President Isaias Afwerki Receives Award from Rashaida Elders
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President Isaias Afwerki in Sahel |
President Isaias Afwerki Receives Award from Rashaida Elders
Updated: 1:16 PM EST - fixed video issues
President Isaias Afwerki received an award from Rasiahda elders in Sahel during 30th anniversary celebrations of the demise of Wukaw Iz.
Towards the end of the short clip, it appears a camel was slaughtered in President Isaias' honor, which in Bedouin traditions, is sign of great respect.
The Rashaida are one of two Arab groups who migrated to Eritrea in the 19th century after clan warfare erupted in the Arabian Peninsula. The second Arab group in the country are the Adeni Arabs.
PIA's Speech in Sahel
President Isaias Afwerki Receives Award from Rashaida Elders
Reviewed by Admin
8:52 AM

A camel slaughtered for issayas, hahahahah. They should have slaughtered the oldest camel (issayas himself) instead. But what the point of slaughtering a camel just to honor another camel? just wondering!!!
ReplyDeleteLook who is talking,we demand to free jeganu wikaw iz, Petros Solomon, Ukbe Abreha,,,and thousands of political prisoners, Implement constitution and implement EPLFs core values.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are the one to be slaughtered first! That's what Puppets are.., Slaves will never know what Masters had in mind, especially for a Real Master like PIA.
Do you want him to talk about you and other defectors, woyane servant Wahid.
ReplyDeleteReal master for you does not mean a master for every one. Free yourself from your "master" mentality zeragi.
ReplyDeleteZeragi nebsi don't go wild like your master, and don't bring Weyane in to this topic.
ReplyDeleteYou are brainwashed, barking in a vacuum, puppet of the west.
ReplyDelete"You are educated more than your intelligence"
Let alone a garbage person like you even our enemies know that especially PIA is a Real Master.
ReplyDeleteI'm a barking for justice, like our martyrs wanted to see in Eritrea, but i can smell you are barking for your "mendek".
ReplyDeleteHe shares the organ selling with them. He always make business with mafia and these brainless Rashida who rape our women and kill our young people in Sudan and Egypt..
ReplyDeleteWhat a mentality you got Zeragi nebsi bravo...bravo..."meskin Eretra kemakum tirah hiza terifa".
ReplyDeleteit's really a waste of time to speak with you. But to late to back off from your wild accusations. Why did you defect?
ReplyDeleteKemakum geza kenesirih,,,,,hehehe.
ReplyDeleteZeragi, you always need a master who leads you to the dark.You are not good enough to use your mind.Just admire what you are told to admire,,admire a killer for being brutal dictator..for killing Eritreans even the Generals who he killed last week,,,for his grade 1 General made the country mourn for 1o days 24 hours TV ere telling his heroism,,,poor Generals even not worth for 2 minutes head line news...Did you ask yourself why...why Naizgi was not allowed to be buried in his home have no meanta kithatu zebelkum degomu papagalos
ReplyDeleteShe looks like schizophrenic.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the rashida made millions of dollars by selling our brothers and sisters kidney, they have to thank him this wouldn't happen if Isayas was
ReplyDeleteNot in power but ?
To be just those who will be found guilty from the Rashida in this modern slavery trade will be hanged with their masters "generals"
Thanks Madote
Bedauin?? Aren't these people selling our brothers and sisters in Sinai desert?? What a joke!!
ReplyDeleteMaster in making us immigrants
ReplyDeleteMaster in making us laughing stock
Master in making us hungry
Master in making us bankrupted
Master in making our city dirty
Master in ordering the construction of unfunctional airport and dams.
Should I go on Cane Libro and Zeragi???
Oqbe abreha was one leaders in the demise of Wqaw Izz. It is in Hiwyet Magazine. Where is he now???
ReplyDeleteCane Libro, I need answer!
You said it all Rora "nebsi"
ReplyDeleteYour dream is just to get rich lol
So why dont you leave Eritrea alone and keep working efficiently with dish washing to build your new home?
ReplyDeleteHow many of your landsmen call themselves "Eritreans" abroad for survival?
You abonden your mother to just look like us, walk like us and act like us AMONG US ... Eritrea is magnificient and magnetic :) who unfortunately draw all JuJ-Manjuj ...yuk!
They killed a camel for all the Eritrean kidneys he allowed them to sell?! This is disrespect for him. This is not an honor, this is just dishonoring his basic claimed Eritreanism. This man shall be down to earth - this does not even respect his Temben culture! I mean the culture of Tembien is the culture of respect and dignity, but this man is evil creature that departed from Tembien.
ReplyDeleteThey should have slaughtered him instead of the camel! But, how can they? He is their source of greed...greed that actually costs thousands of lives of Eritreans. Let the devils drink the camels blood as they are doing same with the blood of innocent Eritreans.
God bless the oppressed Eritreans
Hell down with Isayas and his Rashaida barbarians!
Zeragi, your basic name tells how devil you are. Go and drink from Wedi Berad's "brasho of blood!" You sick ID-losses. You do not belong to Eritrea!
ReplyDeleteIneed beal merebaE....kkkkkk kitfito ika do wedey sb tisheyiT? Oh me, people like Zeragi could kill their own mothers for unknown but dreamy of diamonds! I mean, Zeragi could kill his own mother for dreaming about half a killo of diamonds....copy of wedi Berrad tembienay, seraqi Jibauu! Hasadat
ReplyDeleteThe joke is on people like you, fools.
ReplyDeleteDon't include me in your saying "us", grammatical error, say "me" i don't think the same way you do. Then as your tendency of total negativity, never hear your comment in a positive view (even once)..This means that you're not fear..In any type of debate you couldn't have audience cause of impartiality..Haki haz seb ke te emen intedelika..Natka bezihu..personal tseli entelleka natka gudday iyu.
ReplyDeleteHow are you different from him? have you ever criticize, the Eritrean government"even once"?
ReplyDeleteAs they some of you said Rashaida made millions of dollars by selling life of our brothers & sisters. DIA met those gadame group to thank them for their job. Maybe cam the day they take their punishment for what they have done.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Are you dreaming to get diamond by being a loser? Sorry, tell me who you are? and I will advice how to jump over the cliff, before you try?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you represent yourself?
ReplyDeleteWhat selection criteria methods were used to select individuals as Eritrean? Are you a Saint or an Angel? Are you not a devil? if you are not devil or a Saint tell me who you are?
ReplyDeleteI am a proud Eritrean citizenship committed for my county and people not for individuals.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you select your nickname as Brasho?
Cane Libro, I don't have personal hatred against Issayas. As a matter of fact I admired him the first few years. I was proud of him when he kicked out all NGOs from the country. Bringing national service to the nation was also one of the few good decisions he took. Starting 1998 the man turned to semi dictator and in 2001he turned to full dictator. So now tell me what have the man accomplished from 2001 to now? I don't know about you but I have been to Eritrea many times the past 10 years and I am a first hand witness thing are not good in Eritrea. Do you know people would starv to death if we stop sending remittances ?? The whole economy of the nation is depend on our remittance. This is the biggest economical failure.
ReplyDeleteMeskin! Tell that to the person who in charge of our national treasury "Hagos Kisha" ;)
ReplyDeleteRashid gave him a camel for the desert gangster working with them to sell people kidney. He is animal for himself.
ReplyDeleteRORA & ISSAYASMORON do you two have any life, i mean you are in Madote 24/7/365 of the year, i'm wondering how do you make a living? do you get paid to hate Eritrean, pretend to be Eritreans, i've never ever meet any person, and i mean a single person who is Eritrean, who see and show nothing but hate toward him self (if they really are Eritrean) and his people and country. what you do ever day, (if you really are Eritrean) is an act of treason. as such i'm disappointed with Madote for allowing these two haters to be in an Eritrean page. Madote if i want to hear hate agains my people and country i do not need to come to Madote all i've to do is turn the western media, so why is Madote attacking the Eritrean people, its leadership, the land and its history by allowing these pretentious parasites. MADOTE you have a duty to protect and defend Eritrean from all form of attack and MADOTE YOU HAVE FAILED BY GIVING THESE VIRUS A SPACE. i've never seen a positive word from these individual, i do not have a problem if people criticising or finding fault with the Eritrean system - if i find something wrong with the system i do criticise the Eritrean government or even the Eritrean people ( not b/c unlike you two who get please in finding faults) but b/c i believe in the traditional values of EPLF - self criticism- positive constructive criticism, which has allowed the Eritrean people to pass every challenge we as a people have faced. Madote even in the so called land of free speech, they've limitation on what one could say - HATE CRIME IS A CRIME!!! so by allowing and giving voice to these haters, who are you serving Madote? for i'm coming to learn and hear the voices of my people and not to be attacked, Madote if you are a double agent, please make it clear to me so i could delete myself from you page.
ReplyDeletefunny to see agames go crazy when President Isaias is honored by the people
ReplyDeleteIsias Afwerki- If it as not for him, Eritrea would probably not exist and if it did then we would not be a nation of brothers and sisters based on our nationality but on religion and culture. Isias has not made anyone a refugee's, it is they themselves who want to run away because they do not want to help build our own country like out Martyr's- Traitors. They go to countries that do not want them, countries who's ancestors built with blood, and sweat without pay. So stop being little dumb idiots, unless you want Eritrea to be part of Ethiopiia and America and build the country on wealth that is not ours. LONG LIVE ISIAS, HE IS A HERO, A PATRIOT, MORE ERITREAN AND EVERY RIGHT TO HOLD HIS HEAD UP HIGH IN HIS OWN COUNTRY THEN YOU TRAITORS.
You supported PIA and Eritrea only until 1998 because you are an Agame paid by Meles Chenawi. We believe in ourselves and we don't like puppets like you. Tell me one country in Africa that has achieved so much just 23 years after independence. One country except Eritrea! And all this is while fighting Chenewty like you. Whether you like it or not, Western countries have much respect to us than they have to you because they know that we believe in ourselves and that we do not live on their handouts like you do. Somebody else has always provided you with food and help. Your story is a story of a beggar. You don't do anything without the help of others. There is no one SINGLE war that you have won without the direct involvement and help of another country in your entire history. One single war! You can start from your Tedros and Minilik all the way to Chenawi ... You don't do shit without the help of others! And after all these help, there are more than 20 million people today starving to death in your country. But you don't count these starving people as human beings because they are not from Tigrai.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you understand economic failure. Indeed, Eritrea had economic distress for a couple of years. This economic distress is related to the unjust economic sanctions. The Eritrean government is creating policies and structures that support its economy. Eritrea scores higher than its neighbors countries on economic policy, providing coherent institutional regimes that contribute to stable economy environment. This success put Eritrea to top ten in the reduction of malaria, HIV, TB and child mortality.
ReplyDeleteNo, i don't..there isn't a need to do so..i agree with the ER quasi total way of doing..
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I don't buy the so called "sanction imposed on us by XYZ). Let me ask you what kind of sanction was imposed on us? Sanction not to sell our sophisticated military hardwares? Sanction not to sell or export our industrial production? Sanction not fly our aircrafts to western countries? Please tell me what kind of sanction???
ReplyDeleteThere are many sanctions that are imposed to us by us (our government)
1. Not to do business
2. Not to become enterpreanor
3. Not to express your ideas
4. Not to critisize
5. Not to move freely
6. Not to pursuit our happiness
The list could go on, but this is enough for you!
If you not, don't you think it is an ironic to say what you have said?
ReplyDeleteWow, Issayasmoron, you are one of a kind impressive !!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou sound like her, feeding the people poison, disguised/covered as a sweet, poison is poison especially if it comes in white packaging ... see how the devil seduce his subjects ('Implement constitution and implement EPLFs core values') to lead them away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct..
"Birds of the same feather flock together".
ReplyDeleteIf he lies you will lie.
if he steals you will steal.
If he dances he will dance.
if he gamblers you will gamble.
The list goes down endless.
Petros Solomon was one of those who wanted to let the devil through the back door, even if it was unintentionally (though if i could meet any Eritrean leaders past or present, my no 1 choice would be Petros Solomon) ... just like her in the video, or you could look at the history of Chile or Argentina or congo, or Grenada or Nicaragua
ReplyDeleteZeragi, unlike you, I use my head to think and I use my heart to feel sympathy, emphathy, compassion towards my landsmen. I am not a programmed Robot. You see the difference between me and you?
ReplyDeletefor real you actually have a job, good on you, my question was do you get paid for hating Eritreans? if you work in other area (not hating) then how come you are on Madote more than any other person, i mean how do you find the time? you do know that, and i know and understand people call it getting payed when they receive their benefit but that is not a JOB.
ReplyDelete????"Are we different? YES!' ??? hold on i never said i was the same at any level as you, the day i become like you will be the day when i'm blind, deaf and Mindless... so please with all do respect do not compare to try to make yourself look like me, we are as different as black is from white, with no grey area.
if you really are an eritrean, please, please show me something good about eritrea.. just 1 sentence
i hope you have a blessed evening and i pray that you'll see the light in the east in the morning. may your blind eyes see the light.
People like you try to rewrite history. I have read almost all issues of most magazines that were published by the government. Lucky me, my father collects every Hadas Eritrea, Hidri.... and he also used to collect every issue of the privately owned news papers. On several occasions I read interviews by Mr Petros Solomon, Okbe Abreha, Sherifo.... About their heroism and their master leadership in many battlefield. Today not in a single sentence their names is mentioned for their leadership on the battles in 6th offensive, wikaw Izz, Nadew Izz, Fenkil........
ReplyDeleteAin't that crazy how the regime is trying to rewrite history???
Madote Admin!!!
ReplyDeleteGANGESTERS and TERORISTS are hijacking our website. They are not Eritreans nor Ethiopians, I don't know who are they. They lost credibility as commenters and they do not know what they are doing.
So it is time to secure our website. I hope you will not include me because of my nickname "ZERAGI"
When are you going to visit your doctor? The special Psychiatric one? BYE!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat He did? President Isayas and His People are resisting against all the majority of world's injustice..As usual they we'll win..
ReplyDeleteRora, ur hmbasha iswaiting for u at home, wouldn't like to come
ReplyDeleteMy battery is fully charged but my tune will never change until we get ruled by constitution.
ReplyDeleteHappy now?
ReplyDeleteBzey'tritr ane Eritrawi iye, but what differs me from you is , I can think for myself unlike some who are programmed robots. If you got balls left why don't you challenge me and others like me instead crying to Madot admin?
Cane Libro
ReplyDeleteI don't denie many western countries were no on our favor and this is not new for Eritrea. But if Issayas was smart, he would beat them in their own game by implementing constitution, let the people invest in their country without hustle by the bureaucracy, no restriction of movement as long as the people fulfills their duty, 1-2 years national service after that become civilian......
There were many measures he could take to defeat the western beasts. But President Issayas too wrong path to handle the situation and now we are in a mess that is hard to come out.
Have a blessing evening
Cane Libro
ReplyDeleteThere no where it says "your comment should just be praising the Government". Since this is Eritrean website and I am Eritrean, I will express my opinion without insulting people (unlike your kind who insults me agame.....). Once again if you can't handle the heat get the heck out of the kitchen.
Have a blessing day
Well brother Erilion,
ReplyDeleteI don't come here to spread hate. As I said before I don't hate people and don't have time for that. If you think I get paid to write in madote you got to be smoking something. I am avionics technician and if you don't know what it is, I work on aircraft electrical/electronics system of aircrafts. But as an Eritrean I have a great concern of my country, so on my free time (after my work, hobby such as martial art and boxing, helping kids in The Eritrean community here where I live) I come to madote, dehai, alenalki and meskerem to follow what is going on. I have no fear to replay when I see comments written by Pre-programmed Robots such as you. Since you are a Robot, I don't expect any you will understand in what stage our country is. You are just a consumer of TVEri.
Have a blessing day
You totally lost your mind. Many countries in Africa tried to imitate western life while their citizens scavenging from dumpster. Eritreans by nature we want to be us. Everything you mentioned we shall do it in own way.
ReplyDelete1. Business: In Eritrea if you have knowledge and money you can do business any where.
2. Entrepreneur: To be a successful entrepreneur in Eritrea as I mentioned you have to have money and knowledge. Most of all, you must emancipate yourself from awrajanet feeling. The GOE witnessed this unproductive awrajanet with some wana be entrepreneur and kick their ass to where they belong.
3. Freedom of speech: See for example, in Eritv Medeb Bigahdi show. That is one of Eritrea freedom of speech style. But if you want to exploit freedom of speech by spewing your hate toward another religion or awraja, the GOE will put you in hell.
4.Critisizm: I used to critisize the GOE. I don't have any conflict with GOE because the GOE knows that my criticizm was generate within me. If
you try to criticize the GOE because you received a handout from weyane it is not a criticizm it is a treason. 99% of the critics are in the pay roll of weyane. Check wiki leaks.
5.No freedom of movement: As you know, since God created our beloved Eritrea, Eritrea is under attack for the past 500 years. So all citizens must be in stand by for any eventuality. If you are in military duty you need permission from your unit.
The most funny things that you said. "the slowest internet), Even the developed countries reached to 5G step by step. Please, next time don't ask why there is McDonald in Eritrea.
Say this every moring in front of mirror...
I'm learning to stand the more that I fall down
It is the law of inversion and it;s all around.
And I'm staggered by the hate inside my soul
So purposed for good but inclined for evil .(weyan.)
1. Not true
ReplyDelete2. Big NO NO
3. Medeb bgahdi lol hahaha that is what is called freedom of speech???
4. If you critisize GEO you go to prison with all the people who try to correct the wrong heading of Issayas and his clowns.
5. If you beleive all citizens should be in stand by, YOU ARE A CITIZEN so go back there and be stand by
ReplyDeleteIt must be you who was working on the missing Malaysian airliner (Flight 370) before it got lost. Ha ha ha ... ki ki ki ...
Listen, you need to learn how to write in English before trying to convince us that you are an Avionics technician. Obviously, you also need to learn how to read in English and Tigregna so you can read and educate yourself about Eritrea before insulting Eritrea and its leaders. Throw away the money Woyane is paying you and be a human for once in your life. I don't think reading only Amharic and sleeping with Agames is going to get you anywhere. Please take my advice; it's for your own good. Once you fix this, I promise you, I will take you out one day.
ReplyDeleteIt must be you who was working on the missing Malaysian airliner (Flight 370) before it got lost. Ha ha ha ... ki ki ki ...
Listen, you need to learn how to write in English before trying to convince us that you are an Avionics technician. Obviously, you also need to learn how to read in English and Tigregna so you can read and educate yourself about Eritrea before insulting Eritrea and its leaders. Throw away the money Woyane is paying you and be a human for once in your life. I don't think reading only Amharic and sleeping with Agames is going to get you anywhere. Please take my advice; it's for your own good. Once you fix this, I promise you, I will take you out one day.
ReplyDeleteEnglish is not my native language or mother tongue. As a matter of fact it is my third language. Do you know over 1 billion chinese do not speake english at all and still you are buying thier electronic products??? This shows you are pre programed Robot that can not thik for himself. Go and flip burger you welfare cockroach.
Pre-Programmed Robot
English is not my native language or mother tongue. As a matter of fact it is my third language. Do you know over 1 billion chinese do not speake english at all and still you are buying thier electronic products??? This shows you are pre programed Robot that can not thik for himself. Go and flip burger you welfare cockroach.
You supported PIA and Eritrea only until 1998 because you are an Agame paid by Meles Chenawi. We believe in ourselves and we don't like puppets like you. Tell me one country in Africa that has achieved so much just 23 years after independence. One country except Eritrea! And all this is while fighting Chenewty like you. Whether you like it or not, Western countries have much respect to us than they have to you because they know that we believe in ourselves and that we do not live on their handouts like you do. Somebody else has always provided you with food and help. Your story is a story of a beggar. You don't do anything without the help of others. There is no one SINGLE war that you have won without the direct involvement and help of another country in your entire history. One single war! You can start from your Tedros and Minilik all the way to Chenawi ... You don't do shit without the help of others! And after all these help, there are more than 20 million people today starving to death in your country. But you don't count these starving people as human beings because they are not from Tigrai.
ReplyDeleteAlso, read what Yacob Cali wrote in response to your bullshit.
Are you kidding? So you need to read more. Go to your nearest library, I suggest you need to read again.
ReplyDeletewoow are you sure you are just a human then? i mean all that in just 24 hrs... i must've been under the wrong assumption (or 'smoking something') that as a ROBOT i though i would be more efficient, able to perceive beyond the human brain, even able to see beyond the human visual spectrum and i'm guessing as i must be SELF AWARE(with superior brain & able to perceive beyond the human visual spectrum) to be able to write my view, even if i'm still a ROBOT.
ReplyDeleteso as i'm self aware robot does it mean that i
ceases to be a robot and becomes an ENTITY?
i'm sure as an Avionics Technician you'll show me how your claim to be superior then a Self aware ROBOT with superior brain & visual spectrum, work by your superior logic. Q, who flies a plane, the Pilot or the Robot/ Pre-programmed computer? if your answer is the latter, then i ask who is the real Robot then?
I don't care weather you are an Eritrean citizen or not.
ReplyDeleteVisit your Psychiatric doctor? BYE!!!
lets make a deal then!
ReplyDeleteI will see a psychiatric doctor and you will see your programmer and ask him to reprogram you.
Puppet Moron,
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese are proud people who believe on themselves, on what they have, on their language, and in their COUNTRY. You are the one who doesn't believe in yourself running around with woyane shit in your ass!!! You are the one who is on welfare; not me.
Modern slavery trade? Are you aware that 1 MILLION Ethiopian girls are sold as SEX SLAVES to obese middle aged Arab men every year?
ReplyDelete"Coming and going from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this past week, young Ethiopian women who work in the Gulf region formed parenthesis around my trip, as all of my flights on Gulf Air were filled almost entirely with these workers[sex slaves]."
"In May, 40,633 Ethiopians arrived in the Oman Sultanate while their numbers in April and March was 38,915 and 37,394, respectively. Of the 40,633 Ethiopians who arrived in May, 40,170[455,000/year] were women employees[sex slaves] while of the 38,915 arriving in April, 38,474 were women."
"Ethiopia is facilitating procedures to send 45,000[540,000/year] maids[sex slaves] to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia every month."
Who flies a plane?? Lol
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of plane? A plane with autopilot or a plane with no advanced electronic system?
In the first one the pilot flies the aircraft through mechanical technology using simple functions. It requires 100% manual input.
On the other hand if the aircraft has advanced computer and electronic control system, the autopilot ASSISTS the pilot to fly hands off. There is no plane that flies without human input.
This is my short answer Mr Robo.
Who said Chinese are not proud people?? This shows you don't use your brain to think. What does Woyane has to do with this discussion? Only fool like you blames others for his stupidity.
ReplyDeleteBe human! Have a critical thinking for god sake. The more you admits your mistakes the more you try to correct it.
Have you ever asked where is the cruise ship?
Have you ever asked why Eritrean Airlines bankrupted?
Have you ever asked why constitution not implemented?
Have you ever asked why President Issayas did not condolence the family of Lampadusa victims?
Have you ever asked why did the government revoked the big contractors licenses?
The list would go on, but this is enough to make you say "wait a minute! Issayasmoron got points"
;) blessing day
I don't like this news Madote . I don't understand ur target as hagerawi web site owner
ReplyDeletedelusionals! this website is full of people with identity crisis pretending to be eritreans. as a matter of fact Iseyas Afewerk is from tembien and people commenting prof PFDJ are agame in their origin, Yemane carlie, hagos Kisha, yemane monkey all of them are not eritreans most of them are of tigray origin, while monkey is not really known. The trend now is that those who are hard-core pfdj have this kind of problems with ther identity trying to show their eritrean side by being more eritreans than the average eritrean, their loyality is ofcourse to PFDJ not to the people of eritrea.
ReplyDeletewoow so much for Avionics Technician, what did you use Photoshop to make your certificate?…..'There is no plane that flies without human input.' 1st** even if its a ROBOT it still needs a human input, even if it’s just for the preprograming which requires a human input,
2, the point was…I've been pre-programmed by my parents, my culture, my religion, my environment, all these have shaped my values, my view of the world, my view of others, my view of the purpose in life, this is simply due to the fact that Man is a Social creature and the fact we are helpless on our youth and dependent on our procreators, thus in those years we are pre-programed (by knowledge / understanding / value... of the setting) in order to know how to survive - how to protect ourselves -
how to reproduce and how to grow and keep safe in a social environment (which has rules, laws, customs) where other humans are also competing to survive. The information we receive in those years a pre-programming that teach the next generation not only how to survive but also the mother language, rules, laws and moral values of the land. If you claim to not have been socially pre-programmed by our environment, parents and your social setting than, as I suggested earlier you are not HUMAN!!!
!1!** so i'm guessing the unmanned F-16 fighter plane, or the AeroVironment RQ-11B Raven are not planes or not Robot as they are flown by human ok... Wiki definition of a ROBOT 1st paragraph ending...... ‘By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own.’ So what happens if you add self-awareness to that then?
Seriously which university did you receive your certificates from…you made me laugh with this one…. ‘In the first one the pilot flies the aircraft through mechanical technology using simple functions. It requires 100% manual input.’ You know that, that’s a contradiction & remember 2014 and not 1970…
Poor and dysfunctional HEGDEF are jumping from TPDM to Arab bandits to protect them from the Eritrean people !! These are the tribes trafficking innocent and young Eritreans from Asmara!! And their accomplices are non but HEGDEF loyalists and blind supporters!!.
ReplyDeleteThe Eritrean people are paying a very high price by both the Mekele based Woyane and the abashul born Woyane based in Asmara. The most appropriate punishment for the traitor HEGDEF would have been to arrest them as they arrive in any western country Instead of sanctions that is hurting the country.
Isaias and his mercenary lieutenants should be arrested on arrival at any western country!! Shame on you all the Kishas and Monkeys....
wow well said!
ReplyDeletetenbenay isayas must leave our beloved Eritrea and ppl. alone. He is the cause of all evil and crime.