Celebration of 23rd Eritrean Independence In Atlanta
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Eritreans in Atlanta celebrating Independence Day |
Celebration of 23rd Eritrean Independence In Atlanta
Eritreans living in and around Atlanta celebrated their homeland’s 23rd independence day on May 24th with high patriotic zeal. The event was held at Global Mall with a theme “ንራህዋ ጽባሕ ሎሚ ንስራሕ” , roughly translated as ““We Toil Today for a Better Future”.
By approximately 9 pm Eastern Time the Hall was fully packed with people of all ages and gender whose celebratory mood was vividly expressed in each face.
Shortly after a brief message of congratulation by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Eritrean National Anthem the nationals took it to the dancing floor to express their inner feeling of what May 24th means to them. As pictures speak louder than words a pictorial glimpse of the event would be paramount.
To help amplify the celebration and add color to this glorious day, we had the honor to have amongst us the renowned musician Aklilu Tefeno, accompanied by the great Guitarist Kiflay and Keyboard player Awet who mesmerized the audience to their delight with various patriotic songs until the wee hours. The cultural show performed by the children, depicting Eritrea’s nine nationalities had kept the audience rejuvenated and, simply put, was quite superb.
At this time it’s important to point out the enormous role Eritrean mothers played in making the event successful by preparing food and serving the guests voluntarily and without showing any sign of fatigue. The Committee would also like to thank all patriots who took the time out of their busy schedule and worked hard in various assignments to see the program went smooth, from start to finish. Thus, the Organizing Committee would like to express their heartfelt appreciation for their valuable contribution without
whom a huge event such as this would be impossible.
Awet Nehafash!!
Zel’alemawi zkrn kbrn nsema’etatna!!
Nasnetna kebira tnber
Holiday Organizing Committee
Atlanta, Georgia
Celebration of 23rd Eritrean Independence In Atlanta
Reviewed by Admin
11:28 PM

Very colorful!
ReplyDeleteEritrean women are one of the worst women in the world when it comes to a sexual partnership. Because FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is rampant in Eritrea, all Eritrean women are frigid women. Not only they do not reach orgasm but also they do not feel and enjoy sex at all. I had been with some of them in some occasions but I was really disappointed on how frigid and insensitive they are. I found out that their behavior is also man-like. You guys in Eritrea better stop FGM urgently. Military trainings change women behavior also. Stop that too to women as well if you can.
ReplyDeleteBravo Atlanta! Eritrean Independence Day was colorfully celeberated all around the world. It was really nice to see all the videos uploaded to Youtube. Each city did its own thing and it was all spectacular. One can say that Eritrea had a terrific 23rd birthday.
ReplyDeleteDC also had an excellent Independence Day.
Arnt those " eritrean community " that danced when Eritrea lost 360 people at Lampedusa.
ReplyDeleteI wish i was there,proud of my people
ReplyDeleteእዛ ደርፊ ብአማንኤል ሞሞና ንመበል 23 ናጽነት ኤርትራ ዝደረፋ ብጣዕሚ ስለ ንመሰጠትኒ፡ ነቲሕዝቶአ ብዝበለጸ ንኩልና
ንክበርሃልና ኣብምጽሓፍ ነታ ግጥሚ ተዋፊረ ምክንያቱ እዛደርፊ ብጣዕሚ ሐያል ትሕዝቶ ከምዘለዋ ርዱእ እዩ፡፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ውናኒ ታሪኩ፡ መዓንጥኡ ሸጥ አቢሉ አንጻር መግዛእቲ ተቃሊሱ ን30 ዓመታት ናጽነቱ ተጋናጺፉ፡ ድሕሪኡወን ንህንጸት ሃገር
አምሪሑ፡ ዋላካ ኣብ ሞንጎ ሞኻልፍ እንተጋጠሞ፡ ወራር ወያነ 1ይ,2ይ ከሙውን 3ይ መኪቱ ደሪዒሙ ጅግንነቱ ኣረጋጊጹ፡ አንጻር
ኩሉ ተጻብኦ ጠጦው ኢሉ ሕጂወን ከምትማል ርእሰ ሙርኮሳ፡ አይምብርከኸን ብምባል፡ ንኩሉ ተጻብኦ ሲዒቱ፡ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት
አመስኪሩ፡ ሃገሩ አብ ዝበለጸ ደረጃ ኣብጺሑን እዩ፡ ጋናውን ክሰርሕ ምካኑ የረጋግጽ “ ንርሁው ጽባሕ’ ሎሚ ንስራሕ” ኣብዝብል
ቴማ….. ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ወነቲ ታርክ፡ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ታሪክ ዝሰርሐን ቀጻሊውን ዝሰርሕ ዘሎ… እስከ ነሰተማቅራ
ነዛግጥሚ…ምልስ ኢልና ከአ ንስማዓያ ነዛ ድርፊ… ታሪክ ይዘርዘር… ታሪክ ሰውራ ማእልያ የብሉን እሞ ንወከሶም ታሪክ
ብዝርዝ ከቅሱሙና….
ዋና ታሪክ ዘሕለፍካዮ እቲ መሪር መከራ፡
ገንሸል ምሰል ንሩሕ እዛ ባንዴራ፡
ኣብ ድቅድቅ ጸላም ብጽንዓቱ ብርሃን ዝፈጠረ :
ንጉስ ልቢ መን ነይሩካ መብረ፡
ንበር ክበር ንስካ ዘይብሉ መን ከይህሉ!
ኾኾብ ሰማይ ዘይሰፈር ዓቅሉ!!
ብርኪ ሰውራ መዳርክቲ ኣልቦ ጽኑዕ፡
ጎይታ ናጽነቱ ሙዑድ ተባዕ!!
የዕልለኒ ኩሉ ሎሚስከ ተዛረብ፡ ውጹእ መዓት ሰሪሑ ዘይ ርብርብ፡፡
እንሆ የንብቦ ታሪክካ ውዕሎትካ፡
እትቅያ አውግዓኒ ንናይትማል ዝክርካ፡፡
አፍ አውጽእ ተዛረብ አንታ ቀላይ ልቡ፡፡
ዓይኒ ታሪክ ቃልሲ ዘይ ነጸፍ ሕላቡ፡
ታሪክ እዩ ዝነብር ንሱ እዩ ዘይመውት፡
ጅግና ግን ይሐልፍ ተከዲኑ ዓወት፡ ጅግና ግን ይሐልፍ ተከዲኑ ዓወት፡፡
ህዝበይ ብዓልዝናት ንዓካዩ ክብሪ፡ ጸሩ ዘየውረደ ናይ ቀያሕቲ ሕድሪ፡
ቃሉ ዝፈጸመ ነዛ ሃገር ክብሪ፡
ዋና ታሪክ ዘሕለፍካዮ እቲ መሪር መከራ፡
ገንሸል ምሰል ንሩሕ እዛ ባንዴራ፡
ኣብ ድቅድቅ ጸላም ብጽንዓቱ ብርሃን ዝፈጠረ :
ንጉስ ልቢ መን ነይሩካ መብረ፡
ንበር ክበር ንስካ ዘይብሉ መን ከይህሉ!