The future Africa summit in Eritrea
U.S.-Africa Summit has been criticized as being nothing more than a PR stun for the Obama administration |
The future Africa summit in Eritrea
By Hillal,
It is customary to see African summits being held in different parts of the world. All of these summits are designed to safeguard the economic and national security interests of the sponsors and not of Africa and Africans.
They are often described as a gathering place of tyrants, dictators and genociders. A Kodak Moment of Shame saturated by photo ops, condescending lectures and wining and dining till the wee hours of the morning thanks to their hosts' deep pockets.
Most of the African nations got their independence in the sixties. With a lot of hoopla and fanfare, constitutions were drafted and government structures were designed overnight. They were the exact replicas of their colonizers and no effort was done to include the African subjective and objective realities of the newly created nations.
Puppets and stooges of the colonizers were hand picked to fill all the government posts and institutions formed to run the new nations. They were selected to make certain that the interests' of their masters were protected and not their nations' and peoples' interests. Those brave souls, who uphold the public trust and worked for the common good and their peoples' and nations' interests were summarily liquidated.
What followed next was an African nightmare. A continent rich in mosaic of cultures and peoples, natural vegetation and animals, rivers and lakes, minerals and resources, virgin lands and breath taking landscapes was turned into a continent which is the weakest link in the modern global economy were famine, drought, wars and conflict, ignorance, disease and abject poverty became its defining characteristics.
Similarly, we are watching today, the US lackeys and puppets, tyrants, dictators and genociders wine and dine in Washington and those that are answering their peoples calls, working day and night for the betterment of their peoples and nations, demonized, discredited, defamed and vilified . An evil act that seems never to change indeed.
Africans had to endure: The ugliness of the divide and rule policies, barbarity and humiliation of the colonizers. The inhumanity and cruelty of slavery and the Apartheid system of White Supremacy and Capitalism. The wars and destruction of the Cold War rivalry. The military adventurism of the Unipolar World and its Islamophobia campaign and terror networks. The rise of Political Islam and its divisive tendencies...etc...etc.
Today, Africa is at a crossroads. There is seismic shift in global power from the West to the East. With the decline of the US supremacy and dominance and the BRICS rise in political and economic power, the fight to control the world resources isn't limited to the control of Eurasia only. Africa is part of the equation and a significant player in the power chess board.
Africans have to say enough is enough. They have to come together and gather the best of African minds and draft an African agenda -an agenda that safeguards the interests of Africa and its peoples. African intellectuals which are in the habit of serving as mouthpieces of the foreign powers and have sharp pencils when bad mouthing and demonizing Africa and Africans should abandon their shameful practices and join the African crusade for African honor, pride and dignity.
Africans are the only people that can save Africa from its present day malaise. If we Africans can't fix our homes from the inside, no one is going to do it for us from the outside. The time has come for the new generation of Africans to visit the Eritrean experience and study it in an African context. The Eritrean experience is the first step in the long march to the African Renaissance.
It is quite common these days to find African intellectuals and progressive movement leaders and philosophers in the streets of Asmara and its delightful cafes. Leaders of almost all African youth movements make their annual pilgrimages to Asmara at the invitation of the Eritrean youth, students and women associations. The attraction is not limited to Africans only but worldwide.
The micro-management of African policies from the western capitals, WB, IMF, EU and UN should stop. In its place, we need a new African way of doing business and thinking based on African realities made by Africans, for Africans and owned by Africans.
“Freedom is not something that one people can bestow on another as a gift. Thy claim it as their own and none can keep it from them.” Kwame Nkrumah
We Africans should demand and fight for our political, economic, social, cultural and security freedoms. Without these freedoms firmly in our control, the African dream can't be realized. Besides, nations that don't have the courage to implement economic structural adjustments to fix their economies and taste their own medicine are not fit or entitled to prescribe debilitating and crippling structural adjustments on other developing nations.
Thus, the Asmara summit would be the perfect venue for the birth of the new Africa and a crucible for the new African thinking. It would lay the foundations for the creation of a new, united, democratic, progressive, assertive, dynamic and self-reliant Africa and history written in pride and glory. Above all, an Africa at peace with itself and its people live in peace and harmony and is the epicenter of peace, reason and sanity.
The future Africa summit in Eritrea
Reviewed by Admin
3:49 AM

Aye aye aye aye ele do kebekyelka wedi Afom BRI... beka beyneka felyomka? Dehan Nehna naybeynena ab Asemara Tsaeda kengebrelka ena.....Hillal you are very funny.
ReplyDeletekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk intay kitgebrelu delika ?
ReplyDeleteWe have shown the word how PIA is loved by his people when he came to the UN meeting in NYC; what African leader gets that kind of reception outside of his country ? most African leaders get greeted by protests and angry shouts.....what matters most is how a president is received by his people. PIA said during his NYC visit that he would rather have luch with a farmer in Tesseney or Gahtelay than to wine and dine with some world leaders where African leaders are treated as beggars.
ReplyDeleteእንታይ ሽግር ኣለዎ እንተዘይከደ ኢሱ
ReplyDeleteዝቀርዮም ንሳቶም እንታይ ከይተርፎ ንሱ
ኣብ ሃገር እንዳማቱ ብኃይሉ ነጊሱ
እነሆለ ይነብር ወርቂ ተተርኢሱ
ኣይኹንስ እምበር ተረፎ ኦባማ
መራሕቲ ኣፍሪካ ዝጽውዕ በልማማ
እንታይ ክረክብ ኢሉ እንትርፎ ድራማ
ኢሱ እንኳዕ ተረፎ ጅግና ወዲ ሓማ (or is he from Tembien?)
ክንደይ ከየድምዑ ካብ ምብላዕ ሓሊፎም
ወኻዕኻዕ እንዳበሉ ብሓደ ከቢቦም
ዝገብርዎ የለን ካሊእ ዋላ ሓንቲ
ካብ ምስታይ ሓሊፎም ዝኸውን ንሽንቲ
ኢሳያስ ዘይብሉ ዝግበር ምይይጥ
ድኻም ጥራይ እዮ የብሉን ውፅኢት
መራሕት ኣፍሪካ ፍረ እንተደሊዅም
ሃገር ክትቅይሩ ብሃፈጻማኹም
ንኤርትራ ምፅኡ USA ይትረፍኵም
ኢሱ ይብለኩም ኣሎ ፃውዒት ይብፃሕኵም!!
ዕድሜና ኣኽቢርኩም ብዳሓን ምፅኡ ይብሉዂም አለው ባዓል የማነ ቻርሊ!!
Good idea but I think we should make them understand that self reliance is best and the only solution for Africa to be a better continent. And we should make Eritrea grow more and continue how PIA is leading one thing I wanna say let's get our population higher cause we need to be a lot of Eritrean's to
ReplyDeleteI agree totally with Hillal´s point, fantastic. I would avoid inviting the big belly leaders (corrupted), Instead I would rather prefered to gather the African intellectuals, critics, university students..
ReplyDeleteThis question is not directed at any one but I tought of asking it here any ways, what is the perpuse and the need for the invitation?
ReplyDeleteThus far all the talk has been about those not participating among them Eritrean Presidant; i am assuming the other none participant nations citizen are probably doing the same in their respective mediums.
However, all we are hearing is the need to educate and allocate "more" funds in the form of aid. I can not and i would not dare say Nero or Nero's Guests, for fear of getting out of context, but is it really Nero (obama) and his guests (African pres.) who are totally oblivious? Or are we the ones who are guests of Nero?
For those of you who had not had a chance to read about Nero, its out there for your googling and the white house may not have lacked electricity thereby no need to burn fellow beings for a candle lit dinner feast; but the torment of the African soul and the mockery of our spirit is no different than Nero and his guests utter indifference and inhumane nature.
If i was on the list of invitee, i would have told them, " guess who is not coming to dinned."
All are guilty by association!
Thumps up for Btsai!
You like EMPTY bravado,rhetoric and pride...
ReplyDeleteSelf reliance is an age old principle,it is nothing new.Emerson wrote an essay on it in 1836-41, Countries like China, India,...practiced it in the late 70th and failed miserably.
In practice no human,a community, a society nor a country can be self reliant. Think global, it's 21st century.
Shame on you are out casted from the continent!
ReplyDeleteWhen you have a slave mentality the best thing is to beg, Mr Abe!!
ReplyDeleteSilly man now when your cries falls on deaf ears you start to WATA, funny tigrya people so much inferiority complex!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Suleman not silly man. don't even know how to spell it correctly. kkkkk
ReplyDeleteSoon there will be a summit to treat leaders with psychological disorders and I am sure the drunkard Esseyas will be invited.
ReplyDeleteOk then let's see how your Ethiopia will do with all this begged money but it's failing miserably already
ReplyDeleteYour one of the dumbest Ethiopian bloggers I've ever seen lol. Obviously a troll
ReplyDeleteYes sure!
ReplyDeleteSo you telling us "self reliance" didnt get china and India anywhere? well read about "the indian green revolution" and guess what they also took your land to harvest more food to the millions more poor indians and....guess what? guest it right! while millions poor ethiopians are starving. I guess thats how you think "global" by giving fertile land almost free for global corporstions, well done mate!
ReplyDeleteMr.Silly man keep your nonesense poems which no one is impressed of. You play it Eritrean when you try hard to sound Eritrean, you play it wedi shire when you call yourself suleman, You are infact called slemariam and you masterate begging on highest rank with your low self-esteem when knocking Eritrean door day in and day out.
ReplyDeleteEmber hamam, I know India, I lived in India, self reliance was abandoned in the late 80 right after the death of Indira Gandhi and a beat earlier after the death of Mao in China because it was a total failure, Specialization, efficiency,resource ..took over,It has nothing to do with dependency,it is more of a Laissez Faire .sadly it is a breakthrough discovery in 21st century Eritrea.Tell me what is Eritrea self sufficient at ? Organ harvesting?
ReplyDeleteLion in mean cuts.
At least Ethiopia is feeding over 100,000 Eritrean refugees three meals a day.
Slave? you mean enslaved by Turkey, Egyptian, Italian.,British....double check you google map.
ReplyDeleteToo low, you not worth it.
ReplyDeleteYou Moron criminal,
ReplyDeleteThere is no private bank called " Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada". Where did you get that information.It is all fake,lies and deceit.
If aid money made someone rich, Ethiopia would be. Self-reliance is the way to freedom from slavery. Slowly but surely!
ReplyDeleteYou mean the 100,000 who are only born in Eritrea and claim to be Eritrean when there father and mother are from Ethiopia. Man shut the FUCK up and throw your trash some where else
ReplyDeleteFUCK you leave our Eritrean website you piece of shit agame go FUCK with your leaders you puppet Idiot
ReplyDeleteSo you admitted that your trolling in a Eritrean website. Ok now go back to your Ethiopia website If you forgot it it's called
ReplyDeleteIf I weren't one of the dumbest ethiopians I wouldn't be here. Because the intelligent ethiopians are busy changing their country. The dumbest ethiopians are either in Erirea ruling the country or anywhere else outside ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteWho do you think is more dumbest ethiopian than Hagos kisha, Yemane monkey, charley and papa issayas. But they are a gift to Eritreans because in a country of blinds one eyed person is a king. I believe they are better than any eritrean.
i think the meanig of self reliance in Eritrea means make z whole people poor and pay to ran from his country.
ReplyDeletekkkk.... do you know what you are writing ''new, united, democratic, progressive, assertive, dynamic and self-reliant...''
ReplyDelete oops!!
ReplyDeletewhy would I need to sound like an eritrean when I can sound myself. If I try to sound like an eritren it would go like this:
ReplyDeleteኣሎራ ኣሎራ ቪቫ ኤረትራ
ብዙሕ ተጣፊእና ሎሚ ቅነ ኣንኮራ
ላኪን ድሃይ የልቦን ዝመፅእ ካብ ስድራ
ማዓሊሽ እንታይ ይገበር ጥራሕ ቦኖ ሴራ
Yonas, don't be half smart, read carefully & fully.
ReplyDeleteBank of Canada is regulatory bank in Canada,it is not privately owned bank,it is government owned institution or a crown corporation 100% share owned by Ministry of finance.You have the link read again and apologize.
Furious or frustraed?
ReplyDeleteRead and enlighten yourself.
Where did the EritreaLion came from?
ReplyDeleteFrom Nigeria (Tekurir) ,Arabia (Rashaida)or Sudan(Beniamir)?
Inewaye atiyo welela
ReplyDeletehamey lbele iju lawzuy lelo qzenam
hdegunati isti sle inatachn maryam
birr kIlish lawzuy lawtuy ilabelkhu
asmera hamashen duway
lay tgraway
ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteAre Ethiopians still eating from the garbage?
What about Meles Chenawi?
ReplyDeleteYou to dumb
ReplyDeleteAbe, self reliance means to mobilize your people, to create a productive people, to be able to feed yourself, to be able to produce instead of import all your needs or wait for a hand out. Above all self reliance menace to not let your country a play ground of NGOs where they come with hidden agenda in changing the culture of well mannered society, to create havoc, import gays and lesbians.....
ReplyDeleteዓወት ንሓፋሽ ዓወት ንሓፋሽ
ReplyDeleteክብል ከምዘይፀንሐ ህግደፍ እዝ ፈሽፋሽ
ንበይኑ ጌሮዎ ፍረታት ናይዓወት
ሓፋሽ ግን ተሪፉ ብዘይ ሓንቲ ንብረት
ዋይ ህዝበይ ዋይ ህዝበይ ንህግደፍ ኣሚንካ
ካብ ቀደም ዝኸፍአ ሎሚ እምበር ጉድ ኮይንካ
ዘይ ደቅና እዮም ዳሓን እናበልካ
ኩሉ ኣወፊኻስ ብባዶ ተሪፍካ
ከምኡ ኣይኮነን ነይሩ ናይ ቀደም ሕልምኻ
ሓራ ንኸትወፅእ ካብቶም ገዛእትኻ
ቀያሕትን ፀለምትን ደቂ ዘወፈኻ
ክትርእይ ዩ ነይሩ ዝሓሸት ኤረትራ
ማዕረ ተሰሊፋ ምስ ካልኦት ሃገራት
አብ ዓለም ክትነብር ታሓልዩ ክብራ
እንተዀነስ ግዳ
ኢዶም ኣይስኣኑ ባዓል ሓጎስ ክሻ
ኤርትራ ብሰንኮም ተሪፋ ጠፊሻ
ደንዲኖሞ ህዝቢ ሓንቲ ከምዘይገብር
ቀደም ከምዘይነበረ ሰራሒ ትኣምር
ሎሚ ግን ደኒኑ ዝበልዎ ይገብር
ጉድ እምበር ሰሚዕና ኣብዚ ሎሚ ቅነ
ኣብ ከባቢ አስመራ እምባደርሆ ዝኾነ
ሓረስቶት ብጅምላ ንኹሎም ኣኪቦም
ጥሪት በዚሕኩም ቀንሱ ኢሎሞም
ክልተ ብዕራይን ሓደ ኣድግን ማለት
እዂል ሃብቲ እዮ ንሓደ ስድራ ቤት
ካብኡ ንላዕሊ ግን ሕንቃቀ ጥራይ ዮ
ዝለዚህ ብግዜ ጥሪትኩም እለዪ
ያኢ ኢሎማቶም ህግደፍ ዘይሓንኩ
መን ግዳስ ከይሓቶም ኩሉ ተምብርኪኹ
ደጊም ተስፋ የለን ካብሰባት ዝኾነ
ኣነውን ክኽይድ ክበኪ ደኒነ
ኣምላኽ እንተሰምዓኒ ክፅልየ ኣነ
ህዝቢ ክሓልፈሉ ካብ ልበይ ኣሚነ
ዓሻ ዳሓን ኣሎ ሓው ዓሻ ከፊእዎ ሎ !!!!!
Abe, or should I say Agame... you are the Moron criminal on this one. Fact, the Central Banks of every nation listed is controlled by the private banking cartels, meaning the Rothschild, the JP Morgans, and other oligarchs control the money printing press of every nation on earth (except Eritrea of course). So they get nations in debt as it is witnessed with the U.S Federal Reserve now-a-days.... in other words...they print and loan you your currency based on the market value ... and yes ... you pay them back at a hefty interest by taxing you own people. Then if you fail to pay your debt... you are forced to give up all your national/state companies, real estates etc... or face sanctions a nut shell THEY OWN YOUR ASS. ..and they are behind this circus show, so much for the "U.S Africa Leaders Summit" ... hahh...... enjoy your "rape date" with the "West"...Bone appetite !!!!
ReplyDeleteAbe, or should I say Agame... you are the Moron criminal on this one. Fact, the Central Banks of every nation listed is controlled by the private banking cartels, meaning the Rothschild, the JP Morgans, and other oligarchs control the money printing press of every nation on earth (except Eritrea of course). So they get nations in debt as it is witnessed with the U.S Federal Reserve now-a-days.... in other words...they print and loan you your currency based on the market value ... and yes ... you pay them back at a hefty interest by taxing you own people. Then if you fail to pay your debt... you are forced to give up all your national/state companies, real estates etc... or face sanctions a nut shell THEY OWN YOUR ASS. ..and they are behind this circus show, so much for the "U.S Africa Leaders Summit" ... hahh...... enjoy your "rape date" with the "West"...Bone appetite !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteConfused criminal/Fedayene,
ReplyDeleteI think you took Economics 101 from from MyNefhi collage.
Printing currency is the work of a printing house not banks, managing the flow of currency is up to the regulatory body, Ministry of finance, in Canada's case through Bank of Canada solely owned(100%) by Ministry of finance.I think you are confusing with sovereign debt/Bond.
Fyi, read the link below courtesy of Yonas;
Confused criminal/Fedayene,
ReplyDeleteI think you took Economics 101 from from MyNefhi collage.
Printing currency is the work of a printing house not banks, managing the flow of currency is up to the regulatory body, Ministry of finance, in Canada's case through Bank of Canada solely owned(100%) by Ministry of finance.I think you are confusing with sovereign debt/Bond.
Fyi, read the link below courtesy of Yonas;
I don't even know why people are responding to your stupid comments. Self reliance is about give and receive, instead of just waiting hand outs like your masters. Do you know your city is infested with 300,000 homeless dwellers, you got nothing to brag about this prostitute filled city
ReplyDeleteYou are childish! እንደ ልጅ የመበሻሽቅ ጨዋታን ተውና, . . .
ReplyDeleteMost of all, you do not know the meaning of self-reliance. It means we will chart our own path to development according to our needs, we are ultimately responsible for ourselves. It means we own our country and our destiny. It also means foreign NGO neither write nor implement their agendas to
be an influential force in our country's policies and politics.
It does not mean we do not want assistance, but it means we will not be enslaved for the sake of assistance. It does not mean we will do everything we need by ourselves, but it means we will learn from others what we need to learn and position ourselves to take opportunities (in trade) that will make us better off whenever they arise.
It does not mean we will not trade nor dose it mean we will not allow foreign companies to work in our country. If that were the case we would not have foreign companies working in Eritrea in the mining and other industries. It means we will not be held captive by companies nor their countries of origin that operate in our country.
I have only told you a few. Learn my neighbor by observing Eritrea. Otherwise, you know what those who give billions say, do this or else, . . . .(the carrot and the whip!). Recent examples, Uganda (for you know what) and the whole of Africa (for the same thing as Uganda) or else no aid and may even overthrow your government and bring one that will do as told. Sounds familiar!
ቁም ነገር ከፈለግህ ይሄ ነው ነገሩ! የልጅ ጫወትህን ተው!
Think again, and again, and again, . . . ., till you get it right!
ReplyDeleteToday's Ethiopia is a gathering of all modern colonisers, corrupted leaders and their slaves, where they stretch their hands to rooten leftovers, garbage eaters, this is today's Ethiopia and many many untold ugly story where the landsmen get deprived fro their ancestors land and are replaced by tegaru, indians, chinese...etc
ReplyDeleteEthiopia is SHAME of Africa.
This stupid Abe is one of those weyane hired paid blogers, he should be blocked from posting any comments in this web.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you mind your own business! We know our leaders are dedicated to Eritrea, nothing changes our respect for them.
ReplyDeleteYour and others' (all Weyanes disguised as Eritreans) effort to point attention to a supposed Tigrayan blood reveals you ultra racist (ጎጠኛ: one who believes in the superiority of members on his own corner of the village above the others in the village) stands. Do you see how much you revealed about yourself? This is a Weyane (the organization) characteristics no different from the apartheid ideology of White South Africa!
We know our leadership is standing in your way. So you are so angry that you want to make them hated by Eritreans. What you will have to admit (secretly of course) is that you believe that you DESERVE to be hated because you are a Tigrayan! Despite what is written here by some it is the mentality such as yours (Weyanes') and those like you that is hated not all persons from Tigray!
In Ethiopia Bank investment for foreign is not allowed so how Rothschild family can own bank in Ethiopia?
ReplyDeleteI have never seen a beggar prosper, self reliance and hard work brings prosperity.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh Abe don't you know all these refugees are funded by the UNHCR.UNHCR pays millions of dollars only for the rent of the land where the camps are found !!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is good improvement, what good is it,if it serves foreigners or well to do citizens only.
ReplyDeletebTsifrna???? LOL aynatkan nay China tsifri iyu seriHuwo wenaniU China iyu.
ReplyDeleteWise guy,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate ur desperate effort in trying rewrite the dictionary meaning for self reliant.Sometimes you confuse it with self esteem ,self sufficient and in most cases with SOVEREIGNTY. It is an empty bravado, Mefefekir that failed to bear any fruit on the ground.I bet North Korea is your rowmodel.
Dedeb,does that include the over 100K warsay and Yikialo?
ReplyDeleteWhy do people name themselves after their deficiencies?
ReplyDeleteThe video i posted is about today not future prediction.Think positive,it is killing you inside.
Tsef chilit,Know yourself first.
ReplyDeleteeritrea is already failed.Do you want to announce this to the world. whom ordinary citizen of the world will come to eritrea let alone the leaders.Do you have hotels ,accomodations.abashawel can afford this. eritrea is already failed donot cheat your people,
ReplyDeleteዓወት ንሓፋሽ __ kkkkkk
ReplyDeleteThe word "Awet Nehafash" makes me laugh.
In fact "self reliance" according to the eritrean context means down-sizing the population by any means until the country is capable enough to feed the rest of its people with its home grown food.
ReplyDeleteHigdef is now actively engaged in getting rid off a large number of people and profiting from smuggling them out at the same time. Some gullible people might think the exodus of eritreans in every direction is taking place only due to inexplicable level of poverty and protracted national service. I wish some body tells them that HIGDEF is actively engaged in the smuggling of the youth as it has been the best source of the much needed hard currency to maintain their luxurious life. By so doing Higdef is meeting two objectives with one stone: while profiteering from the exodus they are also practicing the downsizing project in order to achieve the much coveted "self reliance" as soon as possible
North Korea's Juche Ideology/Self Reliant advocate!!!
ReplyDeleteHIGDEF made Eritrea Isolated and you want to block freedom of expression in the free world too?
rowmodel ????? LOL
ReplyDeletemizanka mflaT blHat.
Agame ...MyNefhi is for you to drown, and Wikipedia is not scholarly reliable source to use as a reference, I guess you Agames do not have libraries much less colleges.... hahh
ReplyDeleteThe "printing press" is a synonym for controlling the distribution of currency and circulation of currency... in other words managing the flow of currency. ...And there is no confusion on my end in regards to foreign debt/bond.
As for the Bank of Canada, Canadian Central Bank is part of the so called "Crown Corporation" ...owned by "The Monarchy"... and this entity has sole responsibility and legal right to prints the currency of the nation at its discretion... Therefore Canada does print its own money through its.. lets say Treasury. This shows that someone somewhere owns CANADA'S ASS.
Agame ...MyNefhi is for you to drown, and Wikipedia is not scholarly reliable source to use as a reference, I guess you Agames do not have libraries much less colleges.... hahh
ReplyDeleteThe "printing press" is a synonym for controlling the distribution of currency and circulation of currency... in other words managing the flow of currency. ...And there is no confusion on my end in regards to foreign debt/bond.
As for the Bank of Canada, Canadian Central Bank is part of the so called "Crown Corporation" ...owned by "The Monarchy"... and this entity has sole responsibility and legal right to prints the currency of the nation at its discretion... Therefore Canada does print its own money through its.. lets say Treasury. This shows that someone somewhere owns CANADA'S ASS !!!!
Fedayeen, perhaps Amiche?
ReplyDelete1-May Nefihi is a collage in Eritrea/E.I.T.
2-Printing currency is different from regulating
3-In Canada, government owned is synonymous with crown corporation.
Fyi, The Queen of England is the nominal head of state of Canada.Ministry of finance regulates printing and flow of currency.
That is what it means for you. The dictionary meaning? Whose dictionary meaning? Desperate? To make you believe what it means? Nah, you give too much importance to yourself. Who are you?
ReplyDeleteSelf esteem, self sufficient and SOVEREIGNTY do have to do with self reliance. They are elements of self reliance but there is more to self reliance than only those three. Practically speaking, self reliance means not counting on international aid to do what we need to do. That principle has enabled us to starts schools under a tree without blackboard, books, desks,....Bet Timhirti Zero. Hospitals and clinics were started without all the necessary instruments and personnel--doctors and nurses trained their assistants, the instruments were obtained in bits and pieces. You want more, except in the beginning, the weapons used were captured from the enemy! If self-reliance was not a principle in use, our fighters would have given up a long time ago and we would not have been an independent country. Coming to think of it, if you have an issue with self reliant, then you would have the same problem with independence, as with an "independent" country.
Is your country independent? Your lack of self-reliance has made your country do all sort of unacceptable things, like being an instrument to the interests of another country, being a play ground for various immoral behaviors, . . . in exchange of money.
I have told you what it means for us. That is the difference between you Weyanes and Eritreans. We set our own goals, standards, and meanings! If you do not want to accept it, that is your business, but it does not change what it means to us.
In any case, this is none of your business. It is about Eritrea, watch and learn.
Kurkur seems to be very happy just because one habesha man said "rowmodel" instead of "role model". kkkkk
ReplyDeleteKurkur : only individuals like you and Higdef are faultless and infallible. You don't know what it is like to make mistake as your old bravado goes "Yikaloooooooo kulu DiKalooooooooo". The rest of us are however very fallible. Besides english is not our "moma" language.
Ede! You're right... you're used to receiving free lunch...then in your world, it's impossible to work hard and stand on your own feet by yourself....ember EDE...please change your name to EDE
ReplyDeleteof course....what else they can do? Specially that now we've WEYANE on power. INTAMA
ReplyDeleteAfe cholie...yirdaakha.
ReplyDeleteIt was not long ago you attacked Hillal for a minor typo; but wisdom comes with experience and its good that you are forgiving.
ReplyDeleteAnta nefat agame. sekit belae qumal kkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteAbay tigray yele Abay agame belae guhaf kkkk
SayTerut abet. What are you guys doing here by the way?
ReplyDeleteNo self respect?? LOL
You should learn because it is your master's "Popa" language LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat you see today won't be there tomorrow :)
ReplyDeleteTime changes.
Selamat Kirkir;
ReplyDeleteI told you a swarm of dadebit flies hovering over madot. Don't hesitate to use your fly swatter. One fly swatter can kill up to fifty dedebit flies in a split second.
Gasha : እንታይ ዳኣ ሃለውለውን ኣጀውጀውን ኣብዚህኻ? ኣሪግካ ዲኻ?? or do you want me to put this in poem too?
ReplyDeleteOK then, here we go:
ዳሓን ዶ ኣይነበርካን ዓሚ ቅድሚ ዓሚ
ኣጀውጀው ኣብዚሕካ እንታይ ተረኽበ ሎሚ
ኣነ ኣይተንክፍኩኻን ኣይፈልጠካን ከማን
ጎጠኛ ትብለኒ ብናይምንታይ ሚዛን
ጥዑይ ዲኻ ሕሙም እትፃረፍ ነጢርካ
ኣብዘይምልከተካ ክንዲ ኢሱ ኮይንካ
ኢሱ እንተድልዩ ዘይምልሽ ባዕሉ
እቲ ዕሉል ሽፍታ ኣምበል ጓሓላሉ
ተፃረፍ ዝብለካ ንኣኻ ሰዲዱ
ነጊሱ ከብቅዕ ንሱ ኣብዘይ ዓዱ
ቁሩብ ዘይትሓንኽ ዘይስወጠካ
ክትጻረፍ ትውዕል ከክንዱኡ ኮይንካ
ግደ ሓቂ
ንስኻ ክትነግስ ምተገባኣካ
ናቱ ኣይኮነትን ኤርትራ ያ ናትካ
ግን የእምሮ የለን ኣይተረዳኣክን
ኣብትሕቲ መግዛእቲ ምዃንካ ኣይፈለጥካን
በል ጋሻ ሓወይ ምሕረት የውርደልካ
ከም ለባም ክትሓስብ ኣጀውጀው ገዲፍካ!!
Dude... no one is arguing with printing and regulating. However, you're missing the point, as I have mentioned earlier, someone somewhere owns Cannada's ass as well as Britain's ass. The Queen is part of the establishment of course but the Bank of England and its subjects has been owned by the Rothschild and their cronies ever since the Napoleonic Wars. They financed its wars, bankrupted and owned Britain and have raped it like a cheap whore since. hahh... i guess god forgot to "save the Queen's ass" on this one.
ReplyDeleteBy the way Agame.... I know where MyNefhi is, it is also known as the pool where Agame/Amhara corpuses floated back in 91. You talking to 100% Eritrean here.
100% Eritrean?
ReplyDeleteI think you are obsessed with conspiracy theories.
"ጎጠኛ ትብለኒ ብናይምንታይ ሚዛን" Read again, this time carefully. If you want more, think about it you may understand it in due course.
ReplyDeleteHow about Meles Zenawi? Eritrean or Tigrayan/Ethiopian? Bereket Simon? Tedros something (your Foreign Minister)?
Once again, here is my reply:
Why don't you mind your own business! We know our leaders are dedicated to Eritrea, nothing changes our respect for them.
Your and others' (all Weyanes disguised as Eritreans) effort to point attention to a supposed Tigrayan blood reveals you ultra racist (ጎጠኛ:
one who believes in the superiority of members on his own corner of the village above the others in the village) stands. Do you see how much you
revealed about yourself? This is a Weyane (the organization) characteristics no different from the apartheid ideology of White South Africa!
We know our leadership is standing in your way. So you are so angry that you want to make them hated by Eritreans. You and your lackeys are calling them Tigrayan. What you will have to admit (secretly of course) is that you believe that you DESERVE to be hated because you are a Tigrayan! Despite what is written here by
some it is the mentality such as yours (Weyanes') and those like you that is hated not all persons from Tigray!
ዓጀውጀው እንተደሊኻ ጽሑፍካ ኣንብቦ!
For the likes of you Idiots, It is all about Addis abeba and Mekele. What about the majority of forgotten Ethiopians, who are protesting left and right. Have you seen the clip about your information minster getting chased by the oppressed Ethiopians at the shopping mall in DC? lamai wedi lementi, yirdaka
ReplyDeleteFrom Nakfa, your nightmare.
ReplyDeleteIndeed you have shown the world how confused you people are.... Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteYour comment shows how you think in short term: in India's case the
ReplyDeletereason why the 3 stage of development become successful is due to the
closed economical model they first had, the same case for Japan (in fact
still is closed) the same case for china (china is a member of the SC,
nuke, self sufficient in some sector, the independent culture .......
due to the model implemented by Moe) and stull pretty much closed.
Furthermore in all the cases they only developed their unique self
reliance model to its natural next stage (the same as after you finish
your education then you go on to compete in the job market – sometime
you’ll win / lose all but in most cases you need to make partnerships /
compromise) …things don’t just happen, you’ve to make them happen by
walking on the right path, building all the necessary bases, development
is not manna from haven, it requires sacrifices, hard work, unity and
working & speaking as one obviously something it seems Ethiopians
are allergic to.
That's damn right fucker, 100% Eritrean I am. .....and you're confusing facts with fiction, ..not surprised there...after all.. you're Agame/Amhara. get lost. Get the hell out of this 100% Eritrean website.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Hillal. In response to your call for African minds to come together with proposals for
ReplyDeletea better Africa , I would like to propose that African governments begin to demand equitable percentile ratios
from foreign companies such as Nevsun, Sunridge and Andiamo for our resources.
Not only because I'm still enraged by the 60-40 pro-Nevsun deal but because ONLY by DEMANDING more equitable deals
for our resources can we ensure that our peoples' economic rights are protected...
My argument being that if the resources are 100% mine while they are still in the ground why
do they suddenly become only 40% mine when they are out of it? ;-)
Please don't delete my comment TesfaNews, I'll be as good as gold. No insults today. I promise.
ReplyDeleteThat was all prior da COUP and now belongs in da pre-DEMHIT era, since then a lot has happened eg
ReplyDeleteMatthew McClearn and so we Eritreans have become v wary
of his self-professed LORDSHIP Ato Nessu.
Yeah and then Nessu discovered DOHA.
Yo Abe! The production of Chew;
ReplyDeletemaking babies; I single-handedly gave birth to Aesop, Pushkin, Grace Mahary, Zewdi Araya, LORENZO
CYCLISTS AND ATHLETES as well as few other
cosmically conscious Afrocentric concepts (to name but a few of my self-sufficing feats)..