great analysis, iti zegedes kemti zebelkayo hasot endafokose, haki kea kem amela enda kebedet, weyane endafokoset, Shaebian hezbi Eritrean endakebede abzemetsalu ewan ina neneber zellena, wedketom kea keribu iyu..
ReplyDeleteAta lemmani, nehna dina nelemen zellena wala nesekum? Failed ab nay Eritrea dictionary helbon, ABEDEN
ReplyDeleteOh the irony, Agame calling a beggar. hahaha thanks for the laugh ugumesh. hahahahahahahaha....
ReplyDeleteMy Phone is acting loco. :-)
ReplyDeleteIf freedom and justice prevailed in Eritrea then and only then Eritreans will refrain from flooding to the west and no one will pretend to be Eritrean because Eritreans will not be asylum favorable.
Ras Alula indeed!
ReplyDeleteYou must be the best Weyane's sentinel in Madote, really clever, it shows that you have done a good preparation work to show us all of our weaknesses and failures.
Don't trumpet for victory or think for a minute that you're a genius, it's elementary to deduce that to compile your recap, you had first to list our strengths and successes so as to counteract.
Your denigrating comment/post is a testament to our bravery and it illustrates the extent of your dread.
Shaebia, silent but effective, as always and for ever!
ReplyDeleteI suggest your people to start looking into stealing South Sudan Identity.
Wedi afom Bri is Eritrean, wedi brha... tembenay jena!!!!
abraha berhanu ebrahim berhe berihu brhane brha brhu abraha ha ha haha lol
Our dear brothers and sisters Tirawot, please don't get angry from the supporters of the mafia leader of Eritrea IA because they are counting all the miserable failures of Isayas on TPLF and Tigray people for that matter.
ReplyDeleteTime is attesting that sha'bia is just effective on torture and murdering Eritreans.
LOL,another joke from hgdefs hahahahahaha
ReplyDeletealec wedi agame/ wedi adey,
ReplyDeleteno you did not touch any nerve of mine puffff, but it is obvious that you have some agame heritage, i can sense you, due to your incompetence you are hiding behind an eritrean words to look like asmarino more than the asmarinos, come out of the closet, it is ok at the end of the day majority of your group will leave eritrea empty, as some will claim, agame like you and others will cross to sudan and the left overs will have nowhere to call home as they are lost for good due to italian contaminated and screwed their little head in terms of identity.
come back home, adna jedah tkhewn alla wedi gomtsats.
why your tiny country tried to be Arab.
ReplyDeleteCane, As I said to the other dude. I don't speak nor read Tigrean. If you want to communicate speak English. That is if your Eritrean education system has endowed you with such knowledge. What amuses me about you Tigrignyas of Hamasien/Seray is that when someone opposes you, you automatically assume it is someone from Tigray. You keep forgetting you're not fighting Tigray. It is ALL of Ethiopia. All 90 Million of us. All 87 ethnic groups united as one. You gambled in 1998 that an attack on Badme would be perceived by the rest of a "divided" Ethiopia just as an attack on Tigray only and that it wouldn't matter to the rest of the other ethnic groups. Well you were wrong. That was the biggest mistake you people made and you paid for it with humiliation and defeat. Your country's military was crushed within a week and the Ethiopian army was in control of 1/3 of your country. PIA was soiling his pants. That demoralizing defeat is what is still eating you up and you've been reduced to insulting Ethiopians, and selling your youth and your organs for survival.
ReplyDeleteagame and your inferiority complex it's sad very sad. i think it's genetically hereditary, your generation will talk like this for their miserable life. you people are like a dirty chewing gum stuck under a shoe. filthy garbage spit your lie to those who doesn't know you, because we know what kind of people you are. tigrays are two face people. we don't like you so back off.
ReplyDeleteagame your in a wrong place. get out of here gawina.
ReplyDeletegood one funny to the top kkkkk...
ReplyDeletegawna hahahahaha... so funny hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteWOW is that ur stressed fantasies u having ..okay..okay..come down Agame boy, its been said inferiority can lead to insanity. so, ugumesh as an African i can call u bro just to soothe ur pain. happy now...hahaha
ReplyDeleteUgumesh, weak up i think ur daydreaming again. weak up nebsy. Ala Agame. Eritrea Is Eritrea... no one will change it not even ur wet dream.. hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteGenuine Eritreans,
ReplyDeleteThe burning issue of this time is the removal of the bandit, isaias afeweerqi, who calls himself "president'" without the expressed Will of Eritreans. He has never been elected and thus does not have any legitimacy to issue ID cards. He has been holding our people hostage at a point of a gun for twenty three years to bring about the prevailing devastating situation.
Taking ID card from this rascal bandit and usurper is therefore tantamount to abdicating one's Eritrean Nationality and collaborating with an alien enemy who has been leaving no stone unturned to wipe our country and people.
But we must all understand his purpose behind issuing new ID cards. He sells Passports to swell his coffers in foreign banks to any one, including the Bedouins of Iraq, Eritreans who fled his reign of terror, even to those who were members of the Air Force etc. The ID card is also for the same purpose and plus to repossess the properties and harass the families of those who refused to buy his ID cards.
Would a genuinely elected leader offer a Pass Port to those military officers who betrayed the country? Not, at all.
It is crystal clear that the mafia and con artist is purposely terrorizing Eritreans to leave the country, and then turned around to turn him/her as a source of financing his pogrom.
Given the size of our population, the duration and amount of Gold and other minerals which have been being recovered for years from our mining areas would have satisfactorily ameliorated the economic and social hardship our people are going through. It didn't because he is swelling his overseas coffers and also financing his private soldiers, the so called Demhit ,which he will us at opportune time in the future.
The con artist mafia would at any time feign kissing the Cross, conducting National election, promise improving the lives of young Eritreans he has placed at Concentration Camps under the pseudonym of national service etc., but all these are what we call, T'ks Dmus MeAshe Anchwa, subterfuges, Libi tigrai Twi Twai.
It was 2011 that he promised to thousands of gullible Eritreans for National Election and then, a few days later, recanted his promise. Mind you as if his cabals, yemane Monkey, hagos Kisha, araya desta etc., by the way, all tegaru, were not telling their gullible that the Eritrean constitution was partly implemented, in 2014, the mafia con artist mouthed for Drafting a New Constitution.
Forget the question of legitimacy and illegality for him to supersede the already ratified Constitution, even his word for drafting a news constitution is not generated out of good and honest intent but out of malice and deception; a bandit, by his very nature, cannot voluntarily lay down his weapons of coercion to the people he has been torturing indefinitely with impunity.
Gullible Eritreans,
Albert Einstein, said that insanity is doing the same thing all the time.
Get out of the insanity of standing behind a person who has robbed your human dignity, the dignity of the right to live under your own Law; to elect your own leader, or the right to get elected; to criticize your elected leader etc.
By the way, supporting isaias afeweerqi means supporting woyane. They are the same. Do not watch his charming face/smile but what has done on the ground, the economic and social devastation he authored that our people and country are enduring. Do not be misled by his evasive technique of blaming others, or his euphemistic slogans, he does all that to hypnotize you into becoming his unwitting fait accompli in your own demise. Such tactic of duplicity, he calls, Om B'hakla. Think about it.
Remember our good old adage, Ms Hzbka MaAt Darga GaAt. Come join us, the Eritrean Patriots!!!!
i am getting entertained by my former agame sister!!!
for your information,,,none of you can scape the fact that majority of you guys are tegaru from shire or adigrat, you are another empty head wana be eritrean , do you know your mum and dadi?? if they are still alive / as most of you have committed suicide, orphaned, one way or the other due to sever and hidden inferiority complex inbeded in a strange way in between your behind and amplicalcord to be be accurate few c.m down where few of your brain cells functions:(((( : :)))))
inferiority complex is fertile north of mereb,
alex you sound like an orphan, come to yoyr sense and addmit that you came from an agame family, like they say "agame zeywuled humuy shmu"
ReplyDelete@Alec you racisist rant temen anseba always pretending as ur slave mentality of italiya. Shame Shame on u . Paranoid retarded mentality of HGDF.
ReplyDeleteempty head wana be eritrean kkkkkkkkkkkkk...you have an inferiority complex and it is fully justified. because even though we said back off, here you are barking. so tell me who is with the inferiority complex problem.
ReplyDeleteNow, I find the definition of Sarcasm! ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteWhat does Humuy mean Alec you, do you understand what he meant or you just react when they put *GUE BERBERE* in your red hairy ass?
ReplyDeleteU people are just weird, always talking about ass disgusting. anyee or humuy or what ever ur ugumesh name is. humuy is like mhmay. and maybe it means something els in agame language. but the way u say its different. but it sound mhmay. so, don't get angry ugumesh. why don't u slit your wrists - it will lower your blood pressure. :)
ReplyDeleteEri Red Sea :
ReplyDeleteWe have been waiting for long time to see this happened,We would like to say Thank You to our Government no only they are posing as Eritreans Refugees the are committing crimes and want to defame us and at same time benefit we don't know What the Hell they want ??
This agames are so shameless. They are always talking about ass...Why shouldn't they talk about Alec-you-na's ''Afro Wig'' or about her sexy pose in Red T-shirt ...Alecta is so right ... when he insults them much more specifically as ''assholes'' . So ugumesh pls, next time do not talk about Alecitas ass, it is a sensitive issu for her. Her is a recent photo from her...
ReplyDeleteHere is her recent photo, I will update you as I get new Photos.. lol
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD, AM GORGEOUS!!!....
ReplyDeletemy fiona!!!
ReplyDeletei told you on our first date how shrekly gorgious you are, why are you looking for someone to verify your beauty.
hey do not cheat on me!!!
how are you any way miss ya babe.
Open Mic Discussion about the new Eritrean ID with Naz of Voice of Eritrea
Low minded people. when people say they'r eritrean it doesn't mean they are obsessed to be Eritrean. It means thats the only poor country on earth that they can claim for to get recognition as poor, mistreated and opressed people. Change the image of your country instead of changing your ID's either. Seriously speaking, I love eritrea and i have family in Eritrea too but this arrogance of empty heads makes me sad :(
ReplyDeleteyou small minded Camels; better for you concentrate on why eritreans are allowed to emigrate by the west ? why other Africans are deported in their nation. HABAe quslu HABAe fewsu. You will cry for ever