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Eritrea's Red Sea Camels Trash Kenya 4 - 1

Eritrea's Red Sea Camels Beat Kenya 4 - 1

Final Score:
Eritrea: 4
Kenya: 1

April 17, 2011 (ASMARA) – Eritrea and Kenya national teams Under 23 played in the All Africa Games qualifier held in Asmara, Eritrea this Sunday.

From early onset, the game was dominated by the towering and athletic Eritrean team. They held the Kenyan squad to just one goal, while punishing Kenyan goal keeper, Faruk Shikhilo, with 4 goals to victory.

The game was originally supposed to be played on Friday, but due to direct flight constraints from Nariobi to Asmara, the Kenyan Players arrived late into Saturday. The visiting athletes will stay the reminder of the week in Asmara and play friendly, non-qualifier games till their flight departs next Saturday.

Eritrea's Red Sea Camels Under 23 have become a dominant team in East Africa and are among the few favorites to do well in this tournament. The next match for the Red Sea Camels will be played in Nairobi, where they expect to finish off Kenya and advance to the next round, when they face either Uganda or Tanzania.

Eritrea's team playing Kenya's.

Eritrea's Red Sea Boys Celebrating Goal

Taken from the Game on Sunday

Eritrean Soccer (football) Team Under 23 - Red Sea Camels
Kenya Soccer (football) Team Under 23 - In Asmara

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Eritrea's Red Sea Camels Trash Kenya 4 - 1 Reviewed by Admin on 3:18 PM Rating: 5

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