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Eritrea's Gergera dam is nearing completion

Photo: Toker dam. This is not the Gergera dam. 

Eritrea's Gergera dam is nearing completion 

Construction of Gergera dam in Zoba Debub region is nearing completion, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.

Built along a gorge, the dam will be the largest cyclopean masonry dam in the country and will provide clean drinking water to the Zoba Debub region.

The dam, which is being funded and built by the Eritrean government, will take a few years to fill with rain water, according to the source.

Taking three years to build, the Gergera dam is one of the largest construction projects the government has taken on. Despite the importance of the dam, little is known about the project.

Since independence, Eritrea has built more than 300 agriculture and water reservoir dams to alleviate potable water shortages in the country.

Location: Zoba debub, Debarwa sub zone, east of Teramni
Cost: Unknown
Completion: early 2014
Funded: Eritrean government

Video of Kerkebet dam. This dam is located in the Gash Barka region of the country.

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Eritrea's Gergera dam is nearing completion Reviewed by Admin on 6:39 AM Rating: 5

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