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Eritrea is the only African Nation to cut off USAID

Madote News
Source: US Foreign Assistance

Eritrea is the only African nation that has not requested USAID for the fiscal year of 2011, according to the U.S. Department of State, Office of Foreign Assistance.

In keeping inline with its self-reliance policy, the Government of Eritrea stopped requesting financial assistance from the United States since 2005, and fully cut off all third party NGO's that were financially sponsored by the U.S. after 2006.

The government believes foreign assistance breeds a culture of dependency that shackles African countries into a perpetual cycle of poverty.

Recently, a growing number of economic experts have been taking the same position as the Government of Eritrea by stating aid to Africa is doing more harm than good.

Economist such as Dambisa Moyo argue aid to Africa is making African countries poorer. Moyo, who has a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford University and a Masters from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, described foreign aid as, "easy money that fosters corruption and distorts economies, creating a culture of dependency and economic laziness." (ABC).

The following chart below shows the top 10 highest aid recipients from the United states. Please keep in mind these figures are only from the United States and do not include other donor nations that contribute substantially to their yearly fiscal budgets. To read the top 10 recipients of foreign aid which includes all donors, visit here.

RankNationsUS Assistance
4South Africa586,350,000
8Sudan 439,979,000
10Zambia 408,760,000
Map of US Aid to Africa - Eritrea is colored gray for no US aid

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