The story of an Eritrean economic migrant who betrayed his country
The story of an Eritrean economic migrant who betrayed his country
By Hidrom,
Here is a true story of one of my relatives who decided to cross deserts and swim the oceans to chase the wind and to achieve an unattainable dream. This is the story of young man who decided to flush his bright future down the drain. His story is the story of the very young Eritreans who are stranded somewhere between the Sahara Desert and coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea, or those who are hoarded like animals in Malta, Sicily; and worst of them all in Shimelba and other shanty towns of Ethiopia. His story goes like this:
Here was a bright young man who was given all the opportunity to achieve his dreams; all paid by the Eritrean people. Eritrea provided him all the good things on a silver platter. But here is a young man who flushed it away down the sewer. This is what you call a typical “ዝበልዓሉ ጻሕሊ ዝሰብር” ወይ ድማ “ዘይሓስብ ኣይንገድ” story!
As a young man, just like any other Eritrean child, this young man was given all the help and encouragement he needed to achieve the highest level of education in Eritrea. He was raised and nurtured both physically and intellectually to be “somebody” so he could help himself, his family, and in the process to help build Eritrea. All paid by Eritrea, just like any other Eritrean kid; he was educated, all the way from elementary school to college level for “free“. Yes by the “free education for all”, the noble Eritrean way,he was nurtured and groomed all the way to college level. I do not think this young man know how much the Eritrean people have sacrificed for this kid. I do not think he has understands the generosity of Eritrea.
Yes, you and I know what “free education” for all means in Eritrea. After six years of “free higher education” at Sawa and EIT Mai Nefhi, this young man graduated with the knowledge that was supposed to serve him and his country as long as he lived. The fruit of that “free education” was meant to change his generation and the generations to come for something better and bigger. Do not forget, this is “free college education” includes “free tuition“, “free textbooks“, “no laboratory fee“, “free dormitory“, “free food“, and “free medical” expenses. You bet, it is free education of Eritrea to her children, which is at the center of the Eritrean “ማሕበራዊ ፍትሒ”.
On the top of that, within a month after his graduation, this young man was duly employed; earning a handsome salary by all accounts. Yes, he was one of the “Warsai Generation” that are being groomed to be the “next generation” to build and to lead Eritrea. Yes, he was given all the knowledge and tools he needs to build him self as an individual and to build Eritrea as nation.
On the top that, he was in the “first batch” or the “second batch” of young men/women who were on standby to be sent aboard for “post graduate studies“- again all to be paid by Eritrea. Yes for M.S. and/or Ph.D level educational programs and all to be paid again by Eritrea. You bet, how far this young man could have gone and how high he could have climbed the ladder of success-the sky was the limit. And all that to be paid by Eritrea. I repeat, and all these were to be paid by Eritrea.
Unfortunately, instead of grabbing this “once in a life time opportunity“ and instead taking the initiative to benefit from it; this young man, for reason which is beyond me to accept, has decided to literally and figuratively “jump over the cliff”. There are no political, economic, social issues that could have pushed this young man to take these self-destructive measures. There is none what so ever. “ዘይሓስብ ኣይንገድ” ክብሉኻስ ከምዚ እዩ!
But out of the blue, this kid calls me from the Sudan; claiming to have left Eritrea illegally “to go school” some where in Europe. Leaving Eritrea illegally to go school in Europe!….? To go to college in Europe or USA?…..! I was stunned. I was angry and I was sad to see him throw his future down the drain. I know Eritrea has many sons and daughters that will take her to the “Promised Land” and Eritrea has patriotic sons and daughters that will never betray her no matter what. In fact Eritrea has been blessed by children who rise above and beyond the call of duty when it come to defending and building Eritrea. Eritrea has had and Eritrea still has “ኣነ ክሓልፍ ንስኻ ጽናሕ” ዝብሉ መንአሰያት.
You bet, Eritrea has had and Eritrea still has “ኣነ ክሓልፍ ንስኻ ጽናሕ” ዝብሉ መንአሰያት.
Although this young man is one of the few who betray their country, I was tempted to write him off. However, I was was angry and sad for doing this to him self. The damage to him self is done. But just satisfy my curiosity, the only thing left for me was to ask a bunch of questions which included:
- Did you say, you left Eritrea illegally to attend college in one of the European countries? Hmmmmm….!
- Let me get this straight; do you truly believe you will be able to attend a “post graduate school” in one the European countries? Hmmmmmmmm!
- Do you know Europe is not Eritrea? In Eritrea, Eritrean kids go to school free all the way from kindergarten to college. In fact, Eritrea is the only African country where education, all the way to college level, is free. By now, I am quite sure you have already found out that there is no such thing “free” college education in Europe and USA. So who to pay for your education there? Hmmmmmmm!
- At this very moment, do you know Europe is unable to employ its youngsters let alone to send them to college. Here are the Young Europeans on the streets without jobs and education and here you are telling me there are elements in Europe inviting you to go school in Europe? Hmmmmmm!
- Do not forget, both in Europe and USA, you are expected to pay for your “tuition“, “dorm“, “textbooks”, “ food“, “clothing“, and “medical” expenses? Assuming you are accepted to attend “post graduate” education in Europe; then who to pay for your schooling? If you are hoping these elements are to pay for your education, then you must be living in dream world. This is the reality. The question is how much money is your father to shell out to pay for your schooling?
- If what you claim is a legitimate educational deal, how come they did not tell you your education in Europe is to be free before you leave Eritrea? Do not forget, to be accepted into a college any where in the world is one thing but who is to pay for this education is quite another.
- If this schooling is legitimate, how come they instructed you to go cross to the Sudan to complete the rest of the paper work? Why not they let you finish the paper work from within Eritrea and then you can leave from Eritrea legally without squandering a year or two of your time and your father’s money in the Sudan?
- Has it crossed your mind that this could be part of the grand scheme to lure young Eritreans to cross the border and leave them stranded between the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea? Have you read about the Eritreans which are hoarded in “prison camps without walls” in Malta, Sicily, and other islands of the Mediterranean for the last 8 to 10 years. In short, have you ever entertained there is such an evil scheme in full motion? You must know once you crossed the border, their job to scatter the African youth is done and please do not be shocked if you did not hear from them again!! I bet, you will never hear from them again; for their have done their job.
- You said your family gave you some money to cross to the Sudan. How many dollars did your father and other relatives shell out for this scandal? Are you telling me your father has all the money to send you all they way through the Sudan or the Sahara Desert to Europe? If money was not an issue in your family, then what was the inertia that drove to be in this predicament. Most certainly, it could not be “politically motivated” either for you have seen what Shaebia is doing to build a nation brick by brick. I do not have to lecture you on the nation building of Shaebia.
- One last question for you to entertain and contemplate. Are sure you are not a victim of some evil elements? There are elements who are engaged in evil schemes which goes: “to destroy a nation destroy the youth both from within and out. At this point in time, they are not to send and invading army to recolonize Africa but to destroy the future builders, leaders, and defenders of Africa (the African youth). Most definitely you are an African youth on target.
These and some of the comments and the questions I asked him. To my shock, I was not able to get a single answer that makes sense. After these and some discussions, I gave him one and to the point advice. I told him to go home before it is too late. I told him to go home and ask forgiveness and start all over again. I told him, to not take my word for it; but to learn from those Eritreans that are stranded for 6, 8, and 10 years somewhere in the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean coast lines. As my relative, I wish him good luck on the journey to “no man’s land”.
The story of an Eritrean economic migrant who betrayed his country
Reviewed by Admin
5:43 PM
Propagandists for a failed state!
ReplyDeleteWhat an economic migrant are you talking about?. - An Eritrea that is decimated by a brutal dictator who has brought the dark curtains on a promising nation? How is a young person to have a hope in Eritrea? Educated or non educated. You could have fooled us a decade ago - even then one would be quite skeptical of an economic migrant story like this one.
You're a slave of ignorance. Go back to watching your ISIS videos, you Jihadist scumbag. Zero tolerance for any Wahhabi.
ReplyDeleteNezi getgeta doo terhtsea euu negru!!! You trying to tell a story eritreans are economical about the human right victim of DIA? How about all the underground presons? How about working for free, for generals and bergader generals ? How about gefa? How about when someone serving for free and tell to DIA to improve the policy and DIA put them in a prison for raising those questions? If you admitted that economical eritrea is weak, why you all the propaganda telling people the economy is growing? Or yes it is growing but someone is stealing it. If eritrea is economicaly is weak then DIA don't know how to rule. You heedless supports confused.
ReplyDeleteAntum sebat entay zibele ajewjew!!! Free school in ERITREA only? Free school is almost all over the world's countries, especially upto graduate level. To mention few: Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Sweden, Finland, Mexico......what makes our Eritrean case different is that because we get free school, we should be slaves for ever. Wether we like it or not, the truth is that we have a leadership that enjoys the suffering of our people and to accomplish that what the
ReplyDeleteMafia group is making our lives miserable and force us to leave for good.
Another point is that the education that is being provided by the mafia PFDJ is worthless to the fact that the colleges are administered by army jenerals and their task is to control any potential uprisings. This article is simply a crocodile tears to cover up all the faults of the cruel, heinous, hideous, cancerous and lawless leadership of the regime.
Please show me where you get this 40% number from. Everyone can make up stats.
ReplyDeleteEritrea has a major tax problem. The GoE does not tax its citizens appropriately. Once it does the people will demand accountability.... For which there is none.
Mr Writter, when you criticize someone lead by example first. Move back to Eritrea and serve yourccoumtry. Who gave you the privilege that serving your country doesn't apply to you or your kids just because you live abroad. Regarding the young man you talk about, what kind of future would he have educated or not? He will serve the dictator for ever for 10 dollar a month which doesn't even cover his rent let alone other expenses. I am fed up with people like you who like to talk but never take the walk.
ReplyDelete@Madote: you said Eritrea spend 40% of its budget on education. Please enlighten us, based on which years official budget are you referring too? You may have missed it but the dictator never published a budgat, because he belive Eritrea belongs to him, not to its people.
wow interesting argument, Is there any country refugees in Eritrea? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteActually the above photo takes from Eritrean refugees who live in Ethiopia Tigary region refugee camp. So don't lie your people just tell the truth.
I was just reading an article regarding the reduction of child mortality. I am satisfied with the progress made between some African and Asian countries. I cannot understand M. Palmer comment whether it is negative or positive. But I felt a sense of nausea after I read the negative comments given by any other person below. It is still clear on our eyes how Somalians were dispersed, the children of Afghanistan, Gaza, Syria are suffering. The above is a good agitation to our youth to come to their sense and see their future for it is on their hands. I found it interesting. It has hit the point so it should be appreciated. Why on earth are we talking bla bla which doesn't make sense. You don't help anyone by contradicting yr self. Change your behavior and attitude as a true African so that we can avoid poverty, war propaganda. This forum is a good opportunity for us to stick on a useful educational argument. We should learn to differentiate between good and bad to achieve our goal.
ReplyDeleteኣታ ብጻይ, ዓሻ ኤርትራዊ የለን, ግደፍ መንግስቲ, በሊህ ከማን, አንታይ መንግስቲ ጥልያን መሲልካ, ቕዳድ ጅቧኡ, ኣብ መሬት ዘሎ ተግባር ምርኣይ ኣይሃይሽን, ሆስፒታል ተሰሪሁልካ, ትምህርቲ ቤት, ዲጋ ተሰሪሁልካ, ጽርጊያ ተሰሪሁልካ, ካብዚ ንላዕሊ አንታይ ትደሊ..ዋላ ሃንቲ ነገር አንተዘይህሉ ልክዕ ኔርካ, ኣብ ኩሉ ዕድታት, school, health center, small/average dam allo..Just wait and soon you'll see more quality on that, improvement in school, health, infrastructure ect..
ReplyDeleteThe fact of the mater is, if he gets to Europe, as a refugee, he gets free education upto a college level (UK) & could easily earn upto Nakfa 100, 000 per month even working as a clearner. Now u tell me how much a doctor or an engineer gets paid in Eritrea. I will never encourage someone to take the dangerous journey to get to Europe but the fact is the difference in living standard is huge. By the way, what is the big fuss abt free education in Eritrea? Can u name African countries who charge tutuition fees for under 18 education?? How abt in Sudan & Ethiopia?
ReplyDeleteI hope our young students take their responsibilities as well, while the GoE (means all Eritreans) are paying that amount of sacrifice to let our school system free for all, wanting to increase the quality ect, if then students get their degree and want to migrate, it's sad and dangerous to take an unconscious decision and ignorant as well..
ReplyDeleteI say this cause the west where african youth want to come for a better life, nowadays is only a dream, there is an average of 20 to 25 % of unemployment everywhere imagine now if they could give for africans a high qualified position and a chance for a job..
The evidence are on the ground, last april 2014 on the european elections, in europe wins the neo fascist party, those who don't want to see ant migrant in their home (france, uk, sweden, norway, austria, holland) this means any migrant is not welcome, the economical crises europeans are facing they want to lay the responsibility to the migrants..
"Hidrom" if you realy mean what your wrote (I dont believe the conversations is true, it is a made up). Why dont send your kids to attend the "free" eritrea school?
ReplyDeleteVery nice. based on your comments in Eritrea it is not because of the shortage of freedom people leave ,it is because of shortage of wealth. The idea of mother land first is not in the minds of young Eritreans . I visit home in 2011 and most of my family members did not like the down to the earth type of life style I have and did not even invited me to a cup of tea or coffee as our culture request to do for a visitor. All is Money, money and money.
ReplyDeleteIf this website would actually post this illegitimate article then Madote should be shut down. I don't think even HDGEF supporters are dumb enough to internalize this ignorant information. And how is it that thousands of other Eritreans and I were not only able to get a free education, but were actually paid to go to school? So your made up relative betrayed his nation for striving what your refugee ass has? Sounds like you two need to switch places.
ReplyDeleteHe was raised and nurtured both physically and intellectually to be “somebody” so he could help himself, his family, and in the process to help build Eritrea. All paid by Eritrea, just like any other Eritrean kid; he was educated, all the way from elementary school to college level for “free“. Yes by the “free education for all”, the noble Eritrean way,he was nurtured and groomed all the way to college level. I do not think this young man know how much the Eritrean people have sacrificed for this kid. I do not think he has understands the generosity of Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteRight after I read this paragraph I stopped reading your mambo jambo. Stop the bs. About free education. Most of the countries provide its citizens free education. I even assume you get free education during Derg era. Just Derg was providing you free education doesn't mean Derg was a saint. There is no a single individual in Eritrea that leads his life and helps his family. All are property of the Government. If people could finish school and get a job that pays him enough to survive we wouldn't see this mass migration. Go and fool other who are intellectually midgets.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this story is a shameless Animal, who betrayed Eritrea those which left Eritrea during war for independent or those who defended it's independent?
ReplyDeleteThey are leaving their home because they don't see any future in it period.
I hate such opportunistic Animals. (Dekikan nebskan awhiskas nska muteley tekaleseley ebahal eyu?)
Good to see you back, Bixay fetaw hageru.
ReplyDeletexehafay muhurn donkorn eka.megemrte b zaba hade seb ezy kulu ktxihf aymtegebakan . 2 ezy seb kab hgeru zewxo mknyat kemty n ska tblon thasbon zeykikl you.hade seb kab adu kiwexi kolo mkinyat alewo free tmrty tblo zeleka...kidmy kulu seb free press krekb alewo.kal gn hatetwtew yu natka.....azy ab laly zelo sily ab mai aini zvehal bota sidetegatat u kindey muhurat hager kemehadru zkulu abu alewu b senky hmak mhdera......
ReplyDeleteyou just show us your ignorance. need to learn about what human needs in life.....kilwyo aleku elka dika free education tbl degagimka....have you ever talk about the slavery in Eritrea calling national service.
ReplyDeletemuhurn donkoron you need to take a course about what human beings need basically
This all asylum seekers plan was designed by the west, to destabilize Eritrea military and economically. they tried with war they failed and now by this nonsense called asylum seekers. and the so called opposition group they want the youth to flee and die on the sahara-desert or sea just to make the people angry so they can turn on their government. and some of this so called asylum seekers most of them are Ethiopians, Sudanese and so on. who can blame them. i can't. do u know y?, b/c the UNHCR are given special treatment just to Eritreans so mor can come. even though the UNHCR knows this people are masquerading as Eritreans they declare them asylum. So the UNHCR they don't care. All they care is destroying Eritrea. So what do u expect from ur enemies nothing good. and the west are our enemies b/c Eritrea stood up against their evil vendetta and that drives them mad. So the government should create more jobs so we the youth can have something to hold on to make us busy in a good way :). and this scared the enemies of Eritrea to the their very core. And the government of Eritrea is doing all they can. but when u have an enemy wish u to be destroyed day and night can be hard. After all they are humans. So, to all anti government instead of to find something bad about Eritrea. why don't u sand up to the US that are trying so hard to hide the Algiers final binding agreement. this is the problem its because of this our enemy damaging the hope of Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteDo you think when they said free education, the money comes from the moon. seriously man. the government puts more money on free education so we the youth can prosper.
ReplyDeleteShut the F*ck up weyane HASAD!.
ReplyDeleteby talking false you can not build a nation weak up from your dream. I don't think IQ of Eritrean this much low to believe this article
ReplyDelete45% of budget for Education; if this is true, I wander why the education gap is very large b/n Tigray and Eritrea.
ReplyDeletehow about millions dollars that had been given to Eritrea from UN for education. Isias and his supporters never mentioned that.what do you think?do think we are stupid? who pay the college professors form India in Eritrean institute of tech?i could bring for you the report how much Eritrea get for education from EU union ,Norway and UN.thanks to technology you cant lie....
ReplyDeletedesigned by the west, betrayal by g15 ,CIA,weyane, headless supporters like you president never admitted your mistakes. during the 3rd round "weyane werar" all the generals and even the president were ready to run to sahle,while we are defending the country, while we where left there to save their ass,and we did save their you are telling me you stupid idiot,we where drained out by the west. we left the country because we raised a question against all those people in the power.and they start to put us in prison. because they don't like to see hero in front of them to challenge them because as always they are one can believe the story you are telling. i know you are the kadere,you are the admin,you are the writer of the article. shetara abzebene technology doesn't work. don't insult people agame your president is from tegray.
ReplyDeleteTanx Rora! Glad to see you too.
ReplyDeleteBrainless slave,
ReplyDeleteRemember there were some Eritreans like you too who served amhara and fascist Italians to perpetrate apartheid system in our country while committing Genocide on our people. You should be ashamed for your servile behavior but you do not have the intellectual faculty to differentiate right from wrong.
Let me remind my readers: the con artist iasias afewerqi does not have an Eritrean aunt or uncle, only tegaru aunts and uncles in tigrai.
And none of his kids are either in the Concentration Camps, the pseudo-named "national service", or escaped the country like the rest of our youngsters. They are all happily and comfortably living under his care, married and rearing their kids.
Some people wrongly attribute the con artist's brutalities to his training in Communist China. This is absolutely false because Chairman Mao's brutalities did not spare his children. His eldest son was killed in the Korean War but Moa did not care to bring his remains to China. He was buried in North Korea like the rest of the Chinese soldiers.
Brother, i know it's delusions that are haunting mr. mokonnen, but be merciful for he knows not what he is talking about. He might not be the person he thinkth of and he might not be all together well.
ReplyDeleteHis obsession with one man makes us all realise each and everyone of us is 'k'nd'sheeh' and the ever ever nightmare of woyane and its adherants.
The vision is alive and its realisation immenant; segum Tray bTsai, segum!!
I wish you have some grey matter in your empty head. If you had, you would your realize that you have become a toy in the hands of the truly agame, the con artist isaias.
ReplyDeletewow to all shabia supporters ,if ur askari land is the best place to live ,why dont u go their where u belong....?stop denying the reality ..if u hate(USA) SO MUCH ,WHY do u live their? there is big similarity between Arabs and askri, they both hates western countries , they are the first to talk shit about usa in webs, they both talk shit about freedom and in London(UK) THEY BOTH WANT SHARI LAW for uk, lol i saw it in bbc news ..freely they send $$$ to their motherland ,then they are the first person to Maigret to western nation ..i hate those DIA dick suckers ,they living the best life than they used to live in their askari land, this is true .everybody knows least show some respect,when u living some ones some love are no different than other African immigrants!!!! admit it ...every people Maigret to other country because their country is not comfortable for them..i know this askari ...lives in LA and he calls USA ..UNITED STATES OF SNAKE is this?????? ya i know the truth hurt allot isn't ???????if young eirtrean leaves their country, its becuse they want new things , ..get mad i dont care ,call me agame like i said the truth hurts alot yo dia fans .,..go cry like u used to kkkkkkkkkkkkkk im just saying
ReplyDelete". . . accelerate realizing his vane dream of destroying of country and people." You are telling us that he participated and led the movement for Eritrean Independence so that he can destroy it now? Why doesn't he just hand the country to "the Tigrawot" then if your claim were true? It would have been much easier! Who would believe such nonsense? Not Eritreans!
ReplyDeleteMy advice to you: why waste your time in hatred to one man? It is pathological. I can understand the hatred if you are a Weyane (member of the organization)--he is standing in your way!
Stop pretending. Yes education is free and Eritrea has the necessary leadership which is defending our sovereignty.
ReplyDeleteWatch Tower, what are you saying??? Please get it straight, no one is cowering with fear of woyane.
ReplyDeleteMadote, I disagree with you about the GOE cutting back on free education. At the present it does not make sense to do so. I understand that over 40% of the national budget is for education, but at the present time we have to build the national capacity, so there is no other way.
ReplyDeleteIn the future yes, it would need to be cut, only once the country reaches a critical mass of economic and technical capacity. The extra majority of Eritreans could not afford to send their children to higher education at the moment. Therefore there is a major danger that if you cut the subsidy, education becomes the playground of a tiny elite.
I would accept a very slow cutback, but at this stage of development the ability of the masses to access is more important. Plus in the future as the economy grows, there will be a natural progression to more private institutions as seen elsewhere. For now lets remain steady.
Ethiopian Tigrians why you are here ? This is Eritrean website don't you fell shame of your self !!!!!
ReplyDeleteGet the Hell out of here No one want to here you Bastard
I can assure you that I am more Eritrean than, Issayas, 2x yemane, Kisha, Asmelash EdiTv and Abraham Kassa together. BTW Be careful with the word A game, you may end up in offending one the guys I mentioned above.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right, no one can beleive the story you are telling; belih!
ReplyDeleteWait, did u just call me the Admin. WTF are u talking about haha ur just crazy man. we are building a country and ur liven in the past. Its been said, You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle. just keep mumbling..i never heard so much B.S in my entire life, shaebia doesn't look back when it comes to Eritrea and here u are saying they wer ready to abandon Eritrea, this is Shaebia we're talking about not Jebha. cowards flee but true heroes fight for what they believe.
ReplyDeleteI know bro, cowards they think everything happens in a blink of an eye. to built a country it takes patient and hard work, those who don't like this like cowards they are afraid to drown in their sweat. cowards only care about them selves and when they can't do anything they point fingers at others.
ReplyDeletewe walk slow, but We never walk back!
ReplyDeleteAre u f*cking kidding me. I wasn't raised by comandise or mahberandnet cowards like u. I am from the blood of patriots those who give their life for their country. and i only care about Eritrea. People can change colors but not ma beloved Eritrea. just keep mumbling wedzom kahdamat sheiethi hager.
ReplyDeleteI wish you know the contradiction you are uttering because a coward is you who serves the con artist brutal impostor isaias afewerq and betrays his people for left overs. But again, brainless that you are, you cannot do any better.
ReplyDeleteConversely, the braves are those who are leaving no stone unturned to expose the impostor and put him behind prison for violating the Will of our people, their Constitution; plunging our country in illegal and unnecessary war that took the lives of over twenty thousands young Eritreans etc. etc.
The victory of the brave Eritreans is snow-balling as evidenced not only by growing unity and number of Eritreans in opposition; the UN involvement; the rascal's physical look of defeat but also by his cabals flurry of disinformation they are putting out in the social media in desperate attempt to cast the Eritrean gloomy state of affair as less gloomier.
I don't serve anyone expect my country. and are u saying the war in 98 to 2000 was our fault, wow u truly are ke'damy of wayane chefra. We all know that, the UN and the US are putting bad information about Eritrea to make us look the bad guy. To make all the hard work of deki Eri less gloomier. well there u go,that is why they said the truth always prevails. So like i said ke'damy keep mumbling.
ReplyDeleteYou idiot what happen to the drafting of the constitution? Why isn't your dam ass asking were we are on the drafting? The so called halew melow speech by the dictator was meant for followers like you.
ReplyDeleteYou are so low man you see one picture of a house in Eritrea and you are jumping all over the place about the development of the country. Expect and strive for higher dud. Hold the government to do more and better.
Now we are told the dictator spends 40% of it's budget on the is the first number or % thrown at us. Our question is what is the budget of the country?
So you must know the guy the writer is talking about or are you using your own imagination to counter argue.
ReplyDeleteThe same guy or many others may leave Eritrea or wherever one is born, and most do for better opportunitie elsewhere, translats into economic migration and a person committing the act: economic immigrants/ migrant; depending which side you are seating. How simple is one and one and one is?
I know you will say two, but that too is fine, dont jump to freedom and slavery without being either, cause it is insulting both ways.
I dont like your borrowed tigrigna- my right!
And take off with azmara the shameless lier.
Gemal, it had a lot of typo:"why isn't your 'dam' ass asking were we are on the drafting?" Legit question if you ask me! But you don't want answers.
ReplyDeleteSorry for late reply.
ReplyDeleteSince you kept deleting certain comments I had grown accustom to avoiding this website.
I really wish you had a better retort than one who questions accountability being an Agame.
I don't know where I mentioned Ethiopia in my response?
I will repeat my comment. "Everyone can make up stats."
Thank you for not answering my question.
ReplyDeleteI asked where the 40% number came from. In doing so they should also tell us where is the Money coming from and going? What is the Budget? Who approves it?
No accountability with the Government of Eritrea.
If you know the history, shabia is the people.if you think isias is shabia you need to re-do you study.shabia create by few people which was supported by the people and the first person who created shabia was Haile Deru, and musie, Mahumud romedan.where are those people. ?
ReplyDeleteIf don't know the history it is fine ,you still have the time to refer the history, if you are confused still you have a time to clear your confustion.if you doing it intentionally i will say you are Caword. HAILE DERUE is in prison who created shabia.
History will judge! !!
You nail it!!! Did you see the admin(alec)how angry he is. They think we are stupid.
ReplyDeleteNot that the world bank is reliable:
No Eritrea but highest is 35%...
Who built the country? most the youth left the has been 20 years nothing is done, just propaganda. Isias is reading the red book how to stay in power. And who are you saying "we"? You are some where in erupted eating westerns food.go to eritrea and do the national service. You called your self from the hero family! !! Hahahahaha.........
ReplyDeleteFirst of all maggot, my parents and my brother gave their lives for Eritrea, but laugh wat ever u want cuz i know ur kind. and yes, we are building our country and am inside my country. i did my national service and am learning business and economics at Halhale college by government budget. and where are you? unlike u liven by foreign welfare siting in a sofa eating junk food and talking crap.
ReplyDeleteIf i were the Admin u would be deleted from this site.
ReplyDeleteGudam, You're really GUDAM...kezab wahed...if you call now the president as agame, he was your president too ( till you betrayed the country, people and GOE)...that\s if you're a real Eritrean.
ReplyDeleteYou may not believe it but that's what's happening....that's the reality.
ReplyDeletewake up dude….u are late..count your stolen money and run. your time is almost up!!!Idiot
ReplyDeletedon't waste your time with this papagalo bro…who ever alec you is, he is lost. i hope he got what he wants by destroying eritrea!!!
ReplyDeleteReally Madote, who wants to live in a country which hasn't had elections in 23 years? Aster Yohannes, Aster Fessahatsion and Dawit Isaac too were
ReplyDeletepro-democratic and pro-modern Eritrea. Who is really the problem here?
Them or IA? Them or this culture of silence, injustice and fear which wickedly perpetuates itself through articles such as this one? I no longer even believe the propaganda that US regional intervention is the only problem here. As far as I can see, IA and his cronies are a bigger part of the problem because what we have here is the tyranny of one helluva corrupt Tigrawai shemaghelae over the regenerating but broken spirit of our Eritrean youth.
This is the reason why Norway has decided to band asylum seeker to travel to Ethiopia. Because the majority of the refugee are Ethiopian. Now Swiss has in place a procedure to recognize who is Eritrea who is Ethiopian.
ReplyDeleteIn small village la Zug in Swizz 80% are Ethiopian not Eritrean asylum.
For the west this is nightmare Cos. West GOV know very well who is asking asylum.
Wow, you nailed it; i don't like insulting people but i would have called you qomal agame, then again that will mean i have insulted you so i change my mind i will just say you come from a different planet, not in a good way thought, RIP HASAD!
ReplyDeleteTigray today as we speak.
imagine worth more the words.
I know mimma, it scare the shit out of them.
ReplyDeleteWell like i said u are weyane hasad trying to tell us the war was our fault. Ur pathetic. who are u trying to deceive?!. Am done talking with u, weyane's boy.!
ReplyDeleteLets be logical: Who would be delusional, he who supports his country and people to be subjugated by unelected rascal, or me who opposes and exposes the rascal?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what is the psychological deficiency that would categorize an individual, like yourself, as delusional?
Ans. it is an inherent psychological deficiency that robs the individual from using the objective situation to be the source of his ideas. Instead, he lives in fantasy world by projecting his own ideas on the objective situation. He within the category of Schizophrenics and paranoiacs.
Lets see the sad state of our country and people, which you irrationally accept as normal:
Fundamentally, people are not only social animals but also political animals, which differentiate them from lower but social animals.
But what is political animal? In a nut shell, it means, human beings are predestined to form a State of his own making and free will, of which the individual is an integral part, and in which he/she accrues happiness, security etc., much more than that he/she can on his/her own.
What about those lower animals who exhibit social behavior?
The Law of Jungle is their norm of which the leadership hierarchy is determined exclusively by brute force.
Which of the two systems resemble the system currently prevailing in Eritrea?
Of course, it resembles the second, Law of Jungle. Our people are being herded like cattle by the con artist and impostor.
We must resurrect and restore our humanity by getting rid of the rascal and his cabals. And we must understand, until we completely scarped them off , the rascal and his cabals will never stop drawing rosy pictures to our gloomy state of affairs. Always remember, evasions, treachery, flattery are few of their weapon of destruction in the arsenal.
Is this a new sahle? I replied to gudam's previous post, but if that is what you believe that is still fine with me? May be directed at someone else,,,good day!
ReplyDeleteMr. Mokonnen, i disagree with you because you have thus far been targetting one individual alone, forget the cabals now, your jungle and metro rules and law comparison, if not said to be full of hot air, it is off target.
ReplyDeleteYou see, we all remember very well, during the misadventures of the junta to the south, the same line of attack was employed as a psychological warfare: isaias is insane, not trustworthy, psychologically unstable and so forgive me if i have mistaken you for one of them.
In one sweeping statement after another you claim to be more concerned, while at the same time try to persuade' your readers' our Eritrea is in shambles.
We are a living testament and viable in all aspects of safeguarding and achieving our set goals. Free,.democratic and prosperous Eritrea for all, and for one.
I might be interested to hear or read what you say if you were talking about fundamental 'sur betek' change and only then will i view you as an honest contender, otherwise you are a wolf in sheeps clothing, therefore, beffittingly labeled an adherant of woyane!
P.s. Ethiopia is a failed state under woyane!
Good day, mr. Mokonnen.
If you are an adovate of law and order, how come you
Funny where did u get the Internet access? Look how despret you are, you trying make you self as 20 years old.i know my people I know the culture, I know how do they talk on their 20's.yuou are not in eritrea, you are not in a business college. I am very sad for the higdef kadre, you are so despret to be support by the youth of eritrea, it is like you dreaming in a day time. That's obvious for dictatorship to lie an till they die.
ReplyDeletehistory will judge! !!!
Why do you insult your own president? He is from tigray.ask any eritrean even isias if he has a family to his dad side in eritrea.aske if Afwerki brother and his sons are in eritrea.ask isias that please don't insult your president.
ReplyDeleteI am just saying,Why do you insult your own president? He is from tigray.ask any eritrean even isias if he has a family to his dad side in eritrea.aske if Afwerki brother and his sons are in eritrea.ask isias that please don't insult your president.
ReplyDeletehe is not my president I never vote that childish president.
My God. you are the one so desperate to make us believe ur pathetic shenanigan. and no one care if u believe ME or not. calling me not Eritrean is so funny. did my English writing surprises you?. well, shaebia are good at teaching. haha.. the low thing about u is, when u ask wer i get the Internet access and when u said i know how do they talk on their 20's i just got lost am speaking u with English wtf, its not ma 1st language but am good at it. Are u mental or something. if u want to know who i am. well Am from Gejeret n'eshtey (gaji) thqa enda Nora. and my name is Alec samiel A.K.A (LINGO).
ReplyDeleteI think no one is such stupid to put his life at risk to go through sahara but the lack of clear future makes them do that. How can 500 nakfa make life today one might want enjoy life with a freind,family or make family of his own all that chances cant be acheived in eritrea other wise ur right it is not heaven in eroupe or else where please tell isias if u can phone him please please !!
ReplyDeleteHow ironic, you ran and they're still there fighting the good fight. So whose really lying? Try again you bum.
ReplyDeleteAhahaha, gudam, what ever ur name is... when i said i finished national service, i only finished the military part but now am in College of business and economics. so the duty for ma beloved country Eritrea never ends. and how can national service end when ur enemy the Hyenas whiting for opportunity to destroy us. you can pick any name u say, haha ala b'al n'sukum t'blwo thfiecum. don't try to twist it ok. and why i even bother telling u people wer i live or who i am. cuz u always twist things like ur twisted heart. anyway don't try to lecture me about ma parents or my bro. i now wer am from or wer am going. u don't even have the guts to built ur country. like i always say if u don't like that its ur problem not mine.(So I'm still being patient because I know it'll be worth it). b/c every country has its ups and downs when it's surrounded by enemies. So go kiss chfra weyane's boots. byeeee.
ReplyDeleteNeska Resi hamham, isias resi hamham
ReplyDeleteSuspect accused of running human trafficking ring in Dubai extradited to US
ReplyDelete7DAYS May 6, 2014
A British man accused of running a massive human smuggling operation from a Dubai villa has been extradited from Africa to the US.
Habtom Merhay, 47, is accused of forging travel documents then flying dozens of people from Dubai to Mexico, where it was arranged for them to cross the Rio Grande river into the US on rafts.
Merhay, who also holds an Eritrean passport, allegedly charged up to Dhs55,000 per person for passage to the US. Court documents in the US say Merhay “operated with a network of smugglers in Africa, the UAE, South and Central America, Mexico and elsewhere” and that all the immigrants were routed through “a house or apartment in Dubai”. In Dubai, he “provided travel documents, tickets and instructions for meeting other smugglers while on the way to the US,” according to the US Justice Department.
Merhay was so successful that dozens of East Africans allegedly flew to Dubai to receive forged US travel documents.
Some crossed the US border on foot as well as on rafts or were smuggled in trucks, according to an unsealed indictment shown to 7DAYS. It says he ran the operation using a Dubai villa in an unspecified location and expanded to include a flat as business grew. He lived in Dubai throughout the operation, which happened between 2009 and 2012, the indictment says.
The US spent millions of dollars to find and extradite Merhay, who is considered one of the most successful human smugglers in the US market. Agents tracked him to Morocco where they sought help from authorities to arrest him and extradited him to the US on April 25.
He has now appeared in federal court, in Washington DC, where he was charged with 15 counts of smuggling illegal immigrants for profit – and one count of conspiracy to smuggle them.
Merhay allegedly used to smuggle his clients from Dubai to the US – including sending some from Dubai to Cuba then on to Ecuador and from there to Mexico to be transported by raft, on foot or truck onto American soil.