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We Need to Foster and Develop Eritreanism and not Regionalism!!

Eritreanism - Photo: Eritrean Toronto Festival (Credit: ZANTANA IMAGING)

We Need to Foster and Develop Eritreanism and not Regionalism!!

Drs. Tsegezab Gebregergis, London, September 25, 2014

I am writing this short note in reaction to some of the unhealthy and rather injurious views expressed in response to Ato Kelete’s recent articles by some readers. One of them is Mr. Mr. Berhane Tecle.

Mr. Tecle has stated that he has been following Mr. Keleta’s writings for the last 13 years, but he thinks despite his positive approach, this guy is now purposely (deliberately) defaming a specific awraja (province).

I too have been following very closely and keenly all the articles written by Mr. Keleta Kidane, but I did not detect in his writings views which favours one region to the detriment of another. I am thus with the opinion that we need to exercise self-censorship when dealing with such sensitive issues. In other words, such unhealthy views, as you and others have expressed needlessly, are not in the interest of unity and nation-building. Yes, everyone is free to express his/her opinion freely but only responsibly. Indeed, what we need at this juncture of our history is to foster and develop Eritreanism and not regionalism.

Long Live Eritrean Unity!!

Down with all those who preach regionalism!!

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