The Hypocrisy of Eritrean 'Opposition' Groups
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Hands off Eritrea! - Credit: Mohammed Abdulsalam |
The Hypocrisy of Eritrean 'Opposition' Groups
By Barnabas Araya Yohannes,
The so called opposition groups are divided against themselves by tribalism, regionalism, and religious fanaticism. This evidence makes a mockery of the ethos they proclaimed to profess.
The current opposition groups and individuals present a special threat because they do not usually declare their evil intentions openly but instead they secretly sow the seeds of distrust and suspicion. Outwardly they assert their firmness and commitment for Eritrean unity, while inwardly they are engaged in dividing and agitating the people. These treacherous enemies, who by day and night, openly and secretly, do their utmost to shake the foundations of our unity and who kindle secret sedition and strife, appear as 'sheep, yet inwardly they are naught but ravening wolves.' Sweet in words, they are, but at heart, they are deadly poison.
No doubt every arrogant one that plots dissension and discord will not openly declare his evil purposes; nay rather, even as a fake gold, he would shine and sparkle, and would seize upon divers measures and various pretexts that he may separate the gathering of our community.
These people are like vicious animals, which are lying in ambush, watching for an opportunity. By every means, they are trying to cause divisions among the people in order to achieve their hidden agendas, vested interests, and ulterior motives. Not so in Eritrea.
Our people and community must be protected from these kinds of hypocrites. All showing of kindness or goodwill efforts will always produce contrary results. Should they be allowed to continue they will, in but just within few years, destroy the hard won Eritrean unity.
What they have done is an attempt to strike with their axes at the root of the tree of our unity. No community can be expected to sacrifice its identity and unity out of mistaken tolerance. They must be avoided by all means necessary. If dictatorship is the only way to keep them away from Eritrea, let it be.
The Hypocrisy of Eritrean 'Opposition' Groups
Reviewed by Admin
12:02 AM
You made it sound like it is only in Eritrea that are such kind of oppositions. Brother barnobas, there are such kind of opposition even in democratic countries like Germany, Italy, Sweden.... But they are kept under check or under control through solid constitution. Don't insult our intelligence and be like your boss.
ReplyDeleteThese so-called opposition groups are actually Weyane agents paid by Weyane Tigray.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it so important for you to compare Eritrea with other European countries? Are you comparing apple with oranges?
ReplyDeleteWell done Barnabas!!
ReplyDeleteWe need to expose those who claim themselves as oppositions. They are the arch enemies of the Eritrean people, sponsored by our enemies.
The Eritrean Ministry of information has leaked another secret.... Eritrean Government has issued a new logo as part of the on going modernaization program. Other logos are to follow soon.
ReplyDeleteIt is dangerous for you Eritreans,if you can't agree,people in the world,including we Ethiopians see you as civilised people,we expect to see it in the manner you treat each other.
ReplyDeleteAre you the sponsor of this logo? Woyane qondaf
ReplyDeleteMadote, how can you call treasonous criminals opposition. We all have the right to oppose but this are avowed enemies of the people of Eritrea that only want to see bad things happen in Eritrea. They want to create bad things mayhem.
ReplyDeleteZeragi I have a better one for you, it is suggested by his excellency Rasheida Chief - Minister of Body Spare Parts and Components.
ReplyDeleteit would be wise to clean your house first before speaking about others
ReplyDeleteok let me rephrase it.
ReplyDeleteYou made it sound like it is only in Eritrea such kind of oppositions exists. Brother barnobas, there are such kind of opposition even in many democratic countries around the world. But they are kept under check or under control through solid constitution. Don't insult our intelligence and dont act like your boss.
Wow..... Is that your real name? You can do more than that. Qondaf Woyane.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition in Eritrea didn't come from within. They are organized and funded by outsiders, namely Ethiopia and the United States. How is the constitution YOU want to prescribe for Eritrea is going to help and how is it connected with the constitution Eritrea wants to implement? What kind of constitution do you want for Eritrea? Do you want the one that will allow you, agames, payed puppets and traitors to shit through your mouth and ass in the middle of Asmara? Why do you think we need to implement the constitution NOW? Do you think we should implement the constitution now just to satisfy others or do you think we should wait until we, the people of Eritrea, deemed it to be the right time? As a young nation, do you think we should give priority to freedom or democracy? Do you actually know the difference between the two? If you do, which one of the two do you think we should continue to protect in order to implement the other one? I don't know why you are barking "Constitution! Constitution! Constitution!" on every page you seem to be present. Do you really know the meaning and the definition of it? Are you saying all countries who claim to have implemented a constitution are abide by it. Are you saying the law of the land in your country, Ethiopia, is better than the one we have?
I'm asking you these questions because I wanted to tell you that it is you who is insulting our intelligence ... not Barnabas. And please understand that I really do not expect a positive outcome/discussion from you since you are not allowed to do so by the dogs in Addis Ababa who are paying you. You have to defecate through your mouth and then get paid. I understand.
ReplyDeleteThats not the case. As you said all countries have opposition parties Yes! but they are not silly enough to gamble their National Security with enemy. Democracy means to discuss issues of the majority interest in a civilized manner.
Anyone can oppose and comment for POSITIVE change. What we Eritreans (opposition or not) have to agree is to eradicate dangerous divisions among ourselves in the name of region, religion, political or personal interest and so on.
We need to stand UNITED REPEAT U-N-I-T-E-D ! to preserve our INDEPENDENCE our martyrs paid their lives for. We should keep in mind the country we are discussing about is not the result of yours or mine hardwork but our HEROS AND HEROENS who paid their sweat, blood, bones and precious lives.
Without Eritrea there is no democracy, human rights, consititution or whatsoever you dream about.
No Martyrs' families would agree with those who fly to Addis and Mekele to discuss Eritrean issues with the killers of their children! Noway!
As you said before the gambler woyane is playing the opposition with the same cards.
Right on the point !! Let"s see if the GOE allow their short sight prescription for eritrea. Are they going to demarcate our borders, lift the unjust sanctions, return our youth with good employment opportunity? Drop their fat outside funds and bury all their garbage on sand etc... I don"t think so. Any body have the right to express his/ her opinion but not at the expense of the country. So please leave our people in peace if oops don"t have nothing to do work on them self. There no any single proof that done right for the interest of the people. Except hate,division make a living with fake retarded ideology.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition might have some serious issues to straighten out but I kind of like this dude at least he dared to admitted the naked dictatorship prevailing in Eritrea which all the other PFDJ goons did not dare to admit. But this guy doens't get it, it is the dictator who is killing our unity and our country and he must go and he will GO!
ReplyDeleteBe cool,erilion,there is nothing bad behind my comment.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you tell us if the "oppositions" have serious issue?
ReplyDelete"These so called opposition groups are divided against themselves by tribalism, regionalism, and religious fanaticism. This evidence makes a mockery of the ethos they proclaimed to profess". Do you agree with this statement? If not Why? Expecting your answer!
How in the world could any one be against constitution and rule of law. It must be only us in the whole world.
ReplyDeleteThere is no opposition yet, these fringe elements you are talking about are traiters and thugs and they should be referred as such.
ReplyDeleteYou must be living in a dream world.
ReplyDeleteYou implement democracy and a constitutional government in a place where people could accept defeat. If the majority wins, the minority must remain silent. However, in some places, the minority will fight back by all means.
ReplyDeleteIn Egypt, after trying democracy, they found out, if the conservatives are elected, the liberals will fight back; and if the liberals are elected, the conservatives will fight back. Finally, the military was forced to intervene and take action. Now, before Egypt is turned into another Iraq or Syria, the Arab States, the UK, and the US decided to embrace the military government and back them up.
In my opinion, any legal or political system must serve humanity as a whole. Humanity must not be crucified in order to uphold the banner of unworkable system. Therefore, democracy is not a panacea and it must be applied in a case by case situation.
A medicine that can be used to cure one disease that same medicine can also be misused and can be used as a poison. The purpose of a medicine is to cure; if it becomes the cause of the disease, it is better to avoid it.
If you want peace, you must first pursue unity. It is out of unity that peace will come out. Therefore, any organization, whether it is political or religious, must be designed to bring unity. If it creates division, it is better to avoid it.
Erilion, could you please apologize to Ted? I think he was
ReplyDeletegiving an honest comment. Thanks Erilion.
̈Without Eritrea there is no democracy, human rights, consititution or whatsoever you dream abouẗ
ReplyDeleteIt is the other way around Sillylia
Without human right, constitution and rule of law we might lose the Eritrea we have today. Learn from Somalia. That is what SYad Barie used to say.
i did, my Liking his reply!
ReplyDeleteI don't know them all and I can't answer for them. a few of them might be guilty of the charges but I don't paint everybody with the same brush. I know for sure many eritreans, organized or otherwise, who feel the pain of their people and who work tirelessly to regain the dignity of their people. It is the weakness of the opposition that is in part perpetuating the suffering of our people and allow the the dictator to savour the pain of Eritreans.
ReplyDeleteI must tell you that i admire your writing, and i believe with all my heart that we must pursue for unity among us Eritreans that is the only way to make our mother land better place for all eritreans to live on. The more tolerance that we have the more mature people that we become, and i believe we have a problem and we must cure our problems by working together.
ReplyDeleteare you trying to justify the dictatorship in Eritrea?? First of all if Ex Egyptian leader aka H. Mubarek had implemented democracy in his country in to decades ago, we wouldnt see what we are witnessing today. H. Mubarek came to power in 1981 and for 30 years he ruled the country recklessly and with iron feast. Only fools would think unity would mushroom on those past three decades.
ReplyDeletePeople who try to justify dictatorship comes up with such kind lame examples in-order to implant fear. People like you never mention good examples. There are countries similar to ours that we should learn and follow as an example. To mention some of them, Botswana, Costa Rica, Chile.... what do you think the success of Botswana depends on???
ReplyDeleteIt is funny how you twist things around. On all my comments, I dont think I have said we need oppositions from outside. I dont even talk about opposition (I usually call them opportunists) . What i always talk about is - we need a nation that is ruled by constitution where everyone is equal under the law. We need a nation where we express our views, We need a nation where everyone moves freely. President Issayas and his clowns are making us weak. When half of the population are under exodus, then we are weak. when people who criticize goes to prison , then we are weak. When every decision comes from one person , then we are weak.
Weyane's puke leakers were never an organic opposition inside eritrea and in diaspora. They are lack of orders and rules. They fragmented beyond repair 30 years ago.The disgruntled groups dragged down by their master weyane and disagreement over the fund they got from weyane. These groups refused to vote for Eritrea referendum and sabotaging their own country. They are traitors.
ReplyDeleteWe must to silence the "opposition". Hunt them like animals. KILL THEM. NO MERCY !!!!
ReplyDeletewhat dictator r u talking about? which country are you referring? you need to learn Eritrea 101 and the history of Eritrea then you can comment.
ReplyDeletedo not give this moron more than he/she is make of. morone is morone,
ReplyDeleteTake your Hands off Eritreans ! kondaf.
ReplyDeletenmen ketedanagr?
Dude, if you're Agame, go to hell and if you're part of the so called "opposition" then you'll be killed.
ReplyDeleteActually the U.K., New Zealand, Israel, provinces of Canada all don't have constitutions.
ReplyDeleteWe will NEVER allow the "opposition" trolls turn Eritrea into another Somalia. We'll hunt the "opposition" group one by one, wherever they are, find them and kill them.
ReplyDeleteNo one can divide you unless you allow them. So look into your own weaknesses before placing blame on others.
ReplyDeleteArm your self my brother and be an avenger, act like your brethren "Fedayin". KILL traitors.
ReplyDeleteWhether Mubarak had implemented democracy in his time or now, it's irrelevant. People learn from the past. Now people should be more advanced than 100 years ago because of the spread of education and exposure with other nations.
ReplyDeleteBe that as it may, now democracy in Egypt has resulted in complete anarchy. What do you think is the solution? They have found the military (that's dictatorship) the only alternative --Are they wrong?
The same goes with Somalia. The root cause of the civil war in Somalia is competition for resources. James Bishop, the United States' last ambassador to Somalia, explained that there is "competition for water, pasturage, and cattle. It is a competition that used to be fought out with arrows and sabers... Now it is fought out with AK-47s."* The lack of water is the cause of pasturage and food; and the lack of pasturage and food is the cause of continued violence and the humanitarian disaster. Now, in Somalia, there reins an endless chaos and anarchy. A strong hand of dictatorship is the only solution. If not, what do you think is the solution?
Finally, you mentioned, Botswana. Over 95% of the people of Botswana are Christians. The Muslims are less than 1%. It is also one of the richest nation in Africa in gemstones and precious metals. Its population are only 2 million. But they produce over $1.6 billion worth of diamonds in a year. How could you compare that with Eritrea? Eritrea's population is 50% Christian 50% Islam and there are religious fanatics from both sides. It doesn't produce that significant natural resources. The farmer must break the hard rocks and wait for the rain, one season per year. Unfortunately, nature doesn't distribute its wealth equally across the world.
using your internet signal/location, we will hunt you. we will send someone to take you out.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame your own failure on others. First, show us your unity, then we will follow you.
ReplyDeletehei! Listen we don't have any thing to do with those countries you mentioned and we dont need to. What eritreans need are rule of law which is the basics- if one do crime whatever the crime is, he should go to court. There are thousands of eritreans who are perishing in jail write now, let the eritrean government(which is dectated by one man and one man only) give them justice, couse i belive "innocent until proven guilty".
ReplyDeleteCome on bro, are you that scared by my writings? You can do better than that, i born and grew up in war unlike you "MISHTI"
ReplyDeleteyou said whether Mubarek had is irrelevant?
I say, you are wrong. If He implemented democracy 3 decades ago, 30 years later (which is today) you would see young generations in their 20,s , 30s and 40s, with democratic thinking’s. 30 years of dictatorship has created radicalism, division, fanatics, mistrust among citizens....
Issayas had golden chance to democracies Eritrea and he missed that opportunity. In my opinion, he still has a little chance to do that now, but as the saying goes “you can't teach an old dog new tricks. saying. I don’t think he will change his habits. I know he will go down but what worries me is WHAT IS HE GOING TO TAKE DOWN WITH HIM??
One question
What would happen if Botswana didn’t implement democracy right after the got independency ?? Don’t you think their fate would have been as the rest of Africa - civil war, tribal war, corruption....
more to follow on your comment.
You know whatever you say makes you a killer, terrorist. Watch out what you write, you can easily be traced.
ReplyDeleteNo Eritrean is interested to kill another Eritrean
You are the enemy of Eritrea/ns.
ReplyDeleteI can still tell you that Eritrea has survived sofar without those fake dreams of yours.
My question to you is -.....
If there is no Eritrea, tell me where you going to put your empty retorik of Democracy...contitution etc.???
I’m sick and tired when many of you try to justify the rule of jungle with different excuses such as national security, economical development…
ReplyDeleteThere is no justification for dictatorship. Of course national security is one of to priority when we live in a hostile environment, but the strength of national security do not lie in oppressing people. The strength of national security and economical development lies in democracy, rule of law and human right. This is proven fact in many countries in the world. Botswana , South Korea , Costa Rica....
I never said democracy is about having many parties, what I always have been saying is – Democracy is about Rule of law, equal justice under law (applies thepresident too), respect human right, freedom of movement, and freedom of expression.
Thanks Mr. Barnabas and Madot Admin for the Article. Medenegar zeka al, gerhi hezbi mes terekeb terah iyu..Hezbi Eritra, bellih, lebbam, mestewali, iyu.. what so ever these kahdamat are doing, our Unity is always over there kemkedem..
ReplyDeleteHaddish aykonen fetena nezi Hezbi..nezom belaàti gezzif kebdom, no worries totaly they are governed by their belly..
I disagree when referring ourseves to false democrats (western) We have a culture that don't need to envy no one..
ReplyDeleteWe have it morone, just rest in peace! Dont try to lacture as abt spmething you have no knowledge of. My suggestion is tell is how the country you love on is governed and adminstrated and we can talk about what Eritrea needs to add. Many countries have constitutions and we too have it but unlike them we are self governing people who are busy rebuilding our nation from scratch. You intentionally deny that we are working with unison towards a shared vision. I personally don't bother aboit this nonsense since it has no weigh to bring about any meaningful dent, we are, just as we have been, marching forward blazing a new path. Your understanding of law and order seems to be a bit construded and your assumtion is invalid. Criminals are not political opposition!
ReplyDeleteThanks forto sawa well said!!
ReplyDeleteI like the sentence "we are self governing people". That is the truth, and the truth will never grow old.
Indeed, you are sick and tired of your own action. You believe in "even though it is flying, still it is a goat".
ReplyDeleteTemben wey mot!!! Dictatorship li kidmit!!! Ane Tembenay eye seteku maye!!! Ane wedi Abraha eye seteku maye!!!
ReplyDeleteCANE! We should envy their life, because they are living the best life in the world. At least they dont worry about what to eat the day after and that is the product of their tolerance to their differences. I will give you an example if you detained for a crime, no matter what you did i will advocate for you to go to court, that is what we have missed in our nation. I belive EPLF advocates for those values, which was kidnapped by one man and one man only.
ReplyDeleteI wish Eritrea got 20 of your kind, isaiasmoron!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat i hate is the complex of inferiority that many africans have due to colonialism toward the west, that automaticaly becames a dictate..for instance in Senegal you'll see people wanting to be a french man and not to be proud of being a Senegalees..damn..i'm proud of my people who is rare in Africa and elsewere Proud to be Eritrean..and not to copy, resemble, subjugate to west (constitution, human right, democracy, right of speech ect..all shit,)..As I say we have old standards of measuring things, that many new so called developed countries don't. Nay kedem bahlin tariken allena.
ReplyDeleteYou know Forto Sawa, i agree with you..and what i don't let understand morron, is that I don't believe in what is called "democracy" by others to target you're not democrat, while you see at open day light how this HASSAWI ALEM Eritrea's is particular..I don't understand when they use this "free expression, human rights, ect" it's all fabrication of the same system that creats havoc in the world then turns around and accuse you, Rampant example, the west accepted a government that throw a democraticaly elected Leader/Nation for pure interest, while in their "constitution" is not for this system we have to believe? Russia.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say I don't care about senegalis, what I care is about my mother land which I and a lot of it's lands man paid very heavy price for it's freedom and justice. If you are for the old standard of eritrean people it will be "baito" which we don't have it nowadays. As a" betimhirti sewra" we as a family and many eritreans paid very, very heavy price for independence and justice. When I see one man play with our values it boiles my blood.
ReplyDeleteWe Eriteans agree..even soo much, don't be fooled by those who pretend to be Eritreans, we know them, it's simple, just reading their nonesense comments..easy
ReplyDeleteAbout Mubarek, he was good until the "west" was intouch with him, then all of a sudden he fall, what happened? Attum sebat izi alem HASSAWI IYU..another point, you remember when Reis Ghedafi, was supporting some european leaders even in their advertizing to win candidacy? I remember when berlasconi of italy's when he kiss his hand, just 6 monthe's later..devils destroyed him..should i believe in this GHOST?
ReplyDeleteYes I agree with you saying that no Eritrean is interested to kill another Eritrean. But, the so called "oppositions" with woyane are arming Eritrean youth so that we kill each other. Wedi Vacaro stated that clearly and others too.
ReplyDeleteTo some extent I agree also with fedayen.
At least this writer admits that there is dictatorship in Eritrea. "If dictatorship is the only way to keep them away from Eritrea, let it be.". As they the saying, you don´t stop to sleep just because you are afraid of bad dreams. What some people forget is there is no secession plan in Eritrea, and if the mad dog dies as those 2 generals did in the car accident, we are doomed to civil war since there is no one prepared to take over. That is exactly what this mad dog want, otherwise who in his right mind does´t have number 2 (vice president) in the leadership. May god save us.
ReplyDeleteTo some extent I agree with you too "Zeragi". However, you do not have to quote Wedi Vacaro to convince us, he has not a credible source or full blooded Eritrean, we know his past, he's just another opportunist with mafia connection but that is another story for another time.
ReplyDeleteMy fellow comrades, program your brain as uncompromising ultra nationalist and weed out trolls. As you would beat dumb donkey to death, then use the same lethal force to send a message to traitors, a covert blitz attack, KGB style, a mysterious death to Agame cadres and their cronies.
You'll find them on the streets of Europe and US, cafes, sidewalks, parking lots, hotels, restaurants, train stations, their offices etc... just make it look like an accident. Just throw a small marijuana bag on the crime scene, it will make it look like an isolated case, a drug related crime. Protect our sovereignty at any cost.
We won't be fooled again, enough is enough. Long Live Eritrea !!!! Long Live Shaebia !!!! Awet N'Hafash !!!!
Cane Libro, we are not talking about the hypocracy of west. We are talking about the unwillingness to react quickly and democratize the nation before it falls apart. You see Cane, a good example of such move was ex Ghanian leader Mr Rawling.
ReplyDeleteYou lost your mind street thug!
ReplyDelete(I believe you are woyane on flesh)
Eritrea has the ability to defend itself. We do not need to go to their level to win the war.
We shall overcome the evil on a smartest way.
What you say is just childish and ugly and NOT Eritrean at all !
Rora Krbit !
ReplyDeleteKemakhi zbela meshrefet intay ke nbelen? fokuas! ileki mHlaf yHsheni za gualey.
izi ikua zetdekm konka zwedey. Imber seb riiyto khb inkelo iske kndey zkhonu degefti alewuni? ilu riisu yHatit imo, astebhilu iwa igage keyhlu ilu neta zbela klte gzye yHasbela.
ReplyDeleteAbzi zelenayo zeben wura wura, nay gdam abay bzelon zeyelon gebenat amesamisu, nhagerna kgobiT, kem Halayi temesilu kekhudid inkelo, kitqotsatseyelu yemHrelka do? ayfal !
astewEl, aytitihamel, klte gzye Harnet yelen.
bmela nHaza izom deqey.
sherekh-rekh iluki iwe, ab Hangolki deybu. mizan zeyblki konki za gualey.
ReplyDeletetEgisti iyu tsubuQ, dem bzHi keyHzeki.
dember-ber ilka mkhad nab hugum zemriH mukhanu sle nfeliT, btEgstn melan ina nkheyd Eritrawyan.
ZG ! beli
shm siinkas, forto sawa reklam tgebrelom zelekha khe intay ybahal deqey? wey gado !
ReplyDeleteKab behaliUs degamiU hehehe
ReplyDeleteWatching too much movies ? Lol.
ReplyDeletezeragi HadiU zgets!
ReplyDeleteweldef-def aytbel.
Wey imnet aHdirka ab mengistikhan hzbkhan Lgeb.
Anes ayfaleyn intelka nabtom tblom zelezkha deleyti hwket tewegen.
tebaE aymote, ferah aymote langa-langa diA mote keytkhewn.
Eritrea nselam intezeykoynu nhwketn qtletn aytAtiQn iya.
Sir, you got big mouth! There is a saying in Tigringa " zigebir nediu ney'negr".
ReplyDeleteNay kedem bahilikan tarikan bezi mengsti tedemsisu iu! That is exactly what I wrote last time how this regime destroyed our values and our culture and implement a culture which was totally strange to us. "Wegah tibel Leyti, was one of it.
ReplyDeleteDisrespect others was also one of bad manners that was imported by this regime. Our culture was based on young respect elders. Students respect teachers, kids respect parents, people respect religious leaders..... HIGDEF has destroyed this golden culture and that is why today we see people like "zeragi, fedayn...."
Cane Libro, if you advocate that we have best democracy, why don't you return to Eritrea and live there? I know you live in western country and enjoying freedom.
Iwe btigistin melan sile tkedi Sidetki tenawhi aleki. Ab wetsai koynki mizirab Kellil iu. If you were in Eritrea you wouldn't say that.
ReplyDeleteKkkkkk it is funny you said that. You ar the one who is claiming we have democracy while the regime is crushing its own citizens. You are the one who is claiming we have freedom of movement while 1000s of our brothers and sisters are crossing the border. You are the one who is claiming we have freedom of speech while you your self not dare to criticize the regime because you know the out come.
ReplyDeleteYours is " wala tnfer harmaz iu"
How are you self governing when Issayas is playing you left and right? You have no mental capacity to think for yourself. Your only mission is to repeat after the "grand dictator" you are like "pappagalo". I am trying to open your mind and think independently.
ReplyDeleteRoar, Eritrea got many free thinkers like you and me. We are the one who are going to restore the good culture we had, values, human respect as well as respect to our environment. These lost souls you see here are nothing but "pappagalos". They are here just to repeat their masters words.
ReplyDeleteYou should focused and don't get destructed.
Be like a good pilot - maintain your speed, altitude and direction of flight.
I told you iko, but since my words didn't penetrate through your skull, I will repeat it.
ReplyDeleteThere is Eritrea as there was Somalia long time ago. But the Eritrea we have today is like a boat that got multiple holes. If a boat got holes, it is certainly will sink unless you patch or plug the holes. Agree so far??
Now , Eritrea is the boat with holes. The holes are
1. No human right
2. No rule of law
3. No constitution
4. No right of movement
5. No right of investment
You see my friend, if we don't fix these holes our boat will sink. Our "capitano" is too drunk with arrogance to see the holes in our beloved boat.
Aybelkun ane, bsmey aytelagitsu, newri
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is going on here? Madote is getting really entertaining :)
ReplyDeleteAde, hakeja ade inteda konki aifal ni sidet aifal nimaserti aifal ni barinet kitibli isibeyeki. Mikniatu eritrawit ade fikri iya, weis kemten dekenin aletenin ab dege akemiten nihna nisu zibla iki.
ReplyDeleteYou said, if Mubarak had installed democracy 30 years ago, Egypt wouldn't be in this mess now [paraphrased]
Trust me, it would! The civil war would have started 30 years ago and Egypt would have bled to death.
I suggest, you read my other article:
unlike you i am not singing day and nite isaias, your obsession with the man makes it evident deep down you really wish that he was at least your mama's boyfriend if not your dad; insults aside though you need to come to terms with your limits and acept your fate as a refugee in some far off land; as to isaias he is and has lived the life he wanted to live and has accomplished what he set out to do from the age of 18 to this day. he lives among his people and is confident that he is well respected and appreciated.
ReplyDeleteas far as repeating is concerned i am still waiting on you to come up with something original; freedom of speech, press, association, religion, human rights and the list goes on and i will still wait.
i am Eritrean, my right is unalienable, i am born with a home a plot of land that i can farm a 'teisa' land i can build my house and raise a family in. free access to healthcare, education and so on. i stand tall and i am confident and proud. I am Eritrean! fish and dive as i please, i come from the land of plenty and i don't expect pity or charity. Eritrea is and always has been democratic and self respecting and if the tegadalai called your dad called 'ata' he must have noticed that your dad was 'welfas' wanna be petty bourgeoise! i can see that the apple has not fallen far from the tree either. RIP
iko? you sound from the other side of the border to me :)
ReplyDeleteForto Suwa,
ReplyDeleteRepeatedly I told you me and others like me aka free thinkers have no obsession with neither Issayas or his clowns. We have obsession with human dignity (which is not in your or your masters dictionary), freedom of movement (which your brothers and sisters lack in Eritrea)..... Brother forto Suwa, you have nothing and you are nothing except refugee. If I was like you a selfish person, I would praise the regime because personally I and my family have every thing we need. Believe me I go to Eritrea many times and the seen is horrible. Majority of the people are remittance dependent, those who has no one in west or Middle East, they hungry. The cities and towns are deteriorated, businesses are dead, corruptions are widely spread and we know who are the most corrupted individuals.
You were talking about free health care and that was funny. I guess you have not visited to those hospitals like Halibet. If that is your health care provider I would say good luck. Do you know what folk says in Eritrea?? Derg was better, atleast we were not hungry. Never in our history have we seen Eritrean beggars beg in a street. Today you see beggars beg in the street. Don't feel ashame Forto Swua, "fetiyom aykonun". Issayas chose to feed the DEMHIT rather than his people.
Now do you see his master plan?? He made our brothers and sisters refugee and replaced us with DEMHIT. The game is almost over! You lost your self and your country to strangers.
Have a blessing Sunday :)
Forto Suwa
ReplyDeleteSorry I don't mean to touch your nerve. I just told you straight the reality. And now take your daily pills and continue to become refugee.
And who are they??
ReplyDeleteThe only person you would be suspicious about is yourself. Don't try to play Sherlock Holmes of Tigringa with me. Iko is normal word widely used in Asmara. If you grow up somewhere In Nakfa caves maybe you are not familiar with the word.
Don't insult!
ReplyDeleteZeragi is pure PFDJ.
You are indeed Qondaf Agame!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so much interested about his nickname? As far as you are not Eritrawit Ade.
ReplyDeleteLet me lower my self to your standard for few seconds.
Qondaf Agame ilka aytsaref Hagos Kisha keysemaka ! If he hears you say that you will end up in Ira Iro.
Have a blessing Sunday ;)
This is interesting to read! Source: Tesfanews!
ReplyDeleteብዝተፈላለየ ምኽንያት ጉቡኡ ጌሩ ኣብ ስደት ዝርከብ መንእሰይ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ሸንኮለል ናይ ተቛመርቲ ጉጅለታት ከየድሃበ ታሪኹ ኣብን ምስ ህዝባዊ ግንባርን ከምዘሎ ክፈልጥን፡ ብኡኡ ክሕበንን፣ ዋና ታሪኽ እምበር ሰማዒ ታሪኽ ከምዘይኮነ ፈሊጡ ታሪኻዊ ሓላፍነቱ ክስከምን ኣንጻር ጸላእቱ ክምክትን ይግባእ።
By ግርማይ የማነ,
ኣብ’ዚ እዋናት’ዚ ንዝኽሪ ምፍራስ ውቃው እዝ፣ ናደው እዝን ንስርሒት ፈንቅልን ጉዕዞ ናብ ኣስመራን ካልኦት ታሪኻትን ዝሓቖፈ ብሰፊሕ ሰነዳት ዝተሰነየ ውዕሎን ቅያን ጀጋኑና ኣብ መደብ ኤሪ ቲቪ ንርኢ ኣሎና። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብፍላይ ድማ ህ.ግ. ናብ 24 ግንቦት 1991 ንክበጽሕ ዝኸፈሎ መስዋእትን፣ ዝተፈጸመ ጅግንነትን መዳርግትን መዘናን ዘይርከቦ ናይ ታሪኽ ፍጻሜ ምንባሩ ዝያዳ ኣረጋጊጽልናን ኣዘኻኺርናን።
ህዝቢ ተሓሪምዎ ዝጸንሐ ጽምኢ ውዕሎ ጀጋኑና ካብ’ቲ ብዙሕ ገለ ብምርካብና ናይ ነብሲ ዕግበት፣ ዝያዳ ድማ እንቋዕ ወዲ እዚ ጅግና ህዝብን ኣባል እዚ ጅግና ውድብን ኮንኩ ዘብል እዩ። እዚ መስተንክራዊ ስርሒት ህ.ግ. ኣብ’ቲ እዋን’ቲ እቶም ዝነበሩን ዘለውን ተቓወምቲ ኢና በሃልቲ ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘስተባህልሉ ኣይመስልን። እታ እንኮ ንሶም ዝብልዎ እምበር ካልእ ሰብ ዝሰርሖ ከስተውዕሉ ዘይምኽኣሎም ኣብ ናይ ታሪኽ ዓዘቕቲ ተሸሚሞም ምህላዎም እዩ ዘረድኣካ። ካብ ዘረባ ዝርከብ ፍረ የለን ብስራሕ ግን ብዙሕ ከነፍርን ክንገብርን ንኽእል። ካብ ሽሕ ምቁራት ቃላት ሓንቲ ንእሽቶይ ግብራዊት ስራሕ ትበልጽ።
ከም ኤርትራውያን ኤርትራውያን ኢና ክንብል ንደቅናን ደቂ ደቅናን ኣይናይ ታሪኽ ኢና ከነዘንትወሎም። እቲ ዝዓበየ ክፋል ታሪኽ ኤርትራ ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ዝፈጸሞ ዓበይቲ ናይ ስራሕ ቅያታት ንኤርትራ ነጻ ንምውጻእ ዝኸፈሎ መስዋእትን ብልሕን እዩ። እዚ ታሪኽ ድማ ብዘይቶም ጀጋኑን በላሕትን መራሕቱን መሰረቱን ክግለጽ ኣይክኣልን እዩ።
ሰባት ክገብርዎ ዝግባእ ስለዘይገበሩ፣ ካልእ ሰብ ምስ ገበሮ ኣብ ክንዲ ድኻማትካ ምቕባል፣ ንዝገበረ ድማ ሞጐስ ኣብ ክንዲ ምሃብ፣ ንሳቶም ስለዘይገበርዎ ንካልኦት ዝገበሩ ምንእኣስ እንታይ እዩ ትርጉሙ። ህይወት ወዲ ሰብ ተመላላኣይ እዩ። ሓደ ዘይገበሮ እቲ ካልእ ይገብሮ፣ ሓደ ክደክም እቲ ካልእ ይብርትዕ ነዚ ዳይናሚካዊ መስርሕ ህይወት ዘይምቕባል ድማ ጽልኢ፣ቅንኢ፣ ድኽመት የሕድር።
ብካልእ ሸነኽ ድማ ኣባላት ህ.ግ. ዝነበሩ ታሪኾም ኪሒዶም ህ.ግ. ዝገበሮ ከነኣእሱ፣ ንነብሶም ንሕና ኣይኮናን ኢሎም ክኽሕዱ፣ ሕሉፍ ሓሊፉ ዓበይቲ ታሪኽ ዝፈጸሙ መራሕቲ ምስ ዘይረብሑ ኮራኩር ወያኔን ዓባይ ኢትዮጵያን ኮፍ ኢሎም ዘየድሊ ዘረባታት ክምድሩ እንከለው የሕዝኑኻ።
ህ.ግ. ብሓፈሽኡ ናይ ቃልሲ መስርሕ እዩ። ኣብ መስርሕ ድማ ገለ ይቕጽል ገለ ይተርፍ፣ ገለ ይደክም ገለ’ውን ፈጺሙ ዝኽሕድ ክህሉ ሓድሽ ነገር ኣይኮነን። እቲ ዝኸፍአ ግን ኣብ ድሑር ሃይማኖታውን ኣውራጃውን ስምዒታት ኣቲኻ ሓድነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምብትታን ዝግበር ፈተናታት ህዝቢ ክነቕሓሉ ኣገዳሲ እዩ።
ህ.ግ. ፊተወራሪ ሃገራውነትን ሃገራዊ ሓድነትን እዩ። ብዓቢኡ ድማ ንኩሉ ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ ጠርኒፉ ኩሉ ሃገራዊ ሃገራዊ እጃሙ ከልዕልን ምዕሩይ ዝርጋሐ ሃገራዊ ሃብትን ትምህርትን ሓላፍነትን ዝህብ ዲሞክራስያዊ ውድብ እዩ። ነቶም ብግዳም ኮይኖም ንህዝባዊ ግንባር ክፈርዱ ዝፍትኑ ቀሪቦም ታሪኽ ህ.ግ. ክርድኡን ካብ ክቱር ጽልኢ ዝነቅል ስምዒቶም ብበረድ ኣዝሒሎም ሃገራዊ ሓላፍነቶም ከልዕሉ ይግባእ። እንተ እቲ ንሳቶም ዝፈጥርዎ ገፈጥ መፈጥ ትሑት ሃገራዊ ስርሓት ግን ንህ.ግ. ዘይውክልን ኣብ ጥቕኡ ዘቀርብን እዩ።
በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ነቲ ብዝተፈላለየ ምኽንያት ጉቡኡ ጌሩ ኣብ ስደት ዝርከብ መንእሰይ ክብሎ ዝደሊ፣ ኣብ ሸንኮለል ናይ ተቛመርቲ ጉጅለታት ከየድሃበ ታሪኹ ኣብን ምስ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ከምዘሎ ክፈልጥን ብኡኡ ክሕበንን፣ ዋና ታሪኽ እምበር ሰማዒ ታሪኽ ከምዘይኮነ ፈሊጡ ታሪኻዊ ሓላፍነቱ ክስከምን ኣንጻር ጸላእቱ ክምክትን እላወቦ። ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!!
ብዝተፈላለየ ምኽንያት ጉቡኡ ጌሩ ኣብ ስደት ዝርከብ መንእሰይ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ሸንኮለል ናይ ተቛመርቲ ጉጅለታት ከየድሃበ ታሪኹ ኣብን ምስ ህዝባዊ ግንባርን ከምዘሎ ክፈልጥን፡ ብኡኡ ክሕበንን፣ ዋና ታሪኽ እምበር ሰማዒ ታሪኽ ከምዘይኮነ ፈሊጡ ታሪኻዊ ሓላፍነቱ ክስከምን ኣንጻር ጸላእቱ ክምክትን ይግባእ።
Young men and women lured by Obama false promise to cross the border. President Obama, "We are partnering with arch enemy of Eritrea and human traffickers to deceit innocent young men and women to flee Eritrea in order to subdue the GOE).
ReplyDeleteOnly weak blames others.
ReplyDeleteWhy dont Botswanian, Costa Rican, South Korean ... Young men and women do not get lured by Obama? For every day you becoming more ridiculous.
Please come up with other logic.
Have a blessing day;)
you go many times,,,,wow morone you set me straight, how could i argue with such a brilliant mind? put a lid on it fool. I am Eritrean! i am saying this because i can.
ReplyDeleteHey ha ha ha ha :) what a Fedayin There ís no fire wood. Weyane Wahid! yOU R NO eRI! Lol :')
ReplyDeleteAs I said to Rora, Be like a good pilot - maintain your speed, altitude and direction of flight, then you will reach at your destination.
ReplyDeleteMore to come, let it rant and it will expose it self. Iko is from asmara now? Tell us more pls.
ReplyDeleteAny one who is lieing at a day see moron, we read that our Admin told that there are lot of trolls here ethiopians (agames)
ReplyDeleteIssayasmoron, your problem is that you do not take into account that Eritrea is strangled economically by those people who have offered you asylum. (1) It is blocked from accessing the IMF/WORLD BANK and other institutions from borrowing unless it surrenders Assab for use by Foreign Direct investors in the Woyaneland oilfields and mine lands. (2) Eritrea has no capacity to "deficit spend" trillions of other nations moneys to finance its projects like the masters you admire. It manages because its people believe going through hardship for a while until resources from its mines provide it with money to build up both the cities and rural area. There is more, but let me stop here.
ReplyDeleteAs for the complaint on "never ending national service" that you Opposition Liars complain about, it is because it has educated hundreds of young people for free. I repeat it to you - for free. It is the equivalent of what the masters you admire. It is also "national service" - paying to the financiers for years in their adult life for the borrowed college funds they were give. Millions of students owe one trillion-dollars that they borrowed and must pay back. Take that as equivalent to the "national service" that young Eritreans provide to their nation. You may call it "slavery" but it is the same as the minimum of $70,000 to earn a first degree. Eritrea provides free education up to college and higher level. Your "users" are feeding that into your head as wrong to put a wedge between the govt. of Eritrea and its national service level youth. If you are one of those escapees (stolen govt debt to reach the West and turn Opposition) please go to school and learn. You will be more useful to Eritrea staying away from politics. Shut up and go to school now that you have the chance. Do not serve the Woyane agenda by joining the Opposition.
What a dame ass. No brain ha? Sorry you can't answer that, because you got no intellect to process anything we say here. TIME after time after time... I can't repeat this for even. WHAT IS WRONG TO QUESTION YOUR GOVERNMENT? Any stable government need to be accountable for every thing it does in its country. If its not who the F do you thing should HOLD them accountable? YOU DAME. First of you need to be able to speak freely. And it is sad to hear and see all over the world a bunch of sissy boys holding Guns thinking it make you a man. Go to school instead of becoming a child soldier. Come to think of it you are just hiding "Fedayin". SEE THINK DO.
I made a simple list for you to follow. Just write a summery of what you SEE in Eritrea. What you THINK should the actions be. And yes TAKE YOUR TIME you need it. Finally DO is simple BE a good boy and eat your veggies.