The Significance and Meaning of Eritrean Independence Day
ትርጉምን ርዝነትን ናጽነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
By Yosief Abraha,
ትርጉምን ርዝነትን ናጽነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ’ዛ ሓጻር ጽሕፍቲ ዝግለጽ ኣይኮነን፡፡ ንኽብሪ ማዓልቲ ናጽነት ግንቦት 24 ግን፡ ብዓቕመይ፡ ነዛ ሓጻር ጽሕፍቲ ከበርክት ተደሪኸ ኣለኹ፡፡ ርሑስ ባዓል ናጽነት እናበልኩ ድማ፡ ከተስተማቕርዋ ተስፋ ይገብር፡፡
ታሪኽ ከምዝምስክሮ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብዓድን ቁሸትን ተጠርኒፉ ኣብ ዝነብረሉ ዝነበረ እዋን፡ ነቶም መሬቱ ክግብቱ፡ ሃብቱን ጥሪቱን ክዘምቱ፡ ዓዱ ከባድሙ ብናይ ዓመጽ ወራር ዝመጹ፡ ገደል ዝሸውሃቶም ሽማምንቲ፡ ኣማን ሰጊድ ኢሉ፡ ኢድ ነሲኡ፡ ክሳዱ ኣድኒኑ ኣይተንበርከኸሎምን፡፡ እዚ ካብ ቀደም ካብ ጥንቲ ንትርጉምን መቐረትን ናጽነት ዝፈልጥን ንህላዌኣን ውሕስነታን ዝተቓለሰን መስዋእቲ ዝኸፈለን ህዝቢ፡ ነቶም ድሕሪ ወራር ነገስታትን ዝመጹ ዘመናውያን መንግስታት’ውን ናጽነቱ ኣሕሊፉ ኣይሃበን፡፡ እነሆ ድማ ክሳብ እዛ ዓመት መጸ ብኽብ ዝበለ ድምቀት ንጽንብላ ግንቦት 24፡ ከቢድ መስዋእቲ ክኸፍል ተገዲዱ እዩ፡፡
እቶም እንተኾኖሎም ናጽነቱ ክምንዝዕዎ፡ እንተዘይኮኖሎም ድማ ሓድነቱ ዘሪጎም ከንበርክኽዎ ወትሩ ከይደቀሱ ዝሓድሩ፡ ጸረ ሰላምን ርግኣትን ዝኾኑ ሓይልታት፡ ድሕሪ እቲ ንዓለም ዘደነቐ ብብረታዉን ሕጋውን መስርሕ ዘረጋገጾ ልኡላውነት ክግህሱ ካብ ገዚፍን ረቂቕን ምትንኹላታትን ጸቕጥታትን ክሳብ ዝባኑ ዝቐለዕ ወታሃደራዊ ወራራት ፈጺሞም እዮም፡፡ ዕላማ እቲ እከይ ግብሮም ድማ፡ ነታ ኣቦታት ኤርትራ፡ ነዛ ዘንጊ ሓቂ ዝተንከፋ ወይልኡ ኢሎም ዝባረኽሉ ዝፋን ክብሩን ህላዌኡን ዝኾነት ናጻ ኤርትራ ክምንዝዑ እዩ፡፡ ነዚ ገበን እዚ ክፍጹሙ ከለዉ፡ ገመል ሰሪቕካ ጉንብኽ ጉንብኽ ከምዝተባህለ፡ ንምትላል ከምነፋሒቶ ሕብሮም ይቐያይሩ፡፡ ናይ 21 ክፍለ ዘመን ከዳዓት የዋፍሩ፡፡ ንዞባዉን ኣህጉራውን ሰላምን ምዕባለን ዝቖሙ ትካላት ብብላዕን ምትላልን ይሽፍጡ፡፡ ከም ዓለምቶምን መወልቶምን ንኩምራ ሓሶት ሓቂ ከምስሉ ሓሶት ምዝራው ስራሕና ኢሎም ይተሓሓዝዎ፡፡ ነቲ ብግብሪ ከንበርክኽዎ ዘይካኣሉ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድማ፡ ታሓለቕቲ እምነቱን መቦቆሉን ከምስሉ ብሃይማኖትን ኣውራጃን ዓሌትን ጎዛዚኻ ኣብ መንጉኡ ዅናት ንምስዋርን፡ ህዝብን መንግስትን ንምኑቛት ድማ ንመንግስታዊ ብቕዓት ኤርትራ ምንእኣስን ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ ብሃገሩን መንግስቱን ተስፋ ቆሪጹ ናብ ስደት ከምርሕን ኣብ ስደት ድማ ከምተጣበቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላቱ ኮይኖም ብምቕራብ ኣብ መርበብ እኩይ ሕልናኦም ክጅልብዎ ኩሉ ግዜ ይህቅኑ፡፡ ንዞቦውን ኣህጉራዉን ዲፕሎማስያዊ ዓወት መንግስትን ህዝብን ኤርትራ ንምቕጻይ ድማ ሕብርን መልክዕን እናቐያይሩ ይመጹ ኣለዉ፡፡ መልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንኸደምትን ኣኸደምትን ውይጦታትን ግን፡ ከምቀደሙ ኣቶኩረና ኣብ ልምዓት ንኹሉ ድልዋት እዩ፡፡ እቲምንታይሲ፡ ነገሩ ፡እቶም ኣኽላባት ይነብሑ እቲ ግመል ጉዕዝኡ ይቕጽል ዝተባሃለ ምስላ ስለዝኾነ፡፡
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላማዉን ፈታዊ ፍትሕን ርትዕን ምኻኑ ኣብ ልዕሊ እቶም ብጥበብ “ዓሳ ንምጥፋእ ባሕሪ ምንጻፍ” ኢሎም ከጽንትዎን ካብ ካርታ ዓልም ክሓክዎን ዝመጹ ስርዓታት ኢትዮጵያ ዝገበሮ ምሕረት ምስክሩ እዩ፡፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፡ ፖሎቲካዉን ዕጥቃዊ ሰውራዊ ቃልስን ከካይድን፡ ምእንቲ ፍትሕን ርትዕን ድማ መስዋእቲ ክኸፍልን ዝተገደደ፡ ንፍትሓዉን ሕጋውን መሰላቱ ዘቕረቦ ሕቶ፡ መጋባእያ ዓለም ብቕንዕናን ብዘይ ኣድልዎን ስለዘይዳነዮ እዩ፡፡ ካብ ታሪኽ ህዝብ ኤርትራ ከምንማሃሮ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብስርዓትን ሕግን ዝዳነ፡ ጉዳያቱ ኣብ መጋባእያ ዘትዩ ንውሳነ መገባእያ ኣኽቢሩ ዝኽይድ ህዝቢ ምኻኑ እዩ፡፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ስልጡን ባህላዊ ሕግን ስርዓትን እንዳባ ዘቖመ፡ ኣብ ግዜ ፈደረሽን ንሓጺር እዋን እዉን እንቶኾነ ዘመናዊ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ዝመረሐ፡ ኣብ ግዜ ብረትዊ ቃልሲ ከምመንግስትን ሰውራዊ ግንባርን ኮይኑ ትካላት ዝሃነጸ፡ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ድማ ንሃገራዊ ፍትሕን ማዕርነትን ልምዓትን ዘገልግል መንግስትን ግንባርን ዘቖመ፡ ኣብ ዞባውን ኣህጉራዉን ጉዳያት ድማ ኣብ ምክብባርን ምትሕብባርን ዝተመርኮሰ ዝምድናታት ንምፍጣር ዝገበሮ ዘሎ ጻዕሪ ጭቡጥ ምስክር ድሌት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንሰላምን ፍትሕን ብልጽግናን ምኻኑ የረጋግጸልና፡፡ ህዝብን መንግስትን ኤርትራ ካብ ንሰላምን ፍትሕን ምዕባለን ዘሎዎም ቅሩብነት ብምብጋስ ዞባውን ኣህጉራዉን ዉዕላት ዝፈሮሙ መንግስትን ህዝብን እዮም፡፡ እቲ ሓቂ እዚ ኮይኑ ከብቅዕ ግን፡ እቶም ትማሊ መጋባእያ ዓለም ገቢቶም ዝበደልዎ መንግስታት፡ ሕጂውን እዚ ህዝቢ’ዚ ንኻልኦት ህዝብታት ኣብነት ቅሳነትን፡ ስኒትን ምዕባለን ከይኮነ ከሎ፡ እምኒ ወሊዳ እንተበልናውን ሰዓብቲ ኣይንስእንን’ሞ ብኣግኡ ንኽሎፎ ኢሎም ንዳግማይ ታሪኻዊ ውድቀቶምን ውርደቶምን፡ ተንሲኦም ከለዉ ዝሓልሙ፡ ብውነኦም ከለዉ ዘህተፍትፎም ኣለዉ፡፡
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በትሪ ሓቂ ይትረፍ’ዶ ክትስበር ከምዘይትነቅዕ’ዉን ካብ ተሞክሮ ዕዉት ቃልሱ ኣረጋጊጹ ይፈልጥ እዩ፡፡ ኣብ ግዕዞ ምርግጋጽ ብልጽግትን ስምርትን ኤርትራ ድማ፡ ክዓግቶ ዝኽእል ሓይሊ ከምዘይየለ፡ ትማል ትማል ዘፍሸሎም ወራርት ወያነን፡ ዘፍሽሎም ዘለዉ ዘይሕጋውን ዘይፍትሓውን ሓላቓትን ብኹናትን ሽርሕን እገዳን፡ ምስ’ዚ ኹሉ ተጻብኦታት ድማ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ኣሰላሲልዎ ዘሎ ልምዓታዊ መደባትን፡ ኣብ ዞቦዉን ኣህጉራውን ዝምድናታት ጨቢጥዎም ዘሎ ዓወታት ምስክሩ እዮም፡፡ እዚ ዓወት’ዚ መርኣያ ትርጉምን ርዝነትን ናጽነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እዮ፡፡ ርዝነትን ትርጉምን ናጽነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በቲ ዝተኸፍሎ መስዋእትን፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘስተማቕሮ ዘሎ ምስተርሆን፡ ተረጋጊጹ ዘሎ ብሩህ መጻኢ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ክግለጽ ከሎ ድማ ኣዝዩ ክቡርን ዕዙዝን ምኻኑ ንርዳእ፡፡
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ነዛ ክብርቲ ዕለት፡ ሎሚ ድማ ብኽብርን ሞጎስን፡ ጽንዓትን ተስፋን፡ ሓቦን ኒሒን ይጽንብላ ኣሎ፡፡ዓመት ንዓመት ድማ ካብ ዝሓሸ ናብ ዝበለጸ ራህዋን ርግኣትን እናመረሸ ከብዕላ ምኻኑ ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን፡፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንናጽነቱ ብደሙን ጉልበቱን እዩ ረኺብዋ፡፡ ባሪኹን ወዲሱን ዝሃቦ የለን፡፡ ከምቲ ብኸቢድ መስዋእቲ ዝጨበጣ ድማ ብሓድሕዳዊ ስኒትን፡ ማሕበራዊ ፍትሕን፡ ሃገራዊ ደሞክራስን፡ ባህላዊ ትንሳአን፡ ማሕበረ ቁጠባዊ ዕብየትን፡ ዞባዉን ኣህጉራውን ምትሕግጋዛት ኣረጋጊጹ ክትርጉማ ከይተሓለለ ይጽዕር ኣሎ፡፡
ኣብ ጉዳይ ሓድሕዳዊ ስኒት፡ ነቲ ብመስዋእቲ ዘጠጠዖ ባህሊ ሕውነትን ምድግጋፍን፡ መሰረት ኩለንትናዊ ህላዌኡ ገይሩ ይሕልዎን የጽንዖን ኣሎ፡፡ ሃገራዊ ፖለቲካዊ ደሞክራሲ ንምሕያል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በብዓዱን ኣከባቢኡን ኣመሓደርቱ ብቐጥታ ይመርጽ ኣሎ፡፡ እዚ ነቲ ዝህነጽ ዘሎ ሃገራዊ ፖለቲካዊ ራእይ ኤርትራ ባይታ ዘንጽፍ እዩ፡ ዘይከም ስኑዕ ፖለቲካ ዘመና ድማ፡ ብጽኑዕ እምነት መንግስቲ ኤርትራ፡ ህዝብና ወናኒ ፖለቲካዊ ጉዳያት ሃገሩ ክኸውን ዝጻዓረሉ ዘሎ እዩ፡፡ ከም’ቲ ኣብያተ ትምህርቲ ሃገርና መምሃሪ ስነፍልጠት ኮይነን ዘለዋ፡ ምምሕዳራት ዓድታትን ኣከባብያትን ድማ መምሃሪ ሃገራዊ ፖለቲካዊ ክትዓትን ዘተን ኮይነን ንስልጥትን ሕፍርትን ልኡላዊት ኤርትራ፡ ካብ ብርኪ ህዝቦም ዝወጹ ሓላፍነታውያን መራሕቲ ሃገር ዝፈርዩለን ትካላት ኮይነን ኣለዋ፡፡ ኣብ ቁጠባዊ መዳይ’ውን፡ ሃገርና ካብተን ገለ ሽቶታት ሚሊነም
ዘረጋገጻ ሒደት ሃገራት ኮይና ኣላ፡፡ ኣብ ራእይ ባህላዊ ትንሳኤ እንተመጻና’ውን፡ ህዝቢ ካብ ድሑራት ባህልታት ሓራ ንምውጻእ፡ ሃናጺ ባህሉን ልምድታቱን ንወለዶታት ንምዕቃብ፡ ኣብ መዋእል ዓውለማ ከምዘለና መጠን ድማ ምስ ዞባውን ኣህጉራውን ባህልታት ንምልላዩ ኣብ ዓውድታት ሓበሬታ፡ ትምህርቲ፡ ስነጥበባትን ኣብ ሓጺር ግዜ ተሰላሲሉ ዘሎ መደባት ንኤርትራ ብደረጃ ዓለም ዘወዳድራ እዩ፡፡ እዚ ንሃገሩ መስዋእቲ ሂወትን፡ ንብረትን፡ ገንዘብን ከወፊ ከምባህሊ ዝወረሰን ዘውረሰን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ናጻ ኤርትራ ማሕበራውን ቁጠባውን ፖሎቲካውን ሓርነት ዝረጋግጸሉ ሃገር ክትኮነሉ ዘእኽእሎ ዕጥቅን ብቕዓትን ወኒኑ ኣሎ፡፡ ድሮ በጺሕዎ ዘሎ ደረጃ ምዕባለ ድማ ናይ’ዚ ንብሎ ዘላና ትርጉም ናጽነት ጭቡጥ ምስክር እዩ፡፡
ንሰሌዳ መዐቀኒ ምዕበለ ህዝቢ ጥራይ እንተተወከስና፡ ሃገርና ኤርትራ መሰረታዊ ማሕበረ ቁጠባዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝህባ ትካላት ሃኒጻ ኣላ፡፡ ኣብ ሓጺር ግዜ ድማ ወናኒት ዓበይቲ ትካላት ክትከዉን ዘኽእላ ባይታ ኣንጺፋ ኣላ፡፡ ከተማታትን ገጠራትን ኤርትራ ብንግድን ሕርሻን ሽቕለትን ከጉላዕልዓ ዘብቀዐን ፖሊሲ በብግዚኡ ይትግበርን ምስተሞክሮ ይኽለስን ኣሎ፡፡ ህዝቢ ብመትከል ርእሰ ምርኮሳ፡ ውሕስነት መግቢ ንምርግጋጽ ይሰርሕ ኣሎ፡፡ ድሮ ኣብ ሓጺር ግዜ ኣገደስቲ ትሕተ-ቅርጻዊ መሳለጥያታት ተዋዲዶም ኣገልግሎት ይህቡ ኣለወ፡፡ ህዝቢ ኣካላውን ኣእምራዉን ብቕዓቱ ዝሃንጸለንን ዘሐይለልንን ትካላት ጥዕናን ትምህርትን ብዝላዓለ ደረጃ ሰሲነን ኣለዋ፡፡ ኣብ ዞባውን ኣህጉራውን ዝምድናታት ድማ ሃገርና እናዓንተረት ትኸደሉ ዘላ እዋን ክንርኢ በቒዕና ኣለና፡፡
ኣብ ዉሽጣዊ ፖለቲካዊ ጉዳያትና ምስእንምልከት ድማ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብቐጥታዊ መስርሕ ህዝባዊ ሱታፌ፡ በብዓዱን ኣከባቢኡን ኣማሓደርቱ ይመርጽ፡ ኣብ መነባብርኡ ቀጥታዊ ጽልዋ ኣብ ዘለዎም ጉዳያት ካብ ውጥን ክሳብ ትግባሬ ይዝትይ፡ ብደረጃ ሃገር ድማ ንፍትሕን ሓድነትን ምዕባለን ኣገደስቲ ኣብ ዝኾኑ ጉዳያት ሓሳባቱ ብዘይስክፍታ ዝገልጸሉን ንትግባረ ሪኢቶታቱን ትጽቢታቱን ብቐጥታ ዝከታተለሉ ሃገራዊ ፖሎቲካ ይሃነጽ ኣሎ፡፡ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ዓይኒ ኣባይ ይድፈነላ እምበር ራህዋን ምዕባለን ህዝባ ከተረጋግጽ ብቕዕቲ ምኻና በሪሁ ይረአ ኣሎ፡፡
ናጻ ኤርትራ ካብ ድሕረት፡ ድንቁርና፡ ድኽነት፡ ፍርሒ፡ ኣድልዎን ካልኦት በደላትን ሓራ ንወጸሉ፡ ኣብ ኩሉ ኩርናዓት ሃገርና ድማ ሓርነት ነረጋግጸላ ቅድስትን ክብርትን ኣኽሊልና እያ፡፡ ንትርጉምን ርዝነትን ናጽነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብግብሪ ንምውሓስ ድማ፡ ንሃገርና ዘርብሓ እናሓሰብናን እናፈጸምናን፡ ናጽነትና ሓሚማ ከይትማስነና፡ ዓሪቓ ከይትቖረና፡ ጠምያ ከይትዓብረና፡ ጸሚኣ ከይትነቕጸና ከምቀደምና ሕድሪ ሰማእታትና እንፍጽም ህርኩታት ዜጋ ኮይና ንረኸብ፡፡
ዘልኣለማዊ ክብርን መጎስን ንስዋትና!
ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!
ዮሴፍ ኣብርሃ
ግንቦት 14፡ 2014 ዓ.ም
The Significance and Meaning of Eritrean Independence Day
Reviewed by Admin
3:04 AM

Aye bial bihamat"aini hizbi ketenkuru aitidkemu"
ReplyDeleteIt is well known that we have been slaves for 13 years.
oh well if you feel you are slave it is on you
ReplyDeleteDont say we ...
ReplyDelete13yrs? its' more of like 23yrs. By the way we celebrate independent from who? We went from external suffering to internal suffering therefore there is nothing celebrate.
Thanks to Our Hero Martyrs we are enjoying what freedom mean, i as an individual i did already small contribution, but sure i know what i'll do soon future to this incredible Country and People.
ReplyDeleteVictory to Mass, Anneseru Le Jemahiri, Batafala Ajenasasi, Awet Ne Haffash, Awet Egel Reheb Gebil.
Eternal Memory to Our Hero Martyrs.
bham si nsikhi dia za gualey. Aynina do ketenqurna ba nsikhi. welidna getsom keytsegebnayom tsAdu wuladna kefilna indina. kemtom zHalefu deqna Haqi bHaqi dletn bahgn selamn qsanetn Hzbi Ertra intezhlwekum beja hzbi mHalefkum mesleni. Ab gdam konka muwurzay gn neti bdem deqna zterekhbe Hager (keyHaferkum ERITREA inabelkum telagitsulu zelekhum Hager)) aymterekhben imo, fre dkhamn tsaman suwuAt deQnas knzikir ina fetikhi ayfetekhi za gualey. anes aykafeln iye zkhri bandera zbele gn nHabi wekilu kzareb iwn aygbaen. ms mot feriHu zhademe nerelu indye behali ayntaleln, ayfal !
ReplyDeletezleale Kbrin zelalemawi zkhrn nsuwuAt deQna!
Ertra nzelAlem ktnebr iya !
bwaga dem deQna aynTalaEn !
True dear Rora, the observation of "hmmm" is correct, as you're a free person, you better state "I have been slave for 13 years", cause it's only your feeling, mine is different for example.
ReplyDeleteEritrea is a gift from our martyrs. Happy 23.
ReplyDeleteKndey kolA imo zeyetalelkum. btenkolkum inehe menisey ertra drar Asa ykhewn alo. Haqi zelewo ab wushTi Hager koynu miinti Hager yserH, kulu kalie gn belets iyu.
ReplyDeleteab gdam konka mstom resatat deQna zfeHaru bHade Lsan mzirab kabAtom aytfleyun ikhum. Addis Abeba CHoma inabelaEkum, sga wuladey kem zbelaEkum iyu nAy.
Dear Ade! "ab gidam konka miwirizay....bidem dekina ziterekbe naxnet....." l have been in Eritrea til 2011, and for the info " itom dekina tibliom zeleki hade HAWEY iyu mo" dont try to be "hagerawit" lili hakenja Eritrawian.
ReplyDeleteZelalemawi zikri ni Eritrawian siwiat.
Mibiltin, haran eritra ab mekabir tebelexti kitikel iyu.
Cane! Did you see those "chikie" children in Lybian tv, please dont tell me they are "economic migrant".
ReplyDeleteWe are becomming "agame" nay Africa.
Yes, our Independence is a gift from our heros, no one is questioning this truth. But, our gift has been snached by the mafia PFDJ group. Eritrea has become a failed state where there is no rule of law, accountability and human diginity.
ReplyDeleteTo the writer of this article: Please don't try to teach us a nonsense subject. Our enemy are not the CIA, weyanne...Our enemy is the childish drankard self appointed Esseyas Afeworki and few individuals such as Monkey, wedi Kassa, Sibhat, a couple of the worthless Generals...
Mind you in 23 years, the mafia group has done nothing to benefit the people of Eritrea. Oh I forgot, we became first in Festivals and dencings.
May tthe almight god have mercy upon our beloved country and its people.
ሃገርና ኤርትራ ዓይኒ ኣባይ ይድፈነላ እምበር ራህዋን ምዕባለን ህዝባ ከተረጋግጽ ብቕዕቲ ምኻና በሪሁ ይረአ ኣሎ፡፡ ahahahhahahhahahahha bejaka mienti etom siwat elika kelidika gidefo. Kab Eritrea yimiharena eyu zibahal.
ReplyDeleteIn Eritrea whose young flees in droves; where one man's word is the a rule, the economy in shambles, there is no constitution, no right whatsoever to write , to speak, who , despite these and many others glaring facts, would say the country is leading exemplary way of social and economic development except the shameless accomplice or the boundless slave.
ReplyDeleteGenuine Eritreans,
Wake up, you are being uprooted by a home grown but veiled and unscrupulous enemies. They would say anything to deceive you but don't be taken in. Evasion is their hallmark. Instead watch the wanton destructions they have inflicted already on our country and people. That should be your parameter you should judge them with.
They may tell you that Eritrea is to meet the UN Millennium Development, the Maternal and Child Mortality is the lowest, Eritrean Airline, Turkey Air line etc. are to start services and others like them daily posted are all farces , of which the single purpose is to keep the people in perpetual suspense until they are completely uprooted.
These is a tactic they learned from the Nazi Manual. If you want to know about it in detail, read "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". As Isaias Afewerqi and his inner circle tegaru are seized with uprooting Eritreans from their land by systematic and intricate ways so that neither the people nor the world community wakes up to their sinister scheme ,the Nazi were undertaking similar operations on the Jews .
They Named the program of wiping out the Jews, The Final Solution. They brought them from all over Europe and assembled them at various areas where they treated them nicely and misinform them about their futurity, all done with a view to secure their cooperation and to keep the world in the dark. Finally, when the time arrives to for some of the Jews to be annihilated in the Gas Chamber, so that remaining people would not revolt, they handed them soap and towel and tell them they will take shower before they are taken to their destination. This is exactly, Isaias Afewerqi and his inner group are doing to Eritreans.
let's all wish eternal peace. Because it doesn't make sense if we say Eritreans are enjoying their 24 years of liberty as the whole world knows that Eritreans are just scatered all over the world like the EastEuropeans or the Israels during the Nazi era.I am not supporting the government of Eritrea nor against it.But just a well wisher.
ReplyDeletePlease note: These agames who comment on madote always misspell President Isaias Afwerki's name as "Esseyas Afeworki". Esseyas is the ETHIOPIAN spelling, while Isaias is the proper spelling.
ReplyDeletebAfki do?
ReplyDeleteToo many Agames are commenting on madote and talking crap about our Eritrea. What a curse these people are. They will never leave us alone.
ReplyDeleteHey Agame beggars: Yerdae'kum! I'm not giving you a spare change so go someplace else and say your "Sile Mariam, Mariam Tihabkum"
Rora every sad story is sad in itself, i don't want to point my finger of to no one to what happens as a consequence of what a parent or some one who takes a decision for his children to a risky adventure which is clear at the day light. It's not important that i share you my personal experience to explain you what i mean, hope you understand. But i see that in your side you see "the glass all the time more empty that full", means pessimistic way of looking things. It's my observation..some times being optimistic helps in life to bring energy on your circle. Then of course i don't agree when you say nay Africa Agame kuena. I don't feel so, I'm sure you don't too..
Dear Sillas! My point is that how long is this kind of misery going to continue, it made me sick to my stomach to see what we are used to see.
ReplyDeleteSome one some where is going to answer the death and pain of my people. Belive me this is not politics, it is just plain truth.
Few of the the elite in EPLF hijacked the core value of our struggle and this is what we gate.
"hager bizey hizbi intai waga alewa"?
Who was the one who organised all the young to leave the country? Asmarino, Assena, Awate, Dekebat whatever they call themselves are the reason that influenced the young through radio and websites. Whats happening right now is the result of many years, contribution that disintegrated our people to stand against the Govt isn't it regionalism and greed? We have opened a pandora box of woyane and paid a price to cross the still wet blood of our martyrs across the border, left voluntarily became refugees and gave them the chance to infiltrate among us and follow us all the way abroad to call themselves Eritreans. We are the reason of our failure. Sooner or later we might agree why should the people leave the country? We are the result of our betrayal.
ReplyDeleteYour evaluation or judgement to EPLF, shows your unfairness, based on what you say so? Even a judge makes an error, he's human, who you are to judge?
ReplyDeleteMeron, the west protistitud Human trafiker. Ayeeeee ba niaki. Himemi kemtom kidmi natsinet ab af dege America europa zihamemu, kizirgu kindey zifetenu. Hizbawi gimbar timali, lomi, tsibah
ReplyDeleteThat's a typical religious Pente costal preaching to atract an innocent to his religion. I used to drink, smok, steel. ....... before I found god. Blaha Blaha Blaha.I have been in Eritrea til 2011 blaha blaha blaha blaha. Come on, you are not going to foolish any one. You are just poor piglet
ReplyDeleteNay bahaki Eritrawit Ade, ne geliyom kes ilu iyu zerede om iti teblo o zeleken..
ReplyDeleteThe midnight of May 24, 1990 is memorable for every Eritrean on earth, as it is the time, when Eritrea gained independence from the mighty stranglehold of the western clock,eastern block and their servant the Ethiopia regime. The flag of Eritrea was given its due respect when it hoisted in the midnight on independence day. Since then independence day is celebrated with cultural programs, flag hoisting, pomp , shows, games,sports and illuminations are the predominant affair of the whole week across Eritrea and in diaspora. Eritreans indulge themselves in remembering the heroes of the freedom struggle and pay homage to them. All the patriotic hearts rejoiced at seeing Eritrea becoming a sovereign nation agains all odds and the triumph of 65,000 martyred souls Eritrea independence day would be celebrated by succeeding generations forever.
ReplyDeleteHappy Independence Day
Glory to our Martyrs!!!!!!!!
The distinguished name Rora Habab doesn't fit you. I would rather call you Kulu Hamushte (tuti chinque). As often,the nasty side of you were back in Madote. Stupid Leopard never changed its spot. When you tried to belittle the hard gained independence, I realized you are the product of the losers of the fratricidal war of the 80s. You and your luckys refused to vote for Eritrea referendum, refused celebrate independence day and collaborated with weyane during the border war. The level of national independence day denigration is now totally inappropriate. Too many mistakes not making a right.
ReplyDelete"So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals." Ezkiel 34:5
ReplyDeletefound this powerful poem and want to share it with all you folks out there.
ReplyDeleteYou will also pass!!
ReplyDeleteThanks to you and your likes who encourage our young to endi-up on seas and oceans and the rest are humiliated in tgray, israel, libya. Does your words help me or the other scattered young? a BIG no ! rora Habela.