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Amazing Eritrean Art by Mohammed AbdulSalam

[Contributer Nasser writes in to Madote about his brief interview with a talented Eritrean artist from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.]  

Hello guys, my name Nasser and I'm here to briefly interview an up-and-coming Eritrean artist from Jeddah. I first ran into his work at his website and was simply amazed by his artistic talent. My goal is to help spread the word of his work through this quick interview.

Nasser: What is your name and what country do you currently reside in?

Mohammed: First of all thanks so much for your compliments about me and my artwork, I have no words to explain my feelings and am nonetheless very happy. My name is Mohammed AbdulSalam and I reside in Saudi Arabia - Jeddah city to be precise.

Nasser:  Eritrea is expected to see a massive tourist influx this summer for the 20th independence anniversary, do you plan on attending? Also, when was the last time you visited Eritrea and what was your overall impressions?

Mohammed:  The last time I visited my country was in 1993. I liked everything there, the weather, people, buildings and of course, the villages. I even ate Beles for the first time and enjoyed it lol. I really wish I could attend, unfortunately, since I have many things to do here, I don't have plans of going this summer for the 20th anniversary celebration. 

Nasser: What inspires your artwork?

Mohammed: Without a doubt, our cultures and traditions are things that inspire me the most - The beauty of Eritrean people, the great pictures from Eritrea, etc are also inspirational for me. In addition to those, the colors of our flag are interesting colors I really like working with that enhance my simple touch. Simply put, anything related to Eritrea inspires me to do what I do.

Nasser: For those of us who may not understand on how you make your artwork, briefly explain what types of programs you use when doing your work.

Mohammed: There are many programs that I use like: 
- Adobe Photoshop ( for photo retouching & Digital Designs + website home pages)
- Adobe Illustrator ( to creat Logos and vector artworks like Flags and things of that nature )
- Adobe Indesign ( To create Magazines and Flyers ..... )
- 3D Max ( for 3D artworks  like I did in EMA logo)
I'm also studying Cinema 4D + Dream waver.

Nasser: If people wanted to have their photos digitally enhanced or turned into an artwork, what's the best and covenant way they can contact you?

Mohammed:  Those interested can simply contact me at my e-mail : or People can also send me a message on my Facebook page: I also have an official gallery page that people can check out to see some of my work at

Nasser: Thank you Mohammed for your time.

Mohammed: Anytime bro.

The following images aresome of Mohammed's amazing work. Click on the images to see larger quality. To view more images, visit  here

I am proud to be Eritreawe

Image of Mohammed AbdulSalam


EMA - Eritrean Music Award

YPFDJ - Eritrean Political Youth Movement

Eritrean Star

Come to Eritrea
Eritrea's 20 year Independence Celebration

All the time with Eritrea
Eritrean Face with the Eritrean Flag

President Isaias Afwerki

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Amazing Eritrean Art by Mohammed AbdulSalam Reviewed by Admin on 3:04 AM Rating: 5

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