I Wonder Why Vladimir Putin is not acting decisively!!
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Russian President Vladimir Putin |
I Wonder Why Vladimir Putin is not acting decisively!!
Drs. Tsegezab Gebregergis, London, July 10, 2014
The fascist forces led by Porochenko in Kiev, fully supported by US-imperialism, their European junior partners and NATO, the aggressive military block, are on the offensive killing women, children, and the elderly, and destroying and blowing up the country’s infrastructures (roads, bridges, railway lines, and similar public works that are invaluable to the country’s economy); piece by piece they are tearing everything down using heavy weapons and artillery. Even churches and hospitals have become targets for Kiev’s fascist forces.
Eastern Ukraine presently resembles an area hit and destroyed by a powerful earthquake, and completely unsuitable for regular living. The scenario one is able to see whenever one turns on the TV is awful, ugly and sickening. The same is true of the genocidal war being waged by the Zionist state of Israel against the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza.
The fact that such horrific/inhumane and brutal fascist and Zionist attacks are regularly taking place against the ethnic Russians in Ukraine the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza in the 21st century is a great shame to all civilised human beings. I wonder why the world in general, and in particular President Putin – as the courageous man of destiny he supposedly is, is not taking a courageous act to save the ethnic Russians under siege in eastern Ukraine and telling the imperialists and their local fascist allies led by Porochenko that enough is enough.
The people of the world must also rise in protest and sharply oppose the unjust war, and must act to help put an immediate stop to the massacre of the innocent people in both Ukraine and in Gaza!
I Wonder Why Vladimir Putin is not acting decisively!!
Reviewed by Admin
8:28 AM

Herr we go, our so called intellectuals choose to defend Russian in Ukraine that our people suffering in hand of the Tegaru mafia group in Asmara. Dr. forget Russian in Ukraine they have a powerful country who represent them. What about Eritreans brother / sisters dying around the world without a government to.speak up for them. In his own word s the dictator himself Tod us he doesn't care if eritreans are fleeing in the country. So please don't try to direct our attension to something which doesn't concern us when we at the same time have emergency situtation with our country.
ReplyDeleteHow is this nonsense relevant for Eritrea, Eritreans or Africa.
ReplyDeleteWe should mind our own business.
By the way, you would quickly understand that there is no difference between Russia and Ukrain when it comes to Africans, if you were to walk in their capital cities.
I agree with the Doctor's concern. One would think that Vladimir would take some positive action in defence of the ethnic Rusian "Ukranians" who have made it clear thaey have nothing to do with the neo fascists that are running Ukraine with the open support of the west. But, I guess, there must be some economic interest the Rusiian leader sees in the west and apparently he may not be ready to lose that. When you think of it, it is no different than the unprincipled Chinese position when it comes to Eritrea. When the UN vote for sanction came about, they could have vetoed it. But they opted instead to do to the meaningless abstantion. Remember abstaining is not much different than voting "Yes". It just is a meaningless action like a double talk.
ReplyDeleteWhy Putin is not acting decisively? Because he is living in civilized society that elected him to act in civilized way which is very deferent far from your dictator that all ways run for his gun.
ReplyDeleteHGDF and its baboons possess foolish outdated political mindset. Because of this incurable malady, they have the proclivity to alley themselves with rather shameful tyrants and dictators hopping to get their supports. If you observe the actions the blood drenched tyrant (AKA Wedi Berad) has taken all those years, you can come to term that the country is controlled by a psychopath maniac with excessive ego. This cruel maniac considers himself as more Eritrean than the rest and the people have to accept and obey his demands. Because he is selfish and sick on the head, he does not care if the country and its people vanish. The beginning to the end of the suffering of the people of Eritrea is the Gaddafi style swift, unceremonious end of the bastard Wedi Berad.
ReplyDeleteThe baboon followers of HGDF have he habit of inserting their every fingers into any hole they see. Why do we care to talk about Putin, Russia, Ukraine or any thing else while Eritreans are dying en mass?
IBIN BATTUTA YOUr response does not make sense. If you were asked why and what comes first, you will have to think seriously. Hamas. Hamas mantra is a cover up. The crux of the matter is isreal is bully cruel, nation just want to eliminate the Palestinians. The Palestinians Hamas, Arafat or Farah are fighting for their survival. Their land occupied bt Jewish, their lives shuttered, their lively hoods uprooted, what do you want them to do. The only thing is fight for their rights to live in the land of their ancestors.
ReplyDeleteWhat would you do if your land is occupied, your life isdestroyed? I am sure you will fight. So what is wrong Hamas fighting for the rights of the people of Palestine? The Jewish are hypocrites. The tell us Israel fighting for its survival, but call others terrorists. I hope one day god will give you the highest punishment. That is what I will hope. According to the bible god was angry at the people of Israel and punished them for their cruelty. 2000/
Palestinian blood will not go in vain. I am not an Arab, but I saw the cruelty of Israel and it deserves a hurish punishment from god
Sears you are not talking about an issue. You walk individually on their streets, you are one. No one is talking about one single person. Dr is talking about big issue. the destruction of a big ethnic Russian origin Ukrainians, the war in Gaza. Here is discussing about worded politics and western interests, who do not care about destruction of a whole country, nation, . Your talk about simple one person. You do not make sense . Why do you divert topic?
ReplyDeleteI would like to remind you to change your attitude. Are you really living in this continent or elsewhere?
ReplyDeleteDo you mean that Palestinians need not to defend themselves?
Are you enjoying to see the brutality massacre of women, children, men and elderly in Gaza?
Are they not human beings?
It is happening the same situation in Ukraine. War against innocent people.
Please let us comment positively for the sake of victims. Because the victims are innocent people, not done crime or been guilty.
Guest, did you come to Eritrean zone by passport. A game. Gun what do Ethiopians understand other than gun? Haileselasie came with guns, mengestu comes with guns, woyane came with guns to Eritrea. Eritrea never went to Ethiopia with guns or without guns. Yoyo know that. When you come to Eritrea with guns to kill us what do you expect us to do lick your feet and ask for mercy. This foolish say by Ethiopians"Shaebia runs for a gun" we heard it many times. An this is what we tell woyanes. If you are proud of your guns and come to Eritrea to kill us, yes we wait for you with what you love. You love guns and we give you guns.
ReplyDeleteThe woyane, Haile selassie, mengestu akake zeraf is love of gun. In Eritrea we do not say that. You love guns that is what you say akake zeraf. And ahawbia gives you what you like. And swallow it. You cannot be two things at what time. If you love peace, come to us without guns and we will give you food and water and agoza for you to sleep. If you come with gun that is what you choosedand that is what you deserve. It is upto you. If you stay in your country, whether shaebia run for its guns or not will not reach in tigray. The noble thing about Eritrea is, we never crossed mereb,setitor any other border point to enter Ethiopia. Unlike you you invaded our country by haileselasiie and again by Woyane. Border crossed, international law violated by Ethiopia.stay there. We are unlucky to have a neighbour called Ethiopia. Stay away fromus . We are happy the way we are.there is peace and order in my country.
Don't try to divert issues! Read the article first. It has nothing to do with HGDF or Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteqondaf mafia woyane! Yes! you are right your country Ethiopia is in an emergency situation. Why need to cry in Eritrean website for help? Help yourself!
ReplyDeleteI got it; that exact line is taken out of the outdated HGDF narration and you are affirming it here. You better zip tight your filthy mouth so that you can spare us from the grimy ooze it leaks. No matter how hard you feign, you cannot
help to spare the barbaric tyrant (your god) from following Gadhafi.
ReplyDeletesuch irrelevant issues are deliberately created to divert Eritreans from the main, timely issues. Why do we care to waste time about what goes in Russia, Crimea or Ukraine, while Eritreans are dying en mass? Who cares what Putin does and why, while 10 of our youths some of recent graduate of SAWA are massacre by HGDF while trying to flee Eritrea? Why do not you report the 12 young armed Eritreans soldiers who gave their hands to the Yemen officials, or the scores of Eritreans that have vanished in the sea?
We know the barbaric tyrant has habit of diversion by concocting and spreading irrelevant innuendoes, and this childish article is good example. If there is fascist in today’s world, Wedi Medhin Berad and its cyber baboons are the ones.
Your question begs another question. What do you mean by act decisively? Go and defend the separatists and/or defend Gaza from Israel which are two different scenarios politically.
ReplyDeleteI can agree with you about the cruelty of Israel on the Palestinian people in the name of "we are hunting down Hamas" but I am not still able to connect what Putin has got to do with this situation unless and other wise you are asking Putin to show his muscles which he doesn't have.
It is almost obviously that Russia doesn't have a muscle to show up as it did some 30 years ago. The new Russia is China and China's interest is heavily dependent in US than in Russia. China wants to be the new US, and the way they chose to be that is very different from so many others and that is not a secret, it is by way of deception not aggression. You might think , when Putin bluffs, he is some untouchable dude; but he is, in fact, he is way beyond that, he is easily manipulatable person and the West will play him like a full for he has exposed himself this deep.
When they don't touch you, you don't have think that you are untouchable, because, when they touch you might end up knowing that you are as light as a bubble. A perfect example for this is the dictator in power in Eritrea in the 1998 situation with the Weyane regime of Ethiopia.
This is my opinion as yours is Drs. Tsegazeab, for you have not supported your argument with sources.
BTW, what does the Drs stands for? May be multiple doctoral degrees? I thought, may be, you are pluralizing the Dr. Lol
Bitch shut the FUCK up nothing to do with shabia this was from July 10 now continue to pleasure your masters in Ethiopia or in middle east working as a s*x slave cause I exactly know that your Ethiopia you prostitute mother F*CKING Bitch
ReplyDeleteOur land Badme is in Woyanes hand, in that case why don't we go to war and retake it??? Putin is a master chess player. He calculates his move using his brain.
ReplyDeletelool wow was that an under hand compliment to PAI?
ReplyDeletei do not understand what you mean by "decisively", if i understand you it means giving in to what they want, which is war, i'm sorry but i hope Putin continues to be wise and really understand what the snakes are drumming for WWIII, and never forget why they never destroyed NATO rather they enlarged it. In short Putin does not really have much option, the great bear slept for too long and no longer have enough muscle to go against an economy that is powered by war.
ReplyDeleteAsking why Putin is not decisive?
ReplyDeleteWell my dear, please wait until winter settles down. For now, he's boycotting agricultural goods from EU & US, denying them air space thru Siberia to Asia, thus EU commercial planes will waste fuel by taking a longer rout.
Did I mention winter? Yes, Putin's brutal plan is yet to come. He will shut down oil and gas pipes-lines to Ukraine, Poland and the entire EU states. this coming winter. He's going to freeze they're asses and nuts. He has done it in the past and it worked. He's going to drive energy demand and prices high. ...and soon he'll let the pipe-lines flow East... to China that is. He will freeze and starve EU to death... literally.... it won't be a jolly Christmas in EU this year .... and "Santa" is not gonna save their ass... ho ho ho .... "Mary Christmas" from Russia.
What do you do for a living? Can't imagine a drop of grey matter in the brain commanding this foul mouth.
ReplyDeleteHayat my a$$ she's shewit 1 an agame cadre don't get surprised if talk about Eritrea regardless the topic.
ReplyDeleteRubbish reader you and your prostitute slave should get out of this Eritrean website go and try to offer her on agames websites
ReplyDeleteLately being signed in Fortaleza the 15th of july an Agreement on the New Development Bank – among: The Governments of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, collectively the BRICS countries. This is a new Era to our world, i'm sure will balance the old imperial way of dominion on earth in many sectors.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Drs. Tsegezab this will come to help globally all of us. For detail look:
Ayda shekkor don't waste your precious time to convince this irrational troll, don't see that are convinced that Libya is better now than during Gedafi era, don't be surprised even if will add that Saddam Hussein had mass destruction weapon and was good to eliminated him, then definitely will say us that they get to somalia for the sake of somalis, while we know perfectly the did that cos they are servants of servant and someone told them to do so..
ReplyDeleteYour a$$ or mouth is yours and yours alone; you can use it in any way you think fit. Everything the HGDF baboons write is predisposed with some form of woes. The subject is about Eritrea and I am addressing it. As always when the timely issue is about life and death in real time, HGDF unenlightened cadres come up with their usual monotonous diatribes to divert our attention for what is real and just. In just this week alone many Eritreans have lost their lives while fleeing the very country they love. As land in the absence of people is meaningless,what is your say on this quagmire? All the rest is irrelevant.
China, & Russia are just as "imperial" as the "west" remember Tibet? anyway smaller nations should just stay out of it or you'll end up like Ukraine
ReplyDelete"So what is wrong Hamas fighting for the rights of the people of Palestine? The Jewish are hypocrites."
ReplyDeletewow your dumb
This is foolish, at best, and down right dangerous at worst. Ukraine is an independent country and has every right to defend it's national sovereignty against forces that want to break it up. How would you feel if Ethiopian wanted to invade Eritrea to help ethnic "Ethiopians".
ReplyDeleteWhat case does Ethiopia have you may ask, cause they said so. That's all it takes according to this stupid logic, this "doctor" is presenting.
This myopic view on global politics is down right dangerous to every one who boarders an aggressive country. This 'Dr." should stop speaking on issues he has no idea about.
What an idoit
Similar to most of the HGDF baboons, you must have been created out of rotten egg. In that case, society blame the very woman who carried you to full term instead of aborting at trimester. Please excuse the bum head HGDF puppy for narrating his life story.
ReplyDeleteThis is real news Eritreans want to know, not what Putin may or may not do.
ReplyDeleteSudan tribune: Eritrean border guards shoot dead 10 civilians trying to flee
By assenna on August 23, 2014
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
August 22, 2014 (SHIRE, ETHIOPIA) – Eritrean border guards have allegedly shot dead 10 Eritreans citizens as they attempted to cross in to Ethiopia, a recent escapee told Sudan Tribuneon Friday.
Samuel Gedion said he was among a group of 18 Eritreans who were trying to flee to Ethiopia two weeks ago.
“Ten of them were killed, while three of us made it to Ethiopia. I am not sure on the fate of the remaining five,” he said.
He said border guards had opened fired on the group without any prior warning.
One of those reportedly killed was a young woman who had recently finished 18 months of military service.
Eritrea has a long-standing shoot-to-kill policy against those who attempt to flee the repressive nation, dubbed the North Korea of Africa.
Eritrean opposition groups in Addis Ababa told Sudan Tribune that hundreds of young Eritreans have been killed by border guards in the past two years alone.
The regime in Asmara considers citizens who attempt to flee as traitors. Those who are caught are often subject to indefinite prison terms and serious human rights abuses.
Many others are also punished by death, particularly if they are believed to have links to exiled Eritrean opposition groups.
Many young people, however, are still prepared to take the risk, fleeing to neighbouring countries in protest against indefinite military service, serious human rights abuses and bad governance.
Last week, the A report released last week by the International Crisis Group (ICG) entitled Eritrea: Ending the Exodus? calls on the Eritrean government to implement the long-delayed 1997 constitution
The group underscored the need to address the country’s growing internal crisis which is behind the ongoing exodus, as well as calling for greater engagement with Eritrea – potentially ending a decade of isolation that has been both self-imposed and externally generated.
It urged the leadership in Eritrea to work towards gradual demobilisation of the military and undertake a restructure of the country’s economy in order to create wider job opportunities.
“The youth exodus from Eritrea is symptomatic of social malaise and growing disaffection with the Asmara regime,” said Cedric Barnes, the think tank’s director for the Horn of Africa.
“The state’s demand for the sacrifice of individual ambition to the greater good of the Eritrean nation – resigning oneself to, in effect, indefinite national service – causes more and more Eritreans to leave the country, even if that means risking their lives,” adds Barnes.
He called on Eritrea’s government to end the policy of indefinite national service and to work with international partners to build an economy that will create jobs for its citizens.
The secretive Red Sea nation currently has up to ten thousand political prisoners languishing in the country’s secret detention facilities, including in underground prisons and shipping containers.
Your Ethiopian and we know it don't talk shit about shabia in Eritrean website
ReplyDeleteThis is foolish, at best, and down right dangerous at worst. Ukraine is an independent country and has every right to defend it's national sovereignty against forces that want to break it up. How would you feel if Ethiopian wanted to invade Eritrea to help ethnic "Ethiopians".
ReplyDeleteWhat case does Ethiopia have you may ask, cause they said so. That's all it takes according to this stupid logic, this "doctor" is presenting.
This myopic view on global politics is down right dangerous to every one who boarders an aggressive country. This 'Dr." should stop speaking on issues he has no idea about.
What an idoi
Official: Russian forces back rebels with tanks in eastern Ukraine
ReplyDeleteBy Victoria Butenko, Laura Smith-Spark and Diana Magnay, CNN
August 28, 2014 -- Updated 1010 GMT (1810 HKT)
As America is governed behind the seen by corporation, Russia is also governed by oligarch. Therefore corruption at the top, starting from Putin is rampant. Recently I learned Vladimir putin has a net worth of $70 Billion which is obviously stolen from the people. Check here
It won't be a rocket science to figure out where this huge chunk of money is kept. Obviously no where but in various Western Banks & financial institutions. It is quite obvious when leader stole money & stashed it away in western bank, that very moment has also committed himself to be a subservient of the West. Yes, no matter how big, respected & feared leader he or other might have thought to be, yet in the eye of the Western Empire he is nothing but puppet who wittingly made available himself to simply serve the West at their will, without any resistance. The money he kept in Western cities made him completely inept to do anything as a leader of a great nation with nuclear power. He knows full well his money will freezed the very moment he tried to act in his own aspiration. What amuse me most is that he is calling his abuser partner. Remember the only one leader we have in the days and age of our time is Indisputable champion of his people his excellency Isayas Afeworki of Eritrea
It won't be a rocket science to figure out where this huge of money is kept. Obviously no where but in various Western Banks & financial institutions. It is quite obvious when leader stole money & stashed it away in western bank, that very moment has also committed himself to be a subservient of the West. Yes, no matter how big, respected & feared leader he or other might have thought to be, yet in the eye of the Western Empire he is nothing but puppet who wittingly made available himself to simply serve the West at their will, without any resistance. The money he kept in Western cities made him completely inept to do anything as a leader of a great nation with nuclear power. He knows full well his money will freezed the very moment he tried to act in his own aspiration. What amuse me most is that he is calling his abuser partner. Remember the only one leader we have in these days and age of our time who has no money in the western bank is the Indisputable champion of his people His excellency Isayas Afeworki of Eritrea
You are afraid that Eritrea is going to do the same as Russia to your woyaneland, boycotting every woyane business outside the country and denying airspace to all flights through Eritrea. I feel your pain Hayati :)
ReplyDeleteWe all know that this is fake woyane story. All who perish at the sea are those from Tgray Refugee Camps. The world media are there to interrogate the refugees and they all explain that they face hardship in Ethiopia and Israel and that they regret their actions to flee the homeland. Many lives still to perish inside Ethiopian camps, Libya and Israel. The worst part of the story is these refugees are not welcomed to Europe because of Ebola, the Europeans fearing of the spread of this killing deasease, those who start from Libya now are not going to make it to Europe safely. Warn all who are ready to make their way to europe because bringing home the mixture of all kinds of Africans in one boat is scary but sad. Most of those who call themselves Eritreans are also from tgray region in Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteMr Ahya,
ReplyDeleteHow much is woyane paying you for the above garbage you just posted?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I love you bro ..... at least once a year! Kikikiki ....
Mr/Mrs Belt,
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's a good idea to do our part, such as "googling" things we do not know before opening our mouth.
Doctorandus (abbreviated Drs) is a Dutch academic title according to the pre-Bachelor–Master system. The title is acquired by passing the doctoraalexamen, traditionally a matriculation exam for admission to study at doctoral level. In most cases this concludes university study, but occasionally students will continue to do research under the supervision of a professor, which eventually allows them to obtain the title of doctor.
According to Dutch legislation, the Dutch doctorandus (Drs) degree is equivalent to the MA or MSc degree in English speaking countries, with the difference that the coursework and comprehensive exams for a doctorate are included in the academic study. After being graduated to Drs, the candidate can start with PhD-level research and writing the dissertation without any further exams. A colloquial term for such degree would be all but dissertation.
The abbreviation is Drs. This means that Dutch graduates who received the doctorandus title may sign as Drs. After the Bologna process, the title doctorandus has been replaced by the degrees MA and MSc, and those who receive such Dutch degrees may choose: they may use MA/MSc behind their name, or continue to use Drs, Mr, or Ir, reflecting the field in which they graduated.
ReplyDeleteYirdeEka detekob yelbon
i know as people are saying, as the Winter Soldier he could and will use winter for his advantage but the truth is its effect will be minimal, by looking into the past he has already used it a number of times and although the first time it even harmed western europe, the 2nd 3rd... times effect however decreased as they started to increase their reserves and looking at other place to buy as a back up, so yes it might effect the old easter block countries.... in the case of Ukraine it will not be as effective as he would like it to be as in most case the west will help on the bases of 'winning hearts'....