The True Origin of Habesha
For over two millenniums, the word 'Habesha' and its numerous variants (Habashat, Habasa, Habesh, Habeshi, Abesha) have been used to name geographical pockets of territory and people extending from the Arabian Peninsula to the furthest limits of the Horn of Africa region. Although the word is of great antiquity, there is no consensus on what it actually means. In order to understand why this is the case, we must first look back at its origins.
Most of the earliest inscriptions mentioning Habesha deal with wars, alliances and peace treaties among rivaling Yemeni kingdoms - this reference below is no different:
"Shamir of Dhu-Raydan and Himyar had called in the help of the clans of Habashat for war against the kings of Saba; but Ilmuqah granted ... the submission of Shamir of Dhu-Raydan and the clans of Habashat."[1]
This inscription tells us that Shamir of Dhu-Raydan, who is almost certainly the Himyarite king Shamir Yuhahmid, requested assistance from the Habashat clans to go to war with Saba, a rivaling Yemeni kingdom. The inscription also credits Ilmuqah, who was the moon God that most inhabitants on both sides of the Red Sea worshiped, for granting them victory over their Sabaean rivals.
According to Dr. Eduard Glaser, a renowned Austrian epigraphist and historian, Habeshas were originally from Southeastern Yemen who lived east of the Hadhramaut kingdom in the modern district of Mahra.[2] He believed the etymology of Habesha must have derived from the Mahri language which means "gatherers" [2] (as in gatherers of incense). He asserted that the Mahrites and their language should be regarded as the descendants of the people and speech of ancient Habeshas.[2]
[Side note: Here's a brief video showcasing Mahri, an ancient Semitic language Dr. Glaser believed to be the original language of the Habashats.]
While it may be a stretch to claim who the direct descendants are based on scant Sabaean-Himyaritic inscriptions made two thousand years ago, Dr. Glaser seems to be right in claiming the original Habeshas were from Yemen. In fact, the earliest mention of the word Habesha in the Horn of Africa was only in the 4th century CE by the Aksumite king Ezana.
After conquering neighboring kingdoms and territories on both sides of the Red Sea, Ezana styled himself as:
"Ezana, king of Aksum, and of Himyar, and Kasu, and Saba, and Habashat, and Raydan, and Salhen and Tsiamo, and Beja, the King of Kings"[3]
In reference to Ezana's inscription, Professor Max Müller, a German philologist, believed the King of the Habashat had no common territory with the King of Aksum and the two kingdoms were separate appeared evident to him.[4] He points out that since both the kingdoms named before and after Habashat are found in Arabia it was clear to him that the Habashats were in Arabia as well.[5]
Based on the inscriptions the Aksumites left behind, they certainly did not regard themselves or their territory as Habesha. For them, Habeshas likely meant people who collected incense in South Arabia. Even Cosmas Indicopleustes, the famous Greak-speaking Egyptian traveler who visited the Aksumite kingdom in 525 CE, made no reference to Habesha.[6] So it raises a question: when was Habesha used in reference to the Horn?
It was not until long after Aksumite kingdom had ended that Arab travelers and geographers began to describe the Horn region and its inhabitants as Habeshas. The first among these travelers was Al-Ya'qubi, who visited the region in 872 CE. From his chronicles, we learn there were five independent and rivaling Beja kingdoms in present-day Eritrea and that 'Habeshas' were living alongside them. He also mentions an important Habesha capital near the Eritrean coast called Ku'bar (the site is still undiscovered but it's believed to be in Eritrea[7]).
Al-Ya`qubi describes the Eritrean highlands and seacoast as:
"a vast and powerful country. Its royal town is Ku`bar. The Arabs go their to trade. They have big towns and their sea coast is called Dahlak. All the kings of the Habasha country are subject to the Great King (al-malik al-a`zam) and are careful to obey him and pay tribute."[8]
Decades later, Al-Mas`udi, a tenth-century Arab traveler to the region, gives a similar account in his geographical work Muruj al-Dhahab, the `Meadows of Gold'.
"The chief town of the Habasha is called Ku`bar, which is a large town and the residence of the najashi [nagassi; king], whose empire extends to the coasts opposite the Yemen, and possesses such towns as Zayla, Dahlak and Nasi." [8]
Centuries later in 1295 CE, another Arab traveler, Al-Harrani, writes:
"one of the greatest and best-known towns is Ka`bar, which is the royal town of the najashi . . . Zayla`, a town on the coast of the Red Sea, is a very populous commercial centre. . . . Opposite al-Yaman there is also a big town, which is the sea-port from which the Habasha crossed the sea to al-Yaman, and nearby is the island of `Aql."[8]
It should be noted that Habesha was frequently used as mere geographical expressions by early Arab and European travelers in much the same way as the entire eastern African littoral, including much of the Horn, was once encompassed within the term ‘Azania’. As geographical expressions, they were once convenient and representative of deep-seated ignorance of the region as a whole, although they may also have been informed by local indigenous ‘knowledge’.
Arab travelers' accounts show Habesha was embraced by some of the local inhabitants of the region by the mid-9th century CE. In order to make sense of this, early European historians hypothesized the highland regions of Eritrea and northern Ethiopia must have mixed with large groups of people from ancient Yemen. Despite lacking tangible evidence, this narrative has persisted among many historians and the general population. However, new discoveries by archaeologist indicate the people of the Horn adopted material culture and deities from South Arabia not as result of mixing, but because they were "within the religious and economic orbit of greater Saba and local people took up various aspects of the material culture to signify their membership in this broader community." [9]
[Side note: Dating back to 800 BCE, the Ona sites (located near Asmara's Sembel district) were the first settled civilization in the Horn of Africa. According to archaeologist Peter R. Schmidt it was this civilization and not sites in Arabia that were the vital precursors to urban developments in Southern highlands of Eritrea and northern Ethiopia later in the first millennium BCE.]
In addition to being influenced by their Red Sea neighbors, their decline may have been the cause for the adoption of the word Habesha. By the end of the 8th century CE, most of the prominent Yemeni kingdoms ended and areas they once controlled were under foreign occupation. Yemen's turbulence coupled with its ecological volatility likely shifted the international trade of incense from South Arabia to the Horn region. With Habasha originally used to describe people who gathered incense, this term was also given to the region by early Arab merchants and travelers as a geographic expression that some of the inhabitants of the Horn adopted over time.
Similarly, European travelers and missionaries had a similar experience with the term Abyssinia. When Portuguese missionaries arrived in the interior of what is present-day Ethiopia in the early 16th century CE, they took the altered word Abesha (without the letter "H" beginning) which is used by Amharic speakers and subsequently Latinized it to 'Abassia', 'Abassinos', 'Abessina' and finally into 'Abyssina'.[10] This Abyssinia term was widely used as a geographic expression for centuries, even though it was a term not used by the local inhabitants.
In modern times, Habesha has become a complex phrase that has specific social, geographical and sometimes political connotations. Its lack of a consensus definition leaves it quite vulnerable to constant modifications and interpretations. More concerning of late is the politicization of the word by Ethiopianist who have been repackaging the term to mean anyone from Ethiopia and Eritrea despite the fact that majority people in both countries do not regard themselves with the term.
So what does Habesha mean?
Habesha is not an ethnicity; it's not a country; nor is there a common language or religion they collectively follow. Many Eritrean youth even argue its an obsolete term that undermines their national identity. Because of these differences, it's incredibly difficult to give a definition that satisfies all groups equally. Perhaps the best way to define it is by not trying at all. Habesha in many ways is a state of mind - hard to describe, but you know it when you see it.
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A map showcasing the kingdoms and regions mentioned in this article |
[1]Aksum: An African Civilisation of Late Antiquity by Stuart Munro-Hay, 1991, p.73
[2] The Academy, Volume 48, p. 415
[3]Ethiopia: a cultural history by Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, 1955, p.49
[4]Ethiopia: a cultural history by Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, 1955, p. 37
[5]Scottish geographical magazine, Volume 12, p. 143
[6]Ethiopia: a cultural history by Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, 1955, p. 22
[7]Historical Dictionary of Eritrea by Dan Connell, Tom Killion, p. 58
[8]Aksum: An African Civilisation of Late Antiquity by Stuart Munro-Hay, 1991
[9]Historical Archaeology in Africa, by Peter Ridgway Schmidt, 2006, p. 260
[10]The African repository, Volume 27, p. 1
The True Origin of Habesha
Reviewed by Admin
6:42 PM

This is for serious philosophers and historians . This is for habeshat , this is for our glory. long live habesha.
ReplyDeletethe person who wrote this is not habesha. that is why habesha exist. the photo of the mother, is not wearing eritrean traditional dress, but an axumite habesha dress, there is no eritrea, eritrea can only exist if habesha dont exist.
how dare you. tell me i have no house. fk your eritrea and ethiopia. i am habesha. i am everything you think you are. habesha is not black , its not arab. its not oromo, gambela, somali, or sahao or kunama. habesha is axumite, habesha gave you arabs. they are my army, my slaves, i was never conqured by them , i conquer them a thousand times. i raped and pillaged there land. why ? because they were always my bastards, its a historical sientific fact. Habasha is a sematic clan that grew bigger than you can even imagine.
1. the philosophy of islam was there ,way before islam. it started in axum by habesha tigrayan priests. who had a civil war becasue of the treaty of calcidon. in florence. fact.
2. Classical koranic Arabic. is 100 % geez tigringa. even sientist attest to it.
3. fact . habeshat supplied 90% of the islam woriors and converts. its a fact.
4. fact. i am not the slave bilall . i was the general the brain behind the operation.
5. what the crusade was to erope, islam was for habashat of the axumite empire. they were cut of not becasue of islam but because of ghangas khan who changed the silk road .
6. the profit kept running back to me everytime he lost a war.
7, persia feard and respected me. but not the nomad arabs as they saw them.
who the fk is going to tell me my history , me the true habasha , or the one trying to keep fake eritrea, or fake ethiopia, or the white man who fears my glory, or the arab who fears for the truth, or the black man who wishes and thinks he is me.
how could habesha not exist if people want to be habesha. you think eritrea, ethiiopia, or sudan, gave you ambasel, yared, 226 kings, conqured every empire in there reach. doro, shiro wot, hemabasha, enjera, eskista, begena, fidel, tela, axum, lalibela, tigringa amhaaric, guragenga, kebre negasat, queen of sheeba, ezana, and dawit the first.
for ever habesha for ever transmiting what my grandparents told me to do. long live habesha long live our true non kafire and non munafike live happy and enjoy this existance if you happen to be born habesha , its a good one, glories.
how could habesha not exist. if eritrean muslim liberation front was killing them during the 50s and 60s before it became tplf. its a hisorical fact.
ReplyDeletehow could habesha not be a race, if mengestu was running them down all the way to asmera.
how could habesha not exist when it was hand picked to die in starvation in wolo and tigray and eritrea and refugee camps of sudan up to 6 million .
how could habesha race not exist if that is exactly was the arabs and whites are trying to dismantle.
how could habesha not exitst when it was bombed to extinction by the italyans.
how could habesha not exsit if ahmad grangne came to fight them
how could habesha not exit if am in the koran .
how could habesha not exist when nothing like me ever exist that is not me in the soil of africa, name me on race that has more legitamcy than habesha.
i feel so sorry for the true habesha traped behind fake eritrea and ethiopia with out there king and history. this article you wrote is an attack on my you. die in hell .
Remember history will only write the glory of those who got it right. you wont convince this stupid eritreans and ethiopians for ever. habesha for ever. 40 million strong.
I think this is the best explanation on Habesha ever written. Thank you for the treasure trove of information!
ReplyDeleteeverything was quite accurate until your rapid and totally unwarranted attempt to reverse the claim that the habeshat tribe came to the african coast of the red sea instead you say it was simply the word which was adopted. There are other inscriptions dating back to the time of d'mt which clearly show that the hbst or habeshat were a clan/tribe and not just a heard of incense traders. Not only this, the mukkaribs of d'mt claimed descent from habeshat and even other tribes of south arabia. Ge'ez itself is a south semitic language whose ultimate origin was in south arabia (look up agazian speakers and their history if you would like I can send you some books on it, one which is good is the tihama culture complex.. and there is another the encyclopedia aethiopica.. ). So I dont understand how you can come to the conclusion that the cultural origin of semitic speakers in the horn (ie Biher tigrignyas, amharas, etc) are not a combination of this clan and native agews. Obviously there was a culture complex here before (ie the ona culture) however that isn't to say there was no migration that occured which there is clear evidence for (genetic, linguistic, and politicio/archeological).
ReplyDeleteSo I totally disagree with you when you say 'oh habesha is just a state of mind', no it is an ethnic label for us, and a strong reminder of our origins. This is not divisive at all, rashaida for example are just as eritrean as any other and this doesn't cause any division so why should that realization cause it?
Truthseeker, would you happen to be Ethiopian? Your insecurities sure seem to suggest that. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be Frank with you (or Joe), to refer Habeshas as an ethnic group is simply absurd. I don't even believe you believe what you wrote.
And contrary to what you said, there is no inscriptions of Habashats found anywhere from the time of Daamat. There's hardly any inscriptions that refer to Daamat to begin with.
As to your claim that these incense gatherers from Yemen aka Habashats crossed the Red Sea and mixed with the local inhabitants is simply false. A) the archaeology does not back this up; B) Aside from interpretations by colonial-era historians, there is no proof to continue believing in this fairytale; and C) everyone knows Habeshas can't swim :-) Splash!
But in all seriousness, Professor Peter R. Schmidt, who is arguably one of the leading archaeologist of this region, along with other archaeologists, have dismissed this claim as nothing more than an outdated 'myth'.
Eritrean gladiator, I simply fail to understand your aversion to truth. Firstly I am eritrean, you talking about my ethnicity and insulting me really just shows your maturity in this matter. Anyways back to the topic at hand, my suggestion to you is to read the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica and books on south arabian civilizations (look up tihama cultural complex). If I can't convince you then maybe the research will. None the less you are right, I was wrong about Hbst being referred to that early.. the earliest known inscription (at least from what was known back in 2009) was made in the 2nd century but none the less HBST was a clear reference to a clan/ethnic entity in the region infact one such subclan named was called GMD (Encyclopaedia Aethiopica 154-155).
ReplyDeleteIrregardless of this the real clan I meant to speak of which had been attested to in D'mt inscriptions was the Y'GD clan/tribe (ie known as the Agazian or Ge'ez speaking clan) which evidence seems to show that they originated in yemen, this is based on the fact that the two Mukarribs of D'mt claimed descent from the tribe of Y'GD which they linked back to yemen via the tribe of W'rn of Raydan
(UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. II, Abridged Edition: Ancient Africa pgs 198 and 199)...
So at least we know the mukkaribs (ie leaders) of d'mt were south arabian (at least these three were Hywt, RBH, and LMN but Rd'm can also be inffered to be of this clan considering all the rest are from it as well).
And finally how on earth can you say there was no migration while at the same time our forefather's language ge'ez was south semitic and therefore either it or its ancestor had to have come from south arabia. This and the fact that genetics also shows it as well. Its quite undeniable.
Wie found the Word habesha in Hieroglyphe. It is stupid to beliebe that it is a foreign Word. The Word is Tigrigna and Merans United Not Mixed. Habesha People have Lied in the Horn of africa Ascorbinsäure more than 80 000 years. The andient egyptians are descendands of habeshas from todays Eritrea northern ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteAin't habesha ,i am Eritrean,and proud.
ReplyDeletelol thats my Aunt and my baby cousin
ReplyDeleteI am not habehsan just Eritrean only and i am proud of it
ReplyDeleteHabesha is for Ethiopians
Haha a crazy arab is better than educated Shabian…Where the hell did you come from? You sounds like an Eritrean-Arab and non Eritrean Habesha :-).
ReplyDeleteThe devil Prefer to comes as an angel of the light and you are trying to deny our origin as Habesha, but that is not possible, because our roots are still in the bottom and we all know who we are.
The nazis used to try to come up with some of the wall restory not (history) about their ancestors too.Eritrean identity is based on a schizophrenic sense of identity.Keep lying to yourselves.Same language,same hairstyle same religion same food ( not basta shuta from signore but tsebhi, if Ou can find taff)
.....regardless of this and that, now we own our country and we called it Eritrea and we should and must be known as Eritreans only. We really don't need other terms to describe us event if that word is the word Habesh. Let Eritreans be known as Eritreans from coast to coast and those who want to hold on the word habesha they can do so but shouldn't give it priority to the name Eritrea. Eritrea seeks peace in the region but at the same time its swords are sharpened to perfection and intact and ready all the time.
ReplyDeleteTypical Habesha mom :) you can see more Habesha dresses on
ReplyDeletewhat come first the chicken or the eggs?
ReplyDeleteas far as i know Habesha is an ethnic group, the thing is, that not how you say it in Eritrean, (now please no bullshit about regions and all, we are just rediscovering our true history), their true name is Hamsian in Tigriania, this name although its been used to describe exclusively the central region of Eritrea, in truth its the true ethnic distribution of about 87%-92% of the total Eritrean population.
so what does the word (Hamsian--- Habesha) mean well its actually the name of the two blood line that make up the Eritrean people, if you look in the holy scripture (Bible, Tora, Qur'an) it tells the story of Noah and the floods, well Noah's kids after the floods repopulated the world, he had three boys Ham, Siam/Shame and Yafet/Japhat, traditionaly Ham is seen as the fathers of the African, Siam/Shame is seen as the father of the Arabs and Jews (middle east) and Yafet/Japhat as the father of the European.
well from it we could see that this ancient name that has been used to describe us, is in fact is a description of our blood linage we are the Hamsian--- Habesha which simply means as blood of ham and siam which ended up as Hamsian. now this ethnic group is a powerful ethnic group and no foreigners could ever defeat them however they were the greatest enemy of themselves.
there are a number of ways they fight against themselves, e.g. Language is one of the most common ways the Hamsian people divide themselves so you have tigriania and tigria, blian in eritrea, amharina, tigriania and gragia Ethiopia (sorry 4 spelling), there are some common traits about probably the most intelligent, influential & powerful ethnic group to walk in Africa. one is they life to move around the whole of Africa and usually have children in which ever area they settle down, the last group to be created from the Hamsian ethnic group is the Amhra, the amhric language come out of the tigrinia language in the 12th AD, legend says they intentionally used to speak in a broken Tigrinia in order to ovoid paying tax to kings who at this time all spoke Tigrinia, thus creating the Amharic language, subsequently becoming the name for a group of Ethiopian whose first language and of course with the kingdom moving south in the last 250 years it become the most dominating language in Ethiopia. so let me ask you Ethiopian, who is the mother and who is the naughty daughter?
in Eritrea the word that used to describe the whole eritrean people become only to represent the central part of Eritrea during the age of colonization through the principles of divide and conquer the name come to represent a small part of the Eritrean population but this land of Eritrea for most of the lands history was the power house and the capital cities, in term of population its holds 3rd or 4th but most eritrean actuly see it as holding the largest number of eritrean but this is mainly due to asmara and most of the local people do not live in Asmara, Asmara is the home of all Eritrean,and personally its my soul my birth place. Asmara the true capital of all the Hamsian people by this i mean the whole horn of Africa
it is so amazing. one of the real hsbesha people are Eritreans. so you deny you identity. habeshas are Tigray-Tigrigna, Tigre, Amhara, guraghe and other semitic speakers. so why yiu deny your identity? The name Eritrea is known only some 100 yers when u colonize by Italy. so habesha is the real name of the people than eritrea
ReplyDeleteseriously the miss-information about habesha is ridiculous it was proven long ago that this thesis is untrue habesha do not hail from the Arabian peninsula but are indigenous to the horn of Africa just use google ad find information from credible academic institutions
ReplyDeleteIs the name Eritrea and Eritrean, a colonial name bestowed upon us by Italians less than 100 years ago who came to steal our resources and enslave our forefathers, than a thousands of years old local/native designation for East Africans and Yemenites? Is Eritrea, an Italian name, much better than Habesha, an Axumite/Yemenite designation of centuries years old? Is the colonial/slave name Eritrea really something to be proud of? Is Eritrea/Eritreans a local/native and indigenous name given to us by our forefathers from one of the 9 local tribes or is it a colonial European/Italian name? Should we be proud if the colonial Italian name Eritrea eventhough history teaches us the Italians set up the first apartheid system worst than South Africa in Bahri Negash/Medri Bahri/Mereb Melash (the true local name for "Eritrea")? Eventhough to Italians who gave us the name Eritreans our forefathers were considered as animals and subhumans? So the question is not whether we shoud be proud to call ourselves Habesha or Abesha but is it more prideful or patriotic to call ourselves by the colonial/slave designation Eritrea/Eritreans than a neutral/semi-native centuries years old designation of one of the peoples East Africa/Yemen, the Habashat..? In a sane world, it should be clear.
ReplyDeleteEritrea is a colony/slave name given to Bahri Negash/Medri Bahri/Mereb Melash. Italians created the first and the worst apartheid system in the world, worst than South Africa's. And we are proud to be called Eritreans by the name our slavemasters picked for us. crazy!
ReplyDeleteIs the name Eritrea and Eritrean, a colonial name bestowed upon us by Italians less than 100 years ago who came to steal our resources and enslave our forefathers better than a thousands of years old local/native designation for East Africans and Yemenites? Is Eritrea, an Italian name, much better than Habesha, an Axumite/Yemenite designation of centuries years old? Is the colonial/slave name Eritrea really something to be proud of? Is Eritrea/Eritreans a local/native and indigenous name given to us by our forefathers from one of the 9 local tribes or is it a colonial European/Italian name? Should we be proud if the colonial Italian name Eritrea eventhough history teaches us the Italians set up the first apartheid system worst than South Africa in Bahri Negash/Medri Bahri/Mereb Melash (the true local name for "Eritrea")? Eventhough to Italians who gave us the name Eritreans our forefathers were considered as animals and subhumans? So the question is not whether we shoud be proud to call ourselves Habesha or Abesha but is it more prideful or patriotic to call ourselves by the colonial/slave designation Eritrea/Eritreans than a neutral/semi-native centuries years old designation of one of the peoples East Africa/Yemen, the Habashat..? In a sane world, it should be clear.
Actually its not before then it was called Medri Bahri.
ReplyDelete3rd Century B.C. - Sinus Erythraeus
Romans- Mare Erythreum
14th Century Abyssinians - Maekel Bahir
16th Century - Bahri Medri
19th Century - Mereb Milash
Italians gave the name Eritrea, its Greek meaning is red.
I am an Eritrean not Habesha( Amhara or Agame)!
ReplyDeleteHahahahahaha Very funny. OK good. Be Eritreans not Habesha. So who cares? what a sad situation you are in. Denying yourself is the lowest of lowest in life. Good luck with who ever you are.
ReplyDeleteSo since you are not Habesha, you also stopped using the Geez calendar, could you be dears and stop using the FIDEL (Ha, HU). Then that will cleanse you from the horrible evil name called Habesha. It will sure give you a cleaner Eritrea. Be dears now.
ReplyDeletemy father hates the word habesha. He is a very loving man, who served his country in war but holds no hate. He loves Ethiopia, and proud Eritrean. With that being said, he would always tell me the use of the word Habesha was an insult by the arabs. He said the were calling us mixed donkeys cuz they couldnt understand our linage.The word pretty much means nigger. He also said it was a good way to encourage people to forget who they are. Within Eritrean and Ethiopians today it is a word used out of insecurity to blurr lines. Most believe it is a word used to unite these two countries. The practice of asking where u are from has died and so is a small part of our culture. People are so senstive today that asking if one is Eritrean or Ethiopina can literally alarm a room. I truly believe that this is the biggest reasons that word is so popular today.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny to see Ethiopians get offended because Eritreans don't like the term of Habesha. Take it easy nasty-southern neighbours.
ReplyDeleteTruth, I am sure you know the Agame region of Tigray is probably constitute about 20% of the people and land of Tigray. By the way the Agame are well known for their hard work and entrepreneurship throughout Ethiopia and Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteHello Habesha people My dad is Eritrean my mom is Ethiopian ... And I'm proudly a Habesha :)
ReplyDeleteWell Said!
ReplyDeleteAksumite Kings regarded Ethiopia with the Sudan. King Ezana made three
ReplyDeleteinscriptions in three different languages: Ge'ez, Sabaean and in Greek.
The difference between the following three inscriptions he made is that
in the Greek inscription, he replaces the Kingdom of Habashat with
Ethiopia, while in the Ge'ez and in the Sabaean, he uses the word
Habashat. According to the historian Joseph Michels, "the mention of
Habashat (or Ethiopia) is contained only in Ezana I's bilingual
inscription, intended first of all for the foreign reader (1979, Joseph W. Michels, p. 94).
In their entirety, here are the following three quotes of the
inscriptions, starting with Ge'ez, then Sabaean, and ending with the
In the Ge'ez text of the first inscription of Ezana we find he styles
himself "Ezana, king of Aksum, and of Himyar, and Kasu, and Saba, and
Habashat, and Raidan, and Salhen and Tsiamo, and Beja, the King of
Kings" (1955, Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 49).
The Sabaean text runs as follows: "King of Aksum, and of Himyar, and of
Raidan, and of Habashat, and of Saba, and of Salhen, and of Tsiamo, and
of Kasu, and of Beja, the King of Kings (1955, Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 49)".
In the Greek Ezana calls himself: "King of Aksum, and of Himyar, and of
Raidan, and of Ethiopia, and of Saba, and of Salhen, and of Tsiamo, and
of Beja, and of Kasu, the King of Kings"(1955, Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 49).
Read more:
Lol, begging is not hard work
ReplyDeleteYour inferiority complex is showing in your post
ReplyDeleteme too. And I am from Taita Hills, Kenya.
ReplyDeleteFull of fear and inferiority? Eritreans are by large more of nomadic cushites and the very first rebel for Eritrea 'independence' was initiated by muslim cushitic clan called Saho and Beni-Amir (studies indicated they were from ancient Nile vally, soldures of Yodit Gudit from Gojjam). These people were never called 'Habesha' by the vast majority people of Ethiopia. The term Habesha was originally reserved for north (Tigrai) and north-west central (Amhara) Ethiopian Semites or later assimilates. So what makes you confused while it was clear that you are not Habesha. Dreaming Jealous one! Keep everything for us and stay alone.
ReplyDeletewhat is your obsession with Eritrea?
ReplyDeleteworry about your own
begging for aid is considered hard work?
ReplyDeleteFidel originated in Eritrea. So stop using it, dear
ReplyDeleteWho cares except the donkeys? We orormo and Somalies fuck Eretrean pussy.
ReplyDeleteCreative history. I't give a sit about Eretrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, junks. They are stupid barbars, they fight like mindless animals in the name of this or that tribe, religion and so on. That region of africa is full of shit bastards.
ReplyDeleteThey don't know nothing but misearable life for poor people of that region.
You mind is like dark skin arabs. Arabs they don't know nothing except fighting and fucking eachother like beast.
Down with all arabs and their followers in habesha region including Somalia & Sudan.
Briliant analisys. Thanks man.
ReplyDeleteI hate both Eritrean & Ethiopian. Their men are blood thursty and their females are shermutas. Habesha women are called "Public toilet for Arab men". Gabitto.
ReplyDeleteIs that why you are ptoud of habesha????
Big deal hahaha!
ReplyDeleteGo to my wife is originally from your country. once she test my dick now she hate you like shit.
Peace brother,
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on the theory that Sabean tribes migrated into our country around 600 BC that formed 2 seperate groups one Agazians who inhabited present day Eritrea and the other Habashat who inhabited present Tigray territory? Eritra was called Behere Agazit this Im almost certain about and both eritrea and tigray spoke the language of the Agazians Ghe'ez.. But what im confused about is that during the kingdom of Adulis around 300 BC the ihabitans supossidely called themselves habeshat clan which makes no sence if the theory above^^ is true.
yea, not all ethipian but we Semitic speeking ethiopians are HABESHA!(UNIQUE) nd we proud of it.
ReplyDeletecool,wats wrong with habesha ....i claimed loudly that am Ethipian And I'm proudly a Habesha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhether Eritreans lyk the term habesha , we dont care and get offended ....we are habesha nd proud of it!!!
ReplyDeleteRacism white supremacy is global. Similar situation people deal with all over the wo
ReplyDeleteIt seems like symptoms of racism white supremacy once again that's all over the world amongst people of colour especially Africans.
ReplyDeleteFrances Cress Welsing explains a lot of the psychology behind people who classify themselves as white and the colour games they play to exercise their control and dominance. (you can see her lecturers on YouTube or read the ISIS papers which she authored).
Unfortunately it's these colour games keeps which keep many Africans fighting amongst one another.
The similarities the word habesha has with the word "nigger" or "slave" make no mistake there is no coincidence that they are used in a similar fashion. That it all ties together in the a global system of racism white supremacy.
It's not popular. You're wrong.
ReplyDeleteDo U understand inglish language ? If not seek help or get some one who can help U 2 understand the article written abov . It is saying ...."the Habeshas r the southeastern Yemeni Arabs not the Ethiopians !". It is like being "ARERU . ARERU means a person who refused 2 b a free man after slavery is over. Sorry, I would rather call U arab than an ETHIOPIAN.
ReplyDeleteRead th article again. I'm an Ethiopian but not Habesha. U 2. Habeshas r Arabs Ethiopians r not Habeshas. Teach ur self, read n read n read. I'm an Ethiopian son of the kings. U 2 leave the efitreans alone They know who they r. We r Africans not Habeshas(Arabs).