The Eritrean 'opposition' are now against Eritrea adopting a constitution
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During his Independence Day speech, H.E. President Isaias Afwerki dropped the biggest paradigm shifting political bomb: the constitution |
The so called Eritrean "opposition" are now against Eritrea adopting a constitution
When President Isaias Afwerki announced Eritrea is preparing to embark on participatory constitution making process, most Eritreans received the announcement as yet another sign that the Government of Eritrea is not only committed to developing the country, but is also committed to improving its method of governing as well.
Predictably, most of the so-called Eritrean "opposition" groups, which have hounded the Eritrean government about implementing a constitution from their dusty hotel rooms in Mekele, were the only group who rejected it. And in doing so, they exposed themselves for what they truly are: opportunists.
However, some of the more seasoned opposition members took a different approach. Instead of looking like hypocrites in denouncing the GoE for something they claimed they wanted all along, they rejected the announcement because the government isn't implementing the 1997 Constitution. But even this position is nothing but a ploy since they know the 1997 Constitution is not going to be implemented on the grounds that it's not in touch with the realities and experiences of Eritrea today. For them, this is a convenient way of being anti-constitution without coming off as being anti-constitution.
Another reason why some of the "opposition" are now demanding the 1997 Constitution be implemented instead of a comprehensive new one that takes into account Eritrea's experiences is because the principal author of that consitituion was Bereket Habte Selassie.
Bereket Habte Selassie, who is married to an Ethiopian woman, is a man that has dedicated his life to aligning himself with successive Ethiopian regimes against the Eritrean people. From Haliseassie to the Derg to the current TPLF junta, Bereket has been a consistent friend of Ethiopian dictatorships.
For Bereket, his unshakable loyalty to Ethiopia largely stems from that fact that he is ignorant on history. This ignorance was in full display at a 2011 book signing in France. Bereket said:
"I've been part of Ethiopia. There is a larger sense in which we are all Ethiopians. Historically, culturally speaking as I tried to explain today. And my wish, my hope before I die is that we come back together in a larger unity transcending all these divisions."
Bereket's imperial version of historical position presupposes the continuity of an Ethiopian state over a definite geographical area and common peoples, which is a common lie many Ethiopians like to sell. Prior to Sahle Maryam's ("Menelik") signing the Treaty of Peace with the Italians on October 26, 1896, there was no Ethiopian state. Everything glued as Ethiopia's lineal ancestor before that period were merely independent and rivaling states that happened to cover part of the soil of the modern country.
Historically speaking, it is the Eritrean culture and language that many Ethiopians have borrowed as their own. For instance, the first civilization in the region, which was a precursor to the numerous cultures and kingdoms in the region, began in the Asmara district of Sembel around 2,800 years ago. Moreover, the first inscription of Ge'ez and the first written Tigrinya were discovered in Eritrea.
So for Bereket to claim we are all "Ethiopians" based on indigenous Eritrean cultures and languages would be tantamount to a grandson claiming his grandmother adopted her language and culture from him.
Therefore, it wouldn't make much sense in adopting an outdated constitution that was largely written by a man who openly sides with the Ethiopian dictatorship, and who doesn't even respect Eritrean peoples' identity or the country's territorial integrity.
The Eritrean 'opposition' are now against Eritrea adopting a constitution
Reviewed by Admin
5:27 AM

I have come to the conclusion that the so-called opposition are Weyane lackeys. They disguise themselves as the opposition but their opposition is really to Eritrea being a sovereign state.
ReplyDeleteBereket Habteselassie was caught on camera saying his dream is to see Eritrea reunited with Ethiopia before he dies. He said that in his own words before the cameras so it tells you everything you need to know about the man and what he believes in. It was a mistake to make him the Constitution Chair. That was mistake #1.
ReplyDeleteEritrean constitution was debated and accepted by 87% of Eritrean population 1997,the constitution that gives the power to the people and less power to the government but pfdj knows there is no way out for them if the implemented the real constitution,the constitution will hold them responsible for the many crimes they committed against the Eritrean way out pfdj only on orange prison suite or the box.
ReplyDeletedeath for ISAYAS plus, no minus, just his death can do so much for the people and country. My prayer, so he don't make another independence day.
ReplyDeleteboy, learn to spell... you Donkey
ReplyDelete87% where did you get that from your ass? if you want to know and understand what was so wrong with that peace of white paper is that it was written by a Rat for the interest of Rats and snakes
ReplyDeleteThe word "Opposition" doesn't necessarily mean to oppose everything going on (the bad and the good equally).
ReplyDeleteTo oppose doesn't necessarily mean to see it on your way onesidedly.
To oppose doesn't mean to lick woyane leftovers
To oppose doesn't mean to agree on sanction to your own people and country.
To oppose doesn't necessarily mean to disagree with everyone else from the warmth of your chair in diaspora even those who work for the people and country fullyheartedly
To oppose doesn't really mean to agree with whatever woyane has to say and to offer.
To oppose doesn't necessarily mean to stand against any positive change.
To oppose is simply translated as a wild act against 90% of the population who work for betterment of their daily life f
To oppose is simply translated as to nollifying every Eritrean dedication and hardwork .
There is no any law that qualify anyone to oppose his own people and country and stand by the side of the enemy amicably.
No No No !!!!
Absolutely!! Opposition are the laughing stock of the century. They are always winging about this and that.
ReplyDeleteIF u dont understand what he said dont write.He didnt said that,dont spoil great eritreabs name.weak.
ReplyDelete87% was announced by the commission during its ratification by the national assembly.
The simple fact is the Tegaru maffia team with the dictator as it's head will never implement 1997 constitution, that would mean end of their lawless adventure against our people. New constution means as some on clearly put it......years of talking about it, years of drafting it (by people like Dr Gidion, Sofia etc), the first term of Issayas in office, the second term of Issayas in office..That is the only reason for drafting a new "Issayas constitution" instead of implementing the people's constitution which was approved by Bito 1997. The funny part is people who use to tell us ...We don't need a constution until our border is not demarcated are now the advocates of constitution just because the dictator said so. Blind support at it best.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you brothers and sisters, you all are talking rubbish. The country, Eritrea only exists on the screens of Ere T.V and in the hearts of the supporters of the mafia group called PFDJ. Eritrea has been lost since 2011 due to the virus called PIA. So, first, what we need to do is find Eritrea and regain it. Then talk about constitution.
ReplyDeleteI only want PIA that's it period
ReplyDeleteThe so-called oppositions are weyane lapdogs and are sponsored by the united snakes of america!
ReplyDeleteDo not mind those mafia dogs!
Yes it is true. He said he wants to see Eritrea been colonized again by Ethiopia. Who is he to decide on behalf of the Eritrean People? He is the arch enemy of Eritrean people. Le him go to hell!
ReplyDeleteYou are a liar! if you want go and find his speech you will find it the same as the above statement.
ReplyDeleteHow could you advocate for a person who was serving for Hailesilasie, Mengistu. When it comes to Eritrea, He colaborat for the Unjust fabricated sanction. His home is simply Ethiopia not Eritrea
ReplyDeleteThe power is under the Eritrean people and it will remain under the people. It is the Eritrean people decisions to change the constitution, because of some issues.
ReplyDeleteLong live PFDJ. Shabia Yesterday, today tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteqondaf woyane. Are you using PFDJ as a nick name. You will not get that name forever. Think about your failed state Ethiopia and feed your starved people. Lemani! stay away from the Eritrean website.
ReplyDeleteWhy don’t they start by telling us what is wrong with the constitution from 1997?
ReplyDeleteWhat are saying you qondaf woyane? Are you jealous? You don't have mandate to comment on behalf of the Eritrean people. Represent your self and no need to mention names, because they are not in your level.
ReplyDeleteWell said Eri!!
ReplyDelete1. Thank you for admitting an opposition exists....your boss might think you are from the moon.
ReplyDelete2. Correction, it's Dr. Bereket not Bereket.
3. Why are you trying to discredit him of his Eritreaness...bottom line is he was called by the dictator to write the constitution.
4. John Kerry press was a slap to your face and your regime.
Long live wedi Ali and Pilot Dejen.
Non of them can answer your question. The cult supports are like yedug...sikilom eyom zikubikobu key yedug...
ReplyDeleteHe is buying time that's all. The rope is around his nick.
Long live Eritrea!
Me too..
ReplyDeleteI just want DIA gone from the face of the earth...
Classic Madote.
ReplyDeleteInstead of actually saying what is wrong with the constitution from 1997, he/she is arguing that a new comprehensive one is needed because one of contributors was married to an Ethiopian.
Based on “ The drafting authority was the transitional National Assembly, a body consisting of 75 members of the EPLF central committee and 75 representatives elected by regional assemblies.”
If you think PIA gave Bereket free reign to do as he pleases with the constitution it shows lack of leadership and foresight by PFDJ.
Any changes presented by PFDJ require approval from the Eritrean people to be valid.
Looking forward to see what scheme PIA comes up with next.
PIA, would you please tell us what it is about The Constitution which you
ReplyDeletewould like ratified/amended? Have you and Your Forty Thieves
not hijacked the present constitution for over ten years? Perhaps it is
that particular point which you would like to ratify in order to disable the
next despot from aping your smooth Hezbawi Ghenbar Hebay moves?
Perhaps you finally see the error of your ways? Inshallah! I want Luul
Ghebreab for President with Yemane Ghebreab and Fozia Hashim
sharing the Deputy's chair. I want those on National Service to be
paid for serving their country, teachers too are deeply neglected in our
country. If the people don't want Luul Ghebreab for President then they
should outsource for an Eritrean woman fit to lead us. Z'tsehef'yu
zemereh. Awet n'hafash Adey!
The issue here is not Dr. Bereket Habteselase but the 1997 ratified Constitution which , Isaias Afewerqi, willfully and single handedly, for his own ulterior reason, to date, refused to implement, and now, wants to do away with . And it must be clear that his motive for doing that is to write his own reprieve from the injustice he perpetrated on the people of Eritrea twenty years.
ReplyDeleteNo, we must stop him and hold him responsible in accordance with the Constitution for the illegal and unnecessary war of 1998 , the twenty thousands of Eritrean youngsters he sent to their death, the over one million displaced Eritreans and the agony they endured, the innumerable material loses, the tens of thousands of Eritreans, young and old, male and female, tegadelti and civilians he has kept them in his dungeons, without charges and conviction. Of these, Dejen Ande, who lately liberated himself from Isaias Afewerqi dungeon, is an embodiment.
Nor is the issue ought to be the woyane's Trojan Horses, who a couple decades ago accepted autonomy with Ethiopia ,and who, when independence preempted their betrayal, refused to vote for Referendum, and then came out with a Constitution, handed to them by the villain woyane, to disintegrate Eritrea through ethnic referendums.
Helen Meles in UK 23 Anniversary Independence Day.
There is a small vocal opposition but their opposition is not against constitution per se their opposition is to the very idea of a sovereign Eritrean State. They need to move to Tigray.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need no stinkin' constitution! Long live PIA! Long live the revolution!
ReplyDeleteHere is the video from the horse's mouth where Dr. Bereket says he wants to reunite Eritrea and Ethiopia before his death.
Bereket H is no body!!!
ReplyDeleteHangol derho
ReplyDeletesome of the people who help wrote the constitution they are still working for Eritrean gov,(musa naib,amare tekle,zemhret yohannes, etc) this shows you have no clue about Eritrea and and it's constitution. may be you are not Eritrean, you could be Ethiopian, Somalian or hegdefawi, ask Eritreans and you will learn new things about Eritrea and the people.
you sound like homo,probably you are.
ReplyDeleteyou are dumbest person , i do not take any pleasure saying this but i have to tell you man,you need to go to school or kill yourself. i feel sorry for your parents.
ReplyDeleteCan you mention names been raped in SAWA?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the sex sailors in Sweden? How much are they paid? tell me please? Women are low paid salary than men in Sweden for the same job WHY?
How can compare SWEDEN with ERITREA? what measurements or research papers were used?
This shows how premature you are to compare a nation been built 200 years ago with 23 years old.
Don't lie if you are against the government in any country you will be imprisoned directly.
No one is imprisoned in Eritrea because of his option unless he/she is a traitor.
I agree with you move, they are not opposing an idea else they are the arch enemies of the Eritrean people working with woyane our enemy. How can someone who is interested of its country and people, serves an enemy this is intolerable they must move to Tigray.
ReplyDeleteThe agaminos websites are running out of time and all the remittance of woyane and thier servants are hijacking the Eritrean website. But it is just a failed try! Funny.
ReplyDeletethey will never answer your question for two different reasons, they never read the constitution and they do not have what it takes to tell the truth ,balls.they bunch of cowards with no brain.
ReplyDeleteGeldam! dumbest yourself! Sell out! Who are you to tell me to kill myself? Go and hang yourself!
ReplyDeleteYou are educated more than your intelligence. How much is the size of your brain and your IQ. Tell me who you are?
I am a proud Eritrean citizenship.
Shame of you to use PFDJ as a nickname, while you are gambling somewhere else or in your ghettos. Street man!
Shut up your freaky mouth! Lair!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know Eritrea and its people. We are not serving one man we know exactly what we are doing. Shame on you to insult five million people. Qondaf woyane.
If you have a problem consult a doctor and be treated for the hatred that you have for Eritrea and its people.
If you are Eritrean, which I doubt , we can take any new constitution written by any other eritrean than Dr. Borko , whose one wish is to see Eritrea united with the aid dependent nation. If that didn't make him Eritreans enemy , I don't know what will. Isaias afork I is champion of the people , for not recognizing that you deserve to stay wherever you are. " No Eritrea for you"
ReplyDeleteWho is buying time? Focusing at one person! Let the rope be around your neck and hang with it!
ReplyDeleteYou are already dead waiting for burial ceremony!
You are telling me who you are. No place for homo and you in the new Eritrean constitution: If you are an Eritrean citizen.
ReplyDeleteIs he in a shopping center? Shame of him. Qondaf woyane
ReplyDeleteyou are wrong again dum dum, i never use the name PFDJ, i would rather shave may nipple with razor blade.
ReplyDeleteI only want PIA, who sound like homo? pfdj congo lickers.i never warship a man or talk like you do .strait like arrow you can not bend me like issayas is doing to yourself from mental slavery francolino.
ReplyDeleteI think the dream of d'r. Bereket is the dream of all real eritreans.
ReplyDeleteZeragi, go get yourselve a brain please!!!! Idiot!
ReplyDeleteWhen one accuse one for cowardice and lack of brain, it shows one is exactly that,especially when the ppl you are accusing are the ppl who made it possible for you to open your filthy mouth and say you are Eritrean if you are ever one that is. And to do it, it took a mighty brain power, sacrifice and determination yet today ppl like you and the so called opposition echo the weastern mass media whom backed by ppl whose interest is to see the region become thier play ground with scant respect to ppl in the region. Thank god Eritrea stayed under the stewrdship of the very ppl who fought for freedom. The alternative would have been that Eritrea sold to the highest bidder, Eritrea today is firmly on the map and with a strong base from which political and economic development could grow. watch and learn the same brain power at work and at its best. wishing a giod life where ever you may be.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you are an Eritrean either; if you were, you wouldn't brush aside the heinous injustice Isaias Afewerqi subjected Eritreans for the last twenty years masquerading as ultra Eritrean nationalist, and you wouldn't advocate for mockery of justice to go amok in our country. Remember, a lawlessness in a country is equivalent to a mentally sick person.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you are indeed an Eritrean, you must be a victim of his indoctrination and worshiper of his cult. And who is liable for such malady? ...... The naïve and gullible, whom Isaias Afewerqi use in his criminal enterprise, decimating Eritrean intellectuals, among others.
Genuine Eritreans,
Letting Isaias Afewerqi off the hook is tantamount to opening the door of our Government for other scoundrels like him to repeat the horrible crimes he perpetrated. By punishing him in accordance with the Constitution, we are sending messages to the would be scoundrels that we will never again tolerate such rascals run our country. From time immemorial, our country is a country of Law and Justice and that is what we must inherit to our future generation.
And to those who, whitewashing his past evil deeds, are comparing him to George Washington, I tell them that you are taking the appearance for the Truth. In the annals of history, I bet there is no one who committed, both qualitatively and quantitavely, more atrocious crimes as Isaias Afewerqi. If these people could open his veils he habitually shrouds himself, such as charm, foxy humility, wearing shabby closes etc., they would be sacred when they see the real Isaias Afewerqi, the vicious devil who kill people for the fun of it. Please. listen to Dejen Ande, who recently liberated himself by running away from his clutch.
Good link....for the lazy:
ReplyDeleteThe main authority over the draft of the new constitution was the transitional National Assembly, a body consisting of 75 members of the EPLF central committee and 75 representatives elected by regional assemblies. Most of the work on the constitution, however, was done by a 50-member Constitutional Commission appointed by the National Assembly. This commission included representatives of the EPLF, major economic and social groups, women, and the diaspora. The commission began its work with an extensive public education campaign including open meetings, radio broadcasts, additions to school curricula, and the opportunity to submit comments. Public input was gathered in at least three stages: during the initial education process, after the creation of position papers on key issues, and after the completion of the initial draft. Drafting was done initially by the 10-member executive committee and then by the commission as a whole; drafting sessions were not open to the public. The ELF, a rival to the EPLF during the war with the Derg, complained that it did not have representation on the commission, although it is not apparent how much popular support it had.
After 27 months of hearings and drafting, the commission submitted its report to the National Assembly. There is little information about the proceedings in this body; meetings are closed and no records are published. The text emerged from the National Assembly with few amendments. It was submitted for ratification to a Constituent Assembly, consisting of 75 unelected national legislators, 398 elected regional legislators, and 75 members elected by members of the diaspora. The Constituent Assembly was able to make changes in the draft, and met for two days in Asmara. The final vote in favor of the constitution was unanimous. The constitution approved in 1997, however, made no provision for its entry into force, and as of the beginning of 2003 has yet to be implemented.
You are really Boko Hangol, constitution is good as its age, constitution that is tailored specifically to our security and prosperity guaranteed, streamlined from our 24 years of experience is coming soon .
ReplyDeleteTotal distortion of history.Just few points guys:
ReplyDelete1, There was no any ancient kingdom or center or whatsoever in the land that we now call Eritrea. The ancient kingdoms in east Africa have names!! All of them were located outside of Eritrea. Of course the people that inhabit then in the land we now call Eritrea were subordinates to the kings and/or empires of these ancient kingdoms and the sea coast were their strategic places.
2, Eritrea had always been inhabited by savages that migrated from different parts of east Africa to Eritrea for different reasons. So, there is no an entity, an identity called "Eritrean". Many really many tribes totally unrelated to one another constitute todays Eritrea. Even the so-called " Biher Tigrigna" are indeed unrelated. There is little common between the "Serayes" and the "Akeles" e.t.c.
3, Debarwa is the only "ancient " place to which an Eritrean might feel proud of as an "ancient" town in Eritrea. But, even Debarwa is not that ancient though. It was only founded in the 16th century A.D. The other real ancient towns and market places (mainly in Akeleguzay) were located at the route from the sea coast to the centers of the then empires(e.g.: Axum, Yeha e.t.c.).
4, The so-called " Bahri Negasis" were not kings. Not even close to that. In fact, they were subordinates not even to the emperor of Ethiopia but to some local chiefs in Tigray(Mainly to Shum Tembens and Shum Agames). The title" Bahri Negasi" was just a title given to the chiefs of the Hamassiens and the mainly hailed from a single family mainly from a village called HAZEGA and they were not even chiefs of other Eritrean areas. In addition, no "Bahri Negasi" was allowed to form any form of diplomatic relations with foreign powers. This right was strictly given to the ones that commanded the "Bahri Negasis" be it the Shums or the emperors. So, let no one dare to say that the Bahri Negasis were full fledged independent. Some of them by the way have some of the shining histories in the Ethiopian history.
5, This so-called Bereket Habteselassie is a scum, an opportunist. Ethiopia provided him with everything he wanted. He was one of the most privileged guys in Ethiopia. But he betrayed his motherland Ethiopia and decided with its enemies in the hope of enjoying some sort of better power than he had in Ethiopia. He got NONE!! Loser and a traitor!!The constitution he wrote was also extremely racist and irresponsible.
If I were A PIA I would void the current constitution and replace it with a new constitution. Just because some people claim ownership of the current constitution. I would make the people of Eritrea the owner of the new constitution and no one can claim it is his. Based on this reason I would agree with PIA to re write a new constitution. And beside that what is wrong to write a new one. I personally I don't care if they write it ten time if benefit every Eritrean.
ReplyDeleteAt this time we need a new constitution to draft.
ReplyDeleteThis son of a bitch B H If i could i kill him too.
ReplyDeleteShut up idiot,you have no clue how to built a nation
ReplyDeleteThose who found Eritrea knows what fits best for future Eritrea and Eritreans to abide by.
ReplyDeleteDr.Bereket Habteselassie did not write the constitution on its own people of Eritrea were consulted and there was a committee. Just because of his political belief this does not mean the Old constitution was wrong. There would be a lot of CuT and Paste from the old constitution into the new one it would have been easier for the PIA to say we need to amend the old constitution from our experience in the last 23 yrs than to draft a new one. Madote if it is possible can you put up the old constitution on your web site .
ReplyDeleteYou are one stupid uneducated person Rahwa, I was in Sawa and serve my country till I was 27 yrs old.You have no basis what ever you talking about,let alone being in Sawa ,you don't even know the way to. I would suggest you go get your self educated than wasting your time writing trash.Viva PIA for ever!!! I wish
ReplyDeleteRahwa Tesfai Ghermai,
ReplyDeleteFirst it good to abide by copy right laws. " I have wasted two years of my life protecting you who never thought to defend..." This is a cut and paste from a black woman who asked Obama during hi speech at 2 years of his first white house time.
Second, If that is how you do it in Sweden...then stay been Swedish....
There is no place on earth where women's contribution and recognition is well manifested than in Eritrea. Please do us all a favor....Go and study Eritrean need to dig all the ancient ciilizations...just go as back as the 1970s...then come back to the site and read your comments again.
As far as the earnings from mining...Again do us a favor by reading the ABC's of business and a bit of mining processes.
Boko halal may be you have a twisted mind aquaired from your sedet travels. I am sure fun was not thinking the way you put it so may be it touches you and may be you are one of the shirt lifters.
ReplyDeleteRahwa aka as semret, a known troll of the net, has spend two years of her measerable life protecting His Excellency President Isayas Afewerqi, loooooooool (jock of the year) if you could only understand the women and the great man you belittling spent not 1 or 2 years to free the land of Eritrea, Eritreans and you Semre, but EPLF or HGDEF knew well, way before you could walk and talk garbbage, that it will take them years to make you understand what is it to be Eritrean, however because of your brain's infection with silly and childish woyane political doctrine, you will rote where ever you are balming for your misfortune squandered by your free will, you will always blame other people to off load your frustration!!!
ReplyDeleteThey all need to move to Tigray. They know they can't set foot in Eritrea again because they got in bed with Eritrea's sworn enemy, Tigray.
ReplyDeleteTigray tried to erase Eritrea's sovereignty by claiming border war as a pretext. We will never forget that!
I can't even read all your bluff, tell me what is your one wish other than what you talked about PIA. To Unite Eritrea with beggar's nation ? is that what you have in your little brain ? i heard enough all the sellouts for over 10 yrs , i can name all the "Eritrean intellectuals" preaching nonsense and i don't have any more minutes to spare some idiot anymore. so please worry about your country of origin, " Ethiopia" . please leave Eritrea to the true Eritrean.
ReplyDeleteIf you want those on national service to be paid for serving their country, then start serving your country and pay your 2 % tax!
ReplyDeleteI would not have made doctor bereket chair of the constitutional committee.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, simple and to the point.the best explanation but how can they understand when they are living in the la la land?
ReplyDeleteThank you, move!
The weyane boot lickers are now against Eritrea adopting a constitution.LOL. Abey Aleka Zeybeluwo si Abzi Aleku Yibl.
ReplyDeleteSince the demise of ELF, these disgruntled groups rebranded themselves with so many nonsense name and fragmented beyond repair. The weyane's boot lickers with little encouragement from weyan and its masters reached agreement in Meqele and Awasa to form a new type of Mahber Andinet to destabilize Eritrea. The Eritrean people considers the so-called opposition groups to be mercenaries in the service of weyane and its masters. Who cares about these sell out groups whether they accepted or opposed the drafting of constitution.
What about the kingdom of "Moa Wisha The Emnegede Habesha."
ReplyDeleteThe constitution included the following things....
ReplyDelete1. If you are affiliate with sworn enemy of Eritrea, the weyane and its masters you are more agame than weyane. In this case the constitution will not allow you to claim your Eritrean citizenship.
2. If you are involved in religious groups who are hatched abroad, you are not Eritrean.
3. If you are wallowing in unproductive awrajawi feeling, you are not Eritrean.
4. If you misinterpreted the notion of the right of nation for self determination up to and including secession, you are not Eritrean. The right of nation for self determination doesn't work in third world countries. RTG, first lesson is enough for you today.
I have no problem with Eritreans who want to be Ethiopians. Let them move to Ethiopia and be Ethiopians. Eritrea has always been and will always be for Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteThe voice of the majority will lead Eritrea. The tigray bastards are afraid that they will lose their voice, which they will with the constitution. That is why they don't want it.
ReplyDeleteThis is propaganda by Eritrean dictator PIA and his supporters.
ReplyDeleteDIA is confused president, two months before he declared people of Eritrea no to wait for rule of people tries to connect like living in moon. What caused him to raise the drafting of constitution then. On the other hand his adviser contradicts to his report,
ReplyDeleteMonkey said we have a constitution. What a paradox. They are cheating our poor people ignorance over ignorance. Meshrefet always brings contradicting reports now get silent .What a beneficiary web is meskerem.
ReplyDeleteThe opportunity was give to all eritreans...and one of them was Dr. i don't see any wrong doing on President Issayas or whoever...This dr. till then was claiming to be eritrean and as such, since he boosts to be an intellectual, he was given the opportunity...but later we saw what he i agree...the 1997 constitution has to be checked thoroughly..
According to the 97 Constitution, collaborating with the enemy of the state is punishable by death and loss of citizenship.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the '97 Constitution most of the "opposition" have already lost their Eritrean citizenship because they collaborated with Eritrea's sworn enemy, Weyane Tigray, in passing sanctions against the state.
They will never set foot in Eritrea again. They're enemies of the state.
Ayte Cosmos (Kosso)
ReplyDeleteAre you telling me that racism is not taking over your blood veins?
What if I ask you this?
Have ever crossed your empty brain that a Dankali, Hamasenay, Barkayt, Sahlay and Kunama spill their precious blood in the former "Akeleguzay" to make the present Eritrea exist?
I TELL YOU THIS BECAUSE i KNOW THAT THERE IS NO ANY ERITREAN WHO FEEL MORE PREVILEDGED THAN HIS LANDSMAN for the reason they (both religions/all regions) fought side by side and are burried in the same grave to free Eritrea.
Unlikely, I tell you also this
Woyane never luckied to divide Eris during ELF/EPLF war either forget your silly try when all people hand-in-hand enjoying ERITREANISM unlike the most hated creatures tgrayans who still suffer and never feel comfortable with their being Ethiopian singing empty retoric "Tgray Adey" day and night.
Changing you nick name will not make a difference you are the same person, wolf!
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend well said!!
ReplyDeletewell done brother!
ReplyDeleteSusan "Fried" Rice has been having a migrane headache since Eritrea announced that it will become a constitutional state.
ReplyDeleteAre you a slave? I have never been a slave and will never be until I die. Find yourself somewhere else in the continent or........
ReplyDeleteIf I was Isayas I would have judged them by the Old Constitution because they are crying for it:)
ReplyDeleteI am not interested about you weather you cut your nipple or hang yourself you are the same person Wolf!
ReplyDeleteExcuse me but you are too much for who you are lol
ReplyDeleteEthiopian refuges in the hands of traffickers.
Dashim Misgna new song. Eritrea my country
please zip your mouth ,we Ethiopian are busy..........
ReplyDeleteHow can/did PFDJ approve such a document in 1997 without it being checked thoroughly?
Why did PIA not implement the document when it was approved by the Assembly?
Don’t you think it’s fair to ask what the government to tell what us what is wrong with the 1997 constitution and what changes they plan on making?
Only PIA has these answers so I don’t expect you to know.
i know that was a good try in Total distortion of history, you forked tongued ... as its not clear if you are Eritrean or Ethiopian from your comments so i think you are just an Ageme.... so lets take your untrue account of history as a fact for a second. you do know that you actually showed how there is more ground for an independent Eritrea than the existence of Ethiopia. 1st ok lets say Eritrea started to centralise into its current form in the 16th century, your country Ethiopia, started in 1855 by Tewodros II, in so by your account modern Eritrea is 150 to 200 years older. 2nd ok lets also say that Eritrea did not become a proper nation until 1991, as that when its fully sorted the Religious, ethnic, regionalism rivalry and competitions and thus creating a modern, very stable, very harmonies nation. yet Ethiopia had all the things you try to mention about Eritrea back then and still has them until this moment, thus one must ask what the hell have you get to be proud of the Ass for, see Ethiopia is the creation of Eritreans, its the head. which is why when Eritrea separated, Ethiopia lost her pride, not just that but the whole claim to history - you do understand why the Lion is no longer the symbol of Ethiopia? what do yo call a Lion without a head? = dead / Ethiopia. for without Eritrea, Ethiopia does not excise, its irrelevant, another poor country with useless leaders ( every single leader since Menelik II) no history, no pride, no achievements, never mentioned in outsiders account of history from ancient time up to the 1800. i guess it makes sense why you garbage are always in an Eritrean sites, eating - drinking - sleeping - dreaming Eritrea: your head!
ReplyDeleteWasn't Dr. Bereket chosen by Isias to write the constitution?
Secondly, why don't you tell me (be specific) what is wrong with the current constitutions? You and alike of supporters of the regime for the last en plus years have preached to us that we can discuss the Constitution while our land "Badime" is occupied. What has change now?
In case you ask:
No I am not Agame.
Yes I did defend my country for 6 years.
Yes I love my people and country.
I am a concern Eritrean citizen. I am worried the direction of the country...
Every one of those so-called opposition people, better known as Weyane Lackeys and traitors, need to be hung from a tree in public if they ever visit Eritrea.
ReplyDeletethe 1997 constitution is unforgiving against treason. i wonder if the opposition traitors know that. i bet they don't. i never want to see them in our Eritrea.
ReplyDeletefreeedopm for the southern afar people!
ReplyDeleteqwe donot need any constitution in eritrea but freedom from eritrea! we seek to be free from eritrea! eritreanism means a negative value chain in life! we seek a positive value chain in life to fullfill this we have to be free from eritreanism!
Why even worry about some luni the fact the mater is Habte Selassie is ere levant to progress of people of Eritera the camel will march on the brighter Eritera is coming brick by brick "yohana deki Adi"
ReplyDeleteI love your suggestion and I gave my vote for the new and updated constitution lol
ReplyDeleteYou are old and dirty scumbag you will not see your dream forever. My wish before I die I want to see you be hanged in Edaga Hamus.
ReplyDeleteNo respond to you. Read international politics 101 and other countries experience then we will come to a discussion. You may be one of those who are advocating awrajawi politics. I don't entertain talking to people like you.
ReplyDeleteI see that the higher class Eritreans, those highly educated and financially strong are in favor of peace and reconciliation in the region which ultimately benefits all the people rich or poor. I believe this people don't believe in supremacy of one man and have the audacity t say no to unlimited national service paramount to modern slavery.
ReplyDeleteIsaias Afewerqi is buying time. I wish, even for one day, you unload yourself from the mental servitude you are in and you will see clearly that the road to the salvation of Eritrean is not continuing supporting the perpetrator but removing him by siding with your people.
ReplyDeleteDo not be credulous and a timid follower; be gutsy and cultivate analytic mind by questioning the issues no matter who originated it.
Instead of blindly supporting whatever Isaias Afewerqi says, ask yourself as to what could be his real motive for his preference for New Constitution as opposed to the old one? When the old Constitution is amenable for amendment, why did he want a new one?
To find out his motive, you have also to explore whether or not, under the old constitution, he is liable for indictment for crimes against the people .........
ReplyDeleteWow smart move to exclude Dr Berrket's name from the history of Eritrean constitution.
ReplyDeletethe more you talk the more clear it gets about who you are. If Wedi aforki was a criminal, it was easy for him to sell Eritrea to the higher bidder and he would never have to go through all these scrutiny like all african leaders including your frog Meles. But he is trying to do his best for me and my people. you and your people wouldn't know what a visionary leader as isaias is . if i am blind supporter and i support my country so be it. you speak about people you don't have any idea, you say the two yemans and isaias's parents and so, please keep your misinformation to your likes. not to me. hagos kisha and Asmelash done more to eritrea than most of us. for that we salut them and i hope they will live a very comfortable life not the life they are living now. they are paying the heavy price to build Eritrea like all Jeganu Eritreans. You and your likes on the other hand trying to paint negative image to all those sacrificing now. i know for sure you have a sleepless night every night. and i love it. for us true Eritreans we know we are in a good hand.
ReplyDeleteLong LIve Eritrea, people of Eritre and PIA
When I read your mumbo jumbo historical analysis of the history of Eritrea, I couldn't reply to you on time because I was enjoying the 23rd Eritrea independence.
ReplyDeleteEthiopians allegations which have never ceased to smother historical facts, in the interest of its expansionist goals, denying the very existence of Eritrea as an historical separate entity.
The Eritrean people had been existence on this piece of land stretching along the western coast of the Red Sea from the Sudanese borders to Bab El Mendeb long before the Italians occupied it early in 1890. It had been in existence, like other people of the area with its strifes,its wars, its achievements, and its many dialects, affecting and being affected by the course of events in the area. The name of Eritrea derived from Greek and means Red Sea, it is an old name which dates back to more than 2000 years. The fact that this name was revived in the 19th century does not men, as your beggar country, Ethiopia claims that the existence of the people of Eritrea was revived or fabricated. The name of Ethiopia itself is came from Greek and means"The burnt face, the ugly face, the beggar's face." The Emperor Menelik gave it to the old MoA Wusha ZeEmnegede Habesha kingdom after enlarging it at the expense of his neighbors in cooperation with the Western colonialist states at the end of the 19th century.
Another historical facts which I wanted to prove to you and your lackeys is that the Eritrea-Ethiopia struggle is not a latter day phenomenon. Ever since the Amhara found their mountain kingdom in the 13th century after the fall of the kingdom of Axum, the Ethiopians have set their sight on the Eritrean coasts to make Ethiopia a naval state. And to realize this goal, they have made a great efforts, sometimes by resorting to violence, and at other times by entering into alliances with their masters, the Western powers which introduced international power struggle into the area borne out by Portugal and Turk struggle in the 16th century. As a matter of fact, Haileselasie's alliance in 1950 with the Americans, who enabled him to occupy Eritrea under the guise of Federation in return for the hegemony of their military, economic, and political influence in the horn of Africa, was only an extension of the attempt made by the uncivilized Emperors of Ethiopia since the 14th century, the most notable among which were the attempts of Yishaq, Zera Yacob, and Libne Dingle, to ally themselves with the kings of Aragon, France and Portugal into three centuries, the 14th, the 15th, and the 16th to control the coasts of Eritrea. These attempts failed with the intervention of the Ottoman Turks, the greater power at the time.
Ayte Meles Zenawi also repeated the same mistake like his predecessor to occupy Assab but to no avail. Just to remind you, what one agame POW said after captured by the gallant Eritrean Defense Force, "Atayo Nayna Memria Haili EneiEkum beluna Dahar gin Shaebia Ab Maekelna Atiyom Alahiyomuna."
You kept crying about those special personalities for years now. Why dont you do something about it. Find some cure to your bitter aggression or go and face them personally instead of crying from inside your rathole Racist!
ReplyDeleteYou live comfortable in somebodies land previledged like all nationals so why wonder if a japanese work for Eritrea development he will get that previlage to call himself Eritrean too. If he make anything outoflaw he will be send back to where he come from. Thats all about new constitution, we are waiting eagerly. In our future Eritrea, everybody will be judged on his deeds and not on his/her background !!!
Bereket spoke his minds, but if his words are told bu Issayas to his morons it could be described the opposite way.
ReplyDeleteNone of your business, agame
ReplyDeleteWe Eritreans can deal with our difference just take your hands off !
DEJEN who left Isaias Afewerki slaves (AKA prison guards) chansing wind when he broke out of the Dicator's high security prison driving the Dictator's car narrates his heroic escape. Listen here:
ReplyDeleteOld 1960s photo
ReplyDeleteThis is a good idea but we have to hang first DIA for his treason in 1981 when he handed Bademe to his old allies WEYANE and when he ordered in 1998 one of his ignorant officers to retook it from WEYANE when he got angry with them besides his huge crimes against our people.
well said !!
ReplyDeleteMr unknown writer, please listen to Mr Yemeane Ghebreabs speech on Meskerem .net, then you will understand how confused you are.
ReplyDeleteChat with your original name, then we can confirm your identity. Do not insult people by saying agame, it si an old fashion.
This is just an act. I know Dejen in person not today but at bet tmhrti sewra. Believe it or not Degen does not sound like this.
ReplyDeleteIyasu made fun of our youth suffering in Sinai and now he tries to collect dollars in the name of Dejen. pathetic !
Stupid! (bauen:) got it? One builds a Nation.
ReplyDeleteWriting .. Re-Writing ... cancelling .... and Writing again and again the Constitution, Father of all Laws of a Nation is such a fun becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuse we are Unique. ha ha ha
May be he is right ... but what would you say if Issu wakes up in one very good morning and tells you ** Oh.. the sun is Shining, the melody is sweet, we have to buy time and invent a new game ** the game is called Brand New Kuwam.
As Wedi Afom have once said may be he is planning to make a deal, simply play the Federation Card he once promised the people of Ethiopia.Why not? He reasons....
The badme is under weyane ... our calculations were not right... we measured in Miles... our document is writen in Kilometers or is it in litters? So we have to write it again.
You know I am trying to be honest about the Contistutition-sition thing :) oh ... the above paragraph is not correct ... I didn't write it myself. Forget it I will have to correct it, I mean forget the whole comment, I am in the process of writing a new one.
The previous and the promised constitutions are the same because both are performed on the will of a single dictator. The 1997 constitution was drafted in unconstitutional condition where absence of basic freedoms was the master. Due to the promised constitution it is an unimaginable to draft a constitution while tenth of thousands perish in prison, no freedom of press and the entire population is living in a state of intimidation created by the regime of bandits.
ReplyDeleteRahwa(flip flop) Here you are again coming up with some stupid ideas. One minute you want to see a fundamental change the next minute you want to see a leader from the hardcore hard liner EPLF.
ReplyDeleteI think you should stick to the views you have adopted in your It suits well with your negative ASSENNA attitude. Personally, I think EPLF leaders should only lead the military. That is what they are good at and as far as leading the country is concerned it should be left to the civilians. Luul won't be any different. The military style leadership is engraved in them and you can't change that but militarily, they are the best and Eritrea will be safe with them. Leading's no no....
E...Emergency erilion go to your nearest doctor . You do not make sense, you simply contradict your own self. Take the pills that your doc. gave you. ok :)
ReplyDeleteso what happen to Agame Cosmos? did it go through a Big Bang? see that what the truth does to liars "E...Emergency".. poor Agame who's going to help you, see at list you know i could have a doctor if i need to, poor agame who's going to be your doctor? the most repugnant people! see how the truth destroy your lies., the eritrean will not fell for your lies no more! p.s. please check what to "contradict" means and then show me how / where i did that, contradiction is in your blood the same way as you killed our king, you twisted heart people
ReplyDeleteAt least agame speak the same language and culture like us .... They are our brothers not like you an Arab ass licker!