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Photos of New Asmara Housing Construction

Housing construction in Asmara has been growing on a steady process. Much of Eritrea's development budget is dedicated to food security, education, roads, micro-dams, health and water preservation, construction of new housing has gotten the least priority. In the next few years however, housing development in Eritrea will get a much needed priority. In this article, you'll see pictures of homes and apartment buildings that have been constructed or are being constructed in Asmara, Eritrea.

The Halibet housing complex as seen below is currently being built around the Halibet hospital. These modern homes and apartment complexes are going to have a soccer field, a gym, a basketball court, a tennis court, a swimming pool, a small park and will have some of the most modern houses and apartment complexes present in the horn of Africa.

This photo below is located just outside of Asmara, around north-west of the city. Since Yahoo's satellite maps for Eritrea haven't been updated in over a year and a half, we can clearly see that this area had no new construction or any housing present. However, if you look at the Google'a satellite photo below this one, you'll see new apartment buildings being constructed. Google's satellite updates Eritrea's image every 90 days or so, so anyone looking to see for new development in Asmara can use Yahoo's outdated maps with Google's updated maps to see if any changes have taken place within the last year and half.



Close up of the new apartment buildings being constructed.

The image below is a screen shot of these new Asmara appartment buildings from Eri TV

The image below is of the blue print of what the new 5 star hotel in Asmara will look like. Construction of this hotel will set to commence in 2011.

The following pictures are of housing constructions in Asmara in the past decade.  Much of the new construction to take place in Asmara has been around the Sembel and Kahawta areas.

Photo below shows a very modern looking house with a swimming pool.

New modern homes near Sembel, Asmara.

These 32 modern homes are located near the Halibet hospital. They are part of the new 700 modern homes to be built within the next few years. Most of these houses are constructed for the diaspora Eritreans. These houses can cost from 150,000 to 200,000 USD range.

Click here if you want to see these homes via Google maps.

Photo of the left is of the Orota Referral Hospital.

Photo on the left is the Asmara Sembel housing unit.

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Photos of New Asmara Housing Construction Reviewed by Admin on 8:47 AM Rating: 5

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