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Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank, the top ten nations of foreign aid recipients are: Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Palestine administration, Vietnam, Sudan, Tanzania, India, Bangladesh, and Turkey. Since Afghanistan and Iraq are directly in a state of occupational war with the United States, and are subsequently provided with re-construction aid by the United States, this would make Ethiopia the highest non-war aid recipient country. Interestingly enough, economics Professor Dambisa Moyo states that 97 percent of the Ethiopian government's budget is attributed to foreign aid (2009, Moyo, Ferguson, p. 72).  Mayo believes this shows the Ethiopian governments, "lack of innovation." She goes on to add that "There is a lack of any effort being paid to try and wean the country off of aid." (April 13, 2009, Dead Aid, Dambisa Moyo)

The following list is a chart of the top ten highest aid recipients. Click on the numbers to see the source of the statistics.

RankCountryAid received for 2008
1Iraq9,870 Billion USD
2Afghanistan4,865 Billion USD
3Ethiopia3,327 Billion USD
4Palestine** 2,593 Billion USD
5Vietnam2,552 Billion USD
6Sudan2,384 Billion USD
7Tanzania2,332 Billion USD
8India2,108 Billion USD
9Bangladesh2,061 Billion USD
10Turkey2,024 Billion USD

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and development
**Palestine is just an administration. It's not an officially recognized state by the UN.

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Top 10 Nations of Foreign Aid Recipients Reviewed by Admin on 7:35 AM Rating: 5


  1. I don't understand, I thought Ethiopia's economy is growing by 11% according to the government's report.

  2. Well, where there is no opposition to expose, a government can say whatever they like. Sometime ago, when the Ethiopian opposition leader questioned Meles Zenawi, he was threatened by Meles in a Parliament, then the opposition leader was scared of getting killed so he stopped asking questions about Ethiopia's economy. Where there is no democracy and access to information, the government can say what they want, that's the nature of African regimes.

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  6. Think twice before being proud of your country and culture. Because this true says who you are!

  7. Palestine is an Authority and its recognized by the UN!


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