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Eritrea Declines Malaria Mortality by 83%

Madote News
Source: WHO

Eritrea Declines Malaria Mortality by 83%

According to the World Heath Organization (WHO), since 2001, Eritrea has decreased its Malaria mortality rate by 83%. In the same period, the numbers of Malaria cases have plummeted by 61%.

About 70% of the Eritrean population is reported to be in "high risk" areas for malaria. Nevertheless,  research shows that in 2001, Eritrea had approximately 125,736 cases of malaria admissions, while in 2009, the same figure is reduced to 21,298. These drastic decline in such a short period of time can be attributed to the prioritization of health by the Eritrean government and raising public awareness of the dangers of malaria.

It is to be noted that the Eritrean government recently distributed 1 million mosquito nets in high-risk areas to prevent Malaria infections.

Malaria Deaths have declined by 83% in Eritrea
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Eritrea Declines Malaria Mortality by 83% Reviewed by Admin on 8:18 AM Rating: 5

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