There are Four Kinds of Eritrean 'Opposition' Groups
There are Four Kinds of Eritrean 'Opposition' Groups
By Dehai Member,
There are four kinds of the so-called “OPPOSITION”: (a) The Traditional; (b) The Tigray-cross-border “refugees”; (c) The Woyane implants; (d) The Regionalist/Religionist group.
(b) The Tigray cross-border refugees were lured to the bonanza in the Diaspora. They were unfortunately stranded in Mai Aynee, Shmelba and other camps. The Woyane later took advantage of their misery, brain-washed them to hate the GoE. They even trained some of them to raise their “Youth Army” to overthrow Issaias. The Traditional OPPOs associated with them in Ethiopia. The timing coincided with the time when the Traditional OPPOs had given up their 20-year struggle because of old age. They pampered the youth into creating a “Youth Political Party” inculcating in their minds that the country is in need of “መንአሰይ” to whom they wished to entrust the relay of their failed struggle.
(c) The Woyane implants are those that the Woyane had always inserted in the Eritrean internet community. Both (a) and (b) were added as natives, who, through their cultural and linguistic similarity were found an excellent support to its Traditional surrogates.
(d) The Regionalist/Religionist were pampered with the idea of the Infamous Article 39 that the Woyane used to systematically divide the Ethiopian society; e.g. “Klil based” nationalism such as The Kunama/Saho/Highlander/Lowlander group.
It is a pity that, apart from those in item (c) above, who are well trained Woyane cadres, the level of comprehension of the English language of most of those categorized in (a) (b and (d), is low from what I noticed in their communication skills in Dehai, but I wish they access this link, and read to realize that the OPPOSITION mantra is manufactured by powers that do not wish good for Eritrea, and stop the destruction of their own country and people.

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