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Eritrea's Wealth Per Capita Increased by 13.3% in 2013

European study finds Eritreans are gaining more wealth - Photo: Asmara Palace

Eritrea's Wealth Per Capita Increased by 13.3% in 2013

In a sign of economic growth, Credit Suisse, a Switzerland-based multinational financial service and research institute, finds household wealth in Eritrea increased at an impressive rate in 2013.

In its latest Global Wealth Report, the institute finds from mid-2012 to mid-2013, Eritrea's wealth per capita and wealth per adult increased from US$915 to US$1,037 and US$1,883 to US$2,125, respectively.

In the same period, the report finds that debt per adult moved slightly upwards, going from US$75 to US$85, a likely result of the country's burgeoning social services.

Globally, household wealth increased by 4.9% in current dollar terms to US$241 trillion, despite the continuing challenges posed by the economic environment.

Credit Suisse provides the most comprehensive and reliable source of information on global household wealth available. The analysis comprises the wealth holdings of 4.7 billion adults across 200 countries.

Eritrea's Progress from 2000 to mid-2013

YearWealth Per CapitaWealth Per AdultFinancial_Wealth

Source: Credit Suisse Wealth Databook 2013

Regional Wealth Levels 

Wealth Per Capita
Wealth Per Adult

Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook 2013 |2013

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