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Eritrea to spend 30 Million on Railway Construction

Eritrea to spend 30 Million on Railway Construction 

Madote News
Source: Shabait

April 27, 2011 (ERITREA) –  In a nationwide symposiums of state officials held recently, the head of railway transportation, Mr. Amanuel Gebreselasie disclosed Eritrea will allocate 460 million Nakfa (30.6 million USD) over the next five years to modernize and expand it's railroad facilities. Mr. Gebreselasie indicated a total of 50 km (31 miles) of new railway line will be constructed during this period; along with purchasing new trains and carriages that will be used in transporting 850,000 tons of goods annually.

The Director General of Maritime transportation, Mr. Ghebremedhin Habte, on his part elaborated modern facilitating equipments such as harbor cranes, mobile cranes, shore cranes, bagging machines, forklifts,  and tugboats have been added over the years. Moreover, Mr. Habte indicated over the last 20 years, modern airport terminals, the Hirgigo oil jetty and a new cement factory were constructed; and concluded by stating the master plan for Massawa's port has been finalized.

It is to be recalled, since independence, the Government has spent 1.4 Billion Nakfa (around 100 million USD) towards upgrading Massawa and Assab ports.

The following images are of Eritrean trains and railways courtesy of railway enthusiasts Mads Dybvad

Eritrean Train + Sun Rise - Photo: Mads Dybvad
Eritrean Train Near Massawa - Photo: Mads Dybvad
Eritrean Train Near Massawa - Photo: Mads Dybvad

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