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Photos of New Massawa Housing Construction

The port city of Massawa, famed as the "Pearl of the Red Sea", is Eritrea's third largest city and one with of important historical significance. Massawa is a city that's divided into three separate areas. Those areas consist of  the mainland, Taulud island and Massawa island. The mainland is known locally as Edaga and is historically the latest addition into the city's ever-so expanding perimeters. Taulud island, which is known locally as Twalet, is the cities administrative area that became of prominence upon the arrival of the Egyptians and the subsequent Italians that followed in the late 19th century AD. Massawa island is the oldest part of the city and is known locally as Batsi. All three areas of Massawa are linked by a causeway that intersects through the connecting island of Taulud. During the revolutionary war of Eritrean independence, Massawa was heavily bombed by the Soviets, Cubans and Ethiopians, leaving much of the city in ruins. Upon winning Eritrean independence, Massawa has seen a  steady process rehabilitation projects. In this article, we'll take a look at some of those new development projects that have been completed and take a sneak-peak at the ones that are in store for this ancient city.

Photo below is of the newly renovated Dahlak hotel

Close up of the newly renovated Dahlak Hotel

Photo below is of the Massawa housing complex found in the mainland part of the city

More images of these modern apartment complexes built in 2000. In addition to building 26 residential buildings, these complexes come equiped with 8 office buildings, an elementary school, a buisness center, a basketball court, tennis court, a children's playground and a football ground.

Photo below is part of the Massawa housing complex

Newly constructed paved roads with sidewalks and vegetation

Photo below is of the Northern Red Sea Region Office

Photo below is of the Municipality of Massawa

Small Twin tower buildings of Massawa

A more recent image of the twin towers. As you can see, all the older buildings and hotels around it have been renovated.

The newly built power plant below is located in Hirgigo (Massawa's suburb)

Photo below is of a new "master plan" to renovate all the damaged buildings in Massawa's historic island of Batsi (Massawa island). The contract to restore it was given to a Qatari construction team known as EDESSA group. To read more about this master plan development for the Massawa island part of the city, visit this link.

Photo below is of renovation plan of the Italian built bank known as Banca d'italia. This building was heavily damaged during Eritrea's war for independence. To visit the source of this image below, visit here.

Photo below is a detailed design and renovation of the Red Sea Hotel. To visit the source of this image below, visit here.

Although not in Massawa, the Dahlak resort is another construction being conducted on the main island of the Dahlak Kebir. To visit the source of this image below, then visit here.
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