Algiers Peace Agreement - 12 Years of Shame!!!
Algiers Peace Agreement - 12 Years of Shame!!!
By Haile A. (4/16/2014)
It is to be recalled that the Algiers Peace agreement was signed, sealed and delivered by H.E. President Isaias Afwerki for Eritrea and by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for Ethiopia with a traditional handshake. At the same time this historic moment was also witnessed and guaranteed by Secretary General Kofi Annan representing the United Nations, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the Democratic Republic of Algeria, President Obasanjo of Nigeria, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright representing the United States, Secretary General, Salim Ahmed Salim representing the OAU, and Senator Renato Serri representing the European Union. Little did we know that this glorious moment for peace and potential prosperity in our region would be turned into a shameful act of deceit, betrayal and cover-up in history?
Just twelve years ago on April 13, 2002, the EEBC delivered its Final & Binding verdict on the boundary lines. Immediately and shamefully, the then Foreign Minister of Ethiopia uttered the following words at his own press conference “Today sanity has won over insanity…the rule of law has prevailed over the rule of the jungle…this decision has rejected any attempt by Eritrea to get award for its aggression…this decision was fair and legal…Badme and its surrounding, which Eritrea invaded and occupied in May 1998 on the basis of its false claims has now been decided by the Commission that Badme and its surroundings belong to Ethiopia…”
When the dust settled, the Woyane cadres got inside their mother’s fingernail “ab Tsifri Adi’om atyom” and the guarantor, especially the United States, decided shamelessly to look the other way when insanity challenged sanity and when the rule of the jungle tried to prevail over the rule of law. Furthermore, In a much more shameful act of an epic proportion, the then US UN Ambassador, Susan Rice orchestrated and forced two illegal and unjust UN sanctions on Eritrea, a new and poor African nation, in an effort to kill the innocent before its shameful act gets exposed.
However, in some twisted and unfortunate act of blunder, the Woyane Foreign Ministry exposed its own Master’s shameful act on a recently-leaked directive to its foreign embassies. According to directive, which is written in Amharic, the Ministry states “America has made a very strong effort in imposing the sanctions 1907/2009 and 2023/2011 on Eritrea and we can say that Ambassador Susan Rice’s effort in exposing Eritrea’s bad behavior in our region was exceptionally high”
Twelve years of Shame needs to stop now!!! Woyane cadres admitted that it is America which is “holding the pen,” so they are planning to continue to BEG America to continue the course. But America and the UN cannot continue to ignore their own Shameful act now that they are facing the reality that they cannot kill the innocent just to cover-up their shameful act. They need to stand up to their shameful act and come clean.
Eritrean will prevail!!!!
A Shameful Handshake…
And a shameful act of manipulation…
Algiers Peace Agreement - 12 Years of Shame!!!
Reviewed by Admin
12:00 AM

If Shaebia had taken care of business in 1991, then we wouldn't be in this situation now. We missed a golden opportunity to whipe-out the hornet's nest.
ReplyDeleteIf one wants to put an end to this wild-goos-chase, then Eritrea should destroy the hornet's nest for good at any cost.
Eritrea's policy should be to divide this "Uncle Tom" a.k.a Ethiopia between Oromo, Ogaden, Agame, Gambela and Amhara as sovereign nations, then simply exploit their weakness and rivalry. That should be the New Horn Order. Until then, Eritrea will continue to be a victim of this "Uncle Tom" / "Uncle Sam" proxy game, and the "hornet" (US/NATO) will always use "Uncle Tom" to enslave Eritrea and the region.
Imagine this, there will be no nation called Ethiopia, instead weak, fragmented and rival countries (Oromo, Ogaden, Agame, Gambela and Amhara). The plan is to make it impossible for the West to establish an "Uncle Tom" in the region.
Until then, our human and capital resources will drain at the front-line for ever. What a shame.
Most Ethiopian especially Tegaru believe the main weakness of TPLF (especially Meles) is the way he handle Eritrea problem because of he, we Tegaru suffer a lot. First because of he trust Shabia he open the border with out diffidence force so, we invaded by Shabia and force to war. second after we force to war we should destroy Shabiya till the end but he stop the war after we reach Barentu.
ReplyDeleteLet's be honest. Weyane is just kedami. The US needs to honor the commitment it made to Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteThe orchestra of us, un, eu, au, weyane are responsible of all the shame, and all Eritrean citizens are aware of this shameful silence, prone to destroy Our values and Our Unity. Now as yesterday the Eritrean People is conscious about the facts..Resistance to the Mass. Our victory is certain against all odds.
ReplyDeleteEternal memory to our Heros.
This is surprising to see a weyane cadre claim he is Tigraway on an Eritrean website. Usually, Weyanes pretend to be Eritrean due to their incurable inferiority complex towards Eritreans. Even Meles claimed he was Eritrean when no one asked him. There is something sick about Tigrayan elites that suffer inferiority complex towards Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the War, Eritrea kicked your backward asses back to the stone ages (which for backward Weyene cadres, is the future). You're the only losers that claim victory by losing more people (123,000) and signing a peace treaty to show your 'victory'.
Had Eritrea signed a peace treaty with Ethiopia during its struggle, it would never have been independent today. But because it entered Addis Ababa and brought a regime change to Ethiopia, it secured its independence through the total defeat and submission of Ethiopia.
I agree. Our elders warned Shaebia never to trust TPLF/Tigrayans. They warned them to keep their distance but if you look back, they did try to make OLF militarily stronger. It's just the Oromos didn't do well in battle without the assistance of Eritreans. Every time EPLF helped OLF, OLF was victorious. As soon as EPLF fighters went back to Eritrea, OLF lost everything they gained and then some. So clearly, the EPLF wanted the OLF to rule Ethiopia in 1991. But due to their military weakness, EPLF put TPLF in power over Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteI think they want to keep the status quo to make sure their failed state (Ethiopia) continues to be their regional puppet.
ReplyDeleteit is funny ahahhahahha.... Are you serious? Tegaru is inferiority complex by Eritrean? Don't you know your history? Eritreans are administer by Tegaru even your Asmera is crate by Tegau (by Alula abanega). If Shbioya is kicked Weyane why you beg US in order to return Badme to you? why don't go and take Badme by your self? any way to remind you, we Tegaru never colonized by any one in our history.
ReplyDeleteYou are suffering from identity crisis because of your ignorance you did did have any idea to get an inch land how many invaders Ethiopian kefelai died, you know no thing about the nature of war and it's tactics your comments belong to Weyanes websites your are red light zone adgi cha.
ReplyDeletetegraway yerda kum....abti mer a alla, kidu abti keteq bulkum iyom enda usaid iya zublewa ita geza
ReplyDeleteYou and what army is going to divide Ethiopia. Worry about your failed state. Eritrea will never be a threat to Ethiopia. You government cant even dislodge the Ethiopian army from Badme after we admitted it is your land. Don't worry, we are not done, and there is change coming. You should expect us to help split you up into 9 different federations and annex conduct a referendum in Assab to let the Affaris vote to rejoin Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteI think it is you who is suffering from an identity crisis. We Ethiopians, (Amara, Tigre, Ormo, Gurage et al.) are proud of our heritage and history. We were never subjected to any from of colonialism and as such never been called barias or ashkers. On the other hand you Ertireans pride yourself on being ashkers to Italian masters. On the other hand, you try to say that you are a proud people that want to be independent.
ReplyDeleteBWY, I admit that Badme is an Eritrean land. Thus it being under Ethiopian control, it is safe to say that we have taken more than an "inch" from your territory.
Tigre is Eritrea, maybe you mean tigray (it's like confronting chocolate to .....)
ReplyDeleteOne correction is needed. First and for most you fought Derg and not the Ethiopian people. The only reason you won is because Derge (after 17 years of brutality didnt have the support of the Ethiopian people). We, Ethiopians were resisting the Derge during the same period. That was one fact that was intentionally neglected to be brought forward by most Eritrean scholars when speaking about the struggle to remove Derg. But the truth is the truth.
ReplyDeleteSecond, when you fight the Ethiopian people the end game will be like Badme. Furthermore, during the 98 war most of your government leadership were fleeing to Asmara to leave the country for abroad. If it wasn't for Meles there would have not been an Eritrea as we know it. In this case size does have its advantage. Don't fool yourself in thinking you will defeat Ethiopia in a military conflict. The number game just don't workout in your favor.
Keep on barking Agame/Amhara. Shaebia will greet you with napalm from its weapons factories in deep Sahel mountains... and you have no earthly idea what's brewing for you on the Red Sea.
ReplyDeleteIt is very simple there is no identity called Eritrean, but there is identity crisis called Eritrea. The leadership in Eritrea is Tigayan to date.
ReplyDeleteWhat some Eritreans call superiority is, being a Banda.
I dislike the guy who sold 25km from border to north of our land to Weyane.
ReplyDeleteShame on you loser!!!
Rather some of their leaders are know as Traitors, NOT as you paint them, at least in two big historical cases toward Eritrean History..probably you may mention king Teodros, of whom i know a descendant of no royal family who adopt for the first time basic education to the mass, as he was one of them.
ReplyDeleteHistory of Axum belong mostly to Eritrea, it has notting to do with Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteIt is a history of small part of tigray and large part of Eritrea with its important port city of Azula(Adulis).
Stop destorting history.
So Issayas is accountable for all these mess?
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about the future Ethiopia??? Very soon you will say Good bye to Ogaden. then will follow Gambela and Oromia. I am not sure how Tigray will manage economically after that.
ReplyDeleteBelay zeleke is an agame don't be fooled. Agame are impersonating everyone else except themselves to gain the support of other Ethiopians. Weyane is the most hated entity in Ethiopia, that is why the cyber world is filled with either agame pretending as Eritrean opposition or as Ethiopians supporting weyane.
ReplyDeletelike Rwanda & Uganda does to Congo.
ReplyDeleteAgame, ....Asmera was a thriving city before Agame Alula came from his mothers scuffles infested filthy pusssy. This deranged thug looted Asmara. As for your claim that Agame was never colonized, haha... your were defeated by a Somali warlord called Ahmed Gragn, he marched all the way to Shire, Mekele... all over Tigray and raped every Agame pusssy on his way, took shittt load of Agame as slaves, castrated the coward Agame and sold them on the high seas... and the Italians beheaded your men and cut your women's breasts. Hah... need I say more?
aytTlem Amanikha, keyTelmeka feTarikha !
ReplyDeletewalakua mot nkhulu wediseb zeyterf intekhone,
Meles Telam, goyta Telimuwo, teQedimu
Belay Zeleke,
ReplyDeleteLook at your name....spris ! hehehe
Fedayn, ...Walk the talk asshole!!
ReplyDeleteYour mouth and your ass have a lot in common.
Fedayn, ...Walk the talk asshole!!
ReplyDeleteStart with Taking back what belongs to you, if there is any :) Talk is shit just like you.
It's a big shame indeed, Haile! The bogus sanctions was Susan Rice's sanctions. She is a vindictive witch who even called the Ethiopian opposition as idiots for not conforming to dictator Meles Zenawi's demands. She considered Meles a close and dear friend, which is why this psychopath sanctioned Eritrea on his behalf.
ReplyDeleteBingo! That's what it boils down to!
ReplyDeleteYou see there is not much of a difference as long as you believe in Axum Zion :) lol
ReplyDeleteWedi qubi eternal hero,
ReplyDeleteI was at Tsorona in 2000 killing shitt load Agame. How do you like that you motha-fucka homo nigga. My AK47 will asss rape you anytime fuck'nn barya !!
Wedi qubi eternal hero Agame,
ReplyDeleteYou like sucking up Uncle Sam's cockk, without your slave masted... you'll be assss raped with Shaebia's bayonets.
I was at Tsorona in 2000 killing shitt load Agame. How do you like that you motha-fucka homo nigga. My AK47 will asss rape you anytime fuck'nn barya !!
Gash a.k.a inferior Agame,
ReplyDeleteYou like sucking up Uncle Sam's cockk, without your slave masted... you'll be assss raped with Shaebia's bayonets.
I was at Tsorona in 2000 killing shitt load Agame. How do you like that you motha-fucka homo nigga. My AK47 will asss rape you anytime fuck'nn barya !!
belay zeleke Barya / Amhara / Agame / Nigger,
ReplyDeleteEritrea has the Damot civilization that predates Axum by thousands of years. Today, Eritrea has more architectural sites only second to Egypt. Incase you don't know, we the northerners are the real Habesha, we came from Himyar (modern day Yemen) thousands of years ago, we are sons and daughters of Saba of Merib. We are the founders of Damot, Kohayto, Metera, Adulis and Beylul who established civilization on the Red Sea coast. Our kings are in the Holy Torah and the Holy Koran. In the Middle East, we are called people of "The Book".... but you are nowhere in the book you niggger Gala/Agame/Amhara. We ruled the Red Sea when your ape nigger ancestors were living in deep Gambela jungle with the monkeys.
Our archeological sites that predate Axum are there for testament, engraved with names of our Bahri Negestat, Mdri Bahri, Ngus Wolde Mikael who whiped out Alula & Yohan's pathetic pusssy group of pandits.
FYI... it was our forefathers together with the Italians who defeated thugs like Alula and gang raped your filthy women with bayonets, while your fathers run like little girls, you Agame/Amhara niggers don't even have the guts to save your women's filthy pusssy. Go fuckkk your self nigga. You are inferior to us in many ways, you're Bantu race Agame/Amhara. Go eat raw meat you premitive monkey.
it is difficult to discus with ignorant like you. grow up!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHah... I'm surprised you even know how to spell the word that describes you well, "ignorant". However, your comment can simply be summed up as "a donkey calling the wise-man ignorant". Here is a worldwide fact about Agame/Amhara IGNORANCE:
ReplyDeleteLet us make the record clear. First and for most cursing doesn't make you sound tough. It makes your sound foolish. Second your ancestors never fought "with" the Italians, don't make stuff up. The fact you are attempting to place your ancestors relationship with the Italians as equals is laughable at best. Your relationship with the Italians is that of a "master and a slave". This is the reality you cant discount.
You remind me of the articles that I read on slaves that were freed during the U.S. civil war. They too thought they had a great life for they were brain washed by their slave masters. We the people of Ethiopia on the other hand did defeat the Italians not once but twice. We are the only African nation to have never been colonized or enslaved. This is the fact you cant seem to come to terms with.
Just accept the fact you are nothing more than an Ashker, a baria, a slave, etc. Your ancestors fought as Ashkers for the Italians. Not "with" but "for" their masters. They went ahead of the Italian solders as a dispensable mine clearing donkey.
It is a written history that your ancestors were never allowed to venture into Piasa, Asmara, for it was sealed of for whites only and your ancestors were considered dirty barias. Your ancestors were not allowed to walk on the same street as their white masters. They were not allowed to get education past 4th grade. This are all facts that you seem to have forgotten. It is good to look back at your history and see where you come from. So spare me the fluff and come to terms with your identity.
I have a question for you. Instead of talking tough and mighty why don't you venture to Badme and free your land? You know that you are fee now right? You don't need the blessing from your Italian master to pick up arms and take what belongs to you.
I just hate how ignorant and stupid Eritreans are. They r no better than anybody but they think like they r on top of the world. How many Eritreans do fled their country through Ethiopia????? Almost everyone I know came through my land ethiopia.
ReplyDeletedo not racist motha fuckers assssssssssssssholes.give us peace, aint give a fuck who you are ,where you from , what is ur religion ,unless you are HUMAN Being.