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4,634 Euros Raised for the Donkey Project in Eritrea

Eritrean girl with a young donkey

4,634 Euros Raised for the Donkey Project in Eritrea

By Soester,

SOEST - The large sum of 4,634 euros was handed over on Monday to four employees of the Soest painting school at Anne vineyards of Archemed. "For the money 15 more donkeys for our project in Eritrea can be purchased," rejoiced the Archemed employee about the high donation.

The 4,634 Euros come from the book project "The journey of colorful donkey " of the painting school. Last year, the school started the project: she wanted Soest club Archemed - Doctors for children in need - to support . "We had heard of the donkey action in Eritrea and thought about how the painting school can help. So we came up with the idea to make a book in which we make numerous colorful paintings of donkeys on the way to Africa," reports Manuela Henkelman, Karin climbing, Theresa Quick and Hildegard Hohmann .

Last year donkeys were painted in all groups - large, small, colorful - to the book, which has been enriched with pictures of donkeys from Eritrea was sold for 9.80 a piece .

"On the occasion of our 25th Birthday we took a little trip to Murnau. Here we looked at the famous painting by Franz Marc 'Donkey Frieze' - which featured several donkeys colored in purple. Since then, the idea for the book was born ," says Karin gate.

The project was generously supported by the Lions Club Soest, so now new donkeys can be purchased for Eritrea. A donkey costs around 300 euros on the spot. " In Eritrea many single women live with many children," says Anne vineyards of Archemed. The women - often their children - need to walk very far to get water. The donkeys now take over this task and the children are relieved from work and can go to school regularly.

As beasts of burden, the donkeys also help transport the goods of women to the nearest market. "For women the possession of the donkey is a bit of independence and forms its own livelihood ," says vineyards

Article translated from German with Google Translator.

Anne vineyards of Archemed (left) is happy about the painting school donating 4634 Euros from her book project. From left: Karin climbing, Manuela Henkel man, Theresa Quick and Hildegard Hohmann handed over the money. - Photo: Dahm

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4,634 Euros Raised for the Donkey Project in Eritrea Reviewed by Admin on 6:09 AM Rating: 5


  1. That is as cute as a donkey can ever get lool!

  2. Nay behakie abe eritrea tuye zena keme zeyele si bezie eka eika teredea. Atum gele development yelen diu ata. Kulu nay higdef website halewelew teray koynu terifu. Selemntay? Meknyatu welhantie development sele zeyele abe eritrea. Hatew ketew teray koynu terifu kulu nay higdef neger. Zehzene eiu.

  3. Archemed is doing a lot of good in Eritrea. They are one of the few aid organization that are bringing meaningful changes to the lives of Eritreans. They recently started contruction of a clinic in Keren.

  4. Perhaps a bicycle or a recycled grocery cart or some sort of low maintenance and easy to operate cart would have been a long lasting and sound investment... but a donkey?? it can die tomorrow... what is the life span of an "ass" :) ?? aaaaahhh... got to love naive and arrogant white folks, they think they can solve "3rd World's" hardship with a stinking donkey. Well, if you care enough, lift the sanction for starters and pay Eritrea 500 billion Euros in the form of restitution for decades of Western oppression. We don't need donkeys, we have enough of them south of our borders. Don't get me started ...

  5. They should´ve bought plant tickets with that money and go visit Eritrea instead.


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