Eritrean Foreign Minister Meets Russian Deputy FM in Moscow
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Foreign Minister Osman Saleh in Russia (Credit: EPA/SERGEI CHIRIKOV) |
Eritrean Foreign Minister Meets Russian Deputy FM in Moscow
Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov in Moscow, a government official said.
In the course of the meeting, Minister Osman delivered a letter from President Isaias Afwerki and discussed bilateral cooperation and regional developments.
"We're not lovers of Cold War, but the past 25 unipolar years of wars, crisis, turmoil cry for change" Said President Isaias, in the letter delivered to the Russian President.
The visit marks the second time a high-level Eritrean delegation has visited the Russian Federation this year, with the previous one coming last February.
During that meeting, the sides discussed ways to enhance Russia-Eritrea trade and economic cooperation and matters of creating favorable conditions in Eritrea for the investment activities of Russian business organizations.
Eritrean Foreign Minister Meets Russian Deputy FM in Moscow
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1:33 PM

He went to buy Vodka because whisky is not working with PFDJ gangs
ReplyDeleteAye higdef!!! They are trying to look like there is a government in Eritrea. What we have a mafia group numbered between 30 to 40, who rule by fear, lies and propaganda. This trip may be good for TV Ere Screen, but it will not bring any change to the people of Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteIndeed Tesfu. By the way have you noticed you don't see any new faces in the Eritrean political leadership? Who are the up and young leaders of Eritre?
ReplyDeleteCurrent leaders starting with DIA are old and all they get is shuffled to different positions.
The two comments below doesn't make sense. The government is doing their best to safeguard the country and change the standard of living. Do you know a lot of those who now in administration post right now were well educated in their time and some even have masters and PhD in the west. I am not denying things are not as we expected and as all people sucrified including them. They are victums of the situation like all Eritrean. Ofcource we need some administration change, because they need rest and break. We saw all those heroes that passed away recently without one second rest. So please my brothers and sisters lets comment appropratelly. Thank you
ReplyDelete"We're not lovers of Cold War.." hah... well said PIA. Yes Russia, we're not lovers or honeymooners, in-fact you Ruskis have blood on your hands... but it's tough times now and we need each other in some kind of sick geopolitic way, marriage of convenience. We have common enemies, Rothschild Zionist bankers and Uncle Sam, and it's time to kick ass.
ReplyDeleteYou are right hadera, many have Masters and PhDs.
ReplyDeleteHagos Kisha got PHD in embezzlement
Teklai Manjus got Masters in smuggling people
Teklai Habteslus got Masters in making young girls pregnant
Instead learning how to become a future leader,you chose to run away to be servants and slave of the west.
ReplyDeleteTell them Meaza, All Hademti crying from their comfort. Sad indeed.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing Eritrea needs from Russia is political maturity. If Russia was politically mature, we wouldn´t be sanctioned today and our border would probably be already demarcated by now. I´m not for military alliance with anyone. Let them sort out their differences themselves. What we need is for Russia to do the right thing when it comes to us. Russia must see our innocence, in regional issues, and act accordingly.
ReplyDeleteYes John i agree surely..
ReplyDeleteForeign Minister delivers President Isaias Afwerki’s message to Russian leader
ReplyDeleteAsmara, 03 June 2014 – Foreign Minister Osman Saleh met Mr. Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, yesterday and delivered President Isaias Afwerki’s message to President Vladimir Putin.
In the message, President Isaias pointed out that although Eritrea is not a supporter of the cold war, the fact that the past 25 years witnessed a uni-polar world, wars, continued crises and deep sufferings attests to the need for a global change which is more characterized by equal participation.
In the course of the meeting, both sides exchanged views as regards implementation of previously reached agreements of partnership, especially in the domains of investment, trade, education and mainly mining, in addition to regional affairs.
On arrival in Moscow city on May 31, the Eritrean delegation headed by Mr. Osman Saleh and that includes the Head of Political Affairs at the PFDJ, Mr. Yemane Gebreab, is continuing the visit.
the only reason should be for begging same military equipment since now a day Eritrean culture is change to begging by the name of self reliance
ReplyDeleteTo be honest with you I am not sure what the Eritrean government is doing is well thought that will serve in the best interest of Eritrea. As far as I am concern it's more of taking a shot at America (Des Keyibilom).
Heck via their pilots and jets didn't the Russians bomb us and kill us during the degu days?
Heck via their pilots and jets didn't the Russians bomb us and kill us during the weyane war?
Heck via their vote didn't the Russians sanction?
All the sadden diplomacy these and diplomacy that. Going EAST is not the way forward for the country.
Those you mention bright and intellectuals are at home building and protecting the country for this and future generation to fallow. It is the law of the land let alone murdering,because you happen to have different opinion,Eritrea does not even have capital punishment for those who commit major crimes. Yes we have one size fits all law,who do you think you are to be treated different than all the other nine Beher, No one gives Eritrea some thing for nothing we buy it .We Eritreans believe in self reliance,unlike you, you can't even make your own bed ,but you run away to sleep on made up bed elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your argument and respectfully disagree with your opinion.
Without generalizing who are you referring to bright and intellectuals? All the service man and woman? They are held at guy point, even if they want leave they can't.
Look at pilot Dejen, you don't think that is a loss for the country?
Look at Michael Adonai, you don't think that is a loss for the country?
As to the law, Eritrea just puts people in jail with out the due process heck that is worst than capital punishment of it self.
To one size fits all, I or any other Eritrea don't expect to be treated differently we just want to be treated accordingly, to the law. Unfortunately we don't have a law in the country.
Self reliance, I can't believe it you and the rest of the regime supporters believe to the hype of self reliance. As people, countries, regions and as people of the planet we are meant to depend on each other.
For your own information, let's be fair, you don't know me and I don't know you. But one thing is for sure I was on the front line for my country, Eritrea, in time of needs. Let a lone making my own bed, I was ready to give up my life.
Part of your obligation as a citizen of a country is to vote and know the basics of your government how it functions. Do you know the vice president of Eritrea? Do you know the budget of Eritrea?
Have a good day Meaza. Where ever you are I wish nothing but success?
Let it be ZCruise,
ReplyDeleteWe do not buy your failed accusation nomore!
All eviils tried but failed. Eritreans are not for sale !
""As people, countries, regions and as people of the planet we are meant to depend on each other.""
ReplyDeleteYou said it as it is, you lawless Woyane. But Eritrea is not ready for cooperation. Leave us alone !
ReplyDeleteBejaka meharena.
Natika giber ember anes tsuruy eretrawi eye...
The people of Eritrea depend on their government and the government of Eritrea depend on it's people. Yes, once gain, we are meant to depend on each other.
They"ll NEVER make sense as they were not intended to. They are infact posted by the same demented author talking to himself as that's the only way he"ll get the satisfaction of an agreement with his twisted ways! His latest blabber include dejen this pilot that EVERYWHERE. He is non other than lubu-twiyway hankas AGAME!!!
ReplyDeletei hope the goverm of eritrea allow the russians to explore the massive oil and gas that we have in our land to solve the provelems. all we need is money
ReplyDeletewe need money.
ReplyDeleteYou are a wolf in a sheep skin. You tried to soften your weyane's regime change plot by substituting administration change.LOL. ArbaA Si Aleta. We know the Tigrians are a twisted heart. You bit the Eritrean hands that feed you. If you deceives me once shame on you, if it is twice shame on me.
Yacob Cali,
ReplyDeleteHagos Kisha keysemaka "Tigraway tiwiyway" kitbil koleka.
He will slap you on your face.
As I told you several times in my previous discussion with you that I'm Eritrean both on my dad and mom side. As Yacob I don't believe Eritreanism by place of birth. I believe that any person no matter what nationality he is if he defends the sovereignty and liberty of Eritrea he is Eritrean. See for example, you claim you are Eritrean but you are Weyane's clone. Do you think those who annexed Eritrea with Ethiopia such as, priest Dimetros, General Tela Ouqbit, Tela Bairu ext are Eritreans, hell no. By the way Simejana is part of Eritrea and therefor Hagos Kisha is Eritrean.
ReplyDeleteNoway go back and reread your comment.
ReplyDelete....They are held at guy point, even if they want leave they can't.......
Pilot this Wedi Ali that....nonesense !
Do you mean this is for the people and government? Hankas libi
I have brothers from round 1,4 and 7 they all building and protecting Eritrea as we speak,and no one is under threat at gun point as you describe,but the difference between my brothers and you is,while my brothers knew it is their turn to serve Eritrea,but you want to serve only you,that is why you run away.I have no clue who Adonai and Dejan is, but if Dejan is above the age of 35 he can't fly any way in most developing countries,he probably too old to fly Eritrean MIG as well. what is the big deal about this. Who cares about V/P in Eritrea while we have minsters in charge in every dept. I like to know those in jail with out have not been tried? I don't know why you have said there is no law in the country,but you wrong again. If there is no law there would not be courts,prison.....what do you need to know re- budget, what will do you good?
ReplyDeleteWho u trying to fool, fool? Kisha is Tenbienay on both his parents. Nabey tsigie tsigie ! Just wait few more years you will see where he will end up with our gold.
ReplyDeleteIgnorant person like you would think that learn from what is going on around you. the mass media and aid organisations would tell you children are dying and starving in Saria,yet it is the western countries who gave the wepons to the rebels as well as the government. if it wasn't for Russia and China Sarias fate would have been the same as Libia. Eritrean fate is also in the same basket as these countries, so your wish is for Eritrea to disintegrate? Eritrea wasdoing fine till interepted, and doing ok now and will keep on progressing and her sons and daughters will do the reverse journey this time...not crossong sahara this time but in the confort of 767. Exodus....a new phinomina taking place all over Africa. widen your scope learn whats cooking not what is cooked and eaten.
ReplyDeleteHigh-level Eritrean delegation headed by Foreign Minister Osman Saleh conducting visit in CrimeaFriday, 06 June 2014 13:05
ReplyDeleteAsmara, 06 June 2014 – A high-level Eritrean delegation headed by Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and including Mr. Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs at the PFDJ, is conducting visit in the Republic of Crimea.
In a meeting it held with Vladmir Konstantonov, Chairperson of the Crimean Parliament, the high-level delegation indicated that the visit is aimed at taking observations regarding developments in the country it has been following through the media.
The high-level delegation is taking part in a festival marking the 215th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s birthday.
Meanwhile, the high-level Eritrean delegation is due to visit the historical port city of Sevastopol which is located along the Black Sea and hold discussion with the Mayor of the city, besides participating in the official ceremony in connection with Pushkin’s birthday at Yalta city where the Chairman of the Russian Assembly and various other officials will be present.
It is to be recalled that the Eritrean delegation earlier visited South Austria and held talks with the President and Prime Minister of the country.
Eritrea elected member of WHO’s Executive Board
Asmara, 06 June 2014 –Eritrea has been elected as a 3-year member of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 67th International Conference conducted in the Swiss city of Geneva from 19 to 24 May.
In a speech she rendered at the meeting, Ms. Amina Saleh, Minister of Health, pointed out that Eritrea is in a position to be among the few countries which have made remarkable achievement in line with the Millenuim Development Goals thanks to the joint endeavors exerted on the part of the Government and the people. She further indicated that mother and child mortality rates have respectively shown decline by 75% and 67% respectively, in addition to disclosing that gratifying achievements have been registered as regards control of communicable diseases.
Ms. Amina said that the secrets behind such significant move pertains to soundness of the health strategies pursued, and the initiatives taken towards promoting human resource capacity, health outreach, medical supply, health service quality, as well as joint ventures with communities. “The impact made in this regard along with other achievements in the socio-economic domains have given rise to increased life expectancy rate at 63 which stood at 49 before independence, and this attests to the government’s stance regarding human rights,” she underscored.
Moreover, the Eritrean delegation headed by the Minister of Health took part in the Meeting of the International Auditor of the WHO representing Africa, and issued a proposal stating that the report should portray the objective situation and potential along with the advantages of the continent, according to reports.
The delegation also met Dr. Roberto Thomas Morales, the Cuban Health Minister and WHO President, as well as the Health Ministers of other countries, in addition to conducting discussions regarding bilateral relations of partnership.
What a clue less moron!!!!!