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Photos of Eritrea's wildlife animals

Just a little over 60 years ago, Eritrea was home to an abundant amount of big game species. However, do to several decades of war with Ethiopia, poor farming methods, and deforestation, their numbers have drastically declined. As a result, new government polices were implemented at the start of Eritrea's independence in 1991. These government enforced regulations have helped in steadily increasing their numbers through out Eritrea.

The following are pictures of Eritrea's wildlife.

Blue Breasted Bee Eaters (Merops Variegatus) - Semenawi Bahri Eritrea.
Photo courtesy of  Solomon Abraha

Birds of the coast of Eritrea. Photos courtesy of eritreaembassy-japan

Eritrean flamingos flying at Howakil Bay. Photo courtesy of Linda and David

Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki and government official viewing
the water buffalos near Mendefera, Eritrea.

A herd of water buffalo near Mendefera, Eritrea. Both water buffalo
photos are courtesy of Shabait

Ostrich in the Dankalia region. Photo courtesy of Solomon Abraha

Over a dozen ostrich running in the plain of Wangabo (Eastern Eritrea)

Ostrich running in Eritrea's Danakilia region. Photos courtesy
of eritreaembassy-japan

Baboons north of Asmara. Photo courtesy of Petros Pete

Baboon on the Asmara-Massawa road. Bananas seem to
excite him.

Eritrean antelopes in the Dankalia. Photo courtesy of Solomon Abraha

Close up of antelopes -Photo courtesy of Eriview

Gazelle in Semanwi Bahri National park.

Worthog drinking in Gash Barka region of Eritrea

Leopard from Eritrea's Semenawi Bahri national park. Photo is
courtesy of  Solomon Abraha

Eritrean boy near Agordat with a dead Leopard --1934

Eritrean warrior with a young male lion near Barentu -1935

Italian man with a cub lion in Gash Barka, Eritrea -1936

Young male lion walking south of Tesseny --Photo taken
in summer of 2006 by Ibrahim Hassen.

Kudu in the Semenawi Bahri region. Photo is courtesy of kilnsey

Young spotted Hyena near Mendefera, Eritrea. Both spotted and stripped
Hyenas are found in Eritrea.

A herd of about 90 elephants in Gash-Barka Eritrea.

Close up of the Eritrean elephants.

A wider shot of the herd.

Close up of elephants in Gash Barka - Photo courtesy of Eriview

Here's a video showing Eritrea's landscape, wildlife and Red Sea children

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