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Eritrea's Gedem Cement Factory Is Exporting Cement to Qatar

Gedem (near Massawa) Cement Factory 

Eritrea's Gedem Cement Factory Is Exporting Cement to Qatar

Gedem Cement Factory has been exporting part of its output to Qatar for the construction of stadiums for the World Cup football championship in 2022, according to a report by the Africa Energy Intelligence.

The report also said part of Asmara's electrical issues for the last few months  — which have since been resolved — was partly attributed to the rise in demand from the factory.

Located near Massawa, the factory produces 32,000 bags (16,000 quintals) of cement per day and produces three types of cement namely, OPC, sulphur-resistant cement and pozzolan cement.

Currently, the factory employs over 300 nationals.

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Eritrea's Gedem Cement Factory Is Exporting Cement to Qatar Reviewed by Admin on 9:46 AM Rating: 5


  1. The Gedem cement factory has a life span of 30-40 years. The factory will help sustain Eritrea's GDP growth for decades to come and keep housing costs down since much of the material needed to build infrastructure will be provided domestically. I believe the 1,680 modern homes and shops being constructed in Asmara are also using material from the factory. This is a gift that keeps on giving to Eritrea's economy.

  2. Eritean SELF RELIENCE economy TAKE OFF already, the shamefull and false "sanction" have to be REMOVED, i´m sure we´ll remake history again..

    Manuele kab Roma

  3. my god ,you people fabricate news,even the Eritrean Government has it own limite,but the papagalos lie lie and lie on behalf of north Korea of Africa,i am ashamed to be Eritrean

  4. We're all ashamed you're Eritrean as well. Keep feeding into the propaganda you brainless twit.

  5. Don't be so quick to assume he's Eritrean. There are lots of Ethiopian visitors here, too.

  6. for you to think every Eritrean has to agree with you shows your lack of understanding of democracy and freethinking,but since you are hegdefawi i do not expect anything less,there is many of us out here we like to express our opinion because we have earn it meaning we have fought and defend Eritrea ,but we still remain defenceless and you call us woyane,Ethiopians etc..but time will tell who is real who is not

  7. selamyukun, your illiterate response exposes you as a Shmelba graduate totally immersed in the Woyane provided defamatory misunderstanding of the word democracy. Democracy is a process of governance by the people for the people that starts at the grassroots level where peasants elect their own leaders, sub-zoba constituents elect their own leaders, zoba constituents elect their own leaders and so on including communities their own judges. IThis is happening in Eritrea. It is not like candies that leaders distribute to each and everyone. Democracy works where literacy is high and the majority are provided 12 years of education. In your Woyane land literacy is less that 2%. You have no democracy because Woyane said so and had itself elected in every position in the large poor country. Now that you have left Eritrea and claimed asylum, try to go to school and learn instead of wasting your time discussing a subject you do not understand.

  8. Selamyukun

    If there is anyone brainless here, it is you. On what bases are you claiming this news as fabricated? Do you have figures to contradicted it? I guess not. You sir is a dimwit and hope you are anything but Eritrean.

  9. you are repeating the same excuse hegdefawian use to stay in power, you will never educate me about democracy and freedom,you are born to dictatorship so you do not know better,there is difference between freedom and deliverance,you have been delivered but you have to free yourself but i can see you are incapable of that,you are going down worshipping a dictator,singing national anthem and waving flags is fascists and rednecks but constitution ,rule of law and strong institution to build strong and free society is a key for democracy,but you have no idea about true democracy and human dignity that's why you are ignorant worshipper not a true citizen,wake up papagallo

  10. Madote, where is your source? The AEI link is about Hirgigo.

  11. Why do not you hang yourself with your emotional crap. You so dumb to compare Eritrea with N .Korea , How donqoro you people can be.

  12. I feel sorry for your mother,her son is a yes man no different than afaggot

  13. cry baby cry....waste of time.

  14. cry baby you said,like you guys cry everyday sanction,UN,woyane,USA and so many bogeymen,we do not cry or blame anyone except the dictator and his puppets destroying Eritrea,be a man or you gonna die like a pussy

  15. your comments are so dumb, it is an insult to the website.

  16. you feel challenged,you are no match to me,go flip burger and scream pfdj,real men like me do not take a crap from cunts like you or your leaders

  17. You could scream as much as you want but Leaders are there to stay for long long time. The thing is what are you going to do about it, internet warrior.

  18. you people are you just shouting more for a single cement factory that produces only 16000 quintal cement perday.when the problem of electricity is raised the problem and consumptionof power is associated with gedem cement factory.when eritrean gdp groth is raised it is associated with gedem cement factory.when eritreas export is raised it is associted with gedem cement factory,when eritreas futurity is seen it associated with gedem cement factory.This all shows the poorness of eritrean economy and how the dictator Isayas is cheating the people.
    Look how many mega cement factories are built ,and how many are on the pipeline to be built in ethiopia.All these mega cement factories are still supplying the domestic market.

  19. I can assure you that this is not a fabricated news (I have no quotes or links for you, except ground facts). Although you many not support the current ways of the government, as many of us do, it is ERITREAN-LIKE to denounce your identity altogether. Hope you come to your Eritrean senses soon (if you truly are).

  20. Can you tell us why 20-year-old Eritrea exports more than twice as much as Ethiopia per capita? Why is 3000-year-old Ethiopia the worlds 2nd poorest country?

    Eritrea Exports Per Capita (2012): $69
    Population: 6.23 Million
    Exports: $434 Million
    ($434 Million/6.23 Million=69.66)

    Ethiopia Exports Per Capita (2012): $33
    Population: 93.87 Million
    Exports: $3.1 Billion
    ($3.1 Billion/93.87 Million=33.02)

    "Top 10 Poorest Countries 2013: Oxford University Multidimensional Poverty Index"
    #2. ETHIOPIA
    90% Living In Poverty
    39% Living On At Least $1.25 A Day
    61.5% Deprived Of Adequate Schooling

    "At the current rate of reduction, it will take Ethiopia 45 years to halve multidimensional poverty; in other words, to achieve poverty levels equivalent to those Nigeria has now,’ said OPHI’s Dr José Manuel Roche, who calculated the predictions."

  21. I can assure you that the news is not fabricated (it's not news per say, as it has been the case since mid 2012). You may not support the current ways of the government, many people - including myself - don't. But it is not ERITREAN-LIKE to denounce your identity altogether and consider it a shame. Hope you come to your Eritrean senses soon (if you truly are).

  22. You have to subscribe to see the entire content. I can assure you, it is there. I posted this information on the Facebook page nearly a year ago but this is the first time another source corroborated my source, so I felt it deserved a post on the website.

  23. The "single cement factory" produces enough for domestic markets and even for exports. While the many Ethiopian factories can't even satisfy the local market, let alone cover exports. It all depends of the size of the market. The advantage Eritrea has over Ethiopia is that its market is not bloated and does not require as much diversification as that of Ethiopia to stay afloat. Besides, who said that the economy of the country is centered on the factory?! Mining is currently the main vehicle. Other coffers like fisheries and tourism remain yet untapped.

  24. mickey, study scale of a market.many markets tn ethiopia,as you have said,are not satisfied by many cement factories in ethiopia.but the single cement factory in eritrea which produces 16000 quintal perday exportsmore than its half the eritrean market is more than ethiopia.
    this is a fullish and illitrate conclsion ,whch is a refection of dormant PDFJ.
    Leave the PDFJ propaganda and see how the ethiopian economy is advancing.Why not many FDI projects in eritrea?,why not many invetments in eritrea? doyou have other exports beyond gold and copper which will be deploted soon.

  25. The scale of the local market also applies to exports and GDP. As compared to the GDP the Eritrean market is more favorable than Ethiopia's (see comment by Facts).
    There aren't much FDI projects in Eritrea, because: (a) the illegal sanctions imposed on Eritrea and pursued fiercely by Ethiopia to hold the Eritrean economy hostage discourages foreign investors, (b) even so, we Eritreans favor being SELF-RELIANT, unlike Ethiopia which NEEDS these injections to stand on its frail economic limbs. Eritrea is not FDI junkie.
    The gold and copper being exported have high grade and quality, thus high value for money. And who said Eritrea is mining the last sites for this resources? Wishful thinking?

  26. Micky,you seems like very uneducated .Are uneducated and illitrate cadre of PDFJ? have you even finished a 6th grade elementary school.Please what i advise you is:Please at least try to finish your highschool.

  27. DId you mean the same way the westernes Label the North Korea and you attribute in to our country? I don´t mind, I believe in SELF RELIENCE as my hero compatriots, rather i´m sorry i don´t wont even to go lower and use street words to say is HASADAT´s mentality who want to see us beg like many contries in our continent..SORRY we never won´t, ab hagerna newri iyu..

    Manuele kab Roma

  28. I´m sorry if i join your discussion, but let me Tell you one shared view in our Nation, WE ARE NOT BLIND CAPITALIST ORIENTED COUNTRY, where less than 5% of the population is wealthy (most of all as you mention foreigners above all) and were other majority don´t have the minor facilities. We don´t need to copy any model, we have a taught tradition to keep menaging our Country..I don´t want to go far..

  29. Where did you get the idea that the Gold will finish soon? Let me burst your weyane bubbles then, bisha only have 13 years mine life but even now they are expanding their search so they will stay for much longer, but also there are another 23 companies are there in Eritrea investing and by 2017 four mining will be operational in Eritrea that is like a death sentence for people like you right haha
    And all of them are bigger than bisha, if you take for example the Asmara mining project only it's 3 times bigger than bisha but the biggest one so far is the cululi project, worth nearly a billion dollar to develop and it will be operational by 2016 owned 50% by the Eritrean government , mine life is 50 years, form that one single project Eritrea will expect from 800 million dollar a year. So before talking rubbish I advise you to do a lil be research

  30. So because you don't have any replies you resort to insults? Typical.

    It's ridiculous when an Ethiopian calls an Eritrean illiterate.

    For your info, so that next time you won't embarass yourself:

  31. Thanks. Keep putting those who r turning yellow with rage in their places.

  32. Excellent NEWS . And As always the Eritrolls are showing their true colors.

    @Selamykun & Abay Zemichael: Suffering from Headaches and bowl movement problems every time their is a Positive NEWS from Eritrea .

  33. Abay, the ruling party in Eritrea is PFDJ not PDFJ as you wrote above. This means you are stranger, probably woyane. Isn't the woyane led Ethiopia's 96% budget a foreign aid and isn't Addis ababa a city of 100 000 prostitutes and 1 million homeless most of them are Tegarus. Think of it Derbay woyane:

  34. becouse yuo ate stiupid

  35. selamyekun eska bezaeba Eritrea ketezareb men mandate hibuka kondaf

  36. Abay(Nile?) you Ethio advertising Nile milenium project as it will give el power t the hole Africa when it isn't even enough for 10% of ethio population. You are and will become begars for ever, Ethio:s GDP. $4Bilj AID/year. Thanks to USA you dare surviving

  37. This news is even too cheap for April the fool...Eritrea export Cement to Qatar..I can't laugh anymore....May be tomorrow we will here Eritrea export Benzin to Saudia or Coffee to Brazil... And to Samuel , if I call you Idiot it will not be fair to other Idiots.

  38. Cane Libero,

    Do you mean Self destruction beyond recognition?


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