Eri-TV Live - Eritrean TV Online
Updated: May 27, 2017, 12:00PM EST
Eri-TV is an Eritrean Television channel broadcasting educational, national news and entertainment for Eritreans living domestically and abroad. Eri-TV mostly in Tigrinya, Tigre, English and Arabic.
Eri-TV was established in 1992 and broadcasting began in 1993, with transmission originally being limited to Asmara and its surrounding areas. After 2003, Eri-TV started using satellite technology to broadcast globally and can be viewed online via FilmOn.
Eritrea currently has two national TV stations called Eri-TV1 and Eri-TV2.. Eri-TV2 is mostly for educational and cultural purposes and transmits only within Eritrea.
For your convenience, we will update this page soon with schedules of Eri-TV programs catered for the Eritrean Diaspora time zones in Washington DC, Seattle, London, Frankfurt, Stockholm and Rome.
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Updated: May 27, 2017, 12:00PM EST
Eri-TV is an Eritrean Television channel broadcasting educational, national news and entertainment for Eritreans living domestically and abroad. Eri-TV mostly in Tigrinya, Tigre, English and Arabic.
Eri-TV was established in 1992 and broadcasting began in 1993, with transmission originally being limited to Asmara and its surrounding areas. After 2003, Eri-TV started using satellite technology to broadcast globally and can be viewed online via FilmOn.
Eritrea currently has two national TV stations called Eri-TV1 and Eri-TV2.. Eri-TV2 is mostly for educational and cultural purposes and transmits only within Eritrea.
For your convenience, we will update this page soon with schedules of Eri-TV programs catered for the Eritrean Diaspora time zones in Washington DC, Seattle, London, Frankfurt, Stockholm and Rome.
Reviewed by Admin
9:00 AM

I'm Ethiopian but I love watching Eritrean tv.
ReplyDeleteEri-tv is the best!
ReplyDeletewhen does the Afaan Oromiya programs start on Eritrean tv?
ReplyDeleteHey I have a question, is there an Eritrean TV online for Eri-tv 2?
ReplyDeleteEritrean television keeps me grounded with my roots. God bless Eri-TV!
ReplyDeleteGreat Eri tv
ReplyDeleteAsayyyy !!!!! Welll done, glad we are able to watch it.
Eritrea is the best country in Africa........say x
thing does eri tv film all the eritrean games in the cecafa
ReplyDeletealso i dont mind watching other fames like sudan or kenyawwill they show them play each other iswell
ኢ.ቲ.ቪ የደረቀ ፋንድያ ማለት ናቸው። ኤሪ.ቲ.ቪ ይሻላል።
ReplyDeleteThanks all the hard working staff at ERI-TV for bringing Eritrea close to where we reside.Keep up the good job you are getting better every day & we are proud & gratefull for that.
ReplyDeleteEri TV is the best!
ReplyDeleteI like to watch Eritrean TV, but the programmes you air is some times boring. I understand It is not easy to air new educational stuff round the clock. It is also meaningless to air excessive music and Gauylas as no one learns any thing good at all. I think there should be a difference between radio station and TV station. I am a proud Eritrean diaspora who love my country and would like to watch some good interesting programmes.I appreciate for the efforts you are making I also know that you can do better.
ReplyDeleteThank you
That Amharic program and other Ethiopian languages needs to go. I rather see Mexican programs on EriTV than view Amhara, Oromo, and Tigray noise.
ReplyDeleteAside from that, Eritrea TV is still the best channel in the horn of Africa, hands down!
ReplyDeleteCan anyone in charge do something with the sound quality? Almost 1/3 of all broadcasting is clipping.
ReplyDeleteClipping means volume is wrong set so the quality of sound sometimes is like broken glass and the voice is like the singer i singing inside a pillow or a blanket.
This is a general problem in ERI-TV and very easy to fix.
Best regards from qurious Norwegian who like to know Eritrea. :)
That's not Eri-TV's fault, that's Ustream. Ustream sucks. I have Eri-TV at home and it sounds perfect, with clear picture.
ReplyDeletehmm.. we have been whatching ERI-TV here some times and typically some clips appear fine but then some are terrible regarding sound quality. The change in quality happens in the same moment they change the cene. That is why I guessed it was ERI-TV and not only Ustream.
ReplyDeleteI find the same problem on yutube where almost all clips from ERI-TV have very bad sound while other clips are excellent.
Ustream is bad but all other channels have good sound Or shall we say normal sound. This means thet ERI-TV deliver the wrong signal to Ustrem. All other explanations are impossible.
I must say here that my Eritrean friend did not hear much wrong. :)
I guess it is normal for her?
I really some in charge will look at this because it is really easy to fix for someone who see the problem and understand it.
hi! great job. why is two channels at the same frekvens when i listn to the radio from er tv by dish ? tanks.
ReplyDeleteall of you makeing this comments are just saying what you dont
ReplyDeleteEritrean TV please, please why can't reduce this musics and gaulas. once a week is more than enough, it does't matter even if it all day and night those interested will watch it, there are so many other things you can air, if you like.
ReplyDelete^^ If they reduce it to once a week (unrealistic), then what other things should they air? 24 hour news? Movies? Comedies? Btw, there's going to be an EriTV 3 coming out within a year (hopefully).
ReplyDeleteThere are so many other educational and interesting programmes, e.g
ReplyDeleteabout various types of animals, geography of other countries, science,
do it your self activities DIY, how to clean your surrounding, how to make schools green, there are hundreds of other very useful programmes we can introduce to our Tv airing.
ቲቪ-አረ ብክብረትኩም ምእንቲ ክብርና ኣብ ትፍንውዎ መደባት ክእረም ዘለዎ ተግባራት ክሳዕ ፍጹም ዝእረም እናቐረጽኩም ፈንዉልና። ከበሮ ዲም ኣብ ዝበለሉ ኣብ መድረኽ እናደየብካ ንድምጻውያን ረሳሕ ኣቕራሽ ብመልሓስ ብጥፍጣፍ እናኣተርከስካ አብ ግንባሮም ጠፋዕ ምባል፡ ንደቀኣንስትዮ'ውን አብ ኣጥቧተን ኣእዳዋት እናኣእተካ ኣቕራሽ ምሽዃዕ ሃይጅኒክ (ስነ-ጽርየታዊ)ኣይኮነን ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ክትሪኦ'ውን ጽቡቕ ስለ ዘይኮነ ብሃገር ደረጃ ክሕሰበሉ ይግባእ። መድረኽ ክቡር እዩ፡ ናቱ ሕግን ስርዓትን ድማ ኣለዎ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣብ ሃገርና ኣብ ሓምሳታት ሱሳታት ሰብ እንኳይ'ዶ ኣብ መድረኽ ኽድይብ ካብ ወንበሩኳ ኣይትስእን እዩ ነይሩ፡ ሃገራዊ ወይ ሙዚቃዊ ስምዒቱ ብጣቕዒት'ዩ ዝገልጽ ነይሩ። ንሱ እዩ ኸኣ ስልጡን ኣገባብ። ካልእ ጉድኣታት'ውን ኣሎዎ። ነቲ ድምጻዊ ኣብ ዕይኡ ምብልሻው ትፈጥረሉ፡ ስእሊ ይበላሾ፡ ወዘተ። ኣብ ዩ ትዩብ እሞ ርኣይዎ ንወዲ ትካቦ ኣብ ሽወደን ወይ ኖርወይ እናተጻወተ ከሎ ሓደ ከይዱ ቕርሺ ብጥፍጣፍ ገይሩ ኣብ ጥቓ ዓይኑ ጠፋዕ የብሎ ካብታ ምሽላሙ እታ ምህሳዩን ዓይኑ ምሽፋኑን ስለ ዝኾነቶን ሕርቓኑ ይርኣ ነይሩ ናብቲ ኪ ቦርድ ዝጻወት ዝነበረ ከይዱ ድማ ነታ ቕርሺ ከልዕለሉ ሓተቶ ንሱ ድማ ምእንቲ ከልዕለሉ ነቲ ጸዋታኡ ደው ኣበሎ። ኣብ በርሚንግሃም ሃገር እንግሊዝ ውን ን ተስፋይ ፍሒራ ሓደ ካብቶም ብዕስለ ኣብቲ መድረኽ ዝደየቡ ሕሉፍ ሓሊፉ ብድርሕረኡ ኢዱ ኣሕሊፉ ነታ ኣብ ርእሱ ዝዕምማ ጨርቂ ስሒቡ ኸውጸኣሉ ፈተነ ፍሒራ ድማ እናደረፈ ዝሰንበዶ ኣብ ገጹ ይረኤ ስለዚ ሰባት ሕግን ስርዓትን ምጥሓስ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ሰባት ናይ እንስሳ ጠባያት የማዕብሉ ስለዘለዎ ገለ ነገር ክግበር ኣሎዎ። መደብ ዋሪ ኣብ ዒድ መዓልቲ ዝተፈነወ ተመሊስኩም ረኣይዎ ከይ መሃሪ ቦትኡ ጽቡቕ ዕዱም ኮፍ ኢሉ ኽዕዘብ ኣብ መዛዘሚ ድማ ሕዝቢ ሓንቲ ጸወታ ምስ ኣዳለውቲ ተዓዲሙ ክጻወት ኣዝዩ ምዕሩግ ነይሩ ከም ረኮርድ ክትሕዞ'ውን ጽቡቕ። መደብ መኒካ'ዚ ዘቕርብ ሰብኣይ'ውን ቕድሚ ሕጂ ገሊጽዎ ነይሩ። ሓደ ነገር ክግበር ኣሎዎ።
ReplyDeleteERI TV is the best; It have good programmses, but palase reducs gauyals god bluss you.
ReplyDeleteI was very much impressed by the explanation, and illustration of the ENT Doctors. It was educational and very useful programme. Now I can say with confidence, I have good basic understanding of how our ENT works,and how I should take care of my ear. This kind of programmes must be aired again. Excellent work, all the best to our ENT Doctors and wish them success in every step of their effort.
ReplyDeleteThanks TV Eritrea.
Thank you Dr. Alem, Dr. simon and others of the ENT hospital, for offering us highly useful advise how we should look after our ears and other related mechanism of throat and nose.
ReplyDeleteThank you TV Eritrea.
I'm Somali but my lil girl is Eritrean. I'm glad this website is around so I can learn about her culture. I'm not worried about teaching her because her grandmother takes care of that :)
ReplyDeleteWhy is Eri.Tv off air? I don't have satelite tv and I have been relying on internet streamed TV, but lately it has been off air quite a lot, can anyone explain why that is and what the solution is. I also agree with the comment made by Anonymous (especialy with regards to the value of the stage) on the 24th of Nov 2010.
ReplyDeleteLive Eritrea FOREVER!!
ReplyDeletei love eritrea
ReplyDeleteproud to be eritrawi
ReplyDeletei totally agree with the brotha who wrote in tigrigna regarding the HaGGING,SQUEEZING, AND THE STICKING OF WET NAKFA on performers is rediculous to say the least!! the opera of tv-eri always has good points and a great show,and she needs to pick up on this subject and may be interview performers how they feel about it and rise awareness for the youth not to follow this utter madote pleaaaasssseee fwd this info to tv-eri and god bless all.
ReplyDeleteI do understand how difficult it is for a new nation like Eritrea
ReplyDeleteto operate a sat. TV in terms of budget and skilled people, for this matter you are on the right track & doing very well but i do agree with some of the brothers above the songs are away to much could you pls substitute it with some other programs but not American films may be with Eritrean documentaries or even Eritrean wild life.
my most favourite on Eri TV is Oromo program. Let God bless those on working the program. Waaqayyo nagaa isiniif haa kennu. Biyya keenya bilisoomsee nu haa galchu. Humna keessan rabbi haa jabeessu. Utubaa sibilaa tahaa.
ReplyDeleteDear\ friends,
ReplyDeleteIt is my pleasre to write toyouhere, by the luck i saw yourchannel, it make e remember my collegesand friends from Eritria in Univerty since 1973-1979 and they was and still sincer to me. i learned some words and i like to meet theim adain or some body help me to find, itwasw great membories for me, i see most of your programms and ihope that you can add some emails and english and arabic programmes.
your friend.
Nezar Alnadi
Cairo -Egypt
ReplyDeleteThank you for Giving me that great chance to be with you, I was following your great steps to get your freesom and how much you secrfay for that freesom. Thank you to give me that chance to write to you, I hope one day I visite Eritrea.
Best regards.,
Nezar Alnadi
Cairo - Egypt
i love Eri-TV it is the best
ReplyDeleteit rock
cant watch the stream what's up ?
ReplyDelete@ January 8, 2012 Anonymous - The reason why you probably can't see the stream is because you likely haven't upgraded to the latest service pack for Windows Vista, which is Service Pack 2 (SP2). Google search it and download it from Microsoft for free.
ReplyDeleteI had the same problem with my computer too.
I love Eri-TV from the bottom of my heart. It is my everything. keep up you great job!
ReplyDeletehey. does anyone know the frequency for ERITV
ReplyDeleteI love ERI-TV because it brings closer to the place I love. When I see feature clips of ''Elaberid nature at its best'' it transports me home!!! Have you any idea what that does to me psychologically? It is priceless. How can I express in words my gratitude to ERI-TV? Keep up the good work. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteDoctors in studio another very interesting Eritrean TV programme, I I am just watching Dr. Lainesh's programme at the moment. I found it very educational I am sure everyone is watching it with great interest, I can see it easily that people are following it seriously from the questions they are asking. Eritrean TV thank you, please keep on inviting professionals to the studio and teach our society to benefit out of it. In fact we would be more happy to watch this kind of educational programmes, and much more less of guaylas. Thank you Dr. Lainesh. an Eritrean from London.
ReplyDeleteevery body knows eritrea is the best country in horn of africa
ReplyDeleteERiTV Live on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteever lasting love
ReplyDeleteI just want to congratulate ERI-TV for the tremendous job it does. The service is unmatched. I highly appreciate the sense of responsibility and genuine giving to its audiences the best it can offer....inspite of all the financial constraints like every other broadcasting body. I applaud the dedication and hard-work that is input in order to produce such marvelous programs. Yes, it is work in progress...but by golly does not it make you feel proud to be Eritrean. In such a short period it has come leaps and bounds compared to other broadcasting bodies established well over half a century.
ReplyDeleteI come across comments that ERI-TV should drop off programms in languages other than Eritrean ones. I just wish to remind them to think of the reasons.
ReplyDeleteIt is a duty to share with others(willing to listen and take due consideration) information that may benefit them in their struggle for a better future. As fellow humans, it is a moral responsibility towards others less fortunate than us.I cannot begin to imagine what it would mean to deny others even the little time allotted to their programs. Imagine, God forbid, we were to lose all ERI-TV programs.It is, in a very small scale,the same for those who watch their Oromo or Amharic etc...The bottom line is this,namely, a humanitarian service in the true sense of the word. It is doing to others what we would like it done to us as the Good Book(Bible) says. We are fellow travellers in the journey of life: here today gone tomorrow.Let us leave some legacy,no matter how small, that we can be proud of.
thx alot madote to inform us ..............
ReplyDeletehahaahahahah our presedent is alive
thax God
we r ertrean and all of us are with u wedy aforgy
thamp up for all that say our peesedent is die{sorry)bat it is jast apropaganda
The three (ataru!)websites ..Asmarino, Assenna, Awate..came out with a wishful thinking that President Afeworki was greviously ill. Who is the nut-case that dreamt up such a tosh!! I thought these sites had some material of substance to offer. I thought that it was beneath them to stoop so low. The enemies of Eritrea would be forgiven for wishing it but a group of people who call themselves Eritreans to be the mouthpieces of the propaganda of the enemies is just vile,in my view.
ReplyDeleteI am glad they came up with such a blunder of an own-goal. It shows their true colours. Where can they hide now? Where can they disappear to? The Eritreans are going no where unlike the three site owners who have to hope their next Ethipian political masters will be kinder to them(as it is said..ze bereke Tzehaina...!!). If all else fails the West will be permanent home for them to hang up their heads in shame.If they only knew the wisdom of our forefathers in the saying...betri haki ait's' is not like the social media that can be manipulated to suit you. It is one thing to learn how to BS the public quite another to be an objective journalist. You get found out!!! No doubt there will be one in the making for their cock-and-bull story that will be dished out soon.
I wish they had a clear agenda for the country one that stands on its own ground. I would not give a toss if it had a radically different stance to everyone else's. I would respect them if they came out with an alternative vision. I just find their political bankruptcy alarming. You do not go to the enemies to make a stand against your own. You make your own stand and spread it around so that you win arguments by offering viable alternatives. They cannot do it because they know it will be a difficult job.It is easier to slag off the government by resorting to personal attacks. You need clear goals and principles that put the Eritreans in the centre and every issue is subservient to that goal. That is a tall order....and there is a name for it...SEWRA!!
Unless they have been living on planet Mars they cannot deny the fact that Eritrea's independence came about as a result of it. What you need to remember is that SEWRA is a living evolving reality. It is a journey towards a goal. What most people confuse about SEWRA is that once independece is achieved the goal has been reached. Wrong!!! Independence is a milestone like the many before it:first you get a group of like-minded people to work together, they recruit others, they mobilize people, you build a strong army, weaken the enemy, liberate areas, then free the country and declare independence....all these are relative milestones....the operative word being relative!...this journey continues after independence too.
You do not need to be a genious to know this, just look up any of the 'democracies' of this world.Check out your history book. You will find it in all its glory. In life things progress, evolve,and move in slow pace. Our independence was a launch-pad for what followed and follows.One thing that should never be forgotten in this journey is that prices are paid (remember the song ...MESWA'TI WAGA NAI HARINETU...).During every stage of the SEWRA...there will be fatalities,sadly.If you look back over the last 50 years you will find it in plenty. Paradoxically, it seems to strengthen and give impetus to its forward march.
we Ethiopian and Eritrean have to work hard for our oneness
ReplyDeleteWhat Happened to "Minister" Ali Abdu?. He disappear from TV. Is he really in Asmara or ....
ReplyDeleteMe too.
ReplyDeleteHey nigger... Gala Amhara Agame barya race = Bantu barya race, are you jealous of us Eritreans the true Habesha? Founders of Damot Empire, the first settlers who inhabited the Red Sea shores, descendants of Saba of Merib Yemen, our civilization, development and progress speaks volumes "only second to Egypt in archeological sites in the continent, we have ancient buildings that predate the pyramids. And now we are advancing in science and technology as shown on ERi-TV. We can smell you stinking envy from miles. We pity you barya. Go to hell you inferior race. Go die with envy !!!!
ReplyDeletea deaf have only one song , and that is ( abiy tsegaye ) and your etiopian fellowers . we can't work with ethiopia for oneness . i will give you home work ,( why do we fought for 30 years & more ) . ????????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDelete@ guest
ReplyDeleteI hate agames so much but nowadays I don't know I want horn africans to be unite.
let us all horn africans unite and work for peaceful hoa region.
eritreans ethiopians somali Djibouti north sudan. We all are the same.
Bantus are our enemies. They hate us. Let us forget bantu africans and work for our region. I used to have a faith in africa but now I can see that all black africans are baria who cannot change. We horn africans and north africans are exceptional. We don't like white ppl unlike barias.
ReplyDeletei love s much eritrean tv